Astra Militarum vs Necrons | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Avatar Jinx September 7, 2024106  14 106 Likes

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From the depths of a once bountiful Imperial World, gauss weaponry erupts as mechanical monstrosities start to awaken from an ancient slumber and hulking Necron destroyers march forth to reclaim their tomb world. Standing in their way however, the combined forces of the Scions, Tallarn, and Albion Raptors stand firm against the xenos threat. Can the overwhelming firepower of the Astra Militarum be enough to force back this annihilation legion, or will the Necrons be able to wipe humanity from the face of this planet?

00:00 Intro

00:26 Astra Militarum Army List

02:59 Necrons Army List

04:41 Deployment

04:52 Warhammer 40k Gameplay

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4 months ago

Nice to see the guard out and some units not often taken. Were the lychguard not hit by the basilisk to -2 to move advance and charge so a failed charge into the royal dorn?

Alastair Devlin
4 months ago

Indirect shots can only hit on 4+ at best regards your Basilisk, when firing indirectly

Lifetime Member
4 months ago

Great BP as usual!
I actually remembered to hit the YouTube link to give you the thumbs up 😉

Joseph Hawkins
Joseph Hawkins
5 months ago

Great to see the annihilation legion get an outing- well played Jinx!
Weirdly the skorpekhs and lord combo is actually more competetive in the awakened dynasty.
Very spirited defence from Beard but a tough match up on the terrain without a little more combat orientated punch from the Guard.

5 months ago

you forgot your death befiting an officer on the tank commander that lets him shoot on death on a 4+ also they don’t get lethal hits and can’t order themselves as they are not squadron units

5 months ago

The Rogal Dorns ablative plates ability should be utilised before the save is rolled unfortunately. You do it when an attack is allocated which is before the save is rolled. Also Tank Commanders don’t get to benefit from born soldiers as they are not Squadron 🙁
Do enjoy seeing the Guard on the table.
Edit: The tank commander couldn’t have been given “take aim” as only the Lord Solar can order none regiment or squadron units and the tank commander isn’t regiment or squadron.

Last edited 5 months ago by Romer
Michael Kopp
Michael Kopp
5 months ago

indirect cant hit on 3s anymore

5 months ago

Only a man who has made dark pacts to all the Chaos Gods could have a hairline that impressive!

Steve Leeves
Steve Leeves
5 months ago

Chaos lord beard is just scouting new persons to corrupt.

Lodge Member
5 months ago

Quick rules check, how was the Skorpekh Lord attacking with both of his profiles? I thought you had to pick one. If you can use both then I’ve been playing that wrong all edition.

Krzysztof Flajszer
5 months ago

Not sure if it would change anything, but tank commander does not have the squadron keyword, so he does not get the lethal hits and cannot give himself orders

Duncan Christie
Lifetime Member
Duncan Christie
5 months ago

High lord of terra beard does not have the same ring to it as chaos lord beard