Grey Knights vs Orks 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef September 18, 202143  27 43 Likes

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It’s a new Codex throwdown as Spider and Beard bring the war machines out in force in this savage League match!

00:00 Intro

1:45 Ork Army List

5:27 Grey Knights Army List

12:06 Mission

13:13 Game Intro

15:25 Game

1:41:05 What sort of animals live in the Warp Beard?

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The Army Lists are:

Grey Knights

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Brotherhood: Rapiers

+ HQ +

Lord Kaldor Draigo: Warlord- Daemon Slayer, Powers- Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom

Brother-Captain: Shield of Humanity- Unyielding Anvil, Armoury of Titan- Sanctic Shard, Wisdom of the Prognosticars- Omen of Incursion, Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon, Power- Warp Shaping,

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Shield of Humanity- First to the Fray, Relic- Sigil of Exigence, Wisdom of the Prognosticars- Servant of the Throne, Nemesis Greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Powers- Empyric Amplification, Vortex of Doom

+ Troops +

5x Strike Squad
Grey Knight Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave
3x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword
Grey Knight: Psycannon

5x Strike Squad
Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave
3x Strike Marine: Nemesis Force Sword
Strike Marine: Psycannon

5x Strike Squad
Grey Knight Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave
3x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword
Grey Knight: Psycannon

+ Fast Attack +

10x Interceptor Squad
Interceptor Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword
9x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Sword

10x Interceptor Squad
Interceptor Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword
9x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Sword

10x Interceptor Squad
Interceptor Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword
9x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Sword

+ Heavy Support +

Nemesis Dreadknight: Nemesis Greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter

Nemesis Dreadknight: Nemesis Greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter

++ Total: 2,000pts ++


++ Battalion Detachment ++

Clan Kultur: Deathskulls

+ HQ +

Warboss in Mega Armour: Warlord- Brutal but Kunnin, Relic- Da Krushin’ Armour (NB – In the Video Beard says this guy isn’t his Warlord, but he is, otherwise no Waaagh!!-ing)

Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun: Big Boss- Opportunist, Extra Gubbinz- Super Cybork Body

+ Troops +

10x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
9x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga

10x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
9x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga

10x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
9x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga

10x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
9x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga

+ Elites +

5x Kommandos
Boss Nob: Choppa, SLugga
4x Kommando: Choppa, Slugga

5x Kommandos
Boss Nob: Choppa, SLugga
4x Kommando: Choppa, Slugga

+ Fast Attack +

3x Kustom Boosta Blastas

3x Megatrakk Scrapjets

3x Shokkjump Dragstas

++ Outrider Detachment ++

Clan Kultur: Deathskullz

+ HQ +

Deffkilla Wartrike

+ Fast Attack +

4x Warbikers
Boss Nob: Choppa
3x Warbikers: Choppa

4x Warbikers
Boss Nob: Choppa
3x Warbikers: Choppa

4x Warbikers
Boss Nob: Choppa
3x Warbikers: Choppa

++ Total:  1,860pts ++ (Yeah I don’t know what’s missing, I’m waiting for the list properly, had to type this up – Chef)

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Lodge Member
2 years ago

What happened to the on-video rankings @Chef? Due to life I’m always going to be watching the league reports a while after release and the only way to see the “ranking at the time of the current league report” was the one in the video 🙂

Ben Pooley
Ben Pooley
3 years ago

Great video. Loved it. Really got me into the mood for making my own GK army

3 years ago

Daemonic gazelle lolz! 😀

Jason Hoy
Lodge Member
Jason Hoy
3 years ago

I love that Lawrence is the ultimate good sport.
About 38:50 could have easily rerolled a dice that’s sitting on some lichen/weeds. It definitely wasn’t laying flat and a lot of players would have called it cocked and rerolled it. He just sees it’s probably a 2 and keeps the miss.
The world needs more Lawrences at the tabletop.

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
3 years ago

Well done team, i had a very similar and equally glorious experience with my green fellas recently in my first post codex outing. I feel offering any advice would be at least unwelcome and most likely wrong BUT your fellas forgot to be good to their muvvas. Maybe try that?

O Brother J
3 years ago

Dang beard that was some massively unlucky rolling, at least that’s it out the way for awhile…right? Solid tactical play from Lawrence as usual, have to say glad you stuck to your guns and didn’t concede in round 2, lesser men would have 😛

Aaron Borer
Lodge Member
3 years ago

*sad ork noises*

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
3 years ago

3-person batrep ✅
🕷 on screen ✅
Beard’s awful dice rolling ✅
Fun times ✅✅

Robert Harrison
3 years ago

Ah Beard you made 2 mistakes with the weapons.
the booster blasters have 4 burners each and the bikes have 2 dakka guns each.
i have simpathy for you as these are mistakes i used to make, they don’t point it out very well in the codex….
imagine how many kills you could have got with the burnas when overwatching with 3x booster blasters
3x4xd6 automatic hits

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Harrison
Lodge Member
3 years ago

What a fun fun battle. Man Beard I really thought you had him 🙂 Thank you for showcasing both armies so well!
Do you guys have any of the new ork models from the beast snagga box? Squighog boys, that kind of thing?

George Fava
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

those grey knights are nasty! tough game, but I think you hit the nail on the head beard, coming out a bit too aggressive turn 1. I think if you played that bit a little differently and had a little more luck with the dice, this could’ve been a lot closer. great game!!

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
3 years ago

The orks might have lost, but boy did they hit hard on turn two

3 years ago

Cool game! My poor orks 🙁 Beard, at the end with your warboss around the 1:30 mark, you would have totally killed that Dread. Your warboss has Brutal but Cunnin which would have given him more attacks after the two failed hits, wounds, and Spider’s saves, and you do mortal wounds on the charge with your relic. Wouldn’t have mattered with the overall points, but you forgot about both your warlord trait and relic on him, so he was basically just a normal warboss lol Ork heroes are the best!

Joss Wheeler
Joss Wheeler
3 years ago

Spider Draigo knows 3 powers and a smite don’t gimp your self and take another one!

Last edited 3 years ago by Joss Wheeler
Miles Scholl
Miles Scholl
3 years ago


Johan Røikjer
Lodge Member
3 years ago

2 league reports in 2 days!!
This is epic

Tim Wallace
Tim Wallace
3 years ago

When doing the damage to the vehicle around the 48 minute mark it looks like you applied the damage order wrong as Mortal Wounds are applied at the end. So the first two dice did seven damage (and then you applied the mortal wound to kill it) and then rolled another die of damage. Should of been the 7 damage, rolled another dice to over kill it and the last step would of been to apply the Mortal Wound.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Ooh. Now this is interesting, just picked up the Ork and Grey Knight codexes (have at it grammar guys) – am leaning more towards the GK. Mainly as this is a distraction while I wait for new chaos codex, and that just feels like it makes sense. In the nemesis sense. Haha

kevin flower
Lodge Member
kevin flower
3 years ago

Yes! My beloved grey knights vs one of my fav armies. Saturday night hype!

Matt Barsby
Matt Barsby
3 years ago


Martin Sullivan
Martin Sullivan
3 years ago

Sweet! Knights versus the boys! This’ll be fun 🙂

ben wylie
ben wylie
3 years ago

yay more GK goodness cant wait