T’au Empire vs Chaos Knights 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

Will Bone have the firepower to deal with an entire Traitoris Lance, or will Beard be able to leverage brute force to take the vital objectives?
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The Army Lists are:
T’au Empire
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Sept Tenet: Sa’cea
+ HQ +
Cadre Fireblade: Warlord- Through Unity Devastation
Ethereal: Honour Blade, Hover Drone
Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: 3x Missile Pod, Drone Controller
+ Troops +
11x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
10x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle
11x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
10x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle
10x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
9x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle
+ Elites +
4x XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
Stealth Shas’vre: Fusion Blaster
3x Stealth Shas’ui: Burst Cannon, Advanced Targeting System
4x XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
Stealth Shas’vre: Fusion Blaster
3x Stealth Shas’ui: Burst Cannon, Advanced Targeting System
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit: Fusion Collider, 2x Fusion Blasters, Shield Generator, Velocity Tracker
2x MV5 Stealth Drones
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit: Fusion Collider, 2x Fusion Blasters, Shield Generator, Velocity Tracker
2x MV5 Stealth Drones
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit: Fusion Collider, 2x Fusion Blasters, Shield Generator, Velocity Tracker
2x MV5 Stealth Drones
+ Dedicated Transport +
TY7 Devilfish: Burst Cannon
2x MV1 Gun Drones
TY7 Devilfish: Burst Cannon
2x MV1 Gun Drones
TY7 Devilfish: Burst Cannon
2x MV1 Gun Drones
++ Outrider Detachment ++
Sept Tenet: Sa’cea
+ HQ +
Cadre Fireblade
Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: 3x Missile Pod, Drone Controller
+ Fast Attack +
5x Tactical Drones
5x MV7 Marker Drones
10x Tactical Drones
10x MV7 Marker Drones
10x Tactical Drones
10x MV1 Gun Drones
Chaos Knights
++ Super-Heavy Detachment ++
Dread Household: Infernal- House Khomentis
+ Lord of War +
Knight Tyrant: Warlord- Dread Hunter, Plasma Decimator, Volcano Lance, 2x Twin Siegebreaker Cannons, 2x Shieldbreaker Missiles, 2x Twin Meltaguns
Knight Despoiler: Artefact of Tyranny- Helm of Warpsight, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Thermal Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Heavy Flamer
Knight Despoiler: Avenger Gatling Cannon, Thermal Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Heavy Flamer
2x War Dogs: Reaper Chain-cleaver, Thermal Spear, Heavy Stubber
Does bone still use the DBBC crisis suits? not very good for this but the wall of shots i figured would be a goer for hordes
Beard and Bone is always a recipe for a good time. The singing is so soothing
Pure knights really need to get obsec to even be remotely viable in 9th. At least as good as guard tanks in spearheads, if not counting as multiple models. Big knights count as 5 models, babby knights count as 3?
Also great battle report!
Needs more El Beardo
Great Battle report. Always fun to see the Knights do their thing!
Thanks for the great content team. Best part of the week, when a new video is released.
Hey guys I absolutely adore what you are doing, there is nothing better than sitting back with a beer and watching your marlarky while painting and glueing models! Thanks for what you do!! In regards to 9th….I was wondering your opinion on how its looking. I got into 40k when I was 12 (20 years ago now!! Codex Catachans!!!) I fell out off the hobby just after what I believe was fourth edition and the first release of wulfen. I read the books and stayed abreast of the hobby. Then 8th hit and my good did I fall back into… Read more »
Kevin wins!
Man oh man do I hate T’au.
Between their Overwatch, Shooting, and invulns everywhere, not to mention the 3++ on huge models (Riptides ugh).
If drones were T3 maybe it’d be better but as is they’re just obnoxious.
Good BatRep tho!
Great report guys. I’m happy the dice trays are no longer necessary. It is so much more pleasant to watch without them. Bone you’re a great plant, haha.
The Chaos Knights look really gorgeous. Always love to see them on the table, though I did miss the Red Queen!
The vibe here was great, fun game to watch 🙂 I love how strategies iterate and improve, and at the beginning where there is so much to be understood and nuances to find. I’d love to see you guys go back over an old battle report in say 6 weeks time, when we all know a bit more about the game and critique your performances and decisions now you’ve got greater experience and context ^_^
Love the paint job on the tau. New studio army? Repaint?
Watching 9th without reading any of the leaked info is soooo strange! What do you guys think so far?
Back to the garden, Bone… sexy devil! LOL
Don’t know if it would have swung the game, but using heroic interventions on the character knights might have allowed Beard to kill some tau off objectives in Bone’s turn and thereby hold them in his own turn. Might have gotten him a few primary points earlier. Also, I don’t see why the knights back-lined in deployment – very little to lose by sitting on the front-line in this game, but would have made that first despoiler charge on the devilfish turn 1. Aggression is the only way. Sadly, I think that if you use the Khomentis strat to outflank… Read more »
Super entertaining game guys!
Don’t chaos knights have a warlord trait or something similar to make one of them objective secured? Definitely agree about the dual gattling cannons. Great job fellas!
That was an immensely entertaining game. Got to see Bone as a ficus, got to see Beard rain down Knightly destruction upon all he perused, and got to see a cheeky assassination at the very end. Nice!
I like the T’au answer to the points increase the Shield Drones received in 9e. While not optimal, Marker and Gun Drones can compensate in the early turns while simultaneously providing ample Markerlight support to the list. I’ll need to reevaluate my army composition a bit, but this batrep gives me a direction to pursue. Much appreciated!
Not gonna pick faves from the awesome TT team but have between Beard and BBone are my favourite at the moment. The banter and spirit the games are played in are perfect and they are always close with no Lawrence have skewing luck #nothisfault
Loved the game 🙂 can I ask is there any news on stig playing with the new ad mech models?
@57:30 I really hoped the camera was just going to pan up to a pot plant with a dice bag and beard carrying on as normal.
Another Tau one! Awesome! Thanks guys!
Great game, I always enjoy the Bone-Beard combo!
Bone, when you guys start playing Age of Sigmar you should choose the Sylvaneth: you are becoming a plant like a pro, you should feel at home!
As a knights player in 8th edition i always struggled with holding objectives etc.. however with 9th it looks like an even worse problem, I’ve taken the decision to still be a knights player.. A Grey Knights player!
Man I missed you two doing reports together. This batrep was genuinely music to my ears.
Knights are looking like they will have to change up strategy in 9th. Maybe the infernal quest WLT holds more weight with the need for scoring the primary?
I used to be a supporter of the dice tray idea but after the last few videos I had no idea how much back and forth it was, glad you are rolling on the table again. As I say that though I can already hear the sound of models breaking from spider throwing dice at them.
Man that Tau army is so cool looking. Really happy that you are enjoying playing Sa’cea Bone as I love seeing them on the board! As usual I love the list.You were able to mark up two units well into the game with the commander and drone setup with more pressing threats up close.I still think though that seeker missiles on your fish would be a net positive for your list. Like you could drop a stealth suit and 2 fire warriors and I think you have enough points for like 6 big anti-tank shots turn 1. It was interesting… Read more »
Just outta curiosity, do you all have plan’s to incorporate the different warzones from the Pariah book in these regular battle reports?
Armigers man. It’s all going to be about the Armigers this edition. Get those numbers up and spread out. 1-2 big ‘uns at most.
As always, a stellar bat rep!
I just don’t see how knights are going to compete without soup, sadly, and they will always be at a CP disadvantage in that case.
I hope there’s some codex changes coming for them that address their extreme weakness at the primary objectives.
This was a much more enjoyable game than the other 9th reports I’ve seen so far. Stellar fun, good to see both Chaos Knights and Tau on the channel. I’d buy the “I’m becoming a plant” Tshirt if it had a little cactus with Bone’s grimacing mustachioed face photosynthesising gently on it. Also, possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever typed, in any context. ?
Good job with the Tau Bone, unfortunatly the drones can’t have +2 to hit… there’s a cap nowadays…
No heroic interventions from the two Character knights? Otherwise an awesome batrep as always, keep it up mates 🙂
Great fun to watch as always! However, I’m confused on the 9th edition re-roll strat. I was under the impression all of the dice were to be re-rolled.
Damn it Beard! I wanted to be annoyed at you for not finishing the Ghost Keel and Stealth teams turn one with the third knight, But if you had we wouldn’t have had that wonderful plant moment. I AM SO CONFLICTED! Great game as usual lads keep being awesome
Arent the wardogs supposed to go on the Table together and then they count as individual models? Unless its 2 units of 1 Wardog?
Great Batrep, thank you guys!
Pure Knight games are fun. How many Wraithknights do you have? Would an Imperial Knights vs Eldar Knigths Batrep be possible?
Also I believe I spotted a cheeky Supremacy Armour. Is it for Apocalypse or are you planning on using it in a normal game?
Bone and Beard Batrep!!! Bottle it! It’ll cure anything.
If you guys could please make “I’M BECOMING A PLANT” shirts that would be fantastic and I would take 7
Great Batrep, Great Singing 🙂 Got me some Tenaciuos D vibes
On Beard’s first turn he killed a devilfish, wouldn’t that be 3 points for bring it down?
Such a great game guys! I love watching Tau! Tau’va!
This was a really fun game to watch guys! Even with a slight bias for the knights, the whole planted episode, and the action in general. Good fight! 😀
Its 7, the bles.. emm, the average number. when you guys are pointing them out its alot of sevens! :p And whats wrong with the dice-trays guys? xD
Lovely betrep as usually. <3
So I just wanted to give a little feedback guys, with the new 9th edition games I’ve personally found it a bit more difficult to follow the victory points, so obviously I can follow the totals as they’re shown but it’s difficult to follow where the points are coming from, so maybe we could get some kind of breakdown of victory points? Like showing primary, secondary and total? Maybe even a way to show how many points per secondary? I obviously understand that it’d be more work on your end, but honestly feel that this would help follow the games… Read more »
Very fun report!! I hope Orks are in the pipeline, cant wait to see how their Kombat does in 9th 😀
Sorry Bone…. photon grenades only work against infantry!
My only negative comment thus far, why is Beard wearing a hat? His lovely hair is always a highlight.
Plant counter
Bone = 2
Chef =1
Beard =0
Dont make fun of gees or ducks. Its new Army of future:
Check this out:
Great video guys its good to see you both: Greater Orks King vs Beard without beard
Please, Please,
Please, Please,
Get the 2 people back together for the lists, sit apart like the voxcasts, but list banter is such a fun part of your productions!! 🙂
If you guys do a full battle report in a sing-song tone for all commentary and in-game discussions, I will sign up for a full year’s membership. It would be the game of the year for sure.
Breakfast in bed and a battle report. Ideal Saturday. Happy weekend everyone.