Welcome to the League!

Interested in how we’re running our League, or looking to perhaps follow along with your own? Look no further!

League Format and Scoring Rules

The Tabletop Tactics League Format follows the Core Rules of Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition, and all current GW FAQs and Balance Dataslates – WTC, ITC or any other non-official FAQS/Erratas are not used in the Tabletop Tactics League. As 10th Edition progresses, we may implement our own FAQ for the League and any events run by Tabletop Tactics, however these will aim to stick as close as possible to the Core Rules as written, and should not be considered official, nor rules clarifications for your own non-League games.

The Leviathan Mission Pack is in use for the purposes of the Mission Sequence and Objectives, but Missions are drawn from the Tabletop Tactics Mission Pool, detailed in the section below.

In addition, the following rules are in effect:

  • Should any rules change or be updated in the middle of the League, changes will be used as soon as possible between matches- due to filming constraints, this may rarely result in a game being filmed prior to any rules changes, but released after said changes are announced. In such cases, this will be noted in the video description.
  • Allies can be used, as determined by those Armies with rules enabling them. However, only one ally source can be used. For example, an army from the Imperium cannot use both Agents of the Imperium and Imperial Knight allies.
  • Once an Army Faction is chosen, it cannot be changed for that Season. No meta chasing to swap to another Faction here, you must stick with your army through thick and thin for the duration of a Season!
  • In addition, Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves cannot use the Detachments from Codex Space Marines – they can only use their own Index Detachment.
  • Lists can only be changed if the Player lost their previous Game, or in circumstances where rules changes drastically change a list (to be determined by the Tabletop Tactics crew, or your own League organiser). For example, a list becoming overpointed due to an update would be eligible to be changed, but only to the extent to make the list correctly pointed – the core structure of the list would have to remain as close as possible to the previous incarnation.
  • Likewise armies with different Detachments can be changed in the course of an ongoing tournament or series, but only upon a loss.
  • For the purposes of our filmed games for Season 3, terrain is placed by a non-player member of the Crew. If playing at home, simply create a battlefield that you and your opponent feel will be both balanced and narrative to play on, or use any of the Terrain Layouts from the Leviathan Mission Companion if a more structured approach is desired (such as in a Tournament).

Season 3 is divided into 2 Stages, the Qualifiers and the Knock Outs.

Missions are randomly determined, and once a Mission is played, it is removed from the pool of available Missions for this Season.

Qualifier Standings are determined by Victory Point total at the end of each match, with an additional 100pts scored for a Win, 25pts for a Draw, and a Loss granting no additional points.

  1. In the Qualifiers, each Player faces 2 randomly selected Players, for a total of 5 Games.
  2. Once the Qualifiers are completed, the Top 4 Players will face off in the Semi-Finals. Semi Final 1 will see the First and Third players from the Qualifiers facing off, whilst Semi Final 2 will be between the players in Second and Fourth place.
  3. The winners of each Semi Final advance to the Final, and the winner of that will determine this Season’s Champion!

The following Missions have been designed to provide balanced, interesting, and of course fun, game variety. Every Primary Mission and Deployment Map is represented here, along with 11 out of the 12 Mission Rules, offering 36 combinations of different games, with the intent to challenge generalship and gameplay.

Using these missions is as simple as rolling 2D6, one of the Mission Set and one for the Mission itself. Or if you’re looking to use the format for your own events or gaming group, simple select a Mission Set and work your way through them!

We recommend that you play each mission as described, as each group should be balanced with a variety of games which will challenge all players and armies, alongside offering a variety of mission types. If you have any feedback however, please let me know at thepastrychef@tabletoptactics.tv – I’m always happy to consider some changes as the League evolves!

GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1Take and Hold
[c#000000;align-center]Chosen Battlefield
Crucible of Battle
2Supply DropMaelstrom of BattleDawn of War
3Scorched EarthChilling RainSweeping Engagement
4Purge the FoeSweep and ClearHammer and Anvil
5The RitualDelayed ReservesSearch and Destroy
6Vital GroundTargets of OpportunityCrucible of Battle
GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1The RitualSweep and ClearHammer and Anvil
2Scorched EarthMaelstrom of BattleSearch and Destroy
3Purge the FoeVox StaticDawn of War
4Priority TargetsTargets of OpportunitySweeping Engagement
5Sites of PowerHidden SuppliesCrucible of Battle
6Deploy Servo-skullsSupply LinesHammer and Anvil
GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1Sites of PowerSupply LinesSweeping Engagement
2Vital GroundMaelstrom of BattleSearch and Destroy
3Priority TargetsSweep and ClearHammer and Anvil
4Supply DropSecret IntelCrucible of Battle
5Deploy Servo-SkullsScrambler FieldsSearch and Destroy
6Take and HoldVox StaticDawn of War
GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1Vital GroundSupply LinesDawn of War
2Take and HoldMaelstrom of BattleHammer and Anvil
3Sites of PowerTargets of OpportunitySearch and Destroy
4Deploy Servo-SkullsDelayed ReservesSweeping Engagement
5Priority TargetsChosen BattlefieldCrucible of Battle
6The RitualScrambler FieldsDawn of War
GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1Purge the FoeHidden SuppliesSearch and Destroy
2Priority TargetsMaelstrom of BattleDawn of War
3The RitualChilling RainCrucible of Battle
4Supply DropChosen BattlefieldSweeping Engagement
5Scorched EarthSecret IntelHammer and Anvil
6Sites of PowerDelayed ReservesDawn of War
GamePrimary MissionMission RuleDeployment Type
1Scorched EarthHidden SuppliesCrucible of Battle
2Purge the FoeMaelstrom of BattleSweeping Engagement
3Deploy Servo-skullsChilling RainDawn of War
4Take and HoldSecret IntelSweeping Engagement
5Vital GroundScrambler FieldsHammer and Anvil
6Supply DropVox StaticSearch and Destroy

Below you can find the Current Rankings of the Season, the Players’ Stats, their latest List and match history!

Be sure to watch the games first!

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in some historical competition in the meantime, be sure to refresh yourself on both Season 1 HERE, and Season 2 HERE! (Please note both Season 1 and Season 2 were played with the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000)

Standings - Qualifiers

1ChefChaos Knights3472-0-0
2SpiderGrey Knights2251-1-0
3BeardDeath Guard2091-1-0
4BardT’au Empire2041-1-0
5JinxAdepta Sororitas900-2-0

Knock-out Stages!

Semi-Final 1

Chaos Knights


Death Guard

Result: Death Guard Victory!

Semi-Final 2

Grey Knights


T’au Empire

Result: Grey Knight Victory!

The Championship!

Death Guard


Grey Knights

Result: Grey Knights – CHAMPIONS!!

Final Standings

Final Standings

1st: Spider – Grey Knights

2nd: Beard – Death Guard

3rd: Chef – Chaos Knights

4th: Bard – T’au Empire

5th: Jinx – Adepta Sororitas

Player Stats

Name: James Jordan

Likes: Libations, musical tunes

Dislikes: My Luck

Favourite Factions: T’au Empire, Blood Angels, Grey Knights

T’au Empire
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Kauyon

+ Characters +

Commander Shadowsun: Warlord

Crisis Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit
Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon
2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Weapon Support System
2x Shield Drones

Cadre Fireblade

Cadre Fireblade

+ Battleline +

10x Strike Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

10x Breacher Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

10x Breacher Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

+ Dedicated Transport +

2x Twin Pulse Carbines, 2x Seeker Missiles

2x Twin Pulse Carbines, 2x Seeker Missiles

+ Other +

6x Crisis Battlesuits:
Every suit has
2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Weapon Support System
2x Shield Drones

Ghostkeel Battlesuit:
Cyclic Ion Raker, 2x Burst Cannons

Ghostkeel Battlesuit:
Cyclic Ion Raker, 2x Burst Cannons

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Stealth Battlesuits:
3x Burst Cannons, Marker Drone

Stealth Battlesuits:
3x Burst Cannons, Marker Drone

10x Pathfinder Team
3x Railguns
Pulse Accelerator Drone, Marker Drone

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: Semi-Finalist – 4th Place

Qualifier Score: 204

W-L-D: 1-2-0

Semi FinalSpiderLost64

Final Position: 6th

Faction: Grey Knights

W-L-D: 1-5-0

1Beard - Iron WarriorsLost
2Chef - NecronsLost
3Jinx - TyranidsWon
4Fletch - T’au EmpireLost
5Spider - Flesh TearersLost
6Jinx- TyranidsLost

Final Position: 2nd

Faction: Astra Militarum

W-L-D: 5-2-0

1Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
2Jinx - AeldariWon
3Spider - OrksLost
4Chef - Thousand SonsWon
5Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
6Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
7Spider - OrksLost

Name: James Jordan

Likes: Libations, musical tunes

Dislikes: My Luck

Favourite Factions: T’au Empire, Blood Angels, Grey Knights

T’au Empire
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Kauyon

+ Characters +

Commander Shadowsun: Warlord

Crisis Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit
Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon
2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Weapon Support System
2x Shield Drones

Cadre Fireblade

Cadre Fireblade

+ Battleline +

10x Strike Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

10x Breacher Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

10x Breacher Team:
Guardian Drone, Marker Drone

+ Dedicated Transport +

2x Twin Pulse Carbines, 2x Seeker Missiles

2x Twin Pulse Carbines, 2x Seeker Missiles

+ Other +

6x Crisis Battlesuits:
Every suit has
2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Weapon Support System
2x Shield Drones

Ghostkeel Battlesuit:
Cyclic Ion Raker, 2x Burst Cannons

Ghostkeel Battlesuit:
Cyclic Ion Raker, 2x Burst Cannons

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Hammerhead Gunship:
Railgun, 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons, 2x Seeker Missiles

Stealth Battlesuits:
3x Burst Cannons, Marker Drone

Stealth Battlesuits:
3x Burst Cannons, Marker Drone

10x Pathfinder Team
3x Railguns
Pulse Accelerator Drone, Marker Drone

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: Semi-Finalist – 4th Place

Qualifier Score: 204

W-L-D: 1-2-0

Semi FinalSpiderLost64

Final Position: 6th

Faction: Grey Knights

W-L-D: 1-5-0

1Beard - Iron WarriorsLost
2Chef - NecronsLost
3Jinx - TyranidsWon
4Fletch - T’au EmpireLost
5Spider - Flesh TearersLost
6Jinx- TyranidsLost

Final Position: 2nd

Faction: Astra Militarum

W-L-D: 5-2-0

1Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
2Jinx - AeldariWon
3Spider - OrksLost
4Chef - Thousand SonsWon
5Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
6Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
7Spider - OrksLost

Name: Joe Pointing

Likes: Royal Rumble ’98, Sieges

Dislikes: 1s, picking Secondaries

Favourite Factions: Iron Warriors, Daemons, Orks

Death Guard
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Plague Company

+ Characters +

Mortarion: Warlord

+ Battleline +

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

+ Dedicated Transports +

2x Plague Combi-bolters, Havoc Launcher

2x Plague Combi-bolters, Havoc Launcher

+ Other +

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

3x Myphitic Blight-haulers

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Plagueburst Crawler:
2x Plaguespitters, Rothail Volley Gun

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 2nd Place

Qualifier Score: 209

W-L-D: 2-2-0

Semi FinalChefWon158

Final Position: 3rd

Faction: Iron Warriors

W-L-D: 3-4-0

1Bard - Grey KnightsWon
2Spider - Flesh TearersLost
3Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
4Chef - NecronsLost
5Jinx - TyranidsLost
6Chef - NecronsLost
7Fletch - T’au EmpireWon

Final Position: 3rd

Faction: Leagues of Votann

W-L-D: 3-3-0

1Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
2Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
3Jinx - AeldariWon
4Chef - Thousand SonsWon
5Spider - OrksLost
6Spider - OrksLost

Name: Joe Pointing

Likes: Royal Rumble ’98, Sieges

Dislikes: 1s, picking Secondaries

Favourite Factions: Iron Warriors, Daemons, Orks

Death Guard
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Plague Company

+ Characters +

Mortarion: Warlord

+ Battleline +

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

5x Plague Marines:
Champion: Heavy Plague Weapon, Plasma Gun
Plague Marine: Heavy Plague Weapon
Plague Marine: Plasma Gun, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Plague Spewer, Plague Knives
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher, Plague Knives

+ Dedicated Transports +

2x Plague Combi-bolters, Havoc Launcher

2x Plague Combi-bolters, Havoc Launcher

+ Other +

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher

3x Myphitic Blight-haulers

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Foetid Bloat-drone:

Plagueburst Crawler:
2x Plaguespitters, Rothail Volley Gun

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 2nd Place

Qualifier Score: 209

W-L-D: 2-2-0

Semi FinalChefWon158

Final Position: 3rd

Faction: Iron Warriors

W-L-D: 3-4-0

1Bard - Grey KnightsWon
2Spider - Flesh TearersLost
3Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
4Chef - NecronsLost
5Jinx - TyranidsLost
6Chef - NecronsLost
7Fletch - T’au EmpireWon

Final Position: 3rd

Faction: Leagues of Votann

W-L-D: 3-3-0

1Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
2Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
3Jinx - AeldariWon
4Chef - Thousand SonsWon
5Spider - OrksLost
6Spider - OrksLost

Name: Michael Hebditch

Likes: The Averages, Baking

Dislikes: Painting, Unbalanced Armies

Favourite Factions: Necrons, T’au Empire, Harlequins, Orks, Genestealer Cults, Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion, Chaos Knights

Chaos Knights
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Tratoris Lance

+ Characters +

Knight Despoiler: Warlord
Enhancement: Panoply of the Cursed Knights
2x Despoiler Gatling Cannons, 2x Heavy Darkflamers, Ruinspear Rocket Pod, Daemonbreath Meltagun

War Dog Stalker:
Enhancement: Aura of Terror
Avenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

+ Battleline +

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Karnivore:
Slaughterclaw, Reaper Chaintalon, Havoc Multi-launcher

+ Allies +

3x Nurglings

3x Nurglings

3x Nurglings

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: Semi-Finalist – 3rd Place

Qualifier Score: 347

W-L-D: 2-1-0

Semi FinalBeardLost51

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Faction: Necrons

W-L-D: 5-2-0

1Spider - Flesh TearersLost
2Bard - Grey KnightsWon
3Jinx - TyranidsWon
4Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
5Fletch - T’au EmpireLost
6Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
7Spider - Flesh TearersWon

Final Position: 5th

Faction: Thousand Sons

W-L-D: 1-4-0

1Jinx - AeldariWon
2Stig - Adeptus MechanicusLost
3Beard - Leagues of VotannLost
4Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
5Spider - OrksLost

Name: Michael Hebditch

Likes: The Averages, Baking

Dislikes: Painting, Unbalanced Armies

Favourite Factions: Necrons, T’au Empire, Harlequins, Orks, Genestealer Cults, Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion, Chaos Knights

Chaos Knights
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Tratoris Lance

+ Characters +

Knight Despoiler: Warlord
Enhancement: Panoply of the Cursed Knights
2x Despoiler Gatling Cannons, 2x Heavy Darkflamers, Ruinspear Rocket Pod, Daemonbreath Meltagun

War Dog Stalker:
Enhancement: Aura of Terror
Avenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

+ Battleline +

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand:
Avenger Chaincannon, Daemonbreath Spear, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Huntsman:
Daemonbreath Spear, Daemonbreath Meltagun, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Karnivore:
Slaughterclaw, Reaper Chaintalon, Havoc Multi-launcher

+ Allies +

3x Nurglings

3x Nurglings

3x Nurglings

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: Semi-Finalist – 3rd Place

Qualifier Score: 347

W-L-D: 2-1-0

Semi FinalBeardLost51

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Faction: Necrons

W-L-D: 5-2-0

1Spider - Flesh TearersLost
2Bard - Grey KnightsWon
3Jinx - TyranidsWon
4Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
5Fletch - T’au EmpireLost
6Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
7Spider - Flesh TearersWon

Final Position: 5th

Faction: Thousand Sons

W-L-D: 1-4-0

1Jinx - AeldariWon
2Stig - Adeptus MechanicusLost
3Beard - Leagues of VotannLost
4Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
5Spider - OrksLost

Name: Katie Foad

Likes: Snacks, Racoons

Dislikes: Being cold, missing nap time

Favourite Factions: Tyranids, Drukhari, Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Hallowed Martyrs

+ Characters +

Morvann Vahl: Warlord

Judith Eruita

Enhancement: Saintly Example

Enhancement: Litanies of Faith


Zealot’s Vindicator

+ Battleline +

10x Battle Sister Squad:
Superior: Close Combat Weapon, Bolton, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Multi-melta
Battle Sister: Ministorum Flamer
Battle Sister: Simulacrum Imperialis
6x Battle Sisters

+ Dedicated Transports +

Storm Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Storm Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Immolation Flamers, Hunter-killer Missile

+ Other +

10x Arco-flagellants

10x Celestial Sacresants
Superior: Spear of the Faithful, Plasma Pistol
9x Celestial Sacresants: Anointed Halberd

3x Paragon Warsuits:
3x Paragon Warbles, 3x Multi-meltas, 3x Paragon Launchers

3x Paragon Warsuits:
3x Paragon Warbles, 3x Multi-meltas, 3x Paragon Launchers

Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-killer Missile

Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-killer Missile

5x Retributor Squad
Superior: Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
4x Retributors: Multi-meltas

5x Zephyrim Squad
Superior: Plasma Pistol, Sacred Banner
4x Zephyrim

5x Zephyrim Squad
Superior: Plasma Pistol, Sacred Banner
4x Zephyrim

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 5th

Final Score: 90

W-L-D: 0-2-0


Final Position: 5th

Faction: Tyranids

W-L-D: 2-4-0

1Fletcher - T’au EmpireLost
2Bard - Grey KnightsLost
3Chef - NecronsLost
4Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
5Spider - Flesh TearersLost
6Bard - Grey KnightsWon

Final Position: 6th

Faction: Aeldari

W-L-D: 0-5-0

1Chef - Thousand SonsLost
2Beard - Leagues of VotannLost
3Stig - Adeptus MechanicusLost
4Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
5Spider - OrksLost

Name: Katie Foad

Likes: Snacks, Racoons

Dislikes: Being cold, missing nap time

Favourite Factions: Tyranids, Drukhari, Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Hallowed Martyrs

+ Characters +

Morvann Vahl: Warlord

Judith Eruita

Enhancement: Saintly Example

Enhancement: Litanies of Faith


Zealot’s Vindicator

+ Battleline +

10x Battle Sister Squad:
Superior: Close Combat Weapon, Bolton, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Multi-melta
Battle Sister: Ministorum Flamer
Battle Sister: Simulacrum Imperialis
6x Battle Sisters

+ Dedicated Transports +

Storm Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Storm Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Immolation Flamers, Hunter-killer Missile

+ Other +

10x Arco-flagellants

10x Celestial Sacresants
Superior: Spear of the Faithful, Plasma Pistol
9x Celestial Sacresants: Anointed Halberd

3x Paragon Warsuits:
3x Paragon Warbles, 3x Multi-meltas, 3x Paragon Launchers

3x Paragon Warsuits:
3x Paragon Warbles, 3x Multi-meltas, 3x Paragon Launchers

Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-killer Missile

Exorcist Missile Launcher, Hunter-killer Missile

5x Retributor Squad
Superior: Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
4x Retributors: Multi-meltas

5x Zephyrim Squad
Superior: Plasma Pistol, Sacred Banner
4x Zephyrim

5x Zephyrim Squad
Superior: Plasma Pistol, Sacred Banner
4x Zephyrim

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 5th

Final Score: 90

W-L-D: 0-2-0


Final Position: 5th

Faction: Tyranids

W-L-D: 2-4-0

1Fletcher - T’au EmpireLost
2Bard - Grey KnightsLost
3Chef - NecronsLost
4Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
5Spider - Flesh TearersLost
6Bard - Grey KnightsWon

Final Position: 6th

Faction: Aeldari

W-L-D: 0-5-0

1Chef - Thousand SonsLost
2Beard - Leagues of VotannLost
3Stig - Adeptus MechanicusLost
4Bard - Astra MilitarumLost
5Spider - OrksLost

Name: Lawrence Baker

Likes: Rolling 6s, Spending 45 minutes on a Movement Phase

Dislikes: Giving the crew his lists, Chef being in charge of these sorts of things

Favourite Factions: Flesh Tearers, Blood Angels, Drukhari, Grey Knights, Craftworlds

Grey Knights
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Teleport Strike Force

+ Characters +

Grand Master in Terminator Armour: Warlord
Enhancement: First to the Fray

+ Battleline +

5x Strike Squad:
Strike Marine: Psycannon
3x Strike Marines

5x Strike Squad:
Strike Marine: Psycannon
3x Strike Marines

5x Brotherhood Terminators:
Terminator: Psycannon
Terminator: Narthecium
Terminator: Ancient’s Banner

5x Brotherhood Terminators:
Terminator: Psycannon
Terminator: Narthecium
Terminator: Ancient’s Banner

+ Other +

10x Paladins:
Paladin Justicar
Paladin: Ancient’s Banner, Psycannon
4x Paladins: Psycannons
5x Paladins

Land Raider:
Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter

Land Raider:
Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter

5x Purgation Squad:
4x Purgation Marines: Incinerators

5x Purgation Squad:
4x Purgation Marines: Incinerators

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Qualifier Score: 225

W-L-D: 3-1-0

Semi FinalBardWon166

Final Position: 2nd

Faction: Flesh Tearers

W-L-D: 6-1-0

1Chef - NecronsWon
2Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
3Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
4Bard - Grey KnightsWon
5Jinx - TyranidsWon
6Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
7Chef - NecronsLost

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Faction: Orks

W-L-D: 7-0-0

1Bard - Astra MilitarumWon
2Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
3Jinx - AeldariWon
4Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
5Chef - Thousand SonsWon
6Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
7Bard - Astra MilitarumWon

Name: Lawrence Baker

Likes: Rolling 6s, Spending 45 minutes on a Movement Phase

Dislikes: Giving the crew his lists, Chef being in charge of these sorts of things

Favourite Factions: Flesh Tearers, Blood Angels, Drukhari, Grey Knights, Craftworlds

Grey Knights
List Analysis HERE

Detachment: Teleport Strike Force

+ Characters +

Grand Master in Terminator Armour: Warlord
Enhancement: First to the Fray

+ Battleline +

5x Strike Squad:
Strike Marine: Psycannon
3x Strike Marines

5x Strike Squad:
Strike Marine: Psycannon
3x Strike Marines

5x Brotherhood Terminators:
Terminator: Psycannon
Terminator: Narthecium
Terminator: Ancient’s Banner

5x Brotherhood Terminators:
Terminator: Psycannon
Terminator: Narthecium
Terminator: Ancient’s Banner

+ Other +

10x Paladins:
Paladin Justicar
Paladin: Ancient’s Banner, Psycannon
4x Paladins: Psycannons
5x Paladins

Land Raider:
Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter

Land Raider:
Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter

5x Purgation Squad:
4x Purgation Marines: Incinerators

5x Purgation Squad:
4x Purgation Marines: Incinerators

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Qualifier Score: 225

W-L-D: 3-1-0

Semi FinalBardWon166

Final Position: 2nd

Faction: Flesh Tearers

W-L-D: 6-1-0

1Chef - NecronsWon
2Beard - Iron WarriorsWon
3Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
4Bard - Grey KnightsWon
5Jinx - TyranidsWon
6Fletch - T’au EmpireWon
7Chef - NecronsLost

Final Position: 1st – Champion!

Faction: Orks

W-L-D: 7-0-0

1Bard - Astra MilitarumWon
2Stig - Adeptus MechanicusWon
3Jinx - AeldariWon
4Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
5Chef - Thousand SonsWon
6Beard - Leagues of VotannWon
7Bard - Astra MilitarumWon