War Zone Arks of Omen Secondaries | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

Avatar The Chef January 5, 202331  25 31 Likes

War Zone Arks of Omen: Secondary Missions Go to Contents

Arks of Omen Secondaries

Another GT Pack, another set of Secondary updates. Whilst not quite as sweeping as the Nachmund to Nephilim changes, there’s still quite a bit to unpack across the NINETY SIX Secondaries. A number have been removed, and a lot have only received some minor tweaks, or if they’ve changed at all. Regardless, it’s all here for your perusal so you can see what’s changed between this and Nephilim, or the Codexes in the case of the most recently released Factions.

Also it should go without saying that all of the below only apply to units with your appropriate Keywords (no AGENTS or Allies scoring them), unless otherwise noted.



Adeptus Astartes

Adepta Sororitas

Adeptus Custodes

Adeptus Mechanicus

Astra Militarum

Imperial Knights

Grey Knights


Traitoris Astartes

Death Guard

Thousand Sons

Chaos Knights

Chaos Daemons






Genestealer Cults



T’au Empire

Leagues of Votann

Generic Secondaries Back to Contents


Scores the same, but now you get a CP at the end of any Battle Round that a TROOPS, WAR DOG or ARMIGER unit destroys a CHARACTER, giving a nifty, if niche, way of getting CP.

Bring It Down

No changes.

Grind Them Down

Scores the same, but if at least one enemy unit was destroyed by a TROOPS, WAR DOG or ARMIGER unit, you gain a CP, giving you access to quite an easy way of restoring resources for Knights, or units with good base Infantry. Note you don’t need to score the VP to get the CP, though remember its at the end of the Round, so you’ll have to wait to cash it in. 

No Prisoners

No changes.

Abhor The Witch

No changes.

Warp Ritual

Goes up to Warp Charge 4, but otherwise exactly the same.

Psychic Interrogation

Increases to Warp Charge 5, and also needs Line of Sight again. Identical otherwise in VP scoring and CP regeneration, though trickier to score now overall.

Behind Enemy Lines

Increased to 3VP for one unit wholly within your opponent’s Deployment Zone (still 4VP for two units), and you also get 1 CP if a TROOPS, WAR DOG or ARMIGER unit is at least one of those units. 

Engage On All Fronts

Scores exactly the same, though having units in all 4 quarters now only requires them to be 3” away from other table quarters, making this a bit easier to score the 3 VP (still need to be 6” if you’ve only got 3 table quarters, so watch out for that).

Raise The Banners High

No changes.

Retrieve Battlefield Data

No changes.

Imperium Back to Contents

Purge The Enemy – Codex Warfare

Same as before but no maximum for each Doctrine, so you can score quite well on this if your target priority is good, and there are enough units to murder.

Battlefield Supremacy – Shock Tactics

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Oaths of Moment

The Oath of Duty bit (being wholly within 6” of the centre) is now worth 2 VP again, and can be done by any ASTARTES unit, giving you some extra options as to who can do it for you.

Purge The Enemy – Bathe Your Blade In The Blood Of The Foe


Battlefield Supremacy – Allow Not The Worship Of Unclean Idols


No Mercy, No Respite – Carry Out Your Vows

Score the same way, but the End Game component nets you 5VP, up from 3VP. Given how tricky or niche some of those are, a welcome change.

Purge The Enemy – Blade Of Sanguinius


Battlefield Supremacy – Relentless Assault

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Fury Of The Lost


No Mercy, No Respite – Death From Above


Purge The Enemy – Martial Interdiction


No Mercy, No Respite – Death On The Wind


Battlefield Supremacy – Stubborn Defiance

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Cull Order

As before but back to scoring 5 VP for each Battlefield Role completely destroyed, so you can max it once again

Battlefield Supremacy – The Long Vigil


Shadow Operations – Cripple Stronghold


No Mercy, No Respite – Suffer Not The Alien


Shadow Operations – Bolster Barricades

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Cold Fury

The same, though both instances of wholly within have changed to within, making it a little easier to score VP for having a VEHICLE in the centre and enemy deployment zone.

Shadow Operations – Secure Or Sabotage

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – The Promethean Creed

Basically the same, though you’re capped at 2VP for your INFANTRY not being destroyed near the chosen Objective.

Purge The Enemy – Heroic Challenge


Purge The Enemy – Glory Kills


Battlefield Supremacy – Warrior Pride

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – A Mighty Saga


Shadow Operations – We March For Macragge

Can now be done on Objectives anywhere on the board, giving you a good headstart if you have hidden ones in your Deployment Zone, as well as being just a bit more accessible in general.

Purge The Enemy – Lightning Strike

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Slay The Heretic


Battlefield Supremacy – Defend The Shrine

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Sacred Grounds

Slightly reduced scoring, only netting you 4 VP for Objectives not wholly within your Deployment Zone.

No Mercy, No Respite – A Leap Of Faith

Completely reworked, now you have to discard a Miracle Dice at the end of a Battle Round (not Cherub Dice), with a 1-3 giving you 1 VP, 4-5 granting 2VP, and netting 3 VP for a 6 being spent. You’re still capped at 12VP max on this, and it’s a tougher sell, needing you to hang on to high numbers to efficiently score, though you do still generate them quite easily, so it can be a decent third pick in some match ups with tougher Secondary options. 

Purge The Enemy – Auric Mortalis

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Might Of Terra

No changes.

Battlefield Supremacy – Stand Vigil

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Accretion Of Knowledge

The VEHICLE portion now only needs to be 8 Wounds or more, making this much easier to score in most matchups. The Relic/Warlord Trait requirements can still be a bit tricky, but it’s fine. It’s also scored regardless of how they die, so things like Explosions or Allies can net the kills for you too. 

No Mercy, No Respite – Eradication Of Flesh

Now scores 4 VP when achieved each Round, up from 3.

Battlefield Supremacy – Uncharted Sequencing


Battlefield Supremacy – Hidden Archeovault

Now worth 5 VP up from 4, and scores at the end of your Turn rather than the Battle Round. This is an incredibly strong choice on missions where you can easily reach and control all the Objectives in the midboard equally, and verging on an auto-take.

Purge The Enemy – By Lasgun And Bayonet

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Special Orders


Battlefield Supremacy – Boots On The Ground

You can now be 3” away from the centre with your PLATOON INFANTRY units, making this a bit easier to score.

No Mercy, No Respite – Inflexible Command

Now just requires your SQUADRONS to be within 12” of OFFICERS, and you score 2 VP if you kill an enemy unit with a unit under the effect of an Order, making this overall easier to score, and higher scoring to boot. Also the VOX-CASTER bit is reworded to account for how Command Squads have changed in the new Codex, as you’d expect really.

Battlefield Supremacy – Yield No Ground

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Honour Of The House

No changes. 

Shadow Operations – Renew The Oaths

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Duel Of Honour


Purge The Enemy – Destroy The Daemon

Scores the same, but you no longer lose VP for leaving Daemons above Half Strength.

No Mercy, No Respite – Teleport Assault

Back to scoring 5 VP, with the criteria staying the same. 

Warpcraft – Purifying Ritual

Now Warp Charge 6, whilst scoring the same and in the same manner.

Purge The Enemy – Rise To Glory

Now scores 3 VP each time a CHARACTER, MONSTER or VEHICLE is destroyed by one of your CHARACTERS, and can be at range now not just Melee. Still pretty tough to score well on, and still explicitly an Attack, so no points scored for cheeky Smites. You still only get the CP chance for Melee kills too. 

Shadow Operations – For The Dark Gods

Essentially the same but you just need to be within 6” of the centre of the table quarter, making it a little easier to perform, albeit still a tough one overall given the time scale of the Action.

No Mercy, No Respite – The Long War

Scores the same but now maxes at 4 VP a turn, making it a little more forgiving to score throughout the game.

Shadow Operations – Infiltrate And Subvert

Now completes at the end of your turn, though the subversion bit only happens on a 4+ now. It’s fine, being much easier to actually score, though you still need to be deep into the enemy lines to do so, and are still mostly taken out of the turn when you do so.

Shadow Operations – Despoil Dominions 

Now only needs the Objective to be controlled by you to perform the Action, and Troops complete this at the end of the turn, otherwise it’s the same. Overall a bit easier to score on.

Purge The Enemy – Specimens For The Spider

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Adorn The Canvas Eclectic

Now just requires you to just destroy at least one unit, rather than more, for Ranged, Melee, and CHARACTERS. You still need to hold more Objectives as well, but all of these happen at the end of each Turn. This can make it extremely high scoring in turns with combat or Overwatch, or where your opponent can’t hold more Objectives than you. There’s no bonus VP for doing all 4 in the same Round, but given how difficult that was and how easy this can be to score now, it’s not a big loss.

Shadow Operations – Masters Of Demolition

Now you just need to control the Objective to start the Action, and you get an additional 4VP for demolishing one within 6” of your opponent’s Deployment Zone, making this a bit easier to score, as well as slightly more rewarding if your opponent wants to play safe with one of them.

No Mercy, No Respite – Sow The Seed, Reap The Fear

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Raid And Reave

Now completes at the end of the turn, making it easier to score. The Objective still can’t have any enemy units in range however, and it still scores the same amounts of VP, so it’s not an autotake given the limitation.

Shadow Operations – Exalt The Dark Gods

Now scores 3 VP instead of 2 VP for the first score on the tally, but otherwise no changes.

Purge The Enemy – Blood For The Blood God

At the end of each Battle Round, score 2 VP for each MONSTER, CHARACTER or VEHICLE destroyed by Melee, or 1 VP for any other units destroyed in Melee, to a maximum of 4VP, but only if no units Fell Back in the Round. Tricky one to leverage, as you need to do lots of chopping, and sometimes Falling Back is advantageous, so shutting you completely out of scoring is a tough one to account for at times.

No Mercy, No Respite – The Blood God’s Due

At the end of each turn, score 1 VP for each Objective Marker that had any non-VEHICLE units that started the turn in range of that Objective destroyed that turn. Fairly decent scoring as the game progresses, letting you score by murdering units on Objectives, and also getting some slight compensation should a unit of yours die in range of one in the opponent’s turn. 

Battlefield Supremacy – Pile The Skulls

At the end of each Battle Round you can discard up to 3 Blood Tithe Points before purchasing any Blessings, netting you 2 VP for each one, to a max of 5 VP per Round. Given you don’t know what Blood Tithe Points and Blessings are yet, you’re in the dark for now as to whether this is good or not. 

No Mercy, No Respite – Fleeing Vectors

Now scores 2 VP if 7+ enemy models were destroyed by your attacks in a given turn, up from 1VP, making this score higher a fair bit easier. Otherwise unchanged.

Battlefield Supremacy – Despoiled Ground

Basically the same, but you just need to be 3” away from other table quarters now, rather than 6”. 

Shadow Operations – Spread The Sickness

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Sorcerous Prowess

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Wrath Of Magnus


Warpcraft – Mutate Landscape

Now Warp Charge 5, but no other changes.

Shadow Operations – Burn Empires

No changes.

Battlefield Supremacy – Ruthless Tyranny

Scores 2 VP if every Objective Marker is in Dread Range, up from 1VP, with the other ways to score remaining the same. 

No Mercy, No Respite – Path Of Destruction

The second bullet point just needs you to be in neither player’s deployment zones, so you can do this just on the edge now. In addition, you now get an extra VP, so up to 4 per Round if you’re maxing kills and positioning.

Shadow Operations – Storm Of Darkness

Now scores 4VP when completed, and the Ld debuff range increases to 9”. A decent enough boost with a cute upgrade to the debuff, you’ll still need to clear an Objective of all enemy models, tank a turn of attacks, and give up any Movement or Psychic, still making it a tough sell to perform, but at least a little better now. 

Purge The Enemy – A Fitting Challenge


Battlefield Supremacy – Reality Rebels

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – Nourished By Terror

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Despoilers Of Reality

Scores the same, but now gives you a CP on a 6 when completed, or on a 5+ if the unit has an ICON or INSTRUMENT. Cute, but not particularly noteworthy.

Battlefield Supremacy – The Hidden Path


No Mercy, No Respite – Wrath Of Khaine

No changes.

Warpcraft – Scry Futures

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Scout The Enemy

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Take The Alive!

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Beasts For The Arena


No Mercy, No Respite – Fear And Terror

No changes.

Battlefield Supremacy – Herd The Prey

No changes.

Battlefield Supremacy – Take Your Places

Scores the same, just the Objectives can’t be set up within 3” of another Objective Marker, instead of 1”. Doesn’t really change a huge amount, just making it slightly trickier to ‘double’ up on one of these with a Primary Objective, though really if your opponent was putting them that close together, they were being silly. 

No Mercy, No Respite – A Deadly Performance

Now only CORE units count for being wholly within your opponent’s Deployment Zone, so no more scoring it easily with boats or a lone Character – you’ll have to use Bikes or get your Troupes out on foot. Everything else is the same. 

Warpcraft – Weave Veil

Now starts at Warp Charge 4, but otherwise the same. 

No Mercy, No Respite – Synaptic Insight

You now need 5 Synaptic Kills on your Tally to score the VP, making this slightly harder to achieve. Otherwise the same. 

Purge The Enemy – Cranial Feasting

FEEDER TENDRILS now only grant +1 to the CP Regen Roll, rather than 2. Everything else remains as is. 

Shadow Operations – Spore Nodes

No changes.

Battlefield Supremacy – Broodswarm

No changes.

Purge The Enemy – Ambush

All segments now score 2 VP, and you’re capped at 5 total, making it slightly easier to score consistently. 

Shadow Operations – Sabotage Critical Location

Now scores 10VP when completed Turn 2, 8 VP on Turn 3, 7 on Turn 4, and 6 on Turn 5, with the placement and requirements remaining the same. Still a tricky one to achieve overall, but slightly more rewarding in the late game, should your foe leave them unattended. 

Shadow Operations – Ancient Machineries

Only INFANTRY and BIKERS that are CORE can score it now, so no more VEHICLES doing it. CANOPTEK units are still able to do it regardless, so Scarabs and Wraiths are still fantastic for this one. It also no longer has the “at the end of the game, whichever comes first” bit, so you can no longer do it Turn 5 with a non-ObSec unit. Still scores 4 VP and completes at the end of the Turn with ObSec units though, so it’s much for muchness. 

Battlefield Supremacy – Purge The Vermin

Now “Within” rather than “Wholly Within” for both Quarters and Deployment Zone, and can’t be scored Turn 1, making this much harder to score high on, and much easier to deny, with your foe being able to toe in to areas of the battlefield, and not need to worry about an automatic 3-4 VP for you before the game even really starts.

Purge The Enemy – Code of Combat


No Mercy, No Respite – The Treasures Of Aeons

Now only scores 4 VP for controlling all 3 Objective Markers, making it slightly harder to max out. 

No Mercy, No Respite – Stomp ‘Em Good

No changes. 

Purge The Enemy – Da Biggest And Da Best


Battlefield Supremacy – Green Tide

Now you only need to be 3” away from other table quarters rather than 6, making it a bit easier to achieve, though still with no accounting for VEHICLES etc to count as more than 1 model. 

Shadow Operations – Get Da Good Bitz

Scores 4 VP each time the Action is completed, to a max of 6. Otherwise remains the same. 

Battlefield Supremacy – Decisive Action

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – A Clean Victory

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Aerospace Targeting Relays

No changes.

No Mercy, No Respite – The Ancestors Are Watching

No changes. 

Purge The Enemy – Grudge Match


Battlefield Supremacy – Lay Claim

No changes.

Shadow Operations – Prospects of Wealth

No changes.

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Stephan Almisry
Stephan Almisry
1 year ago

Wait… they removed the most fun secondary for black templar! My Emperors Champion will no longer be bathing in the blood of their enemies i guess. Also RIP wrath of magnus, was a really fun secondary to play around since it encouraged not spamming smite and other flavors of smite.

Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Good write up.

Elliott Lansdown-Bridge
Lifetime Member

Votann need a glow-up on their secondaries.. we are significantly weakened to a lower B-tier by ours. If better we would be high B-tier and that is fine

Logan Smith
Logan Smith
2 years ago

I can’t tell you how dissapointed i am that the secondaries for eldar didnt change at ALL. Like i’m always taking just out of the mission packs because they are just terrible with maybe the exception of scout the enemy but thats only if you are taking a specific list which im not.

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

@Chef great work as always, though will say I believe you missed a key change (hopefully Beard saw it) for the Iron Warriors secondary Masters of Demolition. The action is now performed at the end of the movement phase rather than the beginning which is so much better than the awful Nephilim Version.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Whitchurch
Jacob Devlin
Lodge Member
Jacob Devlin
2 years ago

Awesome work Chef 👌🏻. Love your deep dives!!

Joseph Flores
Joseph Flores
2 years ago

They got rid of both Fury of the Lost AND Death From Above! Are you kidding me! With hoe much Blood Angels use Jump units why would they get rid of these. Now I have less of a reason to bring Death Company.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

great write up. thanxs 🙂

Dusty Macdonald
2 years ago

Loving the write ups. Makes it a much easier format to see the changes and more importantly where there are not changes in a much quicker way! Thank you for your service!

Robert Covelli
Lifetime Member
Robert Covelli
2 years ago

Did they really remove all the Space Wolves secondaries?

Jon Wilson
2 years ago

Thanks so much Chef, very useful and much appreciated! I think I read somewhere that Psychic Interrogation now needs LoS, is that right? A ballache if true… But hey, I suppose it balances it up a bit with Warp Ritual and some of the faction psychic secondaries.

Nathan Southwood
2 years ago

Thankyou chef much appreciated

2 years ago

Thanks a lot Chef, great job as always !
Could you please just answer one quick question ? The Goonhammer article mentions Ravenwing loosing its Death on the wing secondary, however there is no such thing here ?
I would be sad to loose it 🙁
Enjoy this new pack guys !

Sam Morgan
Sam Morgan
2 years ago

Thanks Chef. These write ups are always really valuable. Great content in addition to fantastic videos

Kyle Roach-Smith
2 years ago

Hidden path removed from eldar is a huge hit. Was the highest scoring secondary they had. All you had to do was hold one objective of your choice and get progressively more points. Webway gate is now an irrelevant model as well, which received a points increase. Really odd change

Not Mon-Keigh
Lodge Member
Not Mon-Keigh
2 years ago

These write-ups are awesome. Huge fan of the points one with the quick color reference. Amazing work!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Well…at least scarabs can still do ancient machineries… but this combined with the not really getting much in terms of points drops and the little death of the custom obsec dynasty is definitely going to make it much more difficult for Necrons to maintain a 50+ percent win rate or what have you.