*NEW CODEX* Dark Angels: The Good, Bad & Ugly | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Chef February 9, 202155  105 55 Likes

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Whilst a bit later than hoped, Beard and Chef sit down to discuss some of the Good Bad and Ugly from the latest Dark Angels Supplement!

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Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I don’t believe DW is broken as the low body count and slowness of the army will make it hard to have board control. Imagine DW versus daemons or orks. How will 5 or 10 ob sec models hold an objective against 20-30 bodies and with their board control? also against things like drukhari and so on with their crazy mobility you may take the center but they will get rest of the board. So overall DA are strong but with clear weaknesses that a good player can exploit. On a side note although DW is strong weight of fire… Read more »

3 years ago

Im a DA only player and i have some thoughts. Firstly, i hear constantly marines have too much stuff. That is not true for me, i play ravenwing/deathwing only and we have not had many releases that apply to me bar some exceptions (outriders, speeders) so i am getting really bored of being villified by the marines op please nerf crew. Secondly, real talk, deathwing were unplayable for years now. And if you wanted to run a fluffy ravenwing list, you have to pay cp and are forced to take troops. This has now been fixed. This is a strong… Read more »

Samuel Rowland
Samuel Rowland
3 years ago

I would agree with the comments you made Chef that the DA Codex isn’t too strong.

It was only earlier in the week my friend beat a Dark Angels army with his Imperial Fists force that included Lascannon Centurions and a squad of Reivers haha.

It made me smile 🙂

Lodge Member
3 years ago

You really do have to think about how to allocate assets in the army to make it work as people are fearing. Stubborn Defiance: How much do you invest in that unit to ensure it can hold for 5 turns? A Deathwing terminator squad with Ancient close by. So 100pts for the ancient plus pennant of remembrance. Do you risk going just 5 terminators, or the full 10 to ensure the 15 points. let’s say you risk it and put just 5 on there (combat squadded from a 10 man so you can have both heavy weapons sitting back..preferably cyclones.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by bullyboy
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

It’s controversial!
Rather then completely wading into the mud here I will only say that with regards to the ‘only wound on 4+’ inner circle rule it makes more sense to me if said units were then a little more expensive.

Last edited 3 years ago by Uddhava
Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

I do love the discussions had on this site,unlike the other less fortunate mass stuck to “social” media who don’t play 40k we can politely smash each other to pieces with theory and strategy. We can agree or disagree about everything then play the gentleman’s (lady’s as well these day’s which is good) game with are own ways to play and a random D6. In a world of crazy humans the sane ones are people who play a fantasy game set nearly 40 thousand years in the future based on a world of even crazier humans.

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt Hall
Mikey Bishop
Mikey Bishop
3 years ago

Really enjoyed that review, top work. Now we have a few 9th Ed codexes I’m really looking forward to your content over the next weeks and months. Dark Angels, Death Guard, Necrons, Marines all going up against each other is going to be great!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

A good review. I think this makes Dark Angels similar to Custodes, a good gatekeeping faction, that a good player will win well with, but will not shake up the tournament scene that much as they don’t have many gotcha tactics or overwhelming killing ability like quins or chaos soup. They’ll probably be a small issue at casual level as casual games are decided by base stats rather than strong synergies, but that’s hard to balance. And anyone who compares to iron hands in late 8th clearly doesn’t remember how broken they were. An entire army of move, shoot, reroll… Read more »

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

The 4+ to wounds is all good but makes almost no difference with average infantry guns,fire the strength 5 and over weapons at targets that don’t have it.Close combat units can still do the biz against them with the number of attacks but charging with a single character, monster probably not an option.

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt Hall
William Kowalski-Terry
William Kowalski-Terry
3 years ago

I managed to play against DW with my Salamanders.

They do have amazing powers don’t get me wrong. With amazing abilities.

However I won every game mainly due to board control. I had so many units in comparison giving me greater board control. Each game has been fairly close.

Understand the comments back being marines versus marines… But they are both updated codex which had balanced games so hopefully it keeps up with each new release.

3 years ago

For those who are calling for the nerf bat already I would ask two things: 1) I’ve played Dark Angels since Rouge Trader. Please let me have this moment in the sun 🙂 2) On paper the codex looks really strong, but until you write a list and play a game how can you know if it is broken? Yes I can take a full Deathwing army and become incredibly tough to shift but I’ll be slow moving and not that great at shooting. So I should take both Deathwing and Ravenwing, now its costing me CP and your shooting… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

They need to hurry up with these codexes. I cant wait to see what they have in store for all the other factions. If they put even a third as much effort into the individual Chaos factions guard regiments, craftworlds etc. as they have with the codexes so far, I think a lot of people will be very happy.

Ethan Holt
Ethan Holt
3 years ago

With everyone thinking this supplement is Iron Hands broken, it’s good that the RW Apothecary was not mentioned. That would have been too much for them to take. Hahaha.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Sorry Chef, but this time I totally, strongly, fervently disagree with you. I’ll have to rant since you (surprisingly for me) didn’t. Deathwing is as broken as Iron Hands was, if not even worst, and Ravenwing is following close behind. In an edition that is all about controlling objectives they have OBSEC terminators immune to morale that effectively ignore AT LEAST 75% (4+ to wound and then 4++) of the attacks sent their way, and then come back thanks to the apothecary. Doesn’t need that much theorycraft to see this is wrong on so many levels. No matter what you’ll… Read more »

3 years ago

Great analysis guys. Looking forward to seeing the Ravenwing make a return with their new rules. @Chef in a more competitive RW list do you see a place for the humble typhoon when there are more “optimised” options available such as attack bikes to take advantage of the Core keyword and apothecary shenanigans?

3 years ago

The bad for all of these marine supplements is their existence before the other factions get a 9e codex. The backlash would have been more severe had covid not brought playing to a standstill for 9e’s life till now.

André Ferl
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Is it good or is it “Iron Hands-over-the-top-of-8th-edition” good?

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I realize that anything that doesn’t completely agree with the lads will get downvoted for no justifiable reason. That being said…I completely disagree with Chef’s statement that this codex is strong but not too strong. Was the 8th edition Iron Hand codex strong but not strong before it was nerfed? That’s what this is in terms of 9th edition. Free transhuman and objective secured on terminators. The best pysker discipline in the game bar none. Great synergy between all elements of a DA army with Ravenwing and Deathwing. There’s literally no downside whatsoever with this army. Compare this to, say,… Read more »

david tipton
david tipton
3 years ago

another great analysis guys good job

Kevin Likins
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Thought I’d share my own custom conversions of Azrael. I’ve done 2 so far but can’t say I’ve definitively nailed it yet.

bart wasteels
bart wasteels
3 years ago

Giving an already great Codex a great Supplement is an Ugly, when there are factions out there who have a horrible Codex. Game design wise, it’s horrendous to give a new codex extra stuff before everyone has a their basics… Especially when this extra stuff is one of the best disciplines, a lot of free passive rules. Also calling Inner circle their ‘kinda’ chapter tactic while grim resolve is better than a lot of Legion traits out there hurts :p (Word Bearers e.g.) Having no “index” secondaries for all the factions is also an ugly when the supplement chapters get… Read more »

3 years ago

just gotta say love the beard and chef dynamic. More Please!!

Daniel Davis
Lodge Warrior Member
Daniel Davis
3 years ago

I like the codex in general it feels like a pic a mix of goodies but you can’t have it all. I’m excited to see some more Dangels batreps on the channel soon 💪🏼

Liam Hartley-wright
Lodge Member
Liam Hartley-wright
3 years ago

can we get a battle report, death guard VS death wing / death watch. Death all round

Thomas Abery
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

This just makes the pain that was Mephistons rules more painful 😭

3 years ago

Hi Chef, not sure if you saw my response to your message on YouTube before that guy deleted it his message to which we both had replied, but fair play for your comment back. Your all different on this channel and thats a good thing. Love your editing recently aswell, some of those unexpected snippets in the vids bring a welcome smile to my face! All the best… And FOR THE LION!

PS hope you have some Deathwing as I would love to see them used in a game!

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
3 years ago

Great video! Awesome edits. I also think that DA while strong aren’t overpowered (loyal Salamander player here). Looking forward to seeing them on a batrep… Or a crusade????? How cool would that be, with Chaos, Fallen, inquisition and Dark Angels

kyle weaver
kyle weaver
3 years ago

my old angels of Caliban finally have some real teeth. plus great vid guys

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Real shame how GW came up with points costs to give character inner circle, but couldn’t seem to do that with special ammo in deathwatch……

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great review of a great book. Also…really tough terminators…finally…who would have thought? But very nice you made a point that Dark Angels aren’t just Deathwing.
And…just check out “Kitbashing Primaris Azrael” by Pete the Wargamer on Youtube. Mosty built from the Lazarus model. Looks absolutely great. There you go Mr. Chef. 😉

Enhanced Ignorance
Lodge Member
Enhanced Ignorance
3 years ago

Y’all at killing it with the edits and once again fantastic review. Not dressing anything up and just telling it how it is. I’m in love with this book and I’m excited to finally be able to run more than 1-2 builds. Loyalty is its own reward brothers

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Hahaha… It just smashes the Space Wolf Codex to bits in ALL ways….
Blade Guard, terminators all the same costs as Space Wolves but inherintly better.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great review gents I love that beard and bone have their own sound bites 😆

Lodge Member
3 years ago

You highlighted one very important part of this new army (and I can attest to it because I’ve been trying to build lists with this since the Index), you run out of points SO quickly while trying to get all the pieces in place. Strong? Yes, but you won’t get it all, there will be gaps.

3 years ago

Great!! Evening is saved 👍🏼

3 years ago

Great! Now I know what I will be listening to tonight 👍🏼😊. Might cheer me up somewhat since now my own DA codex is lost in Brexit UPS Chaos together with my Deathguard codex.

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
3 years ago

Ahh the I win button. Time to respray those marines again xD

Jonas Dedeyne
Lodge Member
Jonas Dedeyne
3 years ago

My goodness, just pumping out the content. Keep up the good work guys!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Tonight’s viewing sorted. I can stop pestering you guys on social media now 😁.