Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 – What does the smash hit mean for the tabletop?

Avatar Jinx September 16, 202474  37 74 Likes

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It’s safe to say that Space Marine 2 has made an almighty impact, generating a huge amount of excitement from Warhammer fans and beyond! How do Warhammer players feel about Space Marine 2 though? Is it the triumph we have all been waiting for, and if so what might this huge success mean for the franchise moving forwards?

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Adam Doughty
Lodge Member
5 months ago

There was a time where nobody believed that the lord of the rings could ever be a film…

Joshua Aspinall
Joshua Aspinall
5 months ago

I’ve tried to get loads of mates to play tabletop over the years, and no one ever wants to; it’s a big commitment. Those same people are excited to play Space Marine 2, and still not interested in joining the hobby proper; I don’t see that changing either. Games are casual investments, gamers don’t always make good hobbyists.

Ben Whitburn
Ben Whitburn
5 months ago

I am completely in love with space marine 2. I’ve been playing table top for year’s now, and I’ve had friends ask me about the lore and been sending lore YouTube videos to them. Glad you guys are enjoying as much as we are!

Uroš Brkić
5 months ago

The game looks awesome and I may pick it up one day. Lately I can either find time for the hobby or a video game, and most often the hobby wins out. I do have a question for the gang. A game that came out, I think a year ago, was Rogue Trader. Did any of the crew play that game?
I found the immersion really great. They also handled the amount of the lore that people could pick up very well.
You could learn a lot if you wanted by reading random data that can be found everywhere.

Lodge Member
5 months ago

Im enjoying the game but I wish the whole game had been deathwatch kill team vs tyranids. You could get the special ammunition and xenos weapons to add further variety to the campaign. And give Deathwatch more appreciation and make the Tyranids the full villains, not pushed to the side for a different enemy like the first game.

Barry Wright
Barry Wright
5 months ago

ok good

Last edited 5 months ago by Barry Wright
5 months ago

I am loving the game. Have waited a loooong time for it and it was well worth the wait. Having fun with PvP and have ended up starting a wee Ultramarines force 🤣

5 months ago

The game is actually making me like space marines? As I got older I thought they were a bit bland but it’s completely changed my opinion of them!

A tabletop question, if I created my own chapter or painted a successor chapter, could use all detachment rules? Especially the black Templars?

Chun-Kit Kan
Lodge Member
Chun-Kit Kan
5 months ago

I’ve purposely NOT bought the game as I am going to a 40k tournament at the start of Oct and I’m pushing myself to get my first ever fully painted 2k army on the board! Reviews and hype about the game are making this quest difficult!
I must stay strong and finish painting my Dark Angels for the event… Then I will game!

Graeme Noble
Graeme Noble
5 months ago

To be honest I was out of 40k I was moving to aos and other systems. Cancelled my tt membership sold most of my bits was really disengaged with . Constant Rules changes had me down. Space marine 2 reminded me of why I love 40k so much. Went out bought a blood angels box set and am happily sitting down enjoying it again!

Gavin Vankosky
Lodge Member
5 months ago

My Monday Night Games group and Warhammer Wednesday Group have little overlap, some we’ve tried to get into the hobby and failed, but put a 40k video game in their hands, and they’ll play it start to finish. We’re very much looking forward to playing through Space Marine 2

5 months ago

My mate gets very frustrated with me as we are playing through, i stop at everything, explaining what it is, if i have it painted, what it does in the tabletop game and fluff. I force feed him everything 🤣 usually he just says. ‘I dont care right now to be honest, ive got hundreds of those little things and 5 of those bigger ones on me, come and help!!’

5 months ago

So yes. Talked to my buddy (a Warhammerer himself) this weekend and he asked me what the game is like…”is it any good?” and i had to think a moment to phrase it right. I think there are two answers to his question: As a pure gamer with none Warhammer background what so ever, this game is… ok. It’s beautiful, runs smooth and the gameplay and the story is solid. A good 7/10. BUT if you have just a little bit of ceramite armor on your wardrobe at home or just one small bolter cartrige in the back of your… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 months ago

What sold it for me in terms of attention to detail and loyalty to the IP was very early on during the tutorial: the Space Wolf Deathwatch member cursed in Fenrisian (Fenrys Hjolda!) as he was skewered by a Tyranid Warrior. I knew from that moment onwards that this would be a love letter to the IP.

Jason Meredith
5 months ago

So firstly that moment bard mentioned about a certain person arriving late game made me out loud go ‘oh shit!’. A fantastic peice of art and a fun game. The campaign nails the world perfectly.
Secondly have any of you guys seen the trailer for secret level that Amazon are doing? It’s the creators of love death robots, which was a brilliant watch. They have included a couple of Warhammer aspects into it. Hopefully with that and the success of space marine 2 cavils hopes for a cinematic universe can be realised fully.

William Munroe
William Munroe
5 months ago

Looking forward to playing it, glad to hear from you guys it feels as it should play!

Jack Stephen
Jack Stephen
5 months ago

Loving the game so far. Definitely had some friends Jump into 40k for the first time. Start looking up chapters that fit them.

I kinda hope GW capitalises on the game and makes a campaign book around the greater conflict ? Give me a big box set of Ultramarines Vs Thousand sons and missions. Let us expand on Space Marine 2 through the table top

Toni Viskari
Toni Viskari
5 months ago

As a second comment, I wanted to push a bit back against the argument about how brave the game was about not really explaining anything. Not because I think it is a bad thing in the game itself, but rather the seemingly really general representation of that being good storytelling as I just fundamentally disagree there. The thing is that the amount of background given here is about the same as they in the first Space Marine and it works because it is a short-ish action game which can rely more visual environments and where actually having those exposition moments… Read more »

Toni Viskari
Toni Viskari
5 months ago

The best review headline I saw for this game, and it was a positive review, was something that this was the best game released in 2007. Which for me captured the sensibilities of it so well. Played through it yesterday and the experience itself a blast, especially when I lowered the difficulty from Veteran to Normal. The issue I realized was that while I was getting through the hordes, the boss encounters were becoming really frustrating for me as the game went on because it felt like there were more moving parts that I could handle alone. Thus they came… Read more »

Lodge Member
5 months ago

So disappointed this showed up late. Felt lost without my Monday morning podcast commute. Just a soulless drive into hot, unforgiving desert!

Will download later.

Pierre Martinent
Pierre Martinent
5 months ago

Hey TT crew (and on-demand bosses) !
I worked as a producer on Boltgun and am credited as “the loremaster” on Space Marine 2. Glad you’re enjoying the game along LOADS of other people ^^ You’re absolutely right about Auroch (Boltgun), Saber (SM2) and Focus (publisher of both games) having huge 40K fans on all sides 😉
Ask me anything if you want to know more ! (No leaks allowed tho :p)

And anyway, keep being awesome TT !

Robert Dixon
Lodge Member
Robert Dixon
5 months ago

As someone who still doesn’t share his 40k hobby with everyone that he knows (because some people still don’t get it). I’m incredibly pleased to see the amount of content being made about SM2, there is an overwhelming amount of positive videos. They’ve done an awesome job of sticking to the lore which pleases us 40k nuts and new people joining are in awe of the sheer grim dark of it all. It’s awesome! The only time i stopped playing it was to kit bash my new BA pre order kit into my own sanguinary gaurd for my flesh tearers!

Dan O'Gorman
5 months ago

It means Intercessors will become the new META!!!

Not played the game, but it can only mean good things.

Christian Larrain
Christian Larrain
5 months ago

I was waiting for this exact topic to pop up after beating this insane game

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
5 months ago

Best game!

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