**NEW CODEX!!** T’au Empire vs Orks | Warhammer 40k Battle Report
![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AphLdfaG_34/hqdefault.jpg)
The brand new T’au Empire Codex is here!!! As Bard takes the Retaliation Cadre against Beard and his Fearsome Oak war band!!! Will Superior Firepower be enough to wipe out this grand WAAAGGGHHH!!!!
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🎵 Music is licensed from their respective Artists at Premium Beat
📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists
I might actually be able to beat my mates Blood Angels now.
Gotta love those Bread & Butter batrep !
56m23s “Buzzgit and Monkfish”. Appropriately renamed the Ork Warboss for a Tau fight I see…..
Ork bikes are toughness 6 now, so would have taken a lot less damage turn 1. Str5 flamers still only wounding on 6s with the -1 from ‘ars as nails.
Great BR as always, however I feel there was some glazing for the new Crisis suits…they’re definitely a nerf.
I’m not happy about this Barry mocking…😝
The new codex is fire, but really I’m here for the Limp Bizkit references
Ah another Brad and Bread adventure , good game guys . Always a pleasure to see 2 genuine people throw dice 🎲
“What a wonderful lore story.”
Prime time Brad and Bread there.
The Tau have shown us there fancy new tactics and toys, but the true hero of this story is…..(play the music)….Scrap Lord!!!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Shadowsun does have two high energy fusion blasters?
Doesn’t shadowsun have 2 fusion guns?
When Beard/Bread sang the WAAAGH, I remembered something. Do you know the beautiful song „What A Wonderful WAAAGH“ on YouTube? It’s amazing! 🤣
20 years since GW released Tau and they’ve yet to figure out how to make them fun or interesting to play against. Credit to Bard for giving it a go though.
Loved it bard shadowsun has 2 fusion blasters u only rolled 1 all game
i just need somebody to talk to me the way Beard talks to Bard: “majestic beast galloping through the meadow of my mind” lmao
This is a weird one, firstly, I’m happy the T’au have a cool book and hopefully future codexes will continue like this. Unfortunately it also makes me sad because I’m an ad-mech player so it just reminds me how my own codex is so minimum effort for maximum disappointment
Incredibly fun game, love the thematic armies. And the vibe and banter between the players was the best thing of all. Thanks for what yinz do!
Such an incredible game! I love the army of battlesuits! ORKS ORKS KRUMP! I really enjoy watching the orks come out to play
very fun game to watch, cant wait to try my crissis suit army:), and for your futur game shadowsun have 2 fusion, so more big shot with her 🙂
The orks are singing, “Krumpin’ little fish ‘eads wif our fully Dakkamatics!!!”
@ 18:42 – my battlesuits from this day forward are going to enter every conflict doing that dance 😂
Ol’ Bradstrukk and Breadlord at it again, eh?
Really enjoyable, nice to see the new codex, I do like this battle suit focus detachment with alot of manoeuvrability. Bard not using breachers and devilfish thats a first 😀
Great game to both, fun to see the new codex in action
Tau finally playing like they are in the novels. Highly mobile with a mix of short and long range alpha strike firepower.
Bard – Looks like there is a typo in your IG tag. It doesn’t have that d (paintmedsomeslack) when I looked you up on IG to follow you 🙂
Seeing how that roll off went, Bard is not really blessed by the T‘au-goddess of luck and fate: Da‘ice😂
Still really enjoyed the report, looking forward to Tuesday!
You guys always do such a wonderful job in showing off the new codexes. You always make sure to showcase the new rules and stratagems in a way that makes it “stick”.
Wow the Retalitaion cadre is devastating. Those starsythes are no joke though not convinces how well they would do against other armies. Shame about the riptide.
One thing though Bard. Have you got something against Shadowsun cause i don’t think there has been a single game in 10th where you have fired twice with here fusion balsters. She has got 2 of them XD. Regardless really fun game and great showing of just how potent the Realation cadre can be.
I laughed so much in this – Cheesy sponges and ard as nails hulk ups!
I think I’m going to finally start that all suit Farsight list I’ve been dreaming of!
first. this codex drop has me so fired up