Orks vs Daemons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

Avatar Spider July 25, 202020  52 20 Likes

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It’s a sea of green as the Orks look for a right proper scrap with a horde of Nurgle Daemons!

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The Army Lists are: 


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) ++

Clan Kultur / Specialist Mobs: Goffs

+ HQ +

Deffkilla Wartrike: Killa Jet, Snagga Klaw, Super Cybork Body, 3x Twin Boomstick

Ghazghkull Thraka: Gork’s Klaw, Mork’s Roar, Stikkbombs, Warlord

Makari: Makari’s Stabba

+ Troops +

Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa: 29x Choppa, 29x Slugga, 29x Stikkbombs

Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa: 29x Choppa, 29x Slugga, 29x Stikkbombs

15x Gretchin: 15x Grot Blaster

+ Elites +

10x Tankbusta: 10x Rokkit Launcha, 10x Stikkbombs, 10x Tankbusta Bombs

+ Fast Attack +

Boss Nob: 2x Dakkagun, Power Klaw, Slugga, Stikkbombs
11x Warbiker: 11x Choppa, 22x Dakkagun, 11x Slugga, 11x Stikkbombs

+ Heavy Support +

Flash Gitz
9x Flash Git: 9x Snazzgun, 9x Stikkbombs
Kaptin: Snazzgun, Stikkbombs

+ Dedicated Transport +

Trukk: Big Shoota

Trukk: Big Shoota


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos – Daemons) ++

Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle

+ HQ +

Epidemius: Balesword, Nurglings

Great Unclean One: Bileblade, Bilesword, Exalted Great Unclean One, Nurglings, Smite

Spoilpox Scrivener: Disgusting sneezes, Distended maw, Plaguesword

+ Troops +

8x Nurgling Swarms: 8x Diseased claws and teeth

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword
Plagueridden: Plaguesword

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword
Plagueridden: Plaguesword

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword
Plagueridden: Plaguesword

+ Elites +

Beasts of Nurgle
2x Beast of Nurgle: 2x Putrid appendages

+ Fast Attack +

Plague Drones: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
5x Plague Drone: 5x Death’s heads, 5x Plaguesword
5x Rot Fly: 5x Prehensile Proboscis
Plaguebringer: Death’s heads, Plaguesword
Rot Fly: Prehensile Proboscis

++ Fortification Network (Chaos – Daemons) ++

Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle

+ Fortification +

Feculent Gnarlmaws: 2x Feculent Gnarlmaw

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Lindsey McLaughlin
Lindsey McLaughlin
4 years ago

you guys are great and fun to watch, but this game had a ton of mistakes and missed rolls. I know you guys like rolling dice but with goffs, 20 plus boyz mobs and ghaz, you really should just use a dice roll app. also bone, the noise in regular units are strength 5 in case it ever really mattered for wounding

Last edited 4 years ago by Lindsey McLaughlin
4 years ago

You get +1A when you have more then 20 boyz in a mob. With Ghazzy that’s 5A on the charge.
2 Base
+1 Choppa
+1 Green Tide (More then 20 boyz)
+1 Ghazzy (on the charge)

Christopher Briles
Christopher Briles
4 years ago

Love this game but wow so much green

Lodge Member
4 years ago

If you want to learn how to play 40:k dont watch this battlereport was filled with misstakes, mental errors and missed dicerolls. Guys I know you can do better.

Tobias Osterhaug
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Been a long time since I got to watch a game that was just two huge hordes smashing into each other and slugging it out in the middle of the board. Always a treat. Green is best 😉

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Malachi was the leader of the kids in Children of the Corn. Terrible movie, but scared the crap out me as a little kid.

Mark Orosz
4 years ago

Good game. Bone I think keeping some of your forces back early was a really great tactical decision. Put Beard in a really tough spot. Also not having any shooting is a really rough spot for those nurgle daemons in this match up. There were so many points held up with Epedemius, the trees and nurglings in the back that did not do much. I wonder if there is something that would help in this match up. It feels like Nurgle has a pretty narrow game plan in this match up whereas the speed and shooting of the orks gives… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Mark Orosz
4 years ago

That was a gooden!!!! Great work guys

4 years ago

Malakai was the GSC vs Imperial Guard narrative report? maybe?

Ben Meredith
Ben Meredith
4 years ago

Hey Bone,

Just so you know with “ere we go” you can choose to re-roll either one or both of the dice. Unless 9th changed that, but it specifies one or the other.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

When you resolve attacks that normally do 1 dmg, but have a chance to do multiple damage on a 6, against a multi-wound target, you need to roll your wound-rolls one at a time, because you need to know the order in which those wound were applied. Was that 6 against a fresh model, or a model that has already taken dmg? It matters. Same goes for weapons that can deal mortal wounds. Unless it was changed in the 9th, mortal wounds are applied after the normal damage from that attack. So you also roll them one at a time… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Makari aka Maraki aka Maraka aka Malakai aka Makalai aka Malkai aka Malcador aka Malvin aka Martin this one here. Hilarious.
Awesome Batrep. I’d like to see more combat oriented matchups.

Last edited 4 years ago by Holokrates
James Frost
James Frost
4 years ago

A fun game for sure, but combat orks are a bit of a hard counter to Nurgle demons thanks to pure volume of 0 AP attacks. Having said that there were a fair few mistakes, I think you forgot your bonus attacks from the scrivener all game being the biggest one. For a recommendation might I suggest trying out the great unclean one with the new flail relic, while you lose a bit of durability and the nice combo with the bile blade you gain a lot more potential damage, it would have been killing around 8 boyz per shooting… Read more »

Ivan A
Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Haha this is a great game! Beard and Bone is a guarantee for a great time!

4 years ago

How are y’all keeping up with the score? Are you using a template?

David Gwynn
Lodge Member
David Gwynn
4 years ago

“Maraca” for Makari is up there with “Digimon” for Deredeos

Jon Wilson
4 years ago

It was a very fine battle report, and I wish I had some tactical wisdom to impart, but unfortunately I’m here to talk about the (k)nobs. It’s deeply puerile, but I struggled when Bone said “I need to get my nob in here” and when he later vouchsafed in a solemn tone, “I’m going to attack you with my nob”, I’m afraid I fell apart. I’m a 40 year old man with three children. The shame…

Matthew Phillips
Matthew Phillips
4 years ago

Can we get an Orks vs Harlequins game?

Turner K
Turner K
4 years ago

Might want to in future blur that bone-touching-himself moment. The FCC cites it is harmful to children. It’d be funny too. Just a thin strip of blur across the mid-upper section, his facial expression is completely acceptable so no need to blur that.

Lol who down votes this? Chill.

Last edited 4 years ago by Turner K
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Always a good day when i get a Beard and Bone batrep!
Great game and love the army choices!
Is it just me that thinks Gaz taking maximum damage per phase but not the GUO is a bit off? Here’s hoping for 9th fixing some of this nonsense…. eventually.

Kevin Adamowicz
Kevin Adamowicz
4 years ago

Man … I love you guys but I have never seen so many mistakes in a Warhammer game in my life. Oh well life goes on.

Alex Martyniuk
Alex Martyniuk
4 years ago

No Gun-crazy Show-offs? That is the silliest thing about the flash gitz! 😛

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great game! Would you consider putting the final score of the armies at the end so people can start to get a feel of what the points look like after a game? Also, would you consider showing both players’ scores at the end of each turn/battleround? It’s a bit hard to follow who exaclty is ahead sometimes.

daniel schmitt
daniel schmitt
4 years ago

3 months until the first codex. 2 codecies that month. At that rate, best case scenario, the game will be a massively unbalanced mess until 2022, more likely 2023 when all these great new rules that are already done will finally be released. Until then the disparity between armies will be massive, especially with the garbage points rewrite. Good job GW. At this point I’m the idiot for falling for the idea that GW was actually going to do 9th correctly and finally care about making a balanced game. This is the problem with GW’s model of tying together new… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by daniel schmitt
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great battle report as always. Thank you for all you do guys!
@Bone – Tis but a little thing, however your Flash Gitz Kaptin should have been hitting on 3s due to his Gitfinda Squig. With their 33% points increase they need all the help they can get!

4 years ago

Great batrep!
The boys act as tired as I feel on this hot German saturday. But it’s all better watching your antics! Now we just need Orks vs World Eaters for an even bigger slugfest! >:)

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Nice slugfest, here! Thank you for the batrep!
I love Nurgle’s trees, sooner or later I’ll have to buy some.

Last edited 4 years ago by Stefano
Marko Vidovic
Marko Vidovic
4 years ago

Great Batrep guys, enjoyable as always! You should try putting the cards under the units for spells, modifiers, relics etc., helps me a lot to keep track of all things and not miss something, like +1 to wound f.e.?
keep up the good work guys, so much fun to watch your videos!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

ORKS ORKS ORKS!! So glad to see the green on green action! Also my goodness Ghazgul looks amazing!
Malachi is someone from the Bible as I recall but Im sure someone from 40k lore is also named that 😀
Question: dont pistols get to shoot during the shooting phase even when in combat?

Lewis Salter
Lewis Salter
4 years ago

It was only a matter of time before bone squeezed his moobs and screamed incoherently with Nurgle’s blessing.

Mikhail Davis
Lodge Member
Mikhail Davis
4 years ago

Will there be a battle report featuring the Black Templars with the new Indomitus units?

Casey Rajotte
4 years ago

Bed time is for the weak! Good morning from PNW guys!