DEATHWATCH ARE BACK!! New Army Rules, Detachment, Killteams and Datasheets

After disappearing for a little while, Deathwatch have returned with an army rule, detachment abilities, stratagems, Enhancements and updated new datasheets.
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u can just hear the pure joy in Beards voice, happy u got your army back sir, happy xenos crushing
DEATHWATCH!! A Christmas miracle 🎄💪🏼🍻🍾
It’s finally happened, Reivers get Ap-1 on their blades, I’m in shock 😂🎉🎉
Ohhhhh yasssssssss, i’ve got my army back! Guess what i’m bringing to your Feb tournament!
I love this index. For me it’s exactly what I wanted from imperial agents/deathwatch
Nice to have one of my favourite armies back in the game, getting some decent rules is a bonus! Hope to see you playing them on the channel soon, Beard!
And Millions of Deathwatch players cried out and rejoiced!
Happy to see the return of what the GW has made the army to be.
Happy to have half my models back useable, my company of heroes have been on the shelf too long!
GW could have at least fixed the WS for chainswords on the Intercessors, they’ve been hitting on 4+ since 10th dropped while regular Codex Intercessors have been hitting on 3+.
Otherwise, happy to see this, guess my birthday present this weekend is my friend using his Xeno hunters against my xenos again 😀
And just like that my Deathwatch army goes from deleted to…still not playable. Randomly deleting the Proteus configuration when it’s 1) the iconic Kill Team formation and 2) the backbone of my collection for three editions now is not warming me to this “update”.
Really stoked you got your army back Beard. I had prepped a bunch of kits to build a death watch army this year and then didn’t when they killed the rules… Going to have to get that back on track.
“3d printer loaded with shoulder pads goes brrrrrrrt”
Yikes, on first glance there seems to be some really scary possibilities with this list. Deepstriking Indomitor kill team via apothecary biologus and beacon angelis with kraken rounds????
Even GW doesnt remember the names of things, Heavy Intercessors with Jump Pack
I suspect that the separate names are so they can draw more distinction versus the codex versions e.g. make it clearer that they don’t get shoot on death for the not-hellblasters.
Did they change the names for keywords perhaps?
Also the change to reivers makes me hopeful for the space marine revamp.
Really happy to se my Deathwatch back in buisness but I’m still abit worried about the future what’s gonna happen with Dw in the next edition
Super chuffed that they added the new Primaris to the killteams. Even fortis looking decent. If our terminators stay at 180 pts that’s BIG
Talonstrike Baybeee!!!!
I have some kitbashing to do!