Chaos Cult vs Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40K Boarding Actions Battle Report

We are back with Boarding Actions as we dive deep into the under ground tunnels of this Hive City. A sinister dark apostle has formed an under deck uprising which threatens to sabotage the plasma reactors unleashing devastation! To halt this threat and put down these wretched traitors, the Astra Militarum’s Finest – the Tempestus Scions, breach the complex to administer justice. Will they stop this insurrection just in time, or will they be too late to halt annihilation?
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I do like seeing the Scions breach and clear.
God I love Boarding Actions! That was such a fun an fluffy game. In a regular game of 40k a Tempstor Prime and Cultist Firebrand face off wouldn’t be much to write home about but in this it was an epic showdown. Love it!!
Awesome game! What is the floor of your boarding actions game board made out of? I’m in the process of making my own and I’d love for mine to even approach how great this looks!
Love boarding actions, great game guys! Beard, not sure if you were intentionally bending the rules for rule of cool, but you can’t take duplicate Firebrands in that detachment. One only, just FYI.
Very awkward visual cut at like 1:04 to 1:05, but the audio syned up very well. I only caught it because I was looking.
My local store is starting a BA campaign in the new year and I can’t decide what to use! An old faithful army where I don’t need to do any painting or something brand new to get it on the table, either way it should be fun!
Super fun to watch, thank you chaps – particular kudos to James for keeping his cool with those atrocious rolls…!
It is nice to know someone rolls as badly as me. Great game. Always enjoy the boarding actions and a game of beard and bard.
Such a fun game with such wild swings. I don’t think these need to be a weekly thing, but I would love to see them every month if yall could.
Great game! Bard, I’m annoyed for you with the amount of ones you rolled 😂
two boarding actions games in a week? I keep checking the calendar but its not yet christmas…
figured id edit to mention: speaking of razor thin margins, I recently played a Boarding Actions game with my buddy using the mission that has an upstairs and a downstairs and the way the scoring works on that one… we ended up with a score of 0-0. Very funny and fun game.
Very fun! Love boarding actions. Thank you for an awesome battle report as always!
Damn, now I really wish the main game Dark Pact was something similar to what the rule is in Boarding Action.
Like there is something really frustrating that even if you fail the Pact, you still get the benefits and just roll on with some damage while this would have introduced a genuine gamble into the process.
Was a very fun game cultists seem even weaker in boarding patrol than standard 40k crazy
Two boarding actions in a week! I’m a lucky duck
Yea, love the characters and unit leaders slapping eachother at the end of boarding action games
Absolutely love Boarding Actions
Magnificent! Favourite way to play and watch. Thank you.
Yay boarding action! love this to be a weekly feature!