NEW RULES! Emperor’s Children vs Aeldari | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Emperor’s Children fans! Are you tired of not actually having a real detachment to use? Well, Lawrence has written you a whole detachment entirely for free! Check out this battle report to see it tested out against one of the best armies in the game – the Aeldari!
There are plenty of nods to older edition rules and the updating of some of them for 10th Edition in here, whilst also keeping the distinct flavour of what an Emperor’s Children army should be compared to the existing Death Guard, Thousand Sons and World Eaters.
These rules are intended to be a supplement to the existing Index Emperor’s Children that you can download from Games Workshop. The rules are entirely fan made and in no way official or endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Permission is granted to download the PDF rules below for personal use. See you on the battlefield! Lawrence
Index Emperor’s Children – Fan Rules by Lawrence Baker
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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists
Awesome battle report. Loving the new Emperors Children rules. They are very fluffy and fit them perfectly. Would definitely like to see them face against some tankier armies in the future. Keep on giving us great content.
I would be interested to see how the EC rules fare against something a bit more chonky, and/or a consistent mortal wound generator.
Mayhaps another battle report putting EC Vs the Custodes, Knights (Chaos or Imperial) and possibly Death Guard?
I would watch that in a heartbeat.
Kudos to you Spyder for a spicy army template.
What Is this? A FAQ Nerf that i missed? Blastmasters have three shots in their single frequenzy, or was i reading it wrong?
Cracking game guys, really enjoyed that one!
However, Lucius. Lucius is a truly beautiful sculpt and has an unbelievable paint job. But.
I can’t help but see one of those red “liquorice whip” when we have a close up on him, and it makes me smile every time. Just puts me in mind of a petulant child spinning round with his 50p whip that his mum has bought him!
nice to see more flavoured Detachments and most of it is mighty fine I think. Well done. My only grime is the +1 BS army wide for Space Marines, which will be 95% of the time be redone with Encore.
Maybe just make the Encore the +1 BS and remove it from the adornment list?
In any case, thank you and keep playing^^
I do like that half of the Emperor Children rules were taken from past editions. Honestly, for the most part I think the rules are fine. Best thing about this Battle Report is we got to watch the game plus we got a song out of it. 😁😂
A very enjoyable game! I really like that you guys are playing around more with invented rulesets, like here with Emperors Children and previously with Chefs Harlequins. As for the rules themselves, I overall really like them! They are nice, fluff and draw from previous incarnations of rules. Having six options to choose from is really fitting for Slaanesh, although it does provide you with a tailored buff for every turn. Stacked with Encore it provides you with the perfect tools for the job at every point. So maybe add in something along the lines of only being able to… Read more »
Starlance 😂
Someone please remind James that Exarchs have 2 wounds each! Not that it would have made that much difference…. I like the EC rules from a lore perspective, some of the synergies seem a little too powerful though in my opinion. Also it feels a little weird that the army is so heavily leaning into shooting (I appreciate you have a limited selection of units) – in my mind EC are all about getting stuck into combat so that they can feel the sensation of killing the enemy more keenly. I see Noise Marines as more of a support element… Read more »
Sometimes it physically pains me to watch how bad Bard’s luck is with dice rolls. Makes the Eldar look like they have Ork ballistic skill and Guardsman’s armour save.
Lawrence, the secondary cards on screen are really helpful in appreciating what each player is aiming for in the turn, so thanks for this change. Regarding the EC homebrew rules, reducing the number of Adornments would help to balance things out to keep the interaction between Adornments and Encore on par with other factions.
Great to see the Eldar as always!
Unrelated to this report: Hope the future codex makes the internal balance a bit better. Wonder why GW allows double bright lances on everything? It’s not like that’s what’s in the boxes.
That was such an awesome game! Love the new rules for Emperor’s Children, they feel so fluffy and lore accurate and the enhancements and stratagems add so much flavour.
I’m a fool, ignore me you spotted it, my bad!!
One thing I noticed: when you made the shining spears take a battle shock test after hitting them with the noise marine gun from inside the rhino, that shouldn’t have happened. Firing deck treats the vehicle as being equipped with the guns you select but it does not get the benefit of any rules the unit inside actually has.
Fun !!! And I definitly like
Seeing the home brewed ideas. Maybe an EC vs harlequins in the future?!
Encore seems a bit powerful. Maybe just having it 2cp. But that being said adaptive strategy is 1 so.
This is the first time I’ve noticed the secondary cards pop up on the screen. I like it , I like the concept. However , I feel , it lends itself as a part of league and the few ultra competitive games that you crew do. Over the casual battle reports.
Great game and I think you’ve made a good detachment mate. The army rule feels strong but it’s worth remembering EC don’t have a lot of love in terms of their army range which kinda balances it out in a way. The other thing is you have no control over the points cost. A lot of people thing 1 WS or BS for a turn is busted, yet AdMech can choose that every turn not just once. Ignoring modifiers is fine for attacks because, unless I am miss remembering, you’ve got nothing that makes you harder to kill. Which is… Read more »
Nice detachment, and very balanced, especially to most of the nonsense you see in home brewed stuff. I would echo that it probably should be only three choices though, to match other armies abilities, maybe make each one slightly stronger though, ie plus two to move and advance and charge or plus one bs, plus assault on all weapons
Those Emperors Children rules are broken. A flat ignore any modifiers to hit rule is poor for interactions with other faction rules – it just auto trumps anything in the future too. The each round bonuses are also not in line with other faction rules. +1 WS or BS to the entire army for a turn is too powerful – especially as for 1cp you can give it to a unit every turn.
cool but definitely not balanced lol – all other mechanics for battle tactics (sm and sisters) have 3 so you get them in 3/5 rounds not 6 so you get them in every round + 1 lol
All in all good rules but the detachment rule rule akin to the old unforgiven task force rule so usefulness is not dependent of you at all.
I’m not sure what to think about these rules. My initial impression when watching the lists was that this was going to be a tough game for the Eldar, but that had to do more with the army compositions than the rules. Three predators and three hellbrutes were always going to be tough on that Eldar list. The rules are hard to evaluate. I do think that encore is too easy to use to get the +1 ballistic skill every turn. The rules are very easy to synergize. Maybe 6 adornments is too many. I don’t know what to think,… Read more »
Got to battle round 2 and realised after Kharns recent showing that this game could decide if Lucius manages to truly wrest the failcrown from him. All of a sudden massively invested in this game lol 😆
Difficult to assess how strong the Emperor’s Children were because James’s rolling was once again really something in this game. However with that written the army feels really strong, although I don’t know really know what is the fair assessment of such things when using homebrewed systems. For example, to be able to pick up that +1 one to ballistics if you win the initiative with a such a shooting heavy army is a pretty huge way to start the game. Note that this isn’t meant as a compaint, just something I found myself pondering while watching the video. After… Read more »
I swear the Predator Lascannons are just as cursed as Hunter-Seeker missiles in TT games…
Hooooooooooome Breeeeeeeeeeew!
Just want to point out a couple misspellings. The encore stratagem it says “ina previous battle round”. And all the enhancements say emeror’s children. Those are the only things I’ve seen.
And I love this detachment, the hellbrute is NASTY. It’s a really balanced detachment with some serious teeth. Imma have to give it a go.
It was about time!