Codex Drukhari Top 5 Changes | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Chef September 22, 202118  25 18 Likes

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It’s the turn of the Dark Kin to receive the new Faction Focus treatment, as Spider and Chef talk about the Drukhari (ah ah ah!)

00:00 Intro

01:57 Army Rules

12:22 Power From Pain & Datasheet Rules

25:11 Kabal Obsessions

39:43 Cult Obsessions

46:39 Coven Obessions

57:57 Stats Changes

1:01:56 Points Changes

1:07:40 Conclusion


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André Orthmann
3 years ago

Main problem on the RSR is just the fact that Drazhar cant be included nor Lelith incl her Warlord trait (okay Drazhar is the main problem here) AND the fact that the Archon MUST be the warlord => so no CoS book of rust shennanigans. Available unit slots are something else… i wouldnt call it a problem of the RSR … more like a luxury problem on the Raiding Force. 😉 *haha* … You know what i mean! Personally i agree: RSR is for fun/narrative play, RF for competitive/tournament play. While the real main issue with the RSR is just… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by André Orthmann
Lodge Member
3 years ago

I joined for the video, waited for the detail, and stayed for that outro! One of THE most fun things in post-credit/outro stuff you’s have left in a long while!

Seán Watson
Seán Watson
3 years ago

So hard to get some things cleared up, because on various forums and sites people post incorrect answers as statement of facts. Drives me nuts! Anyway… lol Question: Do you have access to the ‘Codex Supplement: Cult of Strife’ Traits, Relics, and Stratagems from ‘Book of Rust’ in a ‘Realspace Raid’ Detachment “even though your warlord is not from a Wych Cult”? i.e. Can I select a Hekatrix of the Crucibael with Dark Lotus Toxin in a Realspace Raid Detachment? Or is the Book of Rust, Codex Supplement: Cult of Strife intended for detachments that contain only/pure Cult of Strife… Read more »

Matthew Biro
Lodge Member
Matthew Biro
3 years ago

This may not be the most insightful comment ever BUT that post credit scene was epic and up there with the discussion of a championship belt in the league intro video 😁 I know you have received negative comments in the past for being to rambling and it would probably be horrific to edit but I would lap up content that is more freewheeling and relies on those sort of moments because you are all so watchable

Joseph Thomas
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Really really enjoy these longer format chat videos a lot great to have on in the background when painting and such! Also the end scenes footage was fantastic, Lawrence’s outburst really made me chuckle more of those when possible please and thanks!

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

As someone who is planning a pure Coven army I’m really interested in the combo video and would love to hear Spider’s thoughts on how they can be made as competitive as Kabals and Wych Cults. I was leaning towards Prophets of Flesh (note there is no ‘the’ in the middle!) but after your analysis I may try out the Coven of Twelve or one of the custom traits – Experimental Creations and either Hungry for Flesh or Splinterblades look like good options for my 8 Talos/2 Cronos combination.

The Casual
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Some thoughts. 1: Vect would not be on the battlefield. 1a: He’d be riding his shiny raider above the battlefield. Therefore not on the battlefield. (Muddy boots just do not go with the freshly flayed cloak he’s wearing, I mean would you ever believe it). 2: Yes, Drukhari should have more named characters. Next. 3: Wyches getting extra attacks is a holdover of old editions where have a close combat weapon and a pistol gave you an extra attack (see: chainswords, most other combat knives, etc) 4: Increase point costs. Please. Otherwise we end up in the ‘lets remove/change rules’… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Vect had a model and rules in 3rd Edition…so well he did fight in some point in the game. 😉

Jack Whorton
Jack Whorton
3 years ago

As someone who put my dark eldar back on the shelf after about 2 months of the new codex due to it just being un fun OP I think they need a material correction asap. 9% of lists at the LGT are drukhari… On Raiders, put them back to T5. Let them fear heavy bolters/assault cannons and equivalents again. They’re supposed to be fragile, not as tough a even ‘mid’ toughness vehicles like the ork truck, a GSC Goliath truck, a Custodes bike etc… Incubi, 18-19 pts each, wychs +2 pts, Cronos flamer doesn’t work with DT, Court up 10-15%,… Read more »

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Chef’s mnemonic superpower on full beast mode here. When you know the Drukhari rules better than the Spider, you know you’re not human.

Paul Power
3 years ago

As a newly converted Drukhari player I’d agree on the points costs principally on the gateway to play. Loads of cheap models means a lot of work to get to 2000 points. Two of the combat patrols, a succubus and wyches is a chunk of money for half of a standard army.

3 years ago

Hey guys. Thanks for a great video, BUT how can you do a top 5 changes video without at least giving an honorable mention to Hellions? They got an extra point of toughness and an additional wound. I’m still waiting to see them pop up in one of your battle reports. Please please please make it happen. 🙂

Alex Park
3 years ago

you can have vect if his model has the keyword SPECIAL RAVAGER

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Long format faction focus’ are one of my favourite things on the channel!!! Listening to you two nattering and bouncing ideas and thoughts between each other while i paint is satisfyingly brilliant so i’m REALLY happy these are back.
And I’ll obviously very patiently wait for the Necron one. But tehre’s Blood Angels before that too for my Dark Phaerons!
You rockin’ it!

3 years ago

These are starting to become my favorite videos of the week. I think it’s because I’m very starved for human interaction so just listening to conversations is comforting 🥲 lmao

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Ok, the behind the scenes section floored me. You guys are the best! I would not be that salty about how unbalanced (=broken) Drukhari or AdMech are, and I would not be worried about the future releases, if GW were more consistent in it’s addressing of the problems. Right now we can expect a FAQ 4 to 6 weeks after a release and often those are underwhelming at best; even when they face the problems you have to hope they make some significant change at the first try, otherwise who knows when they’ll come back to it? I would assume… Read more »

Conon Pinch
Conon Pinch
3 years ago

Insightful as ever gents.

Been running Coven of 12 a bit of late. Wracks are quite brutal, ran a squad of 20 for fun, charged Magnus! Hitting on 2s, wounding on 4s, all putting him on his invuln.