Bard’s Astra Militarum League List | Warhammer 40,000 List Analysis

Bard seeks Vengeance for Cadia and League Season 1 as he dons his tread head with a fearsome Tank Company style list! Join him as he discusses what he will be bringing to the League’s Second Season, as well as the thinking behind his selections and Secondaries!
00:00 Intro
01:28 Regimental Doctrine – Born Soldiers
02:26 Heavy Support – Leman Russ Battle Tanks
04:47 Heavy Support – Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
07:54 Fast Attack – Rough Riders
09:53 Troops – Infantry Squad
10:11 HQ – Cadian Castellan
10:57 HQ – Tank Commanders
13:53 Secondaries
12:23 Orders and List Thoughts
13:55 Kill Secondary Options
14:20 Inflexible Command
16:10 By Lasgun and Bayonet
17:10 The Pesky Third Choice
19:09 Final Thoughts
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The Army List (watch the video for discussion and tactics though!)
Astra Militarum
Regimental Doctrine: Born Soldiers
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Heavy Support
Starting CP: 3
+ HQ +
Cadian Castellan: Warlord- Superior Tactical Training (Mechanised Orders)
Chainsword, Laspistol
Tank Commander: Officer Cadre- Master Tactician, Relic- Gatekeeper
Leman Russ Battle Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Armoured Tracks
Tank Commander: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Flamer, Armoured Tracks, Dozer Blade
+ Troops +
10x Infantry Squad
+ Fast Attack +
5x Attilan Rough Riders:
Rough Rider Sergeant: Hunting Lance
4x Rough Rider: Hunting Lance
5x Attilan Rough Riders:
Rough Rider Sergeant: Hunting Lance
4x Rough Rider: Hunting Lance
+ Heavy Support +
Leman Russ Battle Tanks
3x Leman Russ Battle Tank: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Flamer, Armoured Tracks
Leman Russ Battle Tanks
3x Leman Russ Battle Tank: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Armoured Tracks
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank: Tank Ace- Knight of Piety, Armoured Tracks
Oppressor Cannon & Co-axial Autocannon, Castigator Gatling Cannon, 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Meltagun
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
This is a savage list!!! Get in there Bard rooting for you mate!
Bard is going to be a problem! 💥
Scary list young Bard,I think the Rogal Dorn is one of GW’s best tanks everything seems right the weapons, points, and the model feels the right size for a big tank.The super heavys are brilliant but the models are so big can’t do much movement in game not that they really need to just seems a shame.
Looks great Bard, can’t wait to see how you get on. We’re you tempted to lean into Kasrkin at any point? I’ve heard they’re pretty tasty! Best of luck old bean!
I love the optimism of your list especially basing it on rolling 6’s to auto wound. Best of luck.
Can’t wait to see the league start! Very interesting list, especially as i would expect more “boots on the ground” in a Guard list. Secondaries fit well with the list, but maybe a little few obsec for 9th.
But man i am rooting for the Guard. Tally ho!
“Tanks for watching”
I see what you did there.
now that is a list I would not like to play against!!! can’t wait to see it in action 🙂
Worry not children of the Emperor, for he blesses the Guard with the might of the plasma. TALLY HO!!
Onwards Nobel steeds!!! Sounds awesome dude! Best of luck!!!
Great list Bard, so many shots, something has to hit. Now let’s hope you actually make some saves. 🤣
I know you guys can’t make videos on a whim, but do we really need a 6 week run up to the League?
Tally ho!! I would normally go with Chef and his Thousand sons… but since he won last time i will support the brave men of the guard and their Bard.
Very well thought out list. Definitely has a plan going in that feels much more concise than some of the other league lists. That have more scary combos over let the list work and score points by doing the work. Think it’ll be a very tough one to shut down on scoring. The extra vp for blowing stuff off objectives is definitely a powerful secondary even if you can’t immediately reclaim the objective. I think merging the rough riders into a block of 10 and going for sledge hammer blows and more wounds in the unit will probably get more… Read more »
Oh Bard. You took my request. And you ran with that beautiful thing. Emperor bless you Sir!
Stunt on them fools…
Awesome list, Bard! I was very curious to see where you would take it. My only suggestion is maybe replacing one of the rough rider squads with 2 heavy weapons teams with mortars. The list seems to have a real ‘models hiding behind a wall’ problem.
Looking forward to seeing how it does in the league!
Thanks James you single handedly saved my interest in the league especially after the traitor Beard chose the CANCER.
I love the list, tank heavy, having been trained as a professional tank soldier myself seeing tanks crushing enemies fills my heart with joy.
Having a single Vanquisher or 2 would help with those pesky invuls though. Especially vs the traitor and his stunties.
BUT, for the love of the Emperor please, pretty please at least try some different dice.
Bard, you’ve clearly thought this through really well and I’ll be rooting for you!
Tally Ho!
Here’s hoping you can roll those 6s outside of morale checks, eh 😉
Go Bard, I didn’t know you are a Tau player at heart.
Please for the love of God, change the cursed 🤬 dice 🎲, and burn them or give it to the other opponent before the game.
“Bard”?! More like “going hard”. Good luck! Show them no mercy.
How many tanks is Bard taking?
How many secondary points can Bard rack up by doing nothing?
Also yes.
Did Bard mean “rue the day”?
Thrice times yes.
Cool list with a clear purpose. You’ve but a lot of thought into this, very interesting to see how it plays out against various opponents!
That’s a lot of dakka
Love the list, so many tanks!😁
This is going to be epic! #teamTallyHo
This is going to be epic! #teamTallyHo
Guard all the way this time!
I just want someone to pay World Eaters
Yes I was very much hoping bard would be bring your friendly neighborhood imperial guard, Tally ho! indeed.
Yes been waiting for this! My first army was the Guard back in 4th edition – just starting back up into them now as my second army of 9th edition.
I see the motto for Bard and Beard for this League is “We’re back and we’ve got all the guns”