Tabletop Tactics News Data Slate: Welcome To The Kitchen

Avatar Spider April 15, 201930  51 30 Likes

Welcome to The Kitchen

Hello and welcome to a brand new series of articles that aims to discuss all kinds of things, from the latest releases and happenings in the worlds of Warhammer, hot hobby topics, D&D background and stories, and general word vomiting from me, your ranter extraordinaire, loud mouthed baker of doughy goods and all round top bloke, The Pastry Chef.

What’s this all about?

Well, we wanted to get a bunch of articles out to you bosses so you have something new and fresh to read whilst you wait for those tasty videos to drop. Think of it as an appetiser or amuse bouche to the main course of the Battle Reports (ok no more cooking and food related wordplay).

As mentioned, the idea of these articles is to go through pretty much anything and everything that comes to mind, be it 40k, AoS, D&D, ‘The Meta’ and other topics that are related to the hobby that we know and love. Now, the goal is to give you quick reads and discussions, but it is me, so occasionally there will be times that articles might go a bit long. But I’m not sorry. And neither are you, cos it’ll just mean you get more of that sweet, sweet content.

So how will it work?

On Monday, we’ll drop an article that will look at the latest news from the weekend, be it new models, the latest books, big events, or just general hobby going ons. Essentially, the freshest possible reaction to the weekend’s happenings in the hobby.

Thursday will see a general column, where pretty much anything and everything related to the hobby will be discussed. And whilst I can talk/write for days, sometimes I need that little spark to set the fuse off. Therefore, we’re going to open up these columns for you guys to send ideas for me to look at. So if you have a question, want an opinion on something, or just want to wind me up and watch me go, send it over via the email at the bottom of the page, and I’ll try to get it into an article!

Finally, every now and then, I’ll look to release a bonus article, which could be something a bit more specific, or perhaps relevant to recent info thats come to light. It could be further background details on The Chronicles of Valtor for you Cast of Players fans, perhaps some initial response to a rules or FAQ update, a sneak peak at goings on with the TT Team, or maybe something else entirely. These will be a bit more ad-hoc on the release front, but will just serve to give back a little more extra stuff to our community – a bonus read, in amongst our regular programming!

I mean ok, but why you?

Soon I will be joining the Crew in a full time capacity, so in the meantime this is my way of contributing to the growth and content of the Channel, plus it will be easy to maintain once we’re moved into the new studio. And I can talk, or rather write, for days. So the intent is there should always be something to discuss. As for why my opinions and thoughts might be of interest, well I’m not a high profile tournament player, I’m not even a Golden Daemon winner. I’m just a normal guy who’s been playing for nearly 20 years, with a keen interest in rule and game design and a real passion about this hobby. So these ramblings might not give you the most cutting edge tournament busting strategies, or the most intricate painting advice, but they might give an angle on something you’d not considered before, give you something to discuss with your friends and fellow hobbyists, or at the very least be mildly entertaining for a few minutes on your lunch break.

And if I don’t enjoy these articles?

Not a problem, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but also don’t be afraid to tell me! I want these to be something that everyone can enjoy, or at least enjoy part of them. If you feel the writing needs to get to the point, or I’m not bringing anything new to the table, or if I’m totally wrong, give me the feedback! These articles will be quite heavy on the opinions and ranting of that I’m sure, at least to begin with and that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But if there’s something you’d like to see, or recommend, go for it. I won’t get offended, and I’d rather see these articles and musings be inclusive and open to change, especially if it means the content will grow and improve.

Alright, I’ll bite, how do I get involved?

That’s easy! Have a read of the articles and continue the discussion in the comments section, we look forward to talking with you there! So without further ado, welcome to the kitchen…

If you have a list with some unique tactics, a Tactica or hobby article that you feel would make an interesting read, or maybe you just want to give Chef a topic to rant about? Send it in to and you might see your topic discussed in a future article!

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3 years ago

Please do an article on RPGing in the 40k universe

Martin Lindby
Martin Lindby
5 years ago

This is a really good idea Chef. I am glad that you are soon to be full time crew member:). Keep up the good work. Cheers from Denmark

Brian Ellis
Brian Ellis
5 years ago

Very happy to hear you’re joining the big boy team. Always really enjoy your bat reps

Nick Lucas
Nick Lucas
5 years ago

Chef+TTT=Full Time? Yes! Chef you have always been my favorite, I started an entire Necron army after I saw you battle on Old Average Brit Gaming. Plus your DM style is something that I strive for and take inspiration from, very exciting news!

Brian Ahrens
Brian Ahrens
5 years ago

I’m easily entertained and can always use something to distract me from the disaster calls I deal with at work. You do a fine job in the videos and I suspect you’ll continue the quality here.

Edward Pardon
Edward Pardon
5 years ago

Just in time for the spring FAQ. I have a feeling GW is going to provide plenty of material to write about.

Thomas Gardiner
Thomas Gardiner
5 years ago

Beyond hyped for this new era of TT, you guys make the best wargaming content out there by a long, long way.

5 years ago

More Chef! Whats not to like?!
Can’t wait for more pastry goodness. I’d love a monthly rant special as well 😉

Jack Rutter
Jack Rutter
5 years ago

Excellent news to hear Chef is going to be with the channel full time, all the more chances to be exposed to the amazing rants. This article format seems ideal, looking forward to reading the Chef’s opinions.

Jack Hamer
Jack Hamer
5 years ago

Can you smell what the Chef is cooking? Hyped!

5 years ago

Loving any extra content you guys put out there. Nice to see more of the sagely chef too. Not sure if you guys are taking duggestions, but I’ve always wanted a couple of high quality photos of the armies you have prepared for the videos like they have in WD. Just looking at the cool armies people have made/painted/organised is a really fun element of the hobby for me.

Linus Eklund
Linus Eklund
5 years ago

This is the best news ever!

Matthew Wright
Matthew Wright
5 years ago

Awesome news! Looking forward to reading these and hopefully helping contribute to some ideas. The new full time TTT is going to be something special from the looks of things!

Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis
5 years ago

This is going to be a good way of getting some chef rant’s, can’t wait to read these each week.

Dalton Wilson
Dalton Wilson
5 years ago

I will definitely be reading these every week! Although I would rather listen to you talk. Lol when you start ranting it’s the best!

Matt Mallinson
Matt Mallinson
5 years ago

Awesome idea, always have a knead for more of the pastry chefs rants ;D

Alan Shroue
Alan Shroue
5 years ago

Great start, 2019 is going to be great!

Thomas Brouer
Thomas Brouer
5 years ago

Needs more ranting

Toby Magill
Toby Magill
5 years ago

This sounds awesome – there is not such thing as too much Chef!

Kev Bates
Kev Bates
5 years ago

Great to hear your joining full time and looking forward to the additional content, everyone loves a chef rant!

Sempai Micke
Sempai Micke
5 years ago

Nice! i´d love to read whats on chefs mind. You normally have rather intresting thoughts, i think i will enjoy this :). Keep up all the good work guys and i think Joe looks great with any amount of facial hair :).

Charles Bédard
Charles Bédard
5 years ago

what a great idea !!! at last we get more of chef’s rantings!!! TTT forever !!

Jay Kay
Jay Kay
5 years ago
