New T’au Empire Detachment First Look! | Warhammer 40K Grotmas Calendar

Avatar Jinx December 22, 202415  6 15 Likes

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We’re on to the final few days of the Grotmas calendar and today is all about the T’au Auxiliaries!

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Colby Pryor
Colby Pryor
21 days ago

With all of these detachments y’all keep talking about the common gamer. This isn’t for the common gamer. Thid is for the guy like my buddy who’s played tau since 4th and has like 30, 000 points of vespid and kroot.

Thats the intent of these detachments to give less seen combiantions and units play for the crazy people who have a full harlequin and drukhari army.

22 days ago

Scoring secondaries usually requires you to be in the midboard anyway. Scoring primaries, or denying your opponent primaries, definitely requires you to be in the midboard. So why not send your auxiliaries up into the midboard to do those things, and while they’re at it they just give the rest of your army +1AP against anything nearby while they do it? It means not sacrificing your spotters or gunline units to score points. That’s where that OC enhancement shines. Sending up a 65 point unit of 5 Vespids with 2 OC each means taking pretty much any point and forcing… Read more »

Shas'O Myenshi
Shas'O Myenshi
22 days ago

Ok look. On the one hand i dont play auxiliaries cause i know painting them would be a chore. Thats literally the only reason i don’t. That being said im glad there is now a combined arms detachment for Auxiliary and Tau forces. Its fluffy if nothing else and helps lean into one of the things the tau should have going for them which is multiple xeno races and by extension their traits working to a common goal. That being said like you chef i was hoping for something stealth focussed. Dont get me wrong stealth suits and ghostkeels are… Read more »

22 days ago

I don’t have the models to run this detachment, unfortunately, but personally, I really like the “synergistic geometry” play style that these rules demand. T’au are difficult to gamify it seems and this could be one of the better translations. On the alternatives: While I would love to see stealth and mechanised detachments, I think the datasheet pools are a bit shallow for both. So another stealth suit unit and something like T’au earth caste combat engineers* (+Devilfish variants) might be needed first to make those ideas viable? Generally, I’m happy with the non-mecha/gundam parts of the army being fleshed… Read more »

Nicola Warren
22 days ago

It’s cute I guess. I fall on the side of the fence that T’au auxiliaries don’t exist because the choices we have are either meh or just bad. So I won’t be using this but I wish anyone giving it a go a hearty glhf.

Stuart Hay
Lodge Member
Stuart Hay
22 days ago

Better late than never 😉

But, in all seriousness, props to you guys for working so hard to get these out every day.