Flesh Tearers vs Daemons of Chaos 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef March 13, 202186  199 86 Likes

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It’s the Flesh Tearers debut, but with Chef undefeated at the helm of the Daemonic Legions, will Spider and these dark Sons of Sanguinius prevail?!

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The Army Lists are: 

Flesh Tearers

++ Patrol Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Captain: Chapter Master, Warlord- The Imperium’s Sword, Relic- Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Jump Pack

Librarian: Force Sword, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Powers- Null Zone, Psychic Fortress

+ Troops +

5x Incursor Squad

5x Incursor Squad

+ Fast Attack +

5x Inceptor Squad: Plasma Exterminators

5x Inceptor Squad: Plasma Exterminators

++ Patrol Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Chaplain: Master of Sanctity, Hero of the Chapter- Wise Orator, Relic of the Chapter- Benediction of Fury, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Litanies- Litany of Hate, Mantra of Strength, Canticle of Hate,

Sanguinary Priest: Chief Apothecary, Hero of the Chapter- Selfless Healer, Relic of the Chapter- Teeth of Terra, Astartes Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack

+ Troops +

5x Incursor Squad

+ Elites +

10x Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Axe, Angelus Boltgun
9x Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun

+ Fast Attack +

5x Inceptor Squad: Plasma Exterminators

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Daemons of Chaos

++ Patrol Detachment ++

Chaos Allegiance: Khorne

+ HQ +

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster: Warlord- Oblivious to Pain, Relic- G’rmakht the Destroyer, Exalted- Random

+ Troops +

20x Bloodletters: Bloodreaper,  Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon- Banner of Blood

++ Patrol Detachment ++

Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle

+ HQ +

Great Unclean One: Exalted- Random, Bileblade, Bilesword, Powers- Shrivelling Pox, Miasma of Pestilence

+ Troops +

30x Plaguebearers: Plagueridden, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon

++ Patrol Detachment ++

Chaos Allegiance: Slaanesh

+ HQ +

Keeper of Secrets: Exalted- Random, Shining Aegis, Powers- Hysterical Frenzy, Delightful Agonies

+ Troops +

30x Daemonettes: Alluress, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon

30x Daemonettes: Alluress, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon

+ Elites +

4x Fiends

4x Fiends

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Patrick Stark
Lodge Member
Patrick Stark
3 years ago

It was really nice to watch how happy Lawrence was playing the Flesh Tearers. I always love to play against someone who is super proud of their army

DeVante Botello
DeVante Botello
3 years ago

Could Lawrence, have declared overwatch, with Sangiunary guard, dropped the 1 wound bloodthirster and then overwatched the deamonettes?

Sonny Govus
Lodge Warrior Member
Sonny Govus
3 years ago


You would love it, I daresay you have probably heard of it but if not go bathe yourself in its massacasristic brutal savagery!!!

Great work guys keep it up ;)👍

3 years ago

Wow…three mighty greater daemons wiped out for little effort…the daemons shouldn’t have even bothered turning up.
That poor Bloodthirster was the most disappointing thing I’ve ever seen. 🙁

Marco Gomes
Lodge Member
3 years ago

How the Smeg does Lawrence do it?! Well done guys, great game as ever.

Andrew Johnson
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Super fun game, guys! As always… I try paint with your games in the background, but you guys are so dang entertaining, I completely lose focus on my Angel’s of Redemption and become fixated on your game!
Keep up the exemplary work and party on!

3 years ago

So chef, on a scale of false emperor to chaos undivided how exited are you for the Belakor release?

Stuart McIntyre
Stuart McIntyre
3 years ago

Questions for Rules bods out there. On inceptor overcharge should you not have to allocate which model is shooting when allocating the number of shots (when doing them 1 by 1). So if 1 dies you don’t get to pick which model is removed (i.e. the closest) but the one you were rolling for specifically (which could have been the middle of the unit for example) Or am I getting my order of operations wrong? A good one to know as we will be seeing a lot of these guys once we can play games again, and It is really… Read more »

Robert Kriszun
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

To answer your last question, Lawrence: everything!

Really good game. The two hours felt like two minutes. Actually I just wanted to watch the first turn and now it’s monday… Curses 😂

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Lawrence, you do realise that if you are not quick enough with that axe kick you will be opening an all you can eat buffet for that genestealer with the accoutrements being your gentleman’s area?

Oh yeah and great game, usual accolades etc.

Flavio Proietti
3 years ago

Such a wonderful game. Thanks guys I really enjoyed this match and both of you have made some amazing plays.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I was hoping Chef would bring his Necrons. I really think that would be a far trickier game for the Spiderling to handle. Lawrence, do TTT sell a muscle vest? If so, please do model it for the next report. Let the guns do the talking.

Nick Davies
Nick Davies
3 years ago

Outstanding battle report, great to see the new army in action and some greater daemons on the table. You know who I feel sorry for though? Artemis, he’s clearly been usurped as Spiders favourite Space Marine 😕

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Thank you guys, as always top notch show.
Chef, I would especially like to thank you for showcasing off more than nurgle and slaanesh, any chance of a deeper look at Khorne and tzeentch in the future?
And I guess you may be as happy as me to see Bel’akor returning?

3 years ago

Well didn’t this game have everything! Lot of love for their armies from both players, and both of you commanded them very well. On top of that it had a great narrative and a damn close result. Who can ask for more?
(The new Flesh Tearers are such a great addition to the channel btw.)

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Truly one of the best games I’ve ever watched, it was a nice blend of thematic and technical play. It’s a nice change of pace from the B&B games which i love because of the chemistry between those two although their tactics are really coming along as well.

3 years ago

Great game but a little spoilt by too much analysis as to who might win at the end.It loses the narrative feel with math-Hammer.Can you just play it out and explain after..for those of us non-tourney fans who don’t want each option dissected but want to see the game in its purest form
I sound very whiny I know but hope you get my point at least
Love you
Love your work x

Mark Orosz
3 years ago

Really great to see the flesh tearers out there. It’s been a long time coming so I hope you enjoy them Lawrence they look cool.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

“Today I will teach your kind the meaning of wrath. I will kill a thousand of your filth-breed before your blood dries on my gauntlets. It’s like marmalade, but with plasma.”
– Gabriel Seth, 999.M41

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Saying it was an AMAZING GAME just would not make it justice. It was THE MOST OUTSTANDING GAME OF 2021. The Flesh Tearers are just so thematic and great, Spider and Fletcher really did the most terrific paint job.

Marius Lösch
Marius Lösch
3 years ago

Hey guys, in regards to the Inceptors overcharging. The way I play it, I role for the entire unit at once and then randomly allocate all the ones I role. E.g. lets say I role 3 ones and there are 5 in the unit, I role 3 d6, rerolling sixes to see who rolled those ones. It is not the cleanest way , but it saves a lot of time.

Seamus Bradford
Seamus Bradford
3 years ago

Couldn’t see where the librarian was but it’s important to remember Null Zone removes all invun saves including friendly models.

Not that it mattered with the chaplain but good to know for the future.

Liam Hartley-wright
Lodge Member
Liam Hartley-wright
3 years ago

Awww Spiders excited little face 😀

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Chef after Spider rolled a 11 for Nullzone

3 years ago

Enjoying the game so far, flesh tearers look amazing. 👍🏻
In daemon turn two when spider overwatch fires the inceptors im pretty sure you need to allocate shooting one model at a time and roll for it. You mentioned in in turn one shooting with a reference to coherence. However, this wasnt done for the overwatch and suddenly it was the two closest models that died increasing the charge for bloodthirster rather than allocating a model then firing it.
We’ll have to see it it makes a difference in the end.

3 years ago

Great battle! So many good moments! I’m imagining Captain Bale seeing Azkael being swallowed whole, saying hell no and literally shredding open the Unclean One’s stomach to pull Azkael back out. Azkael stands up, shakes some unclean ichor off of his crozius and then gives Bale a respectful nod. Very badass!

3 years ago

Transhuman is only for the shooting phase? The old transhuman pre codex change was for both but not the current one.

James Bowles
Lodge Member
James Bowles
3 years ago

I like to think that this battle was a last stand of the flesh tearers against in a long desperate campaign against the demonic incursion, hence why the army was so elite and why there were all the heroes there.

Charles Leitz
Charles Leitz
3 years ago

La garde [sanguine] meurt mais ne se rend pas

3 years ago

Just a note on the cocked dice (I haven’t finished the batrep yet). We play a bunch of different games, from the various flavours of 40k, to D&D, to board games. We noticed… uneven application of cocked dice. It was never a huge deal, but every once in a while there’d be a cocked eyebrow (🤪) at a cocked dice which favoured someone in one way or another and which might or might not have been more cocked than a dice which wasn’t rerolled. There was… uncertainty. So in the interests of removing uncertainty, maintaining a happy atmosphere, and heading… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

So cool to see how much joy the spider gets out of playing this army.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

There was some great play by Lawrence. Great game to watch.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Do incursors not have the 12 inch deep strike bubble or is that only infiltrators?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great game! However, just a thing for future games Chef. Null zone is units within 6, so you can take the saves on the daemonettes within null zone range first, and once they die, your invulnerable is active again. This is similar how you can take saves on models in cover first.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

GW could fix the overcharge jank by making the player roll a d6 for each model overcharging, for every 1 the player rolls a model that attempted to overcharge dies after their unit shoots, that would allow you to at least shoot with your model before it dies and cut down on how lethal overcharging is to units with multiple shot weapons..

David Garneau
3 years ago

Gorgeous Flesh Tearers Spider. Great game as always.

Tommaso Silvestrin
Lodge Member
3 years ago

This game was EPIC!!!! Sanguinary Guard killing Everything best moment hands down!

Jon Wilson
3 years ago

There’ve been some great games on here recently, but *that* was the best in ages. Some really cinematic moments. I thought it was curtains for you Mr Spider, but that null zone going off, oof! Thanks so much to you both, love it.
Perhaps there’s a tie-in opportunity to be had with Tiptree here? They make some pretty deluxe marmalades. Get them to whip you one up out of a superheated gas of ions and free electrons and boom, plasmalade! Gonna need some thick toast. I hope to see this innovative product in the TT shop soon.

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
3 years ago

Amazing outing for the sons of Seth, Utter Carnage!

John Barber
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Null Zone affects friendly units as well, so it could be that your Chaplain doesn’t actually have his Rosarius save in turn 2 depending how close the Libby is. As to suping your list up Lawrence, while I do very much like the +2 move ancient relic, the thing is I wouldn’t take out the chaplain. Because in terms of an ‘all comers’ I think it’s better to have the +2 charge because it at least allows you to deep strike + charge sang guard, but at the drawback of not being able to a) chapter master them or b)… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by John Barber
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Loved the Game, Daemon models Are starting to look awesome 😁 Cant wait to see them being lead by Bel’akor for a true Mixed Chaos Daemon Army 👹

Ps. How awesome was that New Bel’akor Model?

Matt Quinones
Matt Quinones
3 years ago

Ah yes. Chaplain Maelik Azkael, Master Dude Guy of the Flesh Tearers. 😂

sam walker
sam walker
3 years ago

Great game! Please get a dice rolling tray!

Warp Wasp
Warp Wasp
3 years ago

I mean I asked about Khorn daemons and got some! How about the entire battalion of them not just one patrol? Cool to see all 3 on the board.

Spider….. the New army is Sharp looking really sharp. How about a how to with the conversions and or using “green stuff”?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Super quick rules catch, the +1 damage exalted ability is for all weapon profiles. Which means the hellfire breath would’ve been damage 2 – love the report guys!!! DAEMONS

Lodge Member
3 years ago

That D3/blast interaction is so daft. Great game, really enjoyed it!

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
3 years ago

Great game guys! Amazing debut for the Flesh Tearers! I love the Flesh Tearers, the army looks amazing and its great that you have a narrative aspect for them! So looking forwards to seeing them in narrative games! Keep being bosses!

Jordan Salamon
Jordan Salamon
3 years ago

Hey gents,

Just wanted to give a massive shout out to your whole team as my wife and I spent the last 3 weeks in the hospital with my baby boy… with Corona their was no way to be there together and alot of looooong night …. your bat reps and positivity were a massive boost to my morale and a testament to why I will always be a subscriber and a fan.

From my fam to all of yours thank you again and keep up the amazing work.

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Yes!! Really looking forward to seeing the Flesh Tearers get some!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

“The sound of the Beard crying in the wind”….I am in tears hahahah