Grey Knights vs Thousand Sons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef March 6, 202150  88 50 Likes

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The Warp is torn asunder as the Grey Knights and the Thousand Sons clash in this epic battle of psychic might! Who will bend the Warp to their will and claim victory?!

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Grey Knights

++ Battalion Detachment  ++

+ HQ +

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Warlord – First to the Fray, Relic – Augurium Scrolls, Nemesis Greatsword, Dreadfist, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Power – Armoured Resilience

Brother-Captain: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter, Power – Ethereal Manipulation.

Librarian: Relic – Sanctic Shard, Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter, Power – Edict Imperator, Warp Shaping

+ Troops +

Terminator Squad: Power – Sanctuary
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon

Terminator Squad: Power – Sanctuary
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon

Terminator Squad: Power – Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon

Terminator Squad: Power – Vortex of Doom
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon

+ Elites +

Venerable Dreadnought: Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter, Power – Gate of Infinity

Venerable Dreadnought: Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter, Power – Gate of Infinity

+ Fast Attack +

Interceptor Squad: Power – Gate of Infinity
Interceptor Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters

Interceptor Squad: Power – Gate of Infinity
Interceptor Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Halberds, Storm Bolters

+ Heavy Support +

Purgation Squad: Power – Astral Aim
Purgator Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword
4x Purgator : Psilencers

Purgation Squad: Power – Astral Aim
Purgator Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword
4x Purgator : Psilencers

++ 2,000pts ++

Thousand Sons

++ Battalion Detachment  ++

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Duplicity

+ HQ +

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch: Warlord – Duplicitous Tactician, Relic – Dark Matter Crystal, Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Powers – Glamour of Tzeentch, Weaver of Fates

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch: Relic – Helm of the Third Eye, Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Powers – Gift of Chaos, Prescience

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Powers – Death Hex, Infernal Gaze

+ Troops +

Rubric Marines: Power – Tzeentch’s Firestorm
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave Inferno Bolt Pistol
4x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltguns

Rubric Marines: Power – Temporal Manipulation
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave Inferno Bolt Pistol
4x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltguns

Rubric Marines: Power – Doombolt
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave Inferno Bolt Pistol
4x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltguns

Rubric Marines: Power – Weaver of Fates
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave Inferno Bolt Pistol
4x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltguns

Twistbray: Tzaangor Blades
29x Tzaangor: Tzaangor Blades

+ Elites +

Scarab Occult Terminators: Power – Glamour of Tzeentch
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Power Sword, Inferno Combi-bolter
2x Scarab Occult Terminators: Power Sword, Hellfyre Missile Racks, Inferno Combi-bolter
7x Terminator: Power Sword, Inferno Combi-bolter

Tzaangor Shaman: Power – Glamour of Tzeentch

+ Heavy Support +

Chaos Predator: Twin lascannon, Two Lascannons

Chaos Predator: Twin lascannon, Two Lascannons

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

++  1,996pts ++

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Luke Mc Govern
Luke Mc Govern
3 years ago

This one was close, since good back and forth. You played well beard but those psychic phases were harsh. You should have spent a cp to make one of the sorcerer a high magister. Ahriman could have come in handy in place of one of the sorcerer and 4 goat men. As is you had a less than 50% cast chance when in deny range

Lewis Elmes
3 years ago

Honestly Beard, that was the best I’ve seen you play yet, so many points I was like ‘YES BEARD’! That big win against The Spider is on the horizon, I can feel it, and I cannot wait to savour that moment with you ❤️ 🤣

3 years ago

A great game all and all! As someone who picked up Thousand Sons last month, I feel those bad psychic phases. So shockingly many perils alone, oof.

3 years ago

These Spider/Beard match ups may have become my favorite on the channel.

Watching Lawrence play is always a treat. His genuine love for the game and the setting is refreshing for such a technically skilled player, and obviously his tactical ability is always something to be appreciated and learned from.

And Beard has become his apprentice in a way. He’s gotten really good lately, enough to counter his oddly poor luck lmao.

You two have some great on screen chemistry and make for a fun game every time.

Johan Røikjer
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Game was great !
Became obvious in the end that mental interogation kinda lost it, but well… Hindsight 20/20.
As a TS player i feel that secondary is often a trap as you need all your psychers doing other stuff more often than not.
And then everyone keeps saying that the tzaangor shaman is good at doing that, which is true, bur he is usually dead by turn 2/3 and then you end up with 3 points in the secondary.

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
3 years ago

With the way beard is playing soon he will no longer be the apprentice he shall be the master.

Michael Whiffin
Lodge Member
Michael Whiffin
3 years ago

Great report as usual guys, so close too. Are tzangors daemons? If so GK smite does flat 3 mortal wounds not one so would have been 4 mortal wounds when the purgation squad got it off.

3 years ago

Ooft that was a rumble 💪🏻 good job Beard

Bryan D'Ambra
Bryan D'Ambra
3 years ago

An interesting new stratagem for Grey Knights when they get a new codex might be to give them a 2 cp stratagem to give a casted buff to a second unit within 6 inches of the caster maybe? Might allow for some more flexible list building.

Chris Clayton
Chris Clayton
3 years ago

When you put an exalted sorcerer on disk, they gain the daemon keyword right? so 4 damage smites in the tide of smitey smite…

Jack Whorton
Jack Whorton
3 years ago

Unlucky Beard. Mental Int was a poor choice vs Grey Knights unfortunately as they are so strong on the denies (and by nature will almost always have a deny chance). Banners would have been a more reliable take imo and would suit your list I feel.

Robert Moore
Robert Moore
3 years ago

Beard is an awesome part of the TT team. His strategy has improved out of sight, and it’s always a joy to have him present a battle – he brings great warmth and humor. Just needs some blimmin’ luck to go his way

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
3 years ago

By the way Beard, the way you talk about the future codex Thousand sons…
Blink if you know more due to play testing
Blink twice if you may know more but you are geedubs hostage
Blink thrice if irrespective of the above you will be facing the wolves whenever the codex will get out

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

That turned out to be a very interesting game. After that terrible turn 1 I thought you were done for Beard but that was an excellent showing for the Thousand Sons, despite your terrible rolls. Thousand sons vs Grey Knights feels a bit unfair though, with one of them having a +1 to deny and cast psychic powers. Such scewed psychic phases it gives. Beard, that psychic secondary was unfortunate. Basically having any medium scoring secondary would’ve won you the game there! Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but when a unit with a psyker suffers Perils of the Warp,… Read more »

Jon Wilson
3 years ago

Oh god, I skipped yesterday’s video because I had a quick look at the comments and they all said BURN YOUR DICE BEARD, and I decided I couldn’t face it without alcohol and prozac. Now I’ve just watched Thousand Sons second psychic phase snd FOR GOD’S SAKE BEARD, BURN THOSE EFFING DICE. I don’t know if they’re haunted or what but they absolutely break my heart. You play so well and I love watching you but the rolling…. the rolling… so unfair… uurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It’s an excellent watch though and shaping up to be close. (Kill the dice.) Thanks chaps! (Kill… Read more »

Sean Baxendale
Sean Baxendale
3 years ago

Lawrence how were you able to get those GKs through the rock hill to get to the Terminators so fast. Does the hill have breaching? Surely they didnt have the movement to go up and over?

James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
3 years ago

Great game guys! Really good to see such a close one – absolute nail biter. Plus, Chef is turning snarky editing into an art form. Quality content, guys, as always. Keep it up!

Warp Wasp
Warp Wasp
3 years ago

Good to see the GK’s out. I have always wanted Grey knights just yet to pull that trigger. Questions for @Spider. With the current changes could GK’s Terms/Paladins be able to take storm shields and not feel op/broken for some additional options in unit makeup? Would Rhino’s with Strike marines, en mass along with a backbone unit of Paladins be effective in 9th? Seems with enough buffing they should be okay currently but super solid if they get a similar treatment as normal Space Marines.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Its honestly always a blessing watching your videos! You all are the best 40k content makers in my opinion especially with the finger lightning tricks!! 🙂

3 years ago

Really good close game! Definitely Beards for the winning, a couple of different choices here and there and there’s a real chance!

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Shame it takes me so long to watch these, that was a fantastic game. The level of play has gone up and up.

Jack Whorton
Jack Whorton
3 years ago

WL trait – ‘First to the Fry’ 😀 Those Grey Knights are serious fans of a full english!

Iacton Qruze
Iacton Qruze
3 years ago

Lawrence I would be interested to hear your thoughts regarding a chaplain in this list, I know it’s a only a 66% chance of successfully reciting the litany (feelsbad) but the tipping point of AP-2 into things like massed storm shields/ terminators to mine is massive, especially with the prevalence of these units

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Beard, you should of let the perils go through on the sharman, he would of exploded causing d3 wounds on each character, page 215

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Another very entertaining game lads, spot on as per usual. I was really rooting for you beard but man GK are a very strong army and even more potent when the 8 legged dice rolling freak that is Lawrence is behind the wheel.

You did very well to stand you’re ground Beard and even though you lost you did it with dignity and grace, head held heigh to fight another day.

✌ out

Lodge Member
3 years ago

@44:15 Rubric Marine unit Sorcerer did not have to die, the unit he is with suffers d3 damage for Perils. This is as per Codex 1K Sons Errata. wouldnt make much difference in this game though but good to know.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I still want to see it despite the spoilers. Saving for later tonight. Thank you for all the work you folks put in these. Seriously, best production value out there. Much love to tou all.
P.S. Beard, keep on soldiering on. The luck will turn around. It always does.

Robert Kriszun
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Congrats on your promotion Beard! Well played! Bold move with the terminators. It nearly paid off. But the ways of tzeenth are unfathomable. It was very obvoius in this game how crucial reliable psychic test are. The +1 for casting and deny such as the lower casting values in general for GK gave you a hard time. The Tzaangors did a good job. I tend to underastimate them. Sadly they didn’t get the cult keyword so you can’t “zipzapzomm” them with the cult power. The charge with the predator in the end was a classic beard 😂. I enjoyed it.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Kriszun
Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

When beard mentioned the rhino’s made me think why don’t they Havoc launchers on the chaos rhino’s there nothing amazing and probably wouldn’t do a lot in this game but are handy little extra for 5 points against Elder,Guard,Termagants etc.better than just a combi bolter alone.

Sam Kirkman
Lodge Member
Sam Kirkman
3 years ago

Is that the old school prepainted shrine with stained glass GW used to do on the board? Not seen one of those for years

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
3 years ago

WP Beard! I though you were done for after the termies but you climbed up really well. Your plan was solid, with not luck, but slightly under average rolls this game was yours.

Btw, it also highlights what you said about mental interrogation in the video… So not worth it 🙁

Stephen Bourque
Stephen Bourque
3 years ago

Ah Beard that secondary really doomed you there! So close! Have you thought about running a mixed cult list (probably magic and duplicity)?

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Surprisingly close game! For the first couple of turn I was sure the dices would have sealed the deal for Beard.
I want to rehiterate what Lawrence said: @Beard you are getting better and better, and I especially like how you are always soldiering on despite your usually bad rolls. Huge props to you and keep it up!
Thank you both for the game.

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
3 years ago

The TS army is so pretty. I just think vs GKs I don’t think they stack up too well at the moment. Lack of unit variation, no medic type equivalent and so msny Denys in GK will pinch a bit

Scott Hodge
Scott Hodge
3 years ago

Wait back to back Grey Knights batreps? What is happening?!

I hope this is some sort of light hint that there’s something GK on the way from GW but deep down I know that’s extremely unlikely.

Great games lads, really enjoyed both of them!

Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards
3 years ago

Did the opening sequence for the grey knights say first to the fry?! Even better

Thomas Coulter
Thomas Coulter
3 years ago

Wasn’t that too many points in reserve for the GKs (over 1,000)?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Watched this over on YouTube- I had forgotten how spicy the comments over there are.

3 years ago

Great game! Would you be able to share the colours you’ve used to paint the purple power blades for your Grey Knights? They look excellent

Lodge Member
3 years ago

So I’m half way through and is it just my own perception or is Beard extremely unlucky with his roles? Especially in the psychic phase the difference between him and the spider is like night and day. Even without the overall +1 of the GK Lawrence seems to get most of his Psychic cast off. I mean no offence to you guys, but my goodness Beard is in for some luck. On the other hand if you are unlucky in the game your lucky in love i guess 😅

Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
3 years ago

Great to see the true grandmaster of the grey knights back!! Banished from Titan and trapped in a hellish realm known as Bath

Last edited 3 years ago by Stuart Dickson
Guy Pascoe
Lodge Member
3 years ago

From seeing beard’s turn one I feel I already know the outcome, horrific ha.

Robert Kriszun
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Nice!! And no witchhunt this time 🙃. You saved my day. Good to see the dusty boys that often. I’m curious how this one goes. Parils for the win 😂!

Jón Gerðalíð
Jón Gerðalíð
3 years ago

Good morning!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Death To The False Emperor! 🤘