Codex Space Marines | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Faction Focus

Avatar Spider August 16, 201924  172 24 Likes

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Chef joins us full time and sits down with Spider and Bone to review the all new Codex Space Marines, Ultramarines & White Scars!

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Lodge Member
5 years ago

I want a gif of 45:42. ‘That’s a bit much… maybe?’

Ruben Knab
Lodge Member
5 years ago

@chef: You think so small, I have 3 units of 5 Aggressors 😉 the only thing I’m missing is to reroll ALL wounds, hehe

5 years ago

Do you think that the forgeworld models will be updated with a FAQ? What I mean is, do you think forgeworld will get angels of death and be able to benefit from all of the doctrines and shock assault, etc…?

Leviathan dreadnought with -3 ap storm cannons of doom anybody? Yes please! Just wonder if they will get the update anytime soon?



5 years ago

With the new codexes/supplements changing things a bit; will you guys be doing any list analyses anytime soon?

5 years ago

Hi Guys,

Since you guys are planning on doing more of these voxcasts, Would it be possible that these videos can be made available in audio only format?

Yes this a purely selfish request based on me wanting to listen on the Tube haha

P.S. Chef, never change I personally love that you have so much passion, Rant and shout over people as much as you want!

Lodge Warrior Member
5 years ago

I enjoyed the format and vid guys! However, i do feel like a follow up is needed. Hopefully we can convince Chef/the team to do some follow up articles/vids, on the supplements including some in depth ideas about what works and what doesn’t really seem worth it. You hinted at loads of things in this vid, but then never expanded on them. I.E The Ultramarines trait is good, everything is above average – then left it at that. What makes the powers almost sub par? What stand out relics or stratagems or strategies stand out? Likewise for the Scars, beyond… Read more »

The Chef
Crew Member
5 years ago

We’ll need to see what updates come in the next few months

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Some good points here, if you’re planning more of these discussion type videos I think you need to work on structuring the conversation to stop some people talking over others and so we only get to hear one opinion on each topic. Bone’s interview with Stig worked really nicely and there was a really good back and forth. Here it felt a bit of a shouting match.

5 years ago

I haven’t had time to view this video till now, while i’m happy that Chef is joining the team full time, i only got 20 mins into this video before having to shut it off. Chef: please stop talking over everyone else and the B-Bone get a word in.

Martin Oesten
5 years ago

Just a quick feedback on the format of this Vox-cast.
It quickly became a bit unstructured due to two people becoming a bit too enthusiastic.
Why don´t use Bone as a the calm and witty interviewer and Chef and Spider as the nerd panel? (And yes, nerd is a positive thing now a days).
It is very good to show that you are enthusiastic but keep in mind of the audience.
The interview with Stig was funny, very pleasant to listing to and still you really get a feeling that these two people really loves the game and the fluff.

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
5 years ago

Had a game yesterday using the new codex. While my own rolling really let me down it felt nice using marines and they actually did things, felt like a really even close game until the bad luck hit. Marines are definitely coming back as a faction.

Thomas C
Lodge Member
Thomas C
5 years ago

Absolutely great video; thank you guys. Really looking forward to seeing more content like this, getting in depth and hearing you chat about everything. Thank you!

5 years ago

Not sure if you’ve covered this… Look into using the honoured sergeant stratagem to make your aggressor or centurion sergeant have a master-crafted boltstorm gauntlet or master-crafted hurricane bolter, respectively! Would love to see this in action!
5 years ago

Hemlocks dont count as falling back because they have the aircraft keyword. It is very clear in the errata, that won’t work chief!

Alexander Welk
Lodge Member
Alexander Welk
5 years ago

I do very sadly tell you, Teeth of Terra is in the german codex still a W3. So i could be either the original or the german one a misprint.

Chef, how about consolidate into a flyer, even on bike. You cant hit him, but you are in CC with him, and he has to fall back.

Jens Hillefall
Jens Hillefall
5 years ago

Make lascannons and similar weapons 2x d3 +1 or maybe 3x d3, then you are at least guaranteed 3 wounds.
With only one powerful shot that has to hit, wound and pass a save of some kind should be rewarded.

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Great vid. Few things that i missed :
– Are we talking about the fact that BobbyG hand of dominions is now Dmg 4? 🙂
– Iron Hands and salamanders are also going to be scary – guess need a more in dept review when the supplements come out

Samuel Aster
Lodge Warrior Member
5 years ago

ah man the more i hear about new codizes and units the more i have the feeling everything has to get bigger and better and bigger and better with every new book etc. I miss the feeling of the old 5th editions where not half of the army was killed in the first turn :/ and not every unit had 5 billions rules and buffs to make them op.

5 years ago

I think GW dropped the ball on this one for CSM players. It kinda sucks getting a reprint just before an amazing new codex comes out. Given the release schedule, they should have swapped the order and given datasheets for the new csm units (same as they did for non-codex-compliant chapters). Getting less than 1/3 of the angels of death rule as an army trait when iron hands basically get three is a bitter pill to swallow…

Josh Reuter
Lodge Member
Josh Reuter
5 years ago

I’m with Bone on the 1st turn deep strike, why spend this entire edition taking all armies turn 1 deep strike (multiple FAQs and chapter approved worth) only to give it here. I’m just say’n that this years chapter approved best be a thick book.

As a GSC player, a bit salty since our codex came out only 6 months ago so we have some time before another is dropped. And if yall think marines are a glass cannon army… let me tell you how fast T3 5+ saves die… in droves.

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Been trying to stear clear of marines as iv always been drawn to them. Now my Drukhari are nearly ready im struggling not to crack them out with the new codex

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Yeah, as a csm player in pretty pissed at gw for doing this to us. Theyre like ” its the summer of chaos! New models and codex!” Then they give us a slightly better reprint then 2 months later drop an amazing regular space marime codex. Feels bad

Kyle A Urbach
Kyle A Urbach
5 years ago

Its so good to have the Chef back on the channel! Love these Voxcast keep it up, boys!

Nicholas Lucas
Lodge Member
Nicholas Lucas
5 years ago

This Codex and its customizability for each person’s chapter inspired me to begin my own Space Marine Chapter. Love this book, cant wait for Eliminators with the Las Fusils!

Lodge Member
5 years ago

While Chef’s point about the non-codex astartes chapters only receiving supplements is valid, I mean GW just compressed all the space marines into space marines, those supplements would be thicker than the rest, especially my lovely space wolves. I am extremely bitter about not getting the doctrines as a SW player, I really hope they address this in the future, giving us different doctrines or maybe limiting us to a certain doctrine. What I really hunger for though, is SW-unique Primaris, as the Wolves do not adhere to the strict ways of Guilliman, and most Wolves saw the introduction of… Read more »

David Lees
David Lees
5 years ago

I know you guys are probably already snowed under with the content you’re producing and I’m not sure how it would fit in with your business model. But what I really need from you is a Tabletop Tactics podcast. I listen to a lot of podcast on a lot of different subjects, but I listen to none on my favourite hobby because all I can find is Americans going on for literally hours about the Las Vegas Open and why miniatures cost more when you buy them in dollars and I just couldn’t care less. What I’d like is this… Read more »

gary percival
gary percival
5 years ago

Sorry but chef was totally irritating in this. Talking over people and being kinda obnoxious. I tried to push on listening to it but it was too much to finnish.

Lodge Member
5 years ago

That stain on the coffee cup got me so many times. I broke out the windex at least three times.

5 years ago

Another great rant! I mean review ? Marines certainly got a great boost but… the repulsor should have become a heavy support choise as the impulsor fills in the dedicated troop transport role. Marine armour feels to weak because of the new system, a heavy bolter used to shred everything exept power armour, now a marine only has a 50% chance of surviving instead of 66,66% With an autocannon vs primaris it’s even worse as it will kill him by doing 2 wounds standard. Maybe they should go back to the old AP stats pre 8th for anti infantry fire… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 years ago

B-Bone <- perfect foil for chefs rants. knows how to stop a conversation falling into that trap of 'then we all excitedly talk at the same time'. one of the reasons i like this channel, it seems like you really consider the things that could easily be overlooked, we all love a rant, but its gotta be done right. Also – i quite like the idea of a drop pod slowing an advancing army (they cant walk through them) but i think it should be their alpha strike shooting that needs to be checked (-1 to hit on the first… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Can’t wait for a 24-hour rules brainstorm voxcast with Chef. Would have weekend plans sorted right there.

5 years ago

Great to see Chef joining full time. Always really enjoy hearing his thoughts

Andrew Carter
Lodge Member
5 years ago

I’m kind of with Bone regarding Drop Pods but more for the precedent they’ve set. Given how limited they are in what they can carry, not even Centurions, I think they’re generally fine as is now (though the doors issue needs to be FAQ’d really quickly, it’s just dumb to have them blocking half the table), the problem is what gets it next. Should the Webway Portal terrain piece not get it as well because they are largely unusable, what about Crsisis Suits and Striking Scorpions or Kommandos? This is the problem of giving one faction a rule that deliberately… Read more »

Alex Andersson
Lodge Member
Alex Andersson
5 years ago

Very nice with a vox cast on the subject. But chef needs to stop interrupting everyone 24/7. It’s highly frustrateing to watch and listen to. This is not Vox cast: Chef, theres three of you.

Sorry if this is harsh but it needs to change.

Lodge Warrior Member
5 years ago

I am LOVING these Vox casts! Keep up the amazing work guys!

Christian Teztor
Christian Teztor
5 years ago

Nice discussion. Re: Glasscannon Armies. I think increasingly (almost) all 40K armies are more and more becoming glasscannon armies (except for specific builds like 90 Plaguebearers, etc..). Moving from Index to the first gen. of Codexes, for most armies meant the offensive output went up by some X%. More shots with weapons going from D3 to D6, units double shooting like Leman Russes, etc.., more and better re-rolls, more ways to ignore negative modifiers, damage tables, etc., etc.., while the defensive side usually wasn’t buffed in equal parts (with some exceptions like Alaitoc or Stygies). Now moving to perhaps something… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Sorry to see a review of a codex with so much not talk about what’s not in the that particular codex. Also, you refer some of the review to a previous battle report. Why? Why is this not in this particular review? I would have like more emphasis on the new units, changes, both gear and points wise as a general and their effect on the game. Yes, I watched it but most was about how drop pods breaks/changes the game. Also, really no mentions of how the changes to the doctrines affect existing units/weapon which could make old units… Read more »

5 years ago


Lodge Warrior Member
5 years ago

Brilliant discussion, as always gents! Love these debates, especially when the Chef wades in. 🙂 For me the new Codex is amazing, but as a BA player, I don’t see the point in buying it. And our ommission from it, while possibly suggesting of something else coming, is very disappointing. Lovely content, chaps! 🙂

lachlan stockley
5 years ago

I really enjoined this, many people went through line by line just so we know what in it. We can go watch those videos then come here for a decision on what the impact of the changes maybe be.

Bone, as a tau play I am ready to charge my 20+ shield drones into a drop pod so they can never be shot all game. Same with anything with fly (assuming its alive on my turn.

Jeremy Salgado
Jeremy Salgado
5 years ago

Thank yoi guys for the amazing coverage and welcome back Chef! Keep baking some good content!

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
5 years ago

Got to be honest a lot of the chef stuff goes over my head, as a new player I will say this. Marines are the most popular army good or bad on the tabletop, so why not make them top tier or even… the best one? literally 80% of the people I have played use Marines anyway? so this book will probably encourage more people? Sorry if this sounds very simplistic but at the end of the day GW runs a business and if it was me I wouldn’t be thinking about Nids or Necrons, just update them in chapter… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Some feedback – Too much discussion about potential impact of the codex, not enough discussion about the codex contents itself.

The Sandman
Lodge Member
5 years ago

Absolutely love that chef is on board! Can’t wait for more

5 years ago

So does the core space marine book affect Dark Angels / Blood Angels etc?

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
5 years ago

Really enjoyed the discussion guys and the sidebars were awesome. Please do more and a “wish list’ vox cast would be really cool. I hope this Codex is a sign of every army getting more balanced against each other so the meta lists/armies simply no longer existed per se. Don’t need 9th edition though, still learning 8th, LOL.

Grear job fellas, I just wish I had a beer when I watched!

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Chef, there is a Stratagem called Transhuman Physiology where for 2CP, a Space Marine Infantry unit can only be wounded on a 4+, regardless of Strength or weapon abilities, for the rest of the phase.

That allows you to have the “surprised Knight” moment once per turn.

Lodge Member
5 years ago

Easy explanation for the Invictor: there is a weight limit for the stealth tech, and to meet it they had to pull off the front, which turned out not to be that detrimental since the rest of the plates on its body are also built for lightness, so they are no thicker than Power Armor. The Toughness loss is a decent representation of the missing structure and overall lighter plates.

Lodge Member
5 years ago

More of this. You guys just shooting the shit about the game is for me just as good as the battle reports

5 years ago

This space marine book is amazing i cant wait to build my custom sniper chapter, and i would love the idea of the non codex chapters consolidating with supplements