So as there’s a lot to talk about Faction Secondary wise (there’s NINETY NINE of them), we’ve got this handy dandy breakdown to talk about the key differences between their Codex versions, and the ones in the Nephilim Pack, or in the case of new ones, what they are whilst you wait for your Codex or Supplement. All so you can see what has changed without needing to sift through 3 hours of us reading them on a video. We’re considerate like that.
Also it should go without saying that all of the below only apply to units with your appropriate Keywords (no AGENTS or the like scoring them).
In regards to the DG secondaries, there was another change with despoiled ground(battlefield supremacy). The original version only scored off of units. It now scores off of units, which is a major change. Now the different Daemon engines, poxwalkers, cultists, spawn, really everything in the codex, now contribute toward the requirements to score. I am stoked about he change.
What is happening to all the other generic secondaries? I know the WarCom article said that everyone starts with 3 secondaries and then they have their faction specifics, have all the other secondaries gone?
Quick note on despoiled ground, it’s now changed to death guard rather than Bubonic Astartes, which makes it way easier to score
Dammit Chef, I looked
Great work,super helpful thanks
awesome summary
Thanks for this guys! Makes it so much easier to understand the changes.
My god, thx for the effort! Awesome summary!
Made you look. Nice one Chef!