**NEW CODEX** Aeldari vs Necrons | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

The Aeldari Codex is here! – and with it the Aspect Warriors to defend the last cinders of a doomed civilisation. Bursting out of reality Warp Spiders bring monofilament death to the Craftworld’s enemies, whilst Fire Dragons furiously immolate their foes at short range. Will Khain’s vengeance buy the Aeldari race more time – or will the Necrons bring annihilation to the perfidious Eldar!
00:00 Intro
00:41 Aeldari List
03:34 Necron List
05:38 Deployment
07:02 Battle Round 1
20:46 Battle Round 2
37:01 Battle Round 3
49:32 Battle Round 4
57:18 Battle Round 5
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📝Army Lists:
Aspect host
Avatar of Khaine
Jain Zar
Autarch with Wings
Maugan Ra
Striking Scorpions
Swooping Hawks x 2
Warp Spiders
Fire Dragons
Dark Reapers
Howling Banshees
Falcon x 2
Wave Serpent
Canoptek Court
Technomancer x 2
Transcendent C’tan
Immortals x 2
Canoptek Doomstalker x 3
Canoptek Wraiths x 2
Lokhust Destroyers x 3
Also, if there was a paint scheme please let me
Know. I’d like to try and recreate it.
What terrain is below the webway gates?
Great battle and nice to show off the new Eldar. The banshees are crazy good, I think I am going to get a unit of them. Need some shining spears in that list next time. I think the wave serpents are going to be better choices then that falcons in this dex, as the -1 to wound will really help them survive, and that is rare in Eldar. Can’t wait to watch more battles
God damn those Eldar are pretty – think I may need to painter-nap your Fletcher.
Striking Scorpions Strike Scorpilly is my favourite quote. Sounds very Monty Python!
Did I miss something? The doomstalker took 11 wounds in the first round, but with fuegan in the group, shouldn’t the melta damage have been added on to finish it off?
awesome battle report
‘Let’s be friends’ had me cracking up
The Ed’tan must be truly terrifying when he can loom right over you!
Can’t believe I have to wait 2 weeks to get my new aspects and Pheonix lords, can’t wait!
I also can’t wait to see which detachment Lawrence will play first…I know he’s an Ulthwe fan so maybe taking on the challenge of the seer or guardians detachments?? Or Ynnari so The Spider can take 10 incubi 😂
Is it bad that I want Mr. 500 Points to continue losing just so we can watch his slow descent into increasingly unhinged death descriptions?
Excellent game! Fun to see phoenix lords actually perform. That brick of banshees were all over the board. The Dark Reapers do more than just take place on the battle field now.
Not sure how Ed managed to nick the win. Seemed impossible.
Really entertaining, I enjoy Ed’s descriptions very much. I also really liked the Eldar list Katie put together. Fun game to watch, thank you.
Well played. What a lot to learn and keep track of. Looking forward to seeing the new detachments and more Aeldari in the future!
If what little we know about the War in Heaven is true, the Necron, or pre bio-transference Necrontyr, are older. The Eldar are creations of the Old Ones used as weapons in their war against the Necron.
What ever your paying Fletcher, i am not sure its enough! Hes a master at his art.
What a game! More twists and turns than the web way. Well played Jinx & Ed.
Avatar of khaine hero mode coming soon?
Entertaining in so many ways! One question where is the eldar scenery from (the pieces in the center of the webway gate spires)?
Excellent game!!! Down to the wire! These new Phoenix Lords look amazing, Good job Fletcher!! Looking forward ti see the rest and also put my hands ln them too 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Ugh, building the hype and making me realize how long I need to wait yet. Love the vid and thank you for playing the new army! 😀
6:10 Necrons. The Aeldari were created to fight the Necrons.
Ed’s description/announcements of dead units are so good. Makes everything epic !
The Ed’s line “You can’t kill something that is already 85% doom.” was hilarious, as was the rest of the game.
Aah! I see now why there was no studio tour! 😄 beautiful game, beautiful work by Fletcher and thanks for being a bunch of legends!
Heeeeere we go!
Firstly, amazingly painted Fletcher!
So excited for this. Thanks guys
Xenos vs Xenos, Glory to the Eightfold Path!