*NEW CODEX* Drukhari vs Death Guard 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s here! Spider brings the revamped Drukhari into Realspace, but will Bone and the Death Guard blunt their raid before they even get going?!
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Obsession: Kabal of the Obsidian Rose
+ HQ +
Master Archon: Warlord- Hatred Eternal, Relic- The Djin Blade, Blast Pistol
+ Troops +
5x Kabalite Warriors
Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
3x Kabalite Warriors: Splinter Rifle
5x Kabalite Warriors
Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
3x Kabalite Warriors: Splinter Rifle
5x Kabalite Warriors
Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
3x Kabalite Warriors: Splinter Rifle
5x Kabalite Warriors
Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
3x Kabalite Warriors: Splinter Rifle
5x Kabalite Warriors
Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
3x Kabalite Warriors: Splinter Rifle
+ Elites +
9x Incubi
10x Mandrakes
10x Mandrakes
10x Mandrakes
+ Heavy Support +
Ravager: 3x Dark Lance
Ravager: 3x Dark Lance
Ravager: 3x Dark Lance
+ Dedicated Transport +
Raider: Dark Lance
Raider: Dark Lance
Raider: Dark Lance
Raider: Dark Lance
Raider: Dark Lance
Raider: Dark Lance
++ Total: 1,999pts++
Death Guard
++ Spearhead Detachment ++
Plague Company: Poxmongers
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Warlord- Arch Contaminator, Relic- The Suppurating Plate, Hellforged Sword, Malefic Talon, Foetid Wings
+ Heavy Support +
Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon
Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon
Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon
Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Entropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger
Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Entropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger
Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Entropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger
++ Vanguard Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Malignant Plaguecaster: Gift of Decay- The Putrid Periapt
+ Elites +
7x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption
5x Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
5x Deathshroud Terminators
Foul Blightspawn: Gift of Decay – Revolting Stench-vats
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Seeing this on YouTube was what brought me here. Still like the Mandrake spam…
I’ve been working on a very similar list to this but instead of the 30 Mandrakes I am only taking 2×5 and bringing some Scourges for some additional deepstrikng
Question I have for the TTT boys. It appears the new Drukhari codex is very strong. Was it balanced against the other 9th codexes we have seen, e.g. Space Marines?
Hm, let’s see. Cheap bodies plus cheap anti-tank spam (most of it min damage 4) vs. a few big tanks and a couple squads of 3w terminators. Wonder how this will go.
I have a question that came up in a tournament how many attacks does a succubis get with the following stats Succubus [4 PL, 75pts, -1CP]: *Random x 2* (Combat Drug), Competitive Edge, Dark Lotus Toxin, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition [-1CP] Agoniser & Archite Glaive Show Stealer (Strife) [1 PL, 15pts]: Show Stealer [1 PL, 15pts] My opponent said that she gets 12 attacks because her stat line says 6 attacks and she is armed with 2 CCW. I thought about it later and feel this may be incorrect. I would assume that she would have to pick one of the… Read more »
I know I am kind of late to the party. Life has hindered me from watching as fast as I usualy did. But I just wanted to say I am hyped for the league! Cannot wait for the content to come. Also… I miss you guys sitting together to really talk about the lists with the occasional ramble. I hope, you implement them again, as soon as it is possible.
Great battle also. I hate to see the dark eldar win, but for the sake of my best friends fun, it is probably better this way. 😀
Hello there! I have a somewhat stupid question about Drukhari secondary “Take them alive”, it’s unclear: do i score 3 vp for any number of enemy characters/monsters destroyed during battle round? So, if I kill, say, 3 characters and 2 monsters i will only get… 3 vp?
Tough match Bone. Fantastic list Spider. For the DG list you used, the lower command points it actually had makes the list unviable. I tend to think for death guard the more units you have the better, and the more firepower you have the better. Can’t believe an iconic unit such as a defiler does not have disgustingly resilient, strange decision. Suggest no deamon engine will get it. The fact battle is I over turn 1 is a sad indictment of the game. Maybe it should be that a player moves, then the other moves and so on for each… Read more »
Congrats to Lawrence on the little one. (Not talking about Bone).
Was wondering where the scenery comes from? It looks amazeballs.
This is so not worth bringing up, but… rAiDeRs GeT bLaDe ArTiStS!!!
i think hellbrutes with tallyman is probably more interesting than the defilers. tally can give them exploding 6s and make one hit on 2s not to mention the cp he gives back, which bone coulda used.
Victory resting on the roll for first turn is about the biggest damning indictment of the game I can think of! I’m not quite certain why it’s all gone so wrong for this game, but I’m sure this never used to be such a big problem in previous editions.
Anyway, my sympathies to Bone for having to endure that…again! Definitely wasn’t the best game I’ve ever watched!
Has Spider’s rules been updated as well as the Drukhari? Instead of rolling super well himself he now syphons the luck from his opponents!
Great game. Glad to see the Drukhari doing well!
Sorry if this point has already been made, but I can’t search comments.
I’d be dead keen to watch a rematch to see what happens if the Death Guard go first. However, noting the Bone had far fewer command points in his list than he thought, would this change his view on the overall strength/viability of the list?
Hey dudes. How many games is adequate experience before entering a tournament? I haven’t played in 20 years but I’ve just painted 5000 points of Blood Angels. Don’t want to look like a doosh though…
Great game, with two very spicy lists. However, Bones dice were awful. Not sure how he managed to irritate the dice gods so much! Those daemon saves were waaaay off what they should have been.
The dark kin are looking so good with lots of different ways to play them. Hopeful this bodes well for the Craftworlds codex getting the same love.
Just finished watching this and I think your 10 minutes at the end was amazing. Because it wasn’t ‘for camera’ it wasn’t in anyway salty or poor winner. It was two friends genuinely discussing how to get the best out of eachother and the games. And I’d like to see that sort of synopsis going forward. And a “what if” side show of games with list changes and whatever would be great but also that’s what leagues are for as you say to build and develop. Great watch. As always. Well done lads.
The lesson here is that you should stay away from tanks in 9th. Hard to remove or horde infantry is king, especially in cheap transports. It’s all about obsec and scoring so this dg list was bad at both of those things. It was a fun list though but you brought a hot dog to a knife fight.
Also, the dice trench needs some tinkering, skip the mousemat bottom and maybe go for leather, I heard that some Drukhari use human skin in theirs?
Sorry guys, gotta say it. Love the report, love the content, hate the trough of doom. Go back to table rolling or the dice tray as before. Watching those dice bobble round and seeing bones frustration was also infuriating. You can’t roll dice properly in there, I’m used to spider destroying the board with his kung fu dice rolls. It’s a petty small thing I know. Keep safe and well done on the first born, hope you are getting some sleep.
The Defiler models look awesome, would have loved to have seen them added to one of CSM armies where they benefit from Disco lord/Master of Possession/Blasphemous Machines/Warp Time support. Not sure where they fit into a DGuard army, maybe in a more combat orientated one? I like the WS/BS increase they get but the points increase and loss of benefits the CSM Defilers get seem like a net loss to me. Hope they dont gut them in the new CSM codex as well, its sad you rarely see them. Cant wait to see them again though and get some love… Read more »
This was really good to watch as a newkhari player as of last year this game has given me a few things to try out. Thanks heaps and keep up the awesome work the whole team is putting in. The content just keeps getting better and the quality is 2nd to none as far as I am concerned.
It’s a very situational matter but I generally considered mandatory the drones with the fleshmower in the competitive because they give the DG the flexibility and the speed to react to fast armies. They may not do all but often they’ll give you time to react dealing some damage.
Also the plague marines are a really good troops and I’d play them almost always.
This are my takes guys.
As always I love your job and thanks for the bat rep.
If you do run a league style internal tournament will you do a Home/away style match ups were each army plays another twice, once being given the first turn (a home game) and once having to go second (away match)? Lovely game though. Not a five turn nail biter but even better as a true show of what can happen at top level play.
Also hope you ok Bone, you seemed quite subdued in this match.
Bone brought a brutal Death Guard list to crush the Flesh Tearers. Spider brought a brutal Drukhari list to crush the Death Guard. Both fights were terribly one-sided. If you take those same 4 lists and switch the opponents, you’d get more fun games. That’s just the way 9th is now. Armies are performing the way they should, which means a competitive list played by an expert is going to vaporize someone if their list is at a serious disadvantage. That’s by GW’s design. Smaller boards, less random scenarios, etc. everything is written for faster and less random outcomes for… Read more »
Great move with making those dice trays. Its a helpful addition to your setup and speeds things up where cocked dice aren’t really a thing anymore. One bit of advice I can offer is to use double-sided carpet tape to stick the rubber strips down onto the wood and avoid the annoying waves.
The perfect episode for an Easter-weekend chillathon. Loved it guys – and great to see some really top-tier lists going toe-to-toe.
Would love to see both lists again, so looking forward to the upcoming league-style games!
Thanks as always chaps.
I think that Spider’s list with all that dark lance fire was the perfect army to take out Bone’s list. That amount of high strength, high damage firepower is ideal for taking out big tough units like Defilers and Crawlers. I do think that turn one the luck really swung in Spider’s favour, especially with the saves. Plus if Bone had gone first he would have been able to cast some defensive powers. I wonder if something like footslogging White Scars might do well against this list? Let Spider spend those expensive dark lance shots taking out 2 and 3… Read more »
That was absolutely savage. Am I correct when I say that a raider is 85 points, can fly transport 11 and has a dark lance that now does d3+3 damage? If I did the points right a rhino is about the same points. Ummmmm yeah balance gamesworkshops motto. They really need to change it to whatever we need to sell at the moment. As far as the game I know Bone did his best and had some really crappy rolls but this was over in the first turn. I agree that with some armies if they get first turn just… Read more »
Not sure about the dice trays. They force camera angles which aren’t as nice to look at such as when it’s first person dice rolling I found myself looking at the floor a lot rather than the great battlefield 😂
Loved the list Bone, but would putting some Defilers in reserves to come on from the board edge to protect them and to threaten up the board have helped? Along with deep striking one of the Terminator units to keep the oppo guessing and alter movement plans… Otherwise you just sit there taking a whole lot of manoeuvrable dark light for 2-3 turns…
Raiders are one of the first 40k models I ever saw 20+ years ago or so – great to see a table full of them being super effective!
Oooft, my first outing with new Drukhari in a realspace raid vs Death Guard went much the same as this! Lovely stuff and can’t wait to see some more Drukhari list varieties.
Also, had to say sorry but I’m not liking the trays…it all feels a bit awkward and clinical to watch.
This was an interesting report but was difficult to watch in some ways. I still believe 40k has a significant issue at a competitive level with first turn advantage, particularly enabling fast firepower armies to cause major damage immediately. The dice slanted this effect further, but imagine if the death guard went first and their firepower had done decent damage, killing a couple of boats including a ravager? This would have been a very different game. I do think mandrakes are super good and undercosted, principally due to their different options for movement shennagins. Death guard are undoubtedly solid, and… Read more »
Those Defilers were too beautiful for this world. Rest in pieces you disgusting betentacled monsters.
What happened to Stig?
Where did you get the statue terrain? Love the look of it.
I know this is a bit of a late comment but just wanted to give my 2cents 1) Dark Lance and Incubi are just insane. Its the fact that you can spam them so eaily on very cheap units. The deathguard entropy cannon is only able to be taken on 1 unit so you can have max 6 in a army. The spammable D3+3 just makes so many things just die wayy to easily and not just vehicles. Had it been D3+3 vs vehicles (and not even monsters as they have posion for that) then it would be ok. As… Read more »
Enjoyed this one and learned a lot by seeing how both armies went about it. Spider, as a fellow father, I can’t believe how cogent you are right now. Always great to see you throw dice so very grateful you got the time – and congratulations! Bone, hard luck on those dice and agree with you about first turn at this level of the game. Still, really interesting watching you use the Death Guard these last few games and was especially interesting watching how you might try and turn the tables in a position like this (happens to me a… Read more »
What a show of force!!! I’m curious which faction can stop this Drukhari?! I hope my group the “AdMech” will drive the vampires back into the dark;) Wouldn’t this be a game worth playing?
I love these competitive games and can’t wait for the league.
Just dropped in here to say that I think this dark light heavy drukhari list would win vs a demon enige DG list 9/10 times.
However, I would love to see how a list like the one Bone played against the Flesh Tearers would do.
Im not yet convinced that the drukhari is a hard counter to DG (not talking this game in particular obv, where i completely agree it was a hard counter)
Great to see the Drukari doing their thing. Bone I thing your list needs more stuff! I’d ditch the defilers for more obsec and action monkeys.
Hey gang, first, love the new “coming up” section. Just a lot of fun. Also, over the past ~month I have loved the fun edits being added. I think its is Chef doing most of it, but just been so fun seeing things advance and keep getting better. Love the work, gang!
Love the game, not the Chef trays 😉
I think there was certainly a bit of luck/unluckiness turn 1. Those dark lances did exceptionally well, but honestly not really surprised given it’s Lawrence rolling the dice 😉
Really curious to see your take on a Real Space Raid vs your usual kabal heavy list with lots of shooting. There’s so much good melee in this codex now I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Maybe even dust the Reavers off 🙂
Great game guys!
Not sure I am a fan of the tray. Bring back rolling on the table
Personally I feel like the defilers died after they lost acess to disgustingly resiliance, same as DG rhinos. The defiler clocks in at 14 points per wound (ppw), with T7, 3+/5+ you are not getting the defensive efficiency you need on such a large and slow model. I also feel like when you play a defensive army like DG you need to not present any good targets, the target priority against this DG army seems pretty straight forward to me, you kill the defilers. Yes Morty can potentially be blown off the board but atleast the guy is built to… Read more »
Interesting game and always great to see the evil mastermind at work (sorry Mr Bone 😊), but it’s a bit more evidence to me that multi wound models are becoming pointless across a huge swathe of 40k. When you’re able to put down such a huge number of high damage, high reliability shots it’s a complete washout (and that isn’t just the drukhari list here). I play marines, and honestly I don’t see the point of bringing anything bigger than a bike. How the Guard would fare in this meta is completely baffling. So either tanks need to get costed… Read more »
Great batrep and excellent to see the new Drukhari in the hands of Spider. I think Bone is maybe being a bit hard on himself. Going first or making the average on those daemon saves first turn would have kept enough firepower on the board to whittle down some darklances. Agree it is a tough matchup for the Deathguard though, but its also good to see them have weaknesses and not be the autowin people claim them to be. The ‘letting someone have first turn’ idea is interesting for sure, as I guess it lets each player deploy aggressively/defensively to… Read more »
I think D3+3 damage is a bit much. 2D3 would have made most rolls 3-4 damage which is perfect. But hey, its where we are now. I’m also wondering if the recent batch of codices is not forcing opponents to come up with gimmicky playstyles to work around certain rules. for instance against DG, I’m scrapping anything thats D2 so goodbye bladeguard vets and thunderhammers and powerfists. Going all lightning claws on my SW is the future. In a way its cool that an army can have such strength that you have to reevaluate your entire list, but on the… Read more »
It’d be really interesting to see Drukhari vs. Grey Knights, and vs. Necrons!