How to Survive 9th Edition – Craftworlds | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Chef November 3, 202124  22 24 Likes

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Next up in the Survival series, Chef and Jinx try to read the runes for ideas on how to help the Craftworlds endure!

00:00 Intro

02:15 So what’s the issue?

07:01 But what can they do?

11:23 Top 3 Units

21:45 Top 3 Combos

34:12 Wrap Up

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Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Keep em coming ! 🖤

James Holdsworth
3 years ago

I love the Eldar and always have, but the best way to survive 9th with them, is to leave them at home.

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Love the discussion! On the subject of the Wraith blob: Chef’s totally right about them not being very killy. Unless! Unless you’re a fluffbunny like me who can’t run a wraith army that’s not Iyanden, then there’s a decent combo to be had. It’s a shame that Iyanden’s trait is garbage, but their relic is okay and their strat is actually amazing if you’re running wraiths. Guided Wraithsight allows you to enhance the Spiritseer’s aura, making it a 12″ bubble of rerolls to hit (not wound, Chef seems to have misspoke). In effect, it gives you access to Guide without… Read more »

Autarch Olly
3 years ago

I used to have a lot of fun with Craftworld in 8th, I think the last game I played was an Expert Crafters list with as many AMLs as I could bring and it was brilliant, along with the wraithblades blob in a wave serpent (with the auto-advance 6″ upgrade) with their spiritseer, and a blob of wraithguard with cannons in the webway coming down to detonate any vehicle (this was back when knights were good). Nowadays though I feel like you don’t play them unless you have at least 10 shining spears and those models are just…baaaad. I already… Read more »

3 years ago

Have high hopes that GW have a great vision to rework Craftworlds to match past fluff & lore. It has to start with a new model range though, and a reason to buy a nice variety of units. I was disappointed they stopped Phoenix Lords with Jain Zar and the reworked Banshees. I would love to field a number of different Aspect warriors to fulfil the Farseer’s battle plan on the field. The book & models need the complete love & attention they deserve.

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Chef. I love you. But man, if you’re not gonna chat FW… maybe don’t put a Wraithseer right there on the table!!!!

Paul Power
3 years ago

Good discussion, thanks gang. I’ve been playing Eldar past year since starting back up and I’d definitely agree the psychic powers are crucial to winning with Craftworlds. But such a heavy reliance on them means you’re incredibly swingy. There are so many ways psychic powers can fail – Can’t cast the power, fail to cast (not to mention perils), then opportunity to deny. And then the power goes off and might help your unit. In a game where armies are getting buffs and abilities per turn and inherently it can be frustrating. That said I love being so fast and… Read more »

Stephan Richter
Lodge Member
Stephan Richter
3 years ago

I’m surprised you didn’t mention Expert Crafters, as it’s the main trait in use and a massive crutch for pretty much any really strong CWE list at this point.

Francis Cowper
Francis Cowper
3 years ago

Thanks for the video! Love hearing thoughts on Craftworlds. I agree with the big picture view of the army – you’re fast and have great board control, and some really nice shooting and psychic options, but your expensive models die to a stiff breeze and the game is about holding points. I feel like I lose a lot of games to my opponent having access to some sort of reasonably tough or numerous obsec unit that is better than Eldar in combat (almost anything is better than an Elf in a fight these days, unless they’re juiced up with combat… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Francis Cowper
Samuel Green
Samuel Green
3 years ago

On the intro point about Forgeworld. How do y’all feel about it? As a player who has only ever played in the age of plastic… the idea of these expensive, resin, clearly overtuned units is something I don’t want to get into. But if everyone is chill with it, maybe I should embrace the resin?

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
3 years ago

I was so excited for more nids xD

Stephan Richter
Lodge Member
Stephan Richter
3 years ago

Typical Eldar treachery with that Guard vs Nids thumbnail, drawing in others to fight their battles!

Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
3 years ago

The thumbnail image for this video was the same as yesterday’s until I clicked on it…

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