The Chronicles of Valtor Origins | Chapter 13 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Narrowly surviving the battle outside the Cahadril Temple, the party are found not only needing to answer to the justice of the Guild, but in need of an antidote to a deadly poison.
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love it
Chef, your Jakob was absolute fire. Outstanding.
I don’t mean to nit pick but as a player/DM I like to use these videos to learn to take part better in both rolls but shouldn’t they have full hit dice because the life room restored 2d6 HP and 1 hit dice the first time they used it so it should have given them a hit dice for every time they used the room as well as the 2d6 HP back.
Took me a while to get to this… But gosh, Chef! Outstanding characterisation. Have an inspiration for that ???
any time frame on your next chapter of this story guys
Amazing as always, you guys rock. Looking forward to the next one!
Seriously guys, you either need to tone the comedy down or I need to stop painting while listening to this. I was doing well until you got to the gates and then I lost it! I haven’t laughed that much in a video for some time, the only other time I can think of was in the facebook live when you suggested Bone would be an armorium cherub. We need an out take video of the funniest bits from this series! Top work as always, eagerly awaiting the next one (although I won’t be painting as its too risky).
Can we change Beards nickname to the bearded Cob now it just suits him I think lol
This episode was so good that I am using my first comment on a TT video for it. Pure comedy gold, literally laughing out loud as you bully “manservant” Beard (a fitting role for him since he is the SERVANT OF THE BLADE [and a pawn of the Ch40ks Lords]!!!) and nob-verbally communicate on the attractiveness of a barmaid. Keep up the great work you guys, all your content is top notch, no idea how I would find the motivation to paint models without you, best sub I’ve ever paid.
Heck Yes! I’ve been hoping for months now that you guys would end up sitting in a tavern in a big city! Great work guys!
The more I watch of these, the more I wonder if it is Chef who went to acting school and not the others – his portrayal of the NPCs is great!
The next time I throw a bottle into a full recycling container, I’m going to think of 11 potions being dumped into a bag completely unnoticed! LOL
Seriously, this is too good to wait a month for Lawrence! Dont hold out on us so long for the next one!
Beasts! You’re just beasts. First time I have to say I have trouble fitting all of your published content into my time schedule. 😀 Keep up the good work! Oh god, was waiting for this one so long! :,)
What a lovely early morning treat! 🙂 It seems that the start of today’s workday would have to be postponed slightly ))))