Stig’s League Adeptus Mechanicus | Warhammer 40,000 List Analysis

Avatar The Chef February 9, 202338  52 38 Likes

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At the helm of his beloved Mechanicus, the one known as Stig makes his League debut, but will the latest upgrades received in the Arks of Omen Season be enough to take them to victory? Join Stig as he dives into his List and what might await him in the League!

00:00 Intro
01:20 HQ – Tech-Priest Dominus
02:17 HQ – Technoarcheologist
03:01 HQ – Tech-Priest Manipulus
03:35 HQ – Skitarii Marshal
04:09 Troops – Rangers & Vanguard
04:57 Elites – Fulgurite Electro-Priests
05:32 Elites – Sicarian Infiltrators
06:22 Elites – Sicarian Ruststalkers
07:10 Dedicated Transports – Skorpius Dunerider
08:12 Fast Attack – Ironstrider Balistarii
09:03 List Thoughts
10:23 Secondaries
10:32 Hidden Archeovault
12:10 Raise the Banners High
13:33 The Conundrum of the Third Secondary

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(Spoiler Warning! The Rankings are updated the day after every release, so don’t read it until you’ve watched the game!)

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The Army List (watch the video for discussion and tactics though!)

Adeptus Mechanicus

Forge World: Lucius
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Elites
Starting CP: 1

+ HQ +

Tech-Priest Dominus: Warlord- Luminescent Blessings, Relic- The Solar Flare, Holy Order- Logi
Omission Axe, Volkite Blaster, Macrostubber

Tech-Priest Manipulus: Archeotech Specialist- Raiment of the Technomartyr, Holy Order- Artisans
Omnissian Staff, Manipulus Mechadendrites, Magnarail Lance

Skitarii Marshal: Mechanicus Locum- Programmed Retreat
Control Stave, Radium Serpenta, Stratagem:

Technoarcheologist: Holy Order- Magi
Servo-arc Claw, Eradication Pistol

+ Troops +

20x Skitarii Rangers: Enhanced Data-Tether, Omnispex
Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, Host of the Intermediary- Firepoint Telemetry Cache
19x Skitarii Ranger: Galvanic Rifle

20x Skitarii Rangers: Enhanced Data-Tether
Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle
19x Skitarii Ranger: Galvanic Rifle

20x Skitarii Vanguards: Enhanced Data-Tether
Vanguard Alpha: Radium Carbine
19x Skitarii Vanguard: Radium Carbine

20x Skitarii Vanguards: Enhanced Data-Tether
Vanguard Alpha: Radium Carbine
19x Skitarii Vanguard: Radium Carbine

+ Elites +

10x Fulgurite Electro-Priests

10x Fulgurite Electro-Priests

5x Sicarian Infiltrators
Infiltrator Princeps: Taser Goad, Flechette Blaster
4x Sicarian Infiltrator: Taser Goad, Flechette Blaster

5x Sicarian Infiltrators
Infiltrator Princeps: Taser Goad, Flechette Blaster
4x Sicarian Infiltrator: Taser Goad, Flechette Blaster

10x Sicarian Ruststalkers
Ruststalker Princeps: Transonic Blades, Chordclaw
9x Sicarian Ruststalker: Transonic Blades

+ Fast Attack +

2x Ironstrider Ballistarii: 2x Twin Cognis Lascannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Skorpius Dunerider

Skorpius Dunerider

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
1 year ago

Really excited to see this in action! Good luck stig! =D

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Very cool, your army is beautiful! I recently listened to a story about the Admech on YouTube called “Abomination” that really describes the actual Grimdark of the Admech, it really changed my mindset about then narratively, which was more like them being like battle droids and just saying “roger roger”, lol.

Sounds like a terrible list to face competitively and I am looking forward to seeing them face down the enemies of the Machine God! Good luck Sir!

James Tildesley
James Tildesley
2 years ago

Good luck Stig 👍

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

This list looks really spicy. I’m looking forward to seeing it in action! Glad you’re on board of the League now, mr. Stig.

Connor Guy
Connor Guy
2 years ago

Glad to see Stig in the league and the gloves off with his admech. Enjoying these breakdown videos, they add alot of context when it comes to watching the actual games.

Ultrasmurf the Mary Sue
Lodge Member
Ultrasmurf the Mary Sue
2 years ago

Dear Stig,

I would like to know if the hero of the admech, the one and only electro priest that slaughtered so much of Beard’s army last time is part of the list. If so can he be named? Given last time I am certain that we will see more of his heroics and who knows, he might just do well enough to kill a certain enrage demon primarch!

All the best and really looking forward to your league games!!!

2 years ago

The unfortunate last place finisher in the league should be forced to have Stig saying Skitarii as their ring tone. Got to up those stakes a little!

Jens Folsberg
Lifetime Member
Jens Folsberg
2 years ago

Looks like a pretty savage list! I pity the poor unit that gets to feel the tender love of a fully buffed 20-man Galvanic Volley. I’m curious what you think of Kataphron servitors now that they’ve received core. Do they still fall short compared to regular Skitarii? Breachers in particular seem like they would be pretty beefy in Lucius, and with access to many of the same tricks as the Fulgurites (3d6 charge, fight last strat). Is their output just not as impressive, or is it their large base footprint and mediocre mobility that holds them back? The prevalence of… Read more »

Matthew Lamore
Matthew Lamore
2 years ago

The secondary for killing vehicles above 8 wounds, and units with warlord traits/relics is actually very good and flexible. 3 vp for unit is quite nice!
I think the horde style will go very well with the meta shift of free meltas/lots of tanks/heavy weapons. Can’t wait to see what happens!

James Thistleton
Lodge Member
2 years ago

The density and complexity of Admech rules and buffs etc just cooks my brain every time. Idk how anyone remembers all this stuff, hats off to you all! Lol

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
2 years ago

This list is so mean, it makes Nurgle sick 🤣😅

James Masters
James Masters
2 years ago

Rooting for you Stig 🔥🔥🔥

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

I wanted Custodes. Good luck Stig.
OK, the Ruststalkers and Infiltrators compel my forgiveness.

Jason Sutton
2 years ago

So happy to see Stig in the league and looking forward to some regular releases with him! Surely one of you are going to play World Eaters right?! If Spider is playing Orks then Beard or Bard, who will put on the brass collar and rev your chainaxe?

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

Stig with a competitive Admech list, this is gonna be good.

At this point, Beard needs to bring World Eaters. Watching Angron turning a unit of 20 Skitarii into blood mist will be Epic!

Of course if Stig wins turn one, Angron will be benched for a while by those same Skitarii, but at least he won’t be shooting rhinos with that unit.

So far these lists are fairly mean, I’m not sure how Lawrence is going to do with Orks. Bring a Weird Boy with Da Jump and force people to screen…sometimes the Old Ways are best.

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Some say he used to be a Manipulus but was disqualified when he lost the weight.
Some say he thinks the flesh is weak but has no bionics because he’s scared of needles.
Some even say he is the machine spirit of Toasters
All we know….is he’s called the Stig.

Last edited 2 years ago by Archmike
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Artisans is interestingly placed on the Manipulus since the action to move to the advanced portion starts at the beginning of the command phase. Losing out from their buffs for a turn can be huge. (Happily been corrected on this!)
I’m building for Archeovault and Banners too but Eradication of Flesh as my third with my expected large units of Robots now supported by Ballistarii making it pretty easy to score as well.

Christian Fritz
Christian Fritz
2 years ago

Love to see you on admech! Huge potential for exiting games. Thanks man

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Smiles and nods…. Just so long as you tell us what each thing does at the time of using it stig! I’ve never got my head round all the buffs and shenanigans admech do 🤣

Marcus Cross
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Damn, was hoping for Custodes. Still, more players, more games 😉