Arks of Omen Grand Tournament Pack Review | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

Join Spider, Beard and Chef as they talk through some of the big changes in the latest GT Mission Pack, and what it means for games of 40k going forward!
Be sure to check out the Secondary Mission breakdown here!
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I’ll quite like it now I’ve use it to be honest but defo like troops to be a must tho everyone is just wiping each other off the board 🙁
I love these reviews! I wouldn’t mind if they were even more in depth, if you have the time. I personally don’t have that much time over for reading up on the rules and changes, so I find these videos super helpful. I can listen whist don’t hobby stuff 🙂 Keep up the good work!
This is probably the happiest I have ever been since the old days. Even if this detachment goes away in future, I think you should always use it in narrative and casual games
I’m having great fun thinking of thematic lists with the new detachment! I’ve got an all deamonkin Word Bearers army in the works, because 20 possessed coming out of a spartan seems FINE
they killed my speed boyz, very sad but ill find a way to have my mad max list
So I saw the rules for mustering your army and the way its worded it doesn’t restrict you from taking additional detachments. it says “each player must include one (and only one) arks of omen detachment in their army.” there’s no additional qualifier that this single mandatory AoO detachment is the only detachment allowed, since this is a modification to the core rules and in the core rules you can have up to 3 detachments for a 2k point game. Essentially its worded right now as “of your 3 detachments one and only one must be an arks of omen… Read more »
Great analysis and really helpful! The new detachment is going to lead to some really nasty lists – whether this is good or bad for the game, time will tell. Its probably going to make WR even less helpful as a balance tool though because the standard template each army is generally following has went out the window. Votann becoming allies for imperium is straight up a cash grab. Guess they didnt sell as much as they wanted! Its going to be a nightmare for balance. (seeing as they are not balanced currently – how did they not lose the… Read more »
Always super enjoyable to have things munched down for you. Thanks guys !
yay! well what do you know, Eldar “Spirit Host” 1k army now has 3 CP turn one (and I can take a Trait and/or Relic).. thumbs up from me….
You know who will by impacted by this the most? Fletcher!
“Oy Fletcher! You know that list of what you need to paint and in what order?! Yeeeeeah tosh that in the bin – we’re making some changes!”
As a night Lord’s player I cannot wait to run loads of raptors, warp talons and possessed without having to take an outrider detachment and being down 3CP straight away!
Chaos Marines really don’t feel like they came off well from all these various changes in missions, points or rules changes (poor iron warriors), especially compared to Space Marines. Why can’t we keep wanton destruction for more then one turn?
Just do it like the old days. Only troops can hold/ capture objectives and do it other units can remove control but not gain control
This means sure your elite heavy army is better then my troop heavy, but each time you knock me off an objective, your not holding it either so won’t gain x amount of points
I would totally make a list with nothing but full guardian squads lead by the autarch, Colin Robinson.
Beard: YES! Now I can bring all my IW heavies, all my Sicarans…
Me: And now you’re paying 3CP for a Spearhead detachment again 🤣
I think TTT should have a house rule where Sicarans don’t have martial legacy!
Just a shoutout that the new camera angles and quality are really nice!
Oh dear oh dear, Dogs of War my teenage years came rushing back to me. It was awesome.
I have always enjoyed the idea of running Knights alongside my AdMech. Feels fluffy and fun.
In 9th, AdMech has the Knight of the Cog detachment rule, which always felt janky and largely unused. Now with the new AoO detachment/allies rules, is the KotC rule even valid?
Now we can see armies of all elites choices, can we see Lawrence running an “oops all death company list” at some point?
Are we now not able to take subfction locked units like TSK with a different subfaction? Can only have 1 of the new detachment and can’t mix factions
So, after reviewing the MFM, the dataslate and secondaries…
I’m still upset they did nothing for chaos knights. I didn’t want them to improve – they’re balanced nicely – but they did nothing for the weakest knights. Knight tyrant, forgeworld knights, all of those needed love. It’s fun to say “Just bring them in casual games”, but I want to slam down my knight atrapos and invoke fear into my opponent, not make him laugh at my choices. My knight castigator should have them reviewing their gameplan.
Instead it’s… just wardogs. Maybe one big knight. And that’s a shame.
Sorry, so could I run 4 troops and 4 Elites still? 🤔
I think you’re way too hard on plague marines. DG has been running them since free wargear and they were meta.
Without AOC… DG is going back in the dumpster, and I’m just donning my chaos knight crown.
Thanks team
Nearly every list has been running Plague Marines, 4 or 5 squads at least since their weapons were made free. Now they’ve dropped in points but lost AoC, but the secondaries still benefit killy troops I feel.
Personally I love the fluffy and creative builds that can be done using allies. I can’t remember which edition it was but I used to run Word Bearers and would always summon lesser daemons as well as having an Aspiring Champion sacrifice himself for the greater
gooddaemon.Just finished watching Liam Dempsey’ take on this very positive about Aoo book minus the silly Votan section. Dataslate is bad let’s be honest I will struggle with anyone who finds 70 pts for a Zoanthrope good!?! But let’s see what TTTs have to say.
When it comes to allies having Scions with guard isn’t exactly egregious as you can include them anyway. This just means they can be obsec. Which they bloody should be!
Very first thing I said when I saw the new chart was “Yay! I can run an actual swordwind now!!” *happy eldar noises* ^_^
Thanks for the updates guys. I think I agree with you in that the Nachmund detachment rules will definitely shake things up!
If we drive the secondaries to be more troop based, this could be a way to make them more valuable.