**THE OLD WORLD** Tomb Kings vs The Empire of Man | Warhammer Old World Battle Report

The Old World returns! Join us as we embark upon a new adventure into Warhammer Fantasy! We begin with the Spider leading the Tomb Kings of Khemri against Beard and The Empire of Man!
The Old World returns! Join us as we embark upon a new adventure into Warhammer Fantasy. We begin with the Spider leading the Tomb Kings of Khemri against Beard and The Empire of Man!
Upon this blasted realm, the monarchs of the undead have awoken, driven forward by their undead ruler to reclaim their rightful dominion over the kingdoms of the living. Following their Tomb King into battle, the skeletal warriors of Khemri serve their Lord even in death, supported by giant constructs given unlife by the Mortuary Cult. The army of the undead will stop at nothing to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
Standing in their way however, is the fractured, but mighty Empire of Man. Led by their brave General, disciplined ranks of State Troops and Demigryph Knights lead the charge towards the innumerable swathes of the undead. Flanked by powerful war machines, stoic War Priests and mystical Wizards, the might of the Empire must endure the oncoming assault of the damned with firepower and cold steel.
Will the Empire of Man crumble under the inexorable ranks of the Tomb Kings, or will the legion of the dead be sent back to the sands once again…
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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists
Such a fun battle report!! Would love to see you do a 2 v 2 some day
This is just marvellous! Please make many more reports and give us all kinds of other Old World – especially a huge campaign with evolving armies and a Tale of Four Gamers!
1 question I have before re investing in old world. Does the Empire have rules for the War wagon again?
Its by far one of my favorites from my beloved Empire!
After years I reactivated my account solely because of TOW content. I hope there is more to come in the coming years.
Congratulations on reaching 100,000 views on YouTube in less than a week. It seems like there is plenty of enthusiasm out there for Old World content!
Chef as servo skull and walking battletome is an absolute treasure
Huzzaahhhh old world! Yes there’s the nostalgia bit but also it’s just a type of game I want to play. I love seeing these old models (though I hope we do get some new sigmar level models for old world). I basically fall in the category of: I love the old world rules but I love the sigmar models. Something about the lore of old world is just deeper and better and I love a lot of the mechanics and interactions. Feels more grim dark – even the best of the best aren’t necessarily cutting down entire regiments in one… Read more »
I’m so glad you folks are going to be doing videos on The Old World because I LOVE the Total Warhammer games but if I told my fiancee I was starting a third whole Warhammer setting besides 40K and AoS I’m 100% sure she would poison me and bury me in the closet under my pile of shame.
Loved this. Spider’s screaming Skull Catapault cackle immediately took me back to playing Dark Omens. Great stuff!
Great to see fantasy back! There seems a daunting amount to remember compared to 40k. Still on the fence on getting involved but loving the bat reps.
Really enjoyable game guys! Can’t wait to see more!
I really like the back and forth, makes the games a great experience…can not wait to armour my knights in the name of the lady or running waves of peasant against any foe! Really really love you to see back in the old (fantasy) world!!!!
Myself and my Dearly Departed best Friend spent many an hour playing Warhammer. His Skaven Vs. My Vampire Counts. Watching this brings back feelings of melancholy and joy as well. Thank you for this TT
Great to see this on the channel. Absolutely love seeing OW BatReps on here. I appreciate all the hard work and effort that goes into making a BatRep about a new system, digging out armies, reading the rules, filming and editing. So thanks a lot and cant wait for the next one!
Amazing work, excellent to watch and nostalgic as heck.
Would love more Old World soon
Sorry to say I really didn’t enjoy this game. The presentation was good, the players were clear and easy to understand, and the models look great, but the game itself feels like it’s not something I would enjoy playing or be entertained by. Similar to Chef’s “feels like work” comment from the Old World Review video, it feels like overcomplication (compared to 9th and 10th Edition 40k and AoS) for the sake of overcomplication. Turning circles, flanking, everything related to the bases being square feels like something that just doesn’t need to exist but has been added intentionally to either… Read more »
I enjoyed watching this! Looked like great fun.
I have no idea what I was watching, how it works, or what happened… but fun!
Are you guys doing a tutorial video like you have before?
Thouroughly enjoyed this batrep! Excited to see more. I have to be honest though, some of the rules being unclear to me (my own bad for not taking time to read it all up) doesn’t help understanding what’s going on, such as sometimes having impact hits and sometimes not, Beard not getting his bonus to casting on his dispell but Spider does,the scoring of who won a certain combat and the effects of flanking etc. Please tell me you have a how to play video in the works *fingers crossed*. Keep up the stellar work gentlemen (p.s. loving the D&D)
Interested to see more Old World content from you. Not interested in Age of Sigmar.
You guys are the best. Just bought my Old World books and boom, you have a OW bat rep ready to go. Can we borrow Chef for our first couple games?
Love it.. can’t wait for dwarves to come back.. especially the Highland miniatures ones 🤤🤤
Bring back Age of Sigmar =)
Loving watching these models in play for the first time in forever. I don’t think I’ll be picking up the game (just picked up MESBG for the first time since I was a child!) but very happy to watch these glorious reports. Many thanks.
In the first big combat, not-Karl Franz Vs Skeletons, the skeletons attack back even though the griffin was in a challenge. Is this how it works now?
This was by far my favourite battle report I have seen on the channel. Your excitement for the game shone through and it already feels as though it offers so many tactical nuances that I cannot wait to see you explore it more. Although there may be a lot of rules, I found the game extremely easy to follow and everything felt both flavourful whilst providing meaningful decision points. I would be delighted to see more Old World on the channel and second the call from another commenter for a campaign. The sense of history and place that saturates the… Read more »
Warhammer is back!!! Covering the Old World is just such a beautiful decision. You guys are the best.
wow just wow. game feels quicker and less admin filled. Great as always to see you guys and the content keep this coming. I missed WHFB and feel that AoS is a very poor substitute.
The Old World seems really really great! Despite the enormous rule book 👀
As a Necron Overlord, I look very fondly at those Tomb Kings!
Thank you so much for doing the old world and giving it a go again, and the work you’re putting into the rules, I played 40k as a kid and got back into the hobby in 9th edition 40k, but I always liked fantasy, I played Warhammer total war and loved it, and even the pictures I’d see of fantasy battles looked amazing, I like the fact the game plays almost like a total war game with flanking charges and lines of troops. But I’ll definitely be buying this game! Just wanted to say thank you, and keep up the… Read more »
Aw man. This was incredible. I’ve been on a huge Sigmar kick recently. Glad to see some fantasy!
WFB was my first wargaming love… Very keen for more!
Any ideas if there is the potential of a high elf or warriors of chaos army?
Excited to see more Old World! All hail Chef, he is a rules savant!
Well, that was a blast from the past! Brought back a lot of memories from playing Tomb Kings myself in 6th-8th edition. Quite refreshing to see how this game plays, with much less attacks, damage and wounds all around. Not having to guess with artillery is still heresy in my old fashioned opinion, but I get that it makes for a better gaming experience. So far I liked what I saw and I’m looking forward to see the next report!
more Old World pls
Love this battle! So much fun and old world seems great, a very nice different flavour to 40k! Can’t wait to see more old world with the TT quality we know and love
Also love how Chef has somehow already got the rules locked down in his head, impressive! Could chef film all future league games he’s not playing in to ensure all rules are fully and correctly used?!
I have just brought a Tomb Kings Army. I am so excited as I had one many, many moons ago. Thank you for the content as you guys rock. Kia Kaha.
Do you not count as having charged when following up on an enemy unit falling back in good order? Therefore you do not have to test to restrain before charging again? Genuine rules question. Only thing Ive seen so far which seems a bit odd. Otherwise these rules look great
Old world campaign series? Just throwing it out there… Loved this. And well done for having this ready for day of release and to your usual high standard. Were the minitures painted in house? Legacy? Or borrowed? Or are these trade secrets lol. The table and minis looked stunning. You guys rival warhammer tv on this front and cinimatography editing etc (and you far better them for character and presenting.) Chef is a rules machine! 200 reported pages of rules learned. You sir are a veritable jonny 5! I love 40k but like most Longbeards im a wfb guy at… Read more »
Watching this brings back such good memories. Great looking armies and fun to watch. Thanks as always for the great contnet!
This is a pleasant surprise.
I watched half of this and pre-ordered the books, time to get those Wood Elves out of the cabinet!
you made my dream come true! Thanks for leaning into the Realms of rising darkness into the end times….🦾💥
Love to see more content!
Oh wow that game was brilliant, can’t wait for more!
Seing this Battle, reminds that i really wish we had a shoot/attack in the back in the back bonus rule in 40K.
You know… actual flanking.
I also wonder which faction will Chef be choosing and if Spider will be bringing High Elves?
I already mentioned it a bit on the YouTube posting (because comments for the Algorithm Throne), but it’s so cool to see the Old World on the table here. I love the mad styling of AoS minis, but the Old World just hits different. Plus seeing the units fighting in rank and file is very cool. Excited to see more of these battle reports in the future!
Thanks so much for covering ToW as well… First glimpse I’ve seen anywhere of the Empire
Just to clarify, is regen before damage is applied, so it doesnt work like a Feel No Pain save?
Love it that you do Old World, great batrep!
A non 40k battle report?
This company still does those?
Excited to watch!
Amazing battle report fellas.