Astra Militarum vs Orks 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 *NEW MAELSTROM* Battle Report

Avatar The Beard February 20, 202170  118 70 Likes

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We try out the new Beta Maelstrom of War Missions from the recent White Dwarf with the Albion Raptors pitted against an Ork Horde! Featuring new units reinforcements and a new Commander in Spider, will the might of the Imperium pummel the Xenos into the dust, or will the WAAAGH overwhelm them?

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The Army Lists are: 


++ Battalion Detachment ++

Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz

+ HQ +

Warboss: Da Biggest Boss, Warlord – Follow Me, Ladz!, Relic – Da Killa Klaw, Kombi-Rokkit

Deffkilla Wartrike: Relic – Super Cybork Body

Weirdboy: Warphead

+ Troops +

20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boy: Choppa, Slugga

20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boy: Choppa, Slugga

20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boy: Choppa, Slugga

+ Elites +

4x Meganobz
Boss Meganob: Killsaws
3x Meganob: Killsaws

4x Meganobz
Boss Meganob: Killsaws
3x Meganob: Killsaws

+ Fast Attack +

3x Kustom Boosta Blastas

5x Nobz on Warbikes
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
4x Nob: Choppa

5x Nobz on Warbikes
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
4x Nob: Choppa

+ Heavy Support +

Bonebreaka: Kustom Job – Forktress, Big Shoota, Deff Rolla

Bonebreaka: Kustom Job – Forktress, Big Shoota, Deff Rolla

Astra Militarum

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Regimental Doctrine: Gunnery Experts & Spotter Details

+ HQ +

Tank Commander: Warlord- Old Grudge, Tank Ace- Master Mechanic, Demolisher Siege Cannon, Heavy Bolter, 2x Multi-meltas

Company Commander: Relic- The Blade of Conquest, Laspistol

Primaris Psyker: Powers- Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier

+ Troops +

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Guardsman: Meltagun
8x Guardsman: 8x Lasgun

+ Elites +

9x Bullgryns: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield

+ Heavy Support +

Leman Russ Demolisher: Demolisher Siege Cannon, Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Demolisher: Demolisher Siege Cannon, Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Demolisher: Demolisher Siege Cannon, Heavy Bolter

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Tyler Nekvasil
3 years ago

That Primaris Psyker though! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!

3 years ago

Awesome Batrep as always
loving the hair-dos
Bone your Grots do get Dakka Dakka Dakka, they just never benefit from the Klan Kultur

Brian Rae
Brian Rae
3 years ago

Oh and as for maelstrom? Very glad it’s back. There’s factions that just don’t do all that well in 9th because of the secondaries in matched play that can really shine in Maelstrom.
I don’t think it’s an accident that Spider and Bone picked two of them. Tau will benefit from Maelstrom as well.

Brian Rae
Brian Rae
3 years ago

Interesting game. I wouldn’t recommend using this guard list as a take all comers list in normal matched play games. Bone struggled in this game against the Guard armour, but most armies wont. Each Chimera gives away 1VP for two separate secondaries, for a total of 2 per dead Chimera, and they are not hard to kill. This list makes taking Bring it Down and Thin the Ranks very attractive options for the opponent, and 60 guardsmen are just not enough in 9th edition. You see Guard players take 60 guardsmen in tournaments all the time because it -used- to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Brian Rae
Brian Rae
Brian Rae
3 years ago

Ugh…. I want to watch this so much. Maybe, -maybe- I can squeeze it in tomorrow.

Daniel Wright
Daniel Wright
3 years ago

Chimeras with the flamers looking very nice options now. Shouldn’t Lawrence have been rolling 12 shots with the lasgun arrays though? There are 2 arrays, and the boyz looked in rapid fire range?

Sarah Soden
Lodge Member
Sarah Soden
3 years ago

New hair style?

Michael Corr
Michael Corr
3 years ago

What are your thoughts on the new maelstrom rules? I like them, but it seems like going second is a big advantage for scoring many of the objectives, as they are scored at the end of the battle round.

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
3 years ago

Great game guys, was a lot of fun to watch. Agree with needing the cards for the maelstrom just to make it easier for you.
Also after that game think you need to start calling the spider the emperor as he seems to have unlimited power!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Happy to see maelstrom again! Hope you do more in the future (and hopefully more official maelstrom rules!)

Lodge Member
3 years ago

That Primaris Psyker Smite roll of 11 followed by a 6….

Yuri Broda
Lodge Member
Yuri Broda
3 years ago

Exciting battle report, as always! Really glad you’re showing some of the experimental stuff. Would be really cool to see you guys play a couple games with the tactical deployment/special terrain rules as well!

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Orks are a hard army to play – they are literally an army that goes off on a massive waaaagh! or gets ground down to ineffectiveness. The dice are fickle. But I really think Bone had the better of you in this game Lawrence, he definitely played the game at a high level – I was really impressed.
I think the lack of anti-tank did you in Mr Bone, that armour was too thick for blasters.

Ian Perrone
3 years ago

That six super smite OoOoOoOh Spider moment was fantastic, much appreciated Mr. Chef!

John-John Holm
John-John Holm
3 years ago

Couldn’t the bikes could have charged the psyker and consolidated into the leman russes? I’ve charged stuff into demolisher russes often enough to know that defensive gunners isn’t something you want to deal with.

Callum Seymour
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great game, guys.

3 years ago

thanks for taking the time to work through the new maelstorm. I really enjoy those debrief moments at the end, it’s interesting to see what you guys think the turning points were.

3 years ago

Great game! Really enjoyed watching.

André Orthmann
3 years ago

New mission: it looks great and guess it will be fun to play it. Only thing really concerning me is the inconsequence on the initiative. 1. why they make it different and dont keep it the same like in the core rules/gt mission pack FAQ? 2. i think the idea of the last FAQ that the winner HAS TO go first is better.

3 years ago

King of Orks vs Evil, Genius Spider!
Epic. I hope Savage Orks will be victorious

Vi Archer
Vi Archer
3 years ago

Spider and Bone. Doesn’t happen as often as it used to, but when it does, it’s special!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Laurence, I know that rolling a 6 on a D6 is a 1 in 6 chance. That’s not huge odds, but it is ‘unlikely’ when compared with the combined odds of rolling a 1,2,3,4 or 5. When you called the 6 on the Primaris Psyker and killed those two mega nobs, my head exploded! The internet exploded!! I wanted to dance around the room (I did a little bit!). It’s like watching sporting legend perform some act of utter brilliance and nonchalantly shrug as their team mates celebrate with them, all as astounded as the watching crowd! Oh wow! Oh… Read more »

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

Did spiders tanks have their parking tickets ready, gotta love those short table end matches.

3 years ago

Very cool game, would loved to have seen the warboss catapulted up the board earlier on and wrecking more tanks! Awesome smash up

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Love that Maelstrom is back and I like the addition of multicolor dice,

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Awesome sauce dudes – rules question, can 1 unit hold two objectives simultaneously in 9th? Or isbthat Maelstrom specific?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Lawrence, it was so nice to see you again. I feel like we haven’t seen you that much. Please play more games! 🙏🙏

James Marsden
3 years ago


Fantastic as always gents. Maelstrom looks really fun. Can’t wait to give it a try!

Matthew Biro
Lodge Member
Matthew Biro
3 years ago

That was a great game gentlemen. I always look forward to spider Vs bone Saturday specials because they are always so much fun and have silliness in equal measure. On Maelstrom thank goodness GW are looking at bringing it back!!! To date my gripe with the 9th edition mission packs to date has been you can make great choices on secondaries but if your opponent is able to sit on enough objectives throughout the game then the points can get away from you. It will be interesting to build some lists and see how well I can get the tactical… Read more »

P M Prescott
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Should Bone have had to reroll that first Psychic test? The rule book states “If you roll a double 1 or a double 6 when taking a psychic test …” not if you cast on a 12+ so the 5 + 6 he rolled wouldn’t have been a perils even with the + 2 bonus too cast or have I missed an FAQ

adam silvey
adam silvey
3 years ago

Are those dice lights coming to the store soon? <3

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I have many questions but only 1 important one… IS THERE A MULTIBALL?

3 years ago

Good game guys and I’m psyched to see the return of maelstrom!! After reading my WD I plan to write up the tables into spreadsheet, print them as small as is practical and add a couple of columns next to the tables, so I can tick which ones have been rolled/scored each turn. Once it’s laminated will make for an easy game aid with some fine markers for the time being I reckon.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Lawrence’s hair… are there gel shortages in the UK now??? Brexit/COVID makes fools of us all…
On a serious note, excellent batrep on many points. I think whenever TTT introduces something “new” a Spider/Chef pairing with Bone/Beard is for the best. The B/B show is great but it kinda devolves into something that distracts from highlighting the new shiny. Also happy to see Spider helm a sub par army and really show how to make it sing (or at least give it a good showing). Keep being the best 40k batrep producers.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Hey fellas! Always love watching the guard. Thanks for another cheeky batrep

I think in Lawrence’s first turn, he shot his Demolisher cannon at bonebreaker with a D6 profile. I’m fairly certain it’s D3, and only D6 when shooting at a unit that has 5 or more models? Unless there is a tasty FAQ somewhere I’m missing!

Much love


Lewis Collyer
Lewis Collyer
3 years ago

Spider bringing that 90s haircut back.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

What’s not to like Guard versus Orks. Think it would be worth dropping 3 of the chimeras and investing the points in another Russ. Might I suggest a punisher variant or 2 to back up the demolishes, as at least one of the regiment traits will still help. Also drop the Primaris psyker for an Astropath if you just need to protect the Bullgryn. Although it was cool to see the Primaris psyker ‘SUPER SMITE’ some revenge for his bulgryn friends 😎.Wish I had some advice for the Orks, but I just don’t know the army well enough ‘errr don’t… Read more »

André Ferl
Lodge Member
3 years ago

I’m really thrilled that you took over the Astra Militarum, now we get some proper batreps 🙂 A few things I’d like to mention: I would put a few 4++ Bullgryns in the squad to get the 3++ combined with Psychic Barrier to make them tougher vs. high AP, or else they can be wiped quite easily. The Demo LR are certainly nice, but I think you want some LoS ignoring units like Manticores (paired with full payload) and for 1CP they hit on 3s when the enemy unit is visible to them. Furthermore, to prevent yourself from being “da… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by André Ferl
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Loved the report!

Quick note Spider. The chimera has X2 lasgun arrays at rapid fire 3 each (6 total). So within 12” of the tank you actually get 12 shots.

3 years ago

I would love to see you guys play a 3000pt game once.. Just a massive IG army facing like a coalition of Chaos..

Thomas Formosa-Doyle
Thomas Formosa-Doyle
3 years ago

I love the pre emptive lowering of Mr Plant lifes Waaaaaaaagh audio, Hilarious!

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas Formosa-Doyle
3 years ago

Yes! Looking forward to Maelstrom – 9th has been proper samey.

James Shapiro
James Shapiro
3 years ago

The number of dice-lights on the table is slowly increasing each video….in 2 weeks will they have filled the entire studio?

Crew Member
3 years ago


Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
3 years ago

That psycher must be named!!! If the raptors get some crusade action please include him 😂

Mikhail Davis
Lodge Member
Mikhail Davis
3 years ago

Love the new maelstrom! It definitely needs the cards, but as of right now I think it’s a fun thing to play when you’re exhausted from matched play. And I watched the entire report and Lawrence still did not tell his joke he had prepared. Maybe next time.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Since you asked feedback about Maelstrom: I’m not really a fan. I understand that this was a “beta”, but it’s the mechanic in itself that desn’t resonate with me. I prefer the planning and tactcs that comes from primaries and secondaries, even though I would be the first to admit that many secondaries are not well balanced (especially the psyker ones) and on the whole they should be reworked at least a bit. The randomness of Maelstrom never really appealed to me, even though in 8th I mostly played that way. On a more serious note, are those luminous dices… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Seamus Bradford
Seamus Bradford
3 years ago

Lawrence rocking his Uriel Ventris hairstyle. Looking sharp brother of Ultramar!

Cant wait to play this game mode myself!

Simon Gedge
Lodge Member
Simon Gedge
3 years ago

Classic match up! Great content guys, keep it up.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I would like to congratulate Lawrence on being the first person on TTT to use the chimeras laser arrays! Also the chimera has 2x rapid fire 3 arrays and they are indeed part of the chimeras loadout, they just have an additional requirement of needing a unit be embarked to be used.