The Chronicles of Valtor Origins | Chapter 3 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Avatar Spider November 2, 201747  57 47 Likes

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After a brutal skirmish at the foot of the temple’s steps, our party decide to enter the ancient ruin in
search of Erik’s mistress. But will they find more than they were looking for?

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James Jefferson
James Jefferson
5 years ago

Not sure about Mrs Doubtfire starring in this episode ?

Cole Harris
7 years ago

This was incredibly well done and quite entertaining! I also must say that it pays to keep an eye on the other players/DM as others are talking as well to catch their reactions. The look Chef gave the camera at 45:42 was gold; it reminded me of a Ferris Bueller-style 4th wall break.

7 years ago

Brilliant fun! Hahaha! Naughty Griffin! 🙂 Great show!!

Goran Calic
7 years ago

I only sratred watching this after running out of 40k content. And you guys hit it out of ball park. I love it. I listen while painting and just get competely get lost in the story.

Martin Lindby
Martin Lindby
7 years ago

I am very much enjoying this. I subscribed for the 40k content, but damnations! your take on D&D 5’th is so tasty 🙂 I am a pen and paper roleplaying veteran myself, and must say I have rarely been so amazingly entertained. Keep up the good works boys. A huge applause from Denmark and a bow and smirk to Griffin, what a gent 🙂 Cheers.

Cameron Bowler
Cameron Bowler
7 years ago

Loving the series guys.Never seen D&D before, but now i’m hooked !

Thomas S Weber
Thomas S Weber
7 years ago

This was a magnificent offering – the characters are getting so much deeper and the monkey (*spits on ground like Anrakai*) is a welcome addition to the team. The female character using her magic to do the men’s laundry did get a bit of an eyebrow raise from my wife, but otherwise she liked Chef’s portrayal of Joanna (down Bone).

7 years ago

Awesome acting and story so far boys!
One quick thing, I believe rogues in 5th can sneak attack as long as an enemy is distracted (engaged in melee) with another party member.

Sean Mayson
Sean Mayson
7 years ago

As a dentist beard I can assure you when a pistol shot explodes a patients face im probably not the person to call :p

Γιάννης Ανδρεόπουλος
Γιάννης Ανδρεόπουλος
7 years ago

Ok Lawrence a few things :
1) Is the Chef a pro actor like you guys or has he swallowed a dolby surround system, cause he is BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!
2) We are gonna need tshirts with the monkey 😀
3) Thank you for extending the lore hints , now pretty please can you do the same for the player stats. They are so fast they look like subliminal messages 😛
4) Stay BOSSY!

7 years ago

B-Bone, “Do I have advantage yet? Well how do I get advantage?!!!”. So funny!

Paul Holroyd
Paul Holroyd
7 years ago

This is rapidly becoming my favourite hobby content to watch. You are all doing such a great job and I’m astounded by Chefs ability to do such awesome voice acting, it really helps to show which npc he is playing. Loving the slowly revealing back story of all pcs too. Power level 90000 to you all! More please!

Anders Jeppesen
Anders Jeppesen
7 years ago

Beard, do some crazy magic tricks 😀 You might make Bone happy by rolling a 1 while trying to clean Joanna’s clothes 😉

Pete Croft
Pete Croft
7 years ago

Loving this so far! Especially the flashes of backstory we are getting, and Chef’s wide range of characters!

Just one rules thing, Rogue sneak attack doesn’t require advantage if the target is engaged by a friendly!

Harris Richards
Harris Richards
7 years ago

Hahaha oh man I called it in the first episode! Anrakai is massively like Guts!!! Now we just need to know who will become Griffith and turn his back on you all for ascension to godhood?…. Brilliant work gents keep it up 🙂

Alex Gray
Alex Gray
7 years ago

Chef’s sassy scottish scholar is brilliant! Incredible acting from all of you and I continue to be enthralled. The intricacies and secrets of the characters continue to intrigue, especially Anrakai’s tide related sickness. Is Erevan truly in control of his weapon? Can Erik and Joanna truly be trusted?? Will the players learn to announce their actions AFTER rolling dice and is it safe to leave Bone alone with Chef?? All these questions and more and I can’t wait to find out in episode 4!?

Chris Chinnock
Chris Chinnock
7 years ago

What’s the sangwich got on his head? Loving the D+D shows btw keep up the good work!

Joe Kerr-Delworth
Joe Kerr-Delworth
7 years ago

Halfway through, but damn, you guys have had me in stitches all the way through so far! So funny, so good!

Massively impressed with Chef’s acting so far, but, i don’t think he should be left in a room alone with the Bone while he practices Joanna’s voice! hahaha!

7 years ago

Is the Chef using homebrew rules on some abilities? As RAW the rogue can sneak attack if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t Incapacitated, and if they don’t have disadvantage on the Attack roll.

But that is only a little quibble. Anyway, another awesome showing guys! Loving it so far, you guys obviously are really into this and it shows, glorious stuff!

Tony Molinari
Tony Molinari
7 years ago

HUZZAH! It is here!

Anders Jeppesen
Anders Jeppesen
7 years ago

Aaand about 2 shows and 31 minutes before it got to…this >_< Griffin! Down boy! 😀

Thomas Whybrow
Thomas Whybrow
7 years ago

Great stuff I see the Sanger has got his Winters cosplay on