Forge World Orks Review | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Faction Focus

Avatar Spider December 10, 20209  30 9 Likes

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Warbosses Bone an’ Beard are ‘ere ta tell youze gitz how dez Forge World rulez ‘old up in dis latest review!

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Lodge Member
4 years ago

I don’t have access to an Ork codex but weren’t the Orks able to put Mekboyz with custom forcefields into their transports in order to give that transport the benefit of the forcefield?

Robert Thorneagle
Robert Thorneagle
4 years ago

I was having a look through the compendium whilst watching this and Beard said the Mega- & Meka-Dreads get an additional attack if they take two of the dread killsaws.

The wording is the same as the Custodes Telemon’s Caestus and the Leviathan’s siege claw. It says “Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.”

Am I right in thinking that if these models take 2 of these weapons then they get to make 2 additional attacks? If not, then what is the point in taking 2 of them?

4 years ago

Ive been running the warboss on warbike, with da killa klaw, the +1T warlord trait and da biggest boss for some sweet T8 warboss action. So far it has been working really well in my games and the T8 helps so much with the melta weapon spam that has been present in my local meta. Also making bolters wound on 6 helps a ton. For the squigoth I really like it with things such as flash gitz or any other unit that benefits from the count as stationary when it moves rule. I don’t see it being that useful with… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ermogh
4 years ago

Interesting point to consider, 3 killtanks come to 825 points. With 3 you can bring a super heavy detachment which grants klan kultures. That means you can make them bad moonz, at hitting on 4’s rerolling 1’s and exploding on 6’s with the potential for more dakka on one of them! Sure you’ll lose some cp……but at 90 shots of that quality who really cares?! And as a side bonus you can camp a big mek with kff with them for a cheeky 5++ and your weird boy can do gleaming gear for a +1 armor onto one giving it… Read more »

Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper
4 years ago

Great insight, I might have to go shopping on forge world now.

Bone, WB on bike, gubbinz da killa klaw, trait brutal but kunnin (or the other way round I get the two confused) and that’s a flat damage 4 hitting on 2s ‘re rolling hits and ‘re rolling to wound……. Together with da biggest boss stratagem. Please run this in a game. I’ve just talked myself into buying one.

4 years ago

The Gargantuan Squiggoth! Lets bring out all the monsters and pit it against Tyranids for an epic Narrative Report!

4 years ago

Bone’s moustache regrowth is phenomenal! Very interesting insights too!

Last edited 4 years ago by Fiddlesticks!
4 years ago

Great insight, I watch all of these types of videos even if I’m not interested in the army because I like the commentary and hearing your thoughts! Just a suggestion – I feel like it would be more concise if you guys discussed these units/strategies more ahead of time so that you didnt have to figure them out on the fly. Also I feel like the good, bad, ugly ratings arent really sufficient if you plan going unit by unit through these books. I feel like a letter grade or percentage would be more descriptive. Thank you for all the… Read more »

Alexander Southard
Alexander Southard
4 years ago

Can y’all place a banner in the video showing the name of the unit you are reviewing? I enjoy the videos and the commentary, however, I don’t always have the books y’all have (especially when it’s a preview book) and can make it hard to follow along at times. Pretty please and thank y’all for the great work!

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
4 years ago

Lovely. Thanks for that fellas, and yes I finished painting my kill tank just in time for the release because I love the model and you can dream. Gambling like a proper ork player, unusually it has worked out. Now if only it didn’t cost me 3CP to get into the list.

Val Heffelfinger
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Kk cool cool cool Kustom Stompa? Good? Nah. Bad? Probably. Ugly? Ur ugly. Lemme lay this down for ya – if you think Stompas are where it’s at… And Stompas are very much where it’s at – then the Kustom Stompa is your best chance to run a Stompa since a misprint made Buzzgob’s Kustom Stompa cost 400 points in like 6th edition. For starters – his WS degrades and ironically for something called a Stompa he doesn’t have any stomping feet attacks. So go ahead and forget him krumping fings for now. This fella is just the swingiest shootiest… Read more »

Dale Campbell
Lodge Member
Dale Campbell
4 years ago

I’m so glad you worked out why the WB on bike is so good. He will be a staple in comp armies across the board. I’m definitely out to get 3 Killtanks as well. Yes you burn a bunch of CP for the detachment but you build either a speed waagh or greentide around them and you won’t need the CP anyway. The kustom Stompa is silly but it’s cheaper than I normal one I believe off the top of my head, which bodes well for the normal one. #JusticeforStompa

4 years ago

Love the videos, but these faction focus vids would be a lot easier to follow for a noob like me if you had either the name or a picture of what you’re talking about on screen.

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Bone I am going to have to disagree on the Squiggoth vs. Bonebreaka comparison. At base you are paying 10pts more to allow the embarked unit to shoot. Thats a huge boon as the Bonebreaka is not open topped. I would say its borderline good as is for 360pts you can Teleporta it in turn two with 10 tankbustas and try and get stuck in. With the Howdah rule not only are the tankbustas able to fire with no penalty, but even once stuck in they are still shooting freely. . Also gotta agree wholeheartedly on the Kill Tank. I… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m sure you’ll hear this a lot, but the warboss on bike is nuts when you really beef him up with easily given traits. Give him the killy klaw, the 4++ invuln and extra attack and wound from biggest boss, and you now have a character missile doing flat 3 damage with a tough invuln and the same amount of wounds as the deffkilla. Then you can either give him the Brutal but Cunning warlord trait to make him more killy with a 4 damage claw rerolling all hits and wounds or the warlord trait to make him t8 if… Read more »

Val Heffelfinger
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Don’t sleep on follow me ladz! Warlord trait. Let’s him use Waaagh on infantry and vehicles and bikes oh my

Val Heffelfinger
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Watching bone work out why the Biker Boss is so good in real time basically made my day

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Thx for the review gents.
A warboss on bike with da biggest boss + killa klaw and brutal but cunning warlord trait is oneshotting alot of stuff in CC.
So hang on, theres Nobz on warbikes in the Ork codex aswell (pg 99), are the forgeworld ones cheaper->better?

Peter Hofmann
Lodge Warrior Member
Peter Hofmann
4 years ago

Is there a reason, i cannot download this video?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I was looking forward to watching this and you say that one of the orks best units is inferior to the Wartrike.