**NEW CODEX** Tyranids vs T’au Empire 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

With the arrival of the Tyranid Codex, Jinx leads up the forces of the Hive Mind against Bard and the superior firepower of the T’au Empire!
Be sure to get the full details with our in depth Tactical Guide!
00:00 Intro
02:46 Tyranids Army List
05:10 T’au Empire Army List
07:47 Mission & Deployment
08:40 Game Intro
10:48 Game
1:28:33 Get Hype
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The Army Lists are:
++ Leviathan Battalion ++
+ HQ +
Tervigon: Warlord- Direct Guidance, Relic- Preceptic Node, Massive Scything Talons, Power- Catalyst
The Swarmlord: Powers- Psychic Scream, Neuroparasite
Tyranid Prime: Rarified Enhancments- The Ymgarl Factor, Hive Predator- Alien Cunning, Dual Boneswords, Deathspitter
+ Troops +
20x Termagants: Fleshborers
20x Termagants: Fleshborers
8x Tyranid Warriors: Adrenal Glands
7x Tyranid Warrior: Dual Boneswords, Deathspitter
Tyranid Warrior: Dual Boneswords, Venom Cannon
+ Elites +
10x Genestealers
10x Genestealers
6x Zoanthropes: Power- Onslaught
+ Heavy Support +
Tyrannofex: Rupture Cannon
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
T’au Empire
++ Farsighted Enclaves Battalion ++
+ HQ +
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit: Prototype System- DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, 1x Shield Drone
Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit: Warlord- Precision of the Hunter, Relic- The Be’gel Hunter’s Plate, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, 1x Shield Drone
Cadre Fireblade
+ Troops +
10x Breacher Team
10x Breacher Team
10x Strike Team
10x Strike Team
+ Elites +
4x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
Crisis Shas’ui: Iridium battlesuit, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
2x Crisis Shas’ui: Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
2x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
4x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Shield Generator
3x Crisis Shas’ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Shield Generator
2x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
+ Heavy Support +
Riptide Battlesuit: Ion Accelerator, 2x Smart Missile System
Sky Ray Gunship: 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons
Sky Ray Gunship: 2x Accelerator Burst Cannons
+ Dedicated Transport +
Devilfish: 2x Smart Missile Systems
Devilfish: 2x Smart Missile Systems
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Jinx, in 30 seconds you revealed yourself to be both a Jurassic Park and a Star Wars nerd! <3 <3 <3
You guys are fun to watch but the games are hard to enjoy. New codexes are broken, point and click, way OP Stupid stupid rules. many other commenters have already pointed out the nonsense in this codex. I know Jinx is excited since its her fav army but seriously, as content creators, it has to be hard to read these new rules with a straight face and think this crap is good for the game.
This is nothing aginst you guys at all! The current state of the codexes and with how complicated that the main missions are now, I’m starting to really loose intrest in the gaming side of 40k. I’m starting to play AoS more just due to the fact that it is easier to play. I would also love a good Chef rant 🙂
Im trying not to be Whiny. But … After “my entire army has transhuman, my psykers has 4++ save and get +5 to cast” i just skipped till the end. Looking at the vp i didnt miss anything. 😟
Great game you guys! It was fun to see the new codex, but its way to strong. The rule that gives all units within synaptic link an inv save (and other things each turn) affect way to many units. And whats with the permanent transhuman of leviathan. The codex creep is a real problem in my opinion. If you play an army with an older codex you have to write quite powerful lists just to keep it balanced in casual games. Its sadly making me loose interest in the gaming side of the hobby. I want to se a Chef… Read more »
James, make sure you check the riptide ion guns profile. Standard damage is 3 and overcharged is 4 so no reason to risk mortals if you’re only firing at 3 wound models.
Ähm, James, did you ever used your farsight trait? I mean, you were pretty often in 12″ of enemy units? Whoops, jap you did. Nervermind. 👀
Nice game! Some more top view shots here and there would have been nice. With only spiders close up filming of the table it was sometimes hard to follow what was going on.
The day people stop saying “glow up” can’t come soon enough…
ALL THE GUNS ALL THE TAU GUNS I think a shooting phase is going to end then James drops “now onto the rockets d6 super fire blaster 5000”
Excellent match, love seeing the new codex and how it paired up to another really powerful book. GG both of you.
A fun game to watch! You guys make all the bad stuff seem far less bad with your great energy!
That said, it is sad to see the Codex-creep keep going strong. Recent releases make the Drukhari and Grey Knights not seem so bad anymore.
Hoping for better balanced rules in the future and as always, looking forward to more content from you great folks at TTT!
After a busy work day yesterday settling down to watch with my lil lad, his first comment……OMG dad look at all them models …. he’s in awe of your shelves, as in fact am I lol,
Breathe Jinx, breathe! Great game, you guys have got the filming/editing down to a tea, it’s done really well. I cancelled my warhammer+ subscription and replaced it with your on demand. No regrets 😀
Great battle report as always. The name Sippy tea never fails to bring a smile to my face and a Spider joke never fails to make me laugh out loud. Thank you 🙂
Nids have better resurrection rules than Necrons now.. lol
Can someone explain to me why you need to roll things 1 at a time to use a re-roll since everything is meant to happen at once? I am sure this is correct but not how I have been playing it.
Necrons need a new codex so freaking bad now….
HOLY MOLY – Katie was sooooooooooo excited!
Interesting game to watch. Thank you for that.
I am still not quite sure what to think of Tyranids. For some reason I just can´t relate to them.
First I lobed the game and you guys make it 100% more enjoyable with that energy 2 ned heads playing against each other, I don’t know if you flipped a coin for it or the Bard was afraid of Jinx will eat him whole 😉. I just want to say what I think everyone wants to see. I didn’t crunch the numbers yet, but hear me out (I am not a ned player): TYRANIDS 3 tervigons 120 termagants 2 tyrannofexs 6 hive guard Tau Sa’cea sept Cold star 3×10 Strike teams 6 crisis Battlesuits all flamers 3 Piranha Stormsurge Just… Read more »
With chaos continuing to be painful to play, and not in a good pain sort of way, I have branched out in to Tyranids, so its nice to see the codex in a game on here (as opposed to just TTS where they thoroughly stomped my EC/Knights list).
Love it! and love the enthusiasm (especially Katies!) Hope the new chaos books will make me as excited when they finally, eventually, arrive!
You guys really are killing it these days! Spider must be proud of the development!
TTT – snapping necks and cashing cheques!
I just don’t understand why they decided to nerf the Irconclot Furnance of The Poxmongers relic … When they’re handing out 4+ invulnerable saves out so readily.
why Thousand Sons don’t have something similar to the Zoanthropes ? I mean the mortal wound output is insane.
Endless swarm strat you have to place resurrected models on the board within engagement range of enemy unit (if the unit is already in engagement range) which those gaunts were with the devil fish
Didnt expect Adeptus Mechanicus at 7:30 😀
Katie when the big bugs explode they only effect enemy models, no more friendly fire from them
Great game and great to see the new nids in action!
I dont understand how Tau couldnt catch up though? Tyranids cap on 45 primary 8 RND 5 engage 6 BiD = 64…
Tau had 3 rounds to score primary and even scored at the end of turn 5??
The Greater Good VS The Grossest Goo.
Victory to the lesser evil, I guess…
Erm you can’t bounce psychic scream off synapse units, it’s still just closest enemy within 18” and hasn’t changed if my leaked copy of the codex is still correct. And neuroparasite is within 12” link range OR 18” of caster. From your explanation before you first cast it you said it was 18” from any synapse in link range and it didn’t seem the fire warriors were in range for it to go off. Bit of a shocker for a 1st psychic phase
I name the tervigon Tilly
I can never field genestealers again without humming that song, thanks!
Love it
Is sushi the finest biomass?
I really like it when Lawrence is doing the Batman voice comments 🙂
Nice game !
Thanks to everybody 🙂
Every time it shoots, The tyrannofex with rupture canon reminds me of the artillery bug from Starship Trooper.
Happy for Tyranid players, but the Codex seems again to be beyond broken. I guess that is what you need against Harlequins.
Like a once famous sith lord said – ‘I’m looking forward to this’. I am glad Jinx has the Tyranids for this and i was hoping for them to munch through Harlequins, but that can wait a couple of days :D. I will be watching all the videos for this over today – but as I am saving up for squats i wont be able to get an army for them right now 🙁 Thanks guys your da best.
Go Jinx.