The Chronicles of Valtor Origins | Chapter 1 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Avatar Spider October 6, 201790  88 90 Likes

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Join us as we dive into the world of Valtor and kick off a brand new campaign of high fantasy and adventure using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game system.

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8 months ago

Coming in to watch this in 2024 because the new season isn’t coming fast enough! 😂😋 Never done D&D before but my goodness you guys have got me into it!

Lodge Member
1 year ago

once a year i watch this campaign and it still blows me off my seat!
Hope there will be new season soon…

Ralle Reloaded
2 years ago

THANK YOU for migrating those files and make it possible for me to see them again!!!!! I LOVE this campaign so much it is almost ridiculous……

4 years ago

Now is the time to complete rewatch the entire first cast of players!!

Silent Lord
Lodge Warrior Member
5 years ago

catching up as i saw the cast of players season 2 video.
wasn’t too sure what to expect, but really enjoyed it.

7 years ago

This was absolutely fantastic guys! Really well done!! I don’t think I’ve seen any other channels do this kind of thing before, and certainly if I have no where near the same level of quality. Everything about this was fantastic. I love the music and the video at the start. The map and detail that has been put in to the world is brilliant, a realm worthy of adventuring in. Your characters are interesting and I look forward to seeing more of them! Really well done! This was a true joy to watch! 🙂

Ben Suri
Ben Suri
7 years ago

That was Amazing!! Better than Netflix!

Tommy Irwin
Tommy Irwin
7 years ago

Was really impressed by how creative each player was, adding detail according to their background and persona. Chef’s storyline is well written and his voices and sound effects keep the audience on the edge of their seat. Have you thought about using more terrain and objects to better visualize puzzle doors, keys/stones etc. I used to play 3.5 when it came out and really like seeing this new version 5.0 so well done. A few of my friends still play D&D and they use a 40″ tv as a tabletop so they can create custom dungeon maps pre-made or on… Read more »

7 years ago

Absolute class! Ive never seen/played D & D and this was a fantastic intro to it, you guys are so into it, it really brings it alive – but you also maintain the classic humour. Just about to start ep2!

Anders Jeppesen
Anders Jeppesen
7 years ago

When is episode 2 coming?! Get on with it!

7 years ago

Love it! Took me a while to fully see it, but looking forward to the rest. I love the fact that Bone’s character looks like and acts like a litteral pimp.

Thomas S Weber
Thomas S Weber
7 years ago

This was amazing, and I’ve never even played D&D! How often can expect episodes? Maybe between regular episodes Bone can do some solo Griffin shows, regaling us with tales of valor and mustache twirling from the great man’s past.

7 years ago

You are doing too good of a job on this stuff.
You already got me back into 40k after almost 10 years and now you are getting me interested in d&d….
Or maybe your just really good at this.
One question is how ofte are you going to post these sessions?
Keep up the great work and if I ever make it to the UK I will buy all 5 of you a beer!
Cheers mates!

7 years ago

Great video guys. I listened to it at work and it got me through the day.

One question, whats with the headphones? Is it so you can hear yourselves on microphone?

Dan Burrows
Dan Burrows
7 years ago

This was so incredible, I absolutely love everything about it. This was my first experience with D&D, and you guys have got me hooked. I cannot wait for more, I wish I had discovered this game sooner but I am so glad that I get to watch you amazing humans (and non-humans) play it!

7 years ago

are we gonna get another chapter this week guys? :(, i wish we will, but if we dont i still love your work guys

Matthew Mulherin
Matthew Mulherin
7 years ago

That was really fun to watch and makes me want to start playing again. I can’t wait to see what hijinks you get up to in future episodes.

Simon Stevens
Simon Stevens
7 years ago

I really enjoyed that, great fun. On the point about crits – I totally get how a crit fail doesn’t make sense as a player ‘stabbing themselves in the neck’, but i still like to see them, because they can work with a bit of creativity: like a crit fail when fighting can be an overly hard swing that ends up with an axe embedded in the ground and difficult to get out, making the player easy to hit. But the player doesn’t have to feel shit about it with a ice description from the GM about the huge hero… Read more »

Arthur Gibbs
Arthur Gibbs
7 years ago

Played D&D regularly since it was AD&D. Watching you guys takes me back to high school and college games; great job. It was fun to watch. Looking forward to future episodes.

Wilhelm Enberg
Wilhelm Enberg
7 years ago

Awsome just awsome, i would put on both sides on the gaming table dice throwing boxes, so that they who sit on the far sides dont have to lean over half table to throw dices, and not knocking over models and terrain ?.

Blade Spirit
Blade Spirit
7 years ago

ive watched it 3 times i demand more

Jamie Swift Drake
Jamie Swift Drake
7 years ago

Great first episode; incredibly mysterious and intriguing (didn’t help that Beard forgot/refused to tell us his name haha). I was really caught up in it; I genuinely found myself shouting suggestions like “find out more about the creepy man with the duelling pistols!!!”

Can’t wait for the next episode: you may have to step up to weekly releases haha.


7 years ago

Oh oh oh yes! D&D blast of for sure! I actually thought you were just joking when you said you were going to do a D&D campaign but here it is and I for one am stoked! So many good things to say, campaign setting seems amazing, double hats of to the chef and the characters are all bosses, looking forward to seeing them evolve. For a bit of feedback I will just join the choir of people finding it a bit awkward that you are sitting on a line and not opposite each other, as I think facing each… Read more »

Paul@TMCB Studios
Paul Ingledew
7 years ago

Have to admit guys, that was amazing. Having never played D & D, (brief stint with Call of Cthulu when I was in high school) wasn’t sure what to expect (to be honest, knew it was going to be good, everything you guys put out is great). And I wasn’t disappointed, Really enjoyed it, only thing I didn’t like was it ended, and I have to wait until the next episode! I’ve even gone out and bought the D & D starter set to give it a go myself, that’s inspiration for you! Loved the tone, story telling and set… Read more »

Harris Richards
Harris Richards
7 years ago

Awesome, the story telling is just spectacular! Cannot wait to see more of this!!! Your crew reminds me a bit of the cast of the 1990’s anime Berserk, with like Lawrence as Guts, Rob as Pippin, Joe as Griffith, and Ben as Judeau…..will we see Joe turn his back on you all?

Edd Scott
Edd Scott
7 years ago

Gents, that was amazing! As a newbie to the world of DnD and RPG I loved every second. I’ve been waiting for this ever since you first hinted at it, this was the reason I finally went on demand! Never regretted it for a second and now I have this to look forward to! Please don’t make us wait too long! You are all BOSSES!

7 years ago

omg guys, it was a blast!!!
i never played D&D with my friends. after watching you guys i just wanna do it myself!
we want eps everyweek lawrence! 🙂

Jamie Birse
Jamie Birse
7 years ago

How long must I wait for the next episode?! The small interaction between Anrakai and Griffon before charging in was perfect!!

Andrew Manuel
7 years ago

Alright so apparently when me and the lads tried D&D years ago we did it completely wrong, that looked outrageously fun. The enthusiasm was straight up contagious. Also I’m of the other opinion to the other posters here, i love that people have to stand up to roll. It clearly identifies the player that is rolling and draws attention to their hand rather than have it be distracted by the other objects and people in the room. You also get some amazing physical re enactments of the action like Bone with his epic spinning fail on the kobold. Just an… Read more »

Symon Greenwood
Symon Greenwood
7 years ago

Fantastic guys, As an avid D&D player and DM myself i always love to see other players and DM’s take on this great story telling system we have called D&D.

Also i understand the time an effort it takes to plan a sessions, agree on schedules etc and on top of that all the editing and effort on your parts to provide this as content for us.

Keep up the stellar work lads it is truly appreciated 🙂

Tony Molinari
Tony Molinari
7 years ago

Sooo good. You guys really know how to tell a story! Way more cinematic then my normal d&d games. It seemed a bit akward that everyone had to stand and reach over to roll their dice though i have no idea what the solution for that is. I’ll definitely be tuning in for future episodes. Cheers!

7 years ago

This is sooo cool! Wargaming and Roleplaying being two of the three pillars of the Gaming Nerd I am not surprised you guys rock at that too. The setting, story-telling, characters are all high quality so far.
Congrats to the Omnissiah (DM) in particular, I know how much work and time it takes to run an engaging campaign from scratch.

Franco Vilanova
Franco Vilanova
7 years ago

Can I make a slight sugestion? Why don’t you guys sit so you can actually see each other in the eye? I’m guessing you have more than one camera, maybe you can Split screen? Critical Role like 😀 Just started the video so I don’t know how it will work out, but a sugestion!

Bryan Pereira
Bryan Pereira
7 years ago