**NEW CODEX** Chaos Knights vs Dark Angels 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s time to unleash the hounds as Chef commands the all new Chaos Knights against Beard and a Ravenwing force!
Be sure to get the full details with our in depth Tactical Guide!
Looking for the Imperial Knights? Have no fear, we also have another FREE Tactical Guide available for them as well whilst you wait for their video!
00:00 Intro
02:52 Dark Angels List
05:28 Chaos Knights List
11:32 Mission & Deployment
12:44 Game Intro
14:20 Game
2:05:12 The dulcet cacophony of Chaos
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The Army Lists are:
Chaos Knights
Dark Angels
I’ll enjoy this game very fun and good game to see and nice to see a codex that balance so far lol 😂 let hope they continue this way 🙂
Loved this game and it was very fun to watch. Very happy to see that the codex is not broken and OP right out the gate. This proves GW can get things right when the try too!
Looking forward to seeing the next batrep!
Crazy to think that the entirety of the Internet said that knights have a survivability issue but they shrugged off and entire ravenwing shooting phase and only lost 2 wardogs on turn 2.
House Hufflepuff seems really strong – having extra wounds on bracketed vehicles must feel really nice
Loved the out takes “blessing of the dark master” “Blerererreaaar”…. 😂😂😂
Hey beard don’t forget that dark angels get +1 to hit when standing still. Would’ve helped the tornados in turn 2
Great game. I can see that those dread tests are going to be a problem for certain armies. Imagine trying to play a melee focused Ork army and 2/3 time having to half your charge; it feels a little bit of a may as well concede before starting moment tbh.
Awesome! A painting tutorial! I was just thinking a hobby show is kinda missing from the channel, really lookin forward to that! 🙂
I feel Chef’s way of drawing cards from the deck (round 4) would result in him getting one more victory point. For style.
this was a tight game, good to see the knights with combat weapons again.Also, usual compliments (great chemistry & banter, katie’s awesome, tempest is great). Thanks =)
Awesome game. #tempestisthebestwaytoplayeveron I have a DA speedy army on which I struggle … seems like I would have a chance on them now.
Chef, does the worthy offering require the unit to be dead or just wounds dealt?
@Chef: since you are now officially the Knights expert (how things change 😀 ) I have a question for you: what do you think of putting a Wardogs detachment in a Death Guard list? The issue I always have is that my DG is really light in the shooting phase, and it seems that some Executioners or Stalkers could resolve that issue… or am I missing something?
So Katie is officially a pokemon, interesting, but also explains her jinx powers
Very much appreciate that you now include the movement phase in the battle reports, but mourn the loss of all those hours of movement phase swooshing sound effects that we never got to see in earlier batreps.
+50pts to Chef for the use of Mass Effect Reaper names. Love it.
Eeesh, I really don’t see Tau players having any fun playing against the new knights. With la the abilities Chef showed off on the batrep I don’t see anything Tau could possibly have in their arsenal that could put a significant enough dent in the new knights to have a good chance of winning any games. The war dogs having the ability with CP to basically ignore the entirety of shooting from a riptide or a hammerhead and then potentially getting a feel no pain if you take the right combo and then pretty much having guns that not only… Read more »
Is Harbinger and Sovereign Mass Effect references? Or a coincidence?
Ooooh I want the chaos knight box set! I also want the 30k box set… But that means I have to spend money, that I am saving for the world eaters army… I am in a dilemma here !
painting tutorials!!!!!!!! if I couldn’t love u folks enough already, u gone and turned it up to an 11!!!!!!
Love the Knight naming theme
Chef ist expanding the Menu with painting… It is gonna be fletcherlious😁👍
This is actually extremely disappointing that there’s not a double batrep since Imperial Knights where also released. Was hoping to get what ever information I needed from you all before it releases in America.
Chef, at 44 minutes, what that a marauder shields mass effect 3 reference?
3a.m painting orks….. I guess I can stay up a bit longer. Let’s go Knights!!
But, but Imperial Knights 😭
This should be a good match up though! Remember when Chef didn’t like to use Knights? 😂
Literally checked for a new show right before it dropped. Go Dark Angels!