Spider’s Orks League List | Warhammer 40,000 List Analysis

Avatar The Chef March 2, 202343  84 43 Likes

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By popular vote, Waaagh!! Spider rounds off these Season’s League combatants! With only a trifling experience with the Orks themselves, can Spider turn his competitive know-how into a mean and green winning list? Find out as he talks over his list and secondary choices, before the League kicks off in earnest!

00:00 Intro
01:19 Clan Kultur – Goffs
02:01 HQ – Warboss in Mega Armour
03:42 HQ – Warboss on Warbike
04:35 Troops – Gretchen
05:31 Elites – Meganobz
07:08 Heavy Support – Battlewagons
08:47 Fast Attack – Stormboyz
09:47 Fast Attack – Deffkoptas
13:21 List Thoughts
14:22 Secondaries
14:32 Green Tide
15:28 Stomp ‘Em Good
16:11 Purge The Enemy Alternatives
16:26 Raise The Banners High
17:38 Shadow Operations Alternatives
18:11 Final Thoughts

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The Army List (watch the video for discussion and tactics though!)


Clan Culture: Goffs
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Fast Attack
Starting CP: 1

+ HQ +

Warboss in Mega Armour: Warlord- Proper Killy, Relic- Super Cybork Body

Warboss on Warbike: Big Boss – Brutal but Kunnin’, Extra Gabbing – Da Killa Klaw

+ Troops +

10x Gretchin

10x Gretchin

10x Gretchin

+ Elites +

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

+ Fast Attack +

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

4x Deffkoptas

4x Deffkoptas

4x Deffkoptas

+ Heavy Support +

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Get da good bitz!

Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I can’t wait to see Lawrence with Orks. This should be a good scrap.

Winter Wizard
2 years ago

Big fan of the work here Spider! Really like the list. Big fan of the Kopters! Love the feature of Gretchin!

Tom Harrison
Tom Harrison
2 years ago

Great list, looking forward to seeing how it performs.
Get the good bits is an incredible secondary. 12 tournament games played recently and yet to score below 12. Grots have become an auto take

Last edited 2 years ago by Tom Harrison
Dan Frost
Dan Frost
2 years ago

Surely a weird boy using da jump on a 5 ork squad of meganobz is the way to go? With d3 buff too they are a real threat. I dont play orks but that little number has hurt me many a time lol

Tom Fail
Lifetime Member
Tom Fail
2 years ago

Looks a really interesting list. Going to be great to watch!
I was just wondering (I am in no way competitive so this may be obvious), but why a warboss of bike rather than beastboss on squigosaur?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

That’s a very interesting list! Can’t wait to see how it does!

Owl The Molfar
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Nice! Interesting!
Mr. Lawrence: “You need a higher skill cup… And if I do not have one, I need to buy a new cup.”
Me: Awailable at tabletop tactics dot tv

P.S. YouTube deleted my comment because it contains a wague mention of the link. Meanwhile I got like 3-5 scam messages per day with dirrect links and no reaction at all.

2 years ago

Hey Lawrence, interesting looking list. Couple of thoughts. You don’t seem to have taken a Specialist mob. Its free so you may as well take one. Your options are to give a unit of Deffkopta’s Boom Boyz for extra AP on the Kopter Rokkits (but you do lose the goff bonus in combat and it sounds like you want to get stuck in and tag stuff with your kopta’s) or you take make one of the Grot units Orrible Gitz which gives them objective secured for free (grots don’t come with it) As the grots don’t benefit from Clan Culture… Read more »

2 years ago

Absolutely mega list!! Very similar to how I play orks!
Lots of flying stuff zipping all over the place, lots of mega nobs bringing in some heavy threat and battlewagons that can’t be ignored. It’s a really good level of distractions vs. threats which forces your opponent to overstretch and get krumped!
Really keen to see how you get on with them!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Well Lawrence, that looks like a spicy list. I hope the others have learned from the previous league and know how to screen properly, because they’ll need it. Not sure the Orks are really a lower tier army at the moment in Arks of Omen. They’re doing quite well! These kind of alpha strike lists can be brutal (and kunnin’?) to play against so your colleagues will have their work cut out for them. Let’s get that league rollin’! On a side note, I’m also going to host a league in my town. The format looks so much fun that… Read more »

James Dowson
James Dowson
2 years ago

Few tips from my Ork Experience (without changing list) Start the stormboyz in the battlewagons. Means if you need to waagh turn 1, their advance is 21″ rather than 18. Will make the opponent have to backline. You can then load up the Meganobz in the wagons before moving them forwards. Get the good bitz should probably be taken every game, one unit of Gretchen can get that so easily. It’s worth sometimes starting with them embarked on the wagon if you need the extra 3″ to get to the objective turn 1. Also, reserving a unit of them is… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Love the list, I move between Goffs (if I’m running Ghaz) and Deathskulls myself because they play the mission well, make firepower more reliable (I like my big wagons) and the mortal wound
protection is surprisingly useful.
Koptas are great though! Utter blenders and great firepower when you roll hot. Behind enemy lines might be something to consider sometimes too since they can deepstrike.
Meganobz are great too, so often they are just annoyingly tanky. Yes they do whiff sometimes but like you said the Warboss will mitigate that.
Excited for this League to kick off!

Richard Crichton
Richard Crichton
2 years ago

An interesting list, 3 lots of Meganobz I think is genius. As you said you’ve got speed and a very strong combat army with some great resilience. I wonder though. Could the Psychic phase be your undoing?

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
2 years ago

A good list there spider,always loved the deffkoptas there hilarious hope the missiles hit!🙂👍

Brian Sterling
2 years ago

Love meganobz, totally approve, and really excited to see how the koptas do

Alex Thompson
Alex Thompson
2 years ago

Love the list, definitely along the right lines. I’d swap 1 unit of meganobz for 1 unit of Nobz with big choppas and choppas since they don’t need the Warboss’s help, I’d remove a deffkopta from each squad since if they get sneezed at they’ll run, to upgrade the Battlewagons to Bonebreakas, and I’d swap 1 unit of Stormboyz for a unit of Kommandos for sweet forward deploy and +3 to cover save.
Can’t wait to see the krumpin!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Such an interesting army list, I don’t know much about Orks, but I love the look of it. It seems like it’s got some teeth, and if anyone can make it work, it’s the Spider.

I am incredibly hyped for the start of the League.

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

I remember the antics B-Bone got up to with Buzzgit and… Azrag? Am I losing my mind or didn’t he used to be called Mugfist? Am I transposing that from somewhere else?

2 years ago

Hey, nice list spider. Looking forward to the league. Don’t take this the wrong way, but i hope you and chef do a little worse and the rest a bit better.

Last edited 2 years ago by Warpspawn
Stephen Neal
Stephen Neal
2 years ago

So i was looking and I don’t think you can bring both a Warboss in mega armor and a Warboss on a bike. The rule “I’m da’ boss” has an errata that says you can only have one Warboss or one Speedboss per detachment in your army. You could break them into detachments and bring them both and it won’t affect your Waaagh! since that affects the whole army. I could be mistaken. But I can’t wait to see the green tide march.

Aaron Borer
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I am looking forward to your games spider. I really wonder what a skilled player can do with them. I play goffs myself and I allways bring my meganobz in with battlewagons. I think you can pressure enough with the stormboyz an koptas to go where goffs want to be…. In krumpin range! May gork or mork be with you and bless you with exploding sixeeeeeees! Waaaaagh!

2 years ago

This is a really interesting list, and I’m excited to see Lawrence play it. It might be a bit unorthodox compared to the bleeding edge meta stuff, but it looks like it’s lightning fast to get on objectives and can suffer attrition while still being combat effective. Plus, faster is better when you’re talking combat armies. I think it’ll be fun, especially against some of the other boogeymen of this league! Waaaaagh!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

wayhey! rubbing my hands in anticipation, this is going to be very interesting… I am a “bit” disappointed not to see grot bubble cannons in your list 😉 but cann’t wait for the league to start!!! waaaarggggggghhhh 🙂

Alex Martyniuk
Alex Martyniuk
2 years ago

WAAAGH! Wellcum 2 da famlee!
Love the list, love that it isn’t just following the meta! Though can I give a push for My boyz da DeathSkullz! Obsec on everything is super useful!
Again though, love the list. I think Orks should be a vibes army, what you feel like you want to run and make good. Ignore the people who have crunched the numbers, just run what you love!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

I really enjoy your guys way of running this league. The last season was really interesting, and I’m looking forward to this one, especially Lawrence running Orks. I enjoy watching Lawrence play and it’ll be interesting watching him work through this league with a lower tier army. I’m also hoping Jinx and Bard get a few more wins! Good luck to all in this season!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

looks like you found some purple deaffkopptas…wait…looks??….can’t see the anything…

good look for you sir! ….can not wait to get a new league on the stream!

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I am not an Ork fan, but I think you will enjoy this league 😉 😁

It will be a challenge, specially against Votan and the Gard, I wish you the best of luck.

But my heart goes to the T-sons with Chef and the Jinx because I want her to do better this league 😅.

Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Quite a challenge ! I, and my orky son too, are eager to see how you manage those kopters.

Harry Higginson
Harry Higginson
2 years ago

I can’t emphasise enough how excited I am to see this in action! Looks like season 2 of the League is going to be a cracker

Joerg Kuehling
2 years ago

Da Boss is in!

Dylan Keller
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Hey Spider, I have been watching your competitive games for a while now and most of your strong lists have a lot of focus on mobility.
So my question is do you think any armies in the game can play a slower game anymore and still do well?

Garlic Bread
Lodge Member
Garlic Bread
2 years ago

Diz iz sum propa Ork finkin’ Spider. WAAAGGHHH!!! Honestly I’ve not seen a list like this, I love what you’ve done with it though. I hate running goffs because I like to avoid auto takes and run fluffy armies. But when you’re in it to win it, it’s a no brainer. Ghaz is a monster, literally, but he is an investment and if it doesn’t pay off you’ve lost that versatility. In the fluff this would be a Blood Axe Clan, because your using “taktiks”. I love seeing the Boss in mega armour getting some love too. Go krump sum… Read more »

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I like the list a lot is really fun and a different spin compared to your usual Goff pressure lists. You’re also a much better player than me so if anyone can make these non-standard choices work it’s you. However that being said my two pence from playing a lot of Goffs: I find if you’re taking three battlewagons you have to invest in them. I run em with ard case and deff rolla, three of them w/ T8 with ramshackle makes them very hard to shift. Surprised you didn’t take Kommandos as they work so well with this style… Read more »

Charlie Quarterman
Charlie Quarterman
2 years ago

Good bits is basically a guaranteed 15, you can normally score 4 points turn one the. If you grots in the battlewagon ( also good to protect your megnobz) you get them onto objectives super easily to score 6VP turn 2 no problem on almost any map. It also gets the, into great places to score green tide.

2 years ago

I genuinely have no idea what to say about this list. It’s either genius, madness, or some twisted hybrid of both. I need a lie down now.

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

I have 6 coptas and 20 Stormboyz myself, so interested in seeing how a more old school list without all the buggies will do. Gonna krump ‘em gud!

Greg Gonzalez
Greg Gonzalez
2 years ago

As an Ork player for a couple of years, I think your list has some good units. Beastsnagga units, especially Squighog Boyz are point for point one of the best in the game. Something to keep in mind. Good luck and, course, Waaagh!!!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago


Ritchie Balan
2 years ago

Spider finally I actually want you to win! And the rolling off sixes is going to help…..

The defkopters tho I think are now good now that aoc has gone. Stormboys are one of the best units in the book. No kommandos tho……

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Impeccable timing. Just turned on to see what I wanted to watch as I prep for work

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Lets go

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