World Eaters vs Custodes | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

The Red Angel descends upon the battlefield to face off against the Emperor’s finest! Will the Adeptus Custodes be able to hold back the waves of World Eaters, or will Blood flow for the Blood God?
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awesome battle report
Not for nothing but why don’t Eightbound come in units of 8? It’s right there in the name.
Great game! Wonderful to see the custodes bikes doing well (but fear a nerf in the next dataslate). Also, I hope your knuckles are okay, Beard.
Woo new league teaser! Hopefully someone takes the new aeldari codex for a spin when it’s out
I hate to tell all you Custodes players out there. Them bikes are not going to last at this power level for long. There very, VERY, Strong. I dont see them staying like this. If they do, well GW going to be selling alot of custodes bikes. Cuz i am going to buy them.
BBC News – ‘It could be Marvel’ – Games Workshop and the big ambition of a miniatures business
Congratulations Katie and Tabletop Tactics, you’ve just gone mainstream! 😃
Just saw Jinx in a BBC Article! Go on Katie! 😃 No one better to inspire people to join the hobby 😁
Joe Pointing is the absolute GOAT
Cracking me up everytime hes on screen.
Nice melee slaughter fest. And Beard hitting himself while flailing around is peak cinema, haha! I liked that there wasn’t as much talking over the rolls in the first battle rounds. I like to see the rolls! I suppose it was done here because the game was relatively short anyway, but I would also prefer it in less melee-focused reports ;).