The Annual On Demand Survey! WE NEED YOU! | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Avatar Spider August 14, 2023182  234 182 Likes

Hi On Demand family!

Your friendly neighbourhood Spider here with an all new On Demand Member survey! That’s right, it’s time to see what you bosses love, what you don’t and what you might like to see from us in the future.

Why are we doing a survey now? 

We’ve never done one before and would love to get some data on what it is that you enjoy watching the most! This will help us refine our show offerings and continue to improve upon the content we create for you.

Ok Lawrence, what do you want me to do? 

Please answer the questions on the short form below! It will be a massive help to us and ensure that you bosses get more of what you want in the future!


The Annual On Demand Member Survey
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What games do you watch? (Select all that apply)
What content did you sign up to On Demand for? (Select all that apply)
What Reports do you watch? (Select all that apply)
What is your favourite game system we cover?
Have you watched some or all of our Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players show?
Would you like to see a new Cast of Players RPG Season?
Would you like to see us do Horus Heresy Battle Reports?
Would you like to see us do Warhammer Fantasy Old World Battle Reports when it's released?
When watching our Battle Reports do you generally:
Do you find the length of our Battle Reports:
Your On Demand account email is required for submission.

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The Chef
Crew Member
11 months ago

Thanks so much everyone who has answered the Survey so far as well as commented ❤️
However just to reiterate, please answer the survey and don’t just put a comment below – the survey data will be much easier for us to go through and the questions asked are predominately what we’re looking for feedback on. That and we can’t guarantee we’ll be getting back to any comments!
Keep those answers coming so we can work on making the best possible content out there 😁

Last edited 11 months ago by The Chef
Lodge Member
10 months ago

Came for the 40k, joined for cast of players! Still a member but not watching many videos currently, 40k has got a bit stale for me (likely more personal than anything).

John Wrightson
John Wrightson
10 months ago

Gloomspite gitz and Kharadron army reports please.

11 months ago

Answered. Adding to it that I’d love to see some Kill Team content, the narrative/RPG element of that game seems a perfect fit for the channel.

Adam Ray
11 months ago

Submitted! Love the content! Let’s see more Age of Sigmar!

Lodge Member
11 months ago

Love the content you produce, especially the new podcasts! Would love to see some kill team too.

George Flecknell
11 months ago

Just a quick note to say that I answered the survey as selfishly as possible! Basically ticking just 40k all the way through. I’m not likely to watch content outside 40k, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it. 🙂

Ian White
Ian White
11 months ago

Genuinely, I subscribed here after realizing what a waste of money Warhammer+ was. I keep coming back and watch everything you do because I love watching entertaining people who clearly likely each other, do things together. If you do a new season of a TTRPG i’ll watch it. I haven’t gone back and watched old content but plan to.

Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Survey complete, one note:I fly international all the time, all the time, the download function is critical as I watch the majority of the full content while on long flights (multi-part narrative and The League seem to be my top picks for metrics). The Freeview never has this functionality, but I would appreciate if it was added as streaming, even YouTube, is not possible on a plane. Thanks. Great year TTT, keep killing it.

Paul Arran
Paul Arran
11 months ago

First of all keep up the great work!
The main reason for watching is the chemistry and fun that you guys have doing this and that makes the videos no matter what the content enjoyable!!

I would like to see you do some of the specialist games like kill team warcry or necromunda (would love to see the narrative round your gangs)!!!

Thanks for the love and effort you all out into the channel you absolute bosses!

Spencer Malthouse
Spencer Malthouse
11 months ago

Wooh surveys! Only comment is my answer to some of the yes/no questions would have been “maybe” or “indifferent”. But probably good to force a yes/no.

11 months ago

I would love to see a new round of the Tactica series. I think it was called D.R.A.G.O.N. or something. Watched it years ago and loved it, it was informative and really helped my game.

11 months ago

I love the majority of the content! Keep up the good work! One thing I’d like to mention is that I will pretty much watch any content that is released as I find ALL of the presenters incredibly entertaining – and the banter that goes on etc is so fun to watch! So yeh… keep up the good work! I don’t think that you guys give yourselves enough credit for how accessible TT is to new players/vets. As someone who got into and learned to play the hobby during 8th thanks to this channel, I can’t thank you enough! Cheers,… Read more »

11 months ago

Submitted the survey, but in addition I would love to see more of Fletcher’s painting tutorials. You have some of the best looking armies. Just a glimpse at how he does some of them or even a simplified version for the mere mortals of the painting world would be great.

Scott Aitken
Scott Aitken
11 months ago

Love what you do.

Would love to see the 2v2 games again whether that’s narrative or just a game.

It would also be cool to see the Tactica style games return for 10th. Alongside specialist games. Maybe Blood Bowl or Kill Team. Suppose that it quite a lot of games to play though 😂

11 months ago

First and foremost, I LOVE what all of you do, but more importantly, the WAY you do it. The friendship, the banter, the laughs, the narrative moments, all of which are top notch. Top that off with highly polished videos, and bam, you all are hands down my favorite battle report channel. Even the league reports, which are more competitive based games, have a competitively casual groove that I absolutely enjoy (you’re not spamming the best of the best units as an “army” for example. Whether its just sitting here watching the full battle report, or having one playing while… Read more »

John Alexander
John Alexander
11 months ago

Would love to see more competitive 40k content! More of the League, more list analysis, meta Mondays and so on.

11 months ago

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to give some input. I’ve been a member for 3-4 years now. Started following TT for the 40K content back in the good old days of Iron warriors in the kitchen. It is 100% the best 40K content you can find. The way you film and the hilarious narrative-driven banter is what makes you guys a level above the competition. While I joined for the 40K content, I actually really quite enjoyed the DND videos you guys did. I thought they were incredibly done. While I would never watch DND content or have any… Read more »

Brandon Johnson
Brandon Johnson
11 months ago

just wanted to say I got into the 40k lore recently and really like it however I do not have the money at this time to get into the hobby. I am able to live vicariously through channels like this and I am extremely appreciative to be able to get some exposure and experience to the hobby with very little investment from myself.

Matthew Lamore
Matthew Lamore
11 months ago

Love the content, but would really enjoy additional competitive games. Maybe, meta Mondays?

Laureano Magtoto
Laureano Magtoto
11 months ago

Please please please make it so you can continue watching a video from where you left off when you switch devices. A Chromecast app is also a plus. Please please please.

MR Cory J Moore
MR Cory J Moore
11 months ago

Necromunda would be absolutely brilliant, shorter gameplay more akin to boarding actions and it’s randomness will be extremely enjoyable. Imo.

Outside of that I would love to watch AoS reports, but more specifically Tzeentch, which I don’t think you guys have used 😭

Good work dudes!

11 months ago

Cast of Players / D&D content in the thing I’m most excited for – please!

Lodge Member
11 months ago

As an extra to the above survey, I would love to see some cast of players maybe using the warhammer fantasy role play system or the new Imperium Maledictum for some 40k RP.

Tobias Hill
Tobias Hill
11 months ago

Hi guys, little disappointed with the survey contents. Nothing focused on things to improve on, frequency of engagement (with freeview v on-demand v YT shorts), likelihood of renewing subscription etc. Definitely think there are some more datapoints you could cover to get a wider view of what’s working best!

Michael Fletcher
11 months ago

Honestly wish there were a fiew of the choices on the survey that could have been all of the above, the content is amazing guys keep up the good work and I pray for Fletcher in his paint dungeon

Brian ODea
Brian ODea
11 months ago

Honestly love everything… just really waiting to see Chef run black templars with all good combos.

11 months ago

I love the stuff you guys produce and how much of your heart shows through in the games etc. I wish I could have responded that I both watch *and* hobby to your videos in that question. My one other want would be that you guys might find time (I know it’s a long shot) to do some Kill Team games or a campaign; maybe at the expense of Boarding Actions if something absolutely had to give way? Thanks for everything you all do.

Ivan Dejanovic
11 months ago

Not sure if you would actually get a chance to read all comment but since you are asking for feedback. Main game I watch and play is 40k. If you stop doing everything else I would still watch you for the 40k batreps. My Flesh Tearers are my boys and I enjoy playing them and watching Lawrence play them. That was originally the reason why I subscribed. I wanted to see a really good player play them in competitive settings. Now I am not hard core competitive player so I do like to watch narrative but for me main point… Read more »

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Just filled in the survey, interesting you’re doing this now for the first time. I hope it gives some useful data. I wouldn’t mind either Horus Heresy or Old World content, but I’m afraid it might require too much time and resources that I’d rather see invested in other content that I prefer to see, which is a new 40k Campaign (like Ghost Maker and the one before), more narrative driven 40k games with shorter story arcs, 40k League reports and expansions of the 40k armies (both per army and with new armies as a whole). I also prefer full… Read more »

Bogdan Jusiński
Bogdan Jusiński
11 months ago

I can agree some more competetiv content would be nice but i know you dont like it, but just want to say, battlereps are great, the way you edit them and record, 180 to another “tabletop” channel and their 3h long reps, with massive rule mistakes, constant chat reading, you are doing great

Last edited 11 months ago by Bogdan Jusiński
Sonny Govus
Lodge Warrior Member
Sonny Govus
11 months ago

(Have completed survey) I have been involved in the hobby for 20 plus years and have been watching you guys since 2017 and am a long time on demand member, you put out great content. I will consistently support you. However, i want to provide you with the best criticism i can so you can succeed. 1. Competitive Game and tips. This for me is your guys biggest issue. In terms of models, personality, banter, fun games, production value camera work and editing no one touches you. However, your competitive level has fallen behind. There are so many channels now… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Sonny Govus
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Since you are doing a survey, I just wanted to give me 5 cents. I have watched you guys since the inception back in the kitchen with beard and spider. 40k is my jam and I mainly watch league stuff as to me 40k is a tactical game where a lot of your normal batreps doesn’t feature tactical decision that much anymore, but more like let me roll some dice. I also think that it is very easy to spot who is going to win games just after watching a few batreps, just because certain cast members have a tendency… Read more »

Peter Kijek
Lodge Member
Peter Kijek
11 months ago



Lucas Ingram
Lodge Member
Lucas Ingram
11 months ago

Just submitted, thank you for putting this together. I think the variety and quality of the content you produce is amazing. My own two cents are:

1. I would love to see more Cast of Players!
2. I would also like to see some more hobby content.
3. I think seeing some Old World content would be amazing, if it’s feasible!
4. Maybe one day, I would love to see some MESBG content, but definitly no rush on that.

Thanks as always TT!

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
11 months ago

Reason I originally subscribed: tactica and crusade (back then also watching more of the regular reports) Reason I unsubscribed: realised I never finished any of the regular reports anymore & more and more boarding action Reason I subscribed again for a third year: heard good things about Lawrence in league 2 (and those were probably the reports I enjoyed the most over the last years) & with GWs track record of putting out some random expansion late edition and then letting it die, I had hoped boarding actions would be gone from the channel. This will most likely be my… Read more »

Marvin Hensch
11 months ago

Just as a quick sort of feedback to you, your Battle Reports are the best/most entertaining/highest quality battle reports out there and that combined with a very sympathetic and cool cast of people on and off camera is why I signed up and want to continue supporting you

Jeff Pritchard
11 months ago

Love the idea of a discussion on what brought us to the channel and how we interact with the content provided. You all have been such a great source of entertainment, knowledge and always set a great example of how these games are meant to be enjoyed amongst friends. Thank you for everything you do, your viewers appreciate all the amazing content and the endless improvement in production value. Keep it up!

Steve Head
11 months ago

Adding to the above survey. The amount of varied content you lot put out is amazing. I struggle to keep up with everything so pick the ones that most appeal.
If you are considering getting back into D&D or other role play systems, I’d love a podcast/audio download option. I find that easier to consume on the move.

Austin Lyle
Lodge Member
11 months ago

I dont neee any more influence to start a 30k Imperial Fists army dang it! Been subbed since 2017 and havent looked back. Watched basically EVERYTHING yall have ever produced. Keep up the fine work!

Pekka Hätönen
Pekka Hätönen
11 months ago

I’d love to see a Path to Glory campaign, preferably from the perspective of Lawrence’s vampire coun..Sorry, Gravelords. All in all, love the content, love the feeling in your reports and content and love you guys

Dusty Macdonald
11 months ago

Love the channel. Couple things that are hard to convey via this survey. 1. While I have no interest in certain things like cast of players. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Cast a wide net and hood as many of us as you can keep up with. 2. Lately while excitement for 10th Ed has been high. I’ve noticed with many 40k content creators yourselves included that it went a little full blown advertising for GW. While I get it, to a degree understand it. It put me off watching for a while. 3. I would like to… Read more »

Lodge Member
11 months ago

Survey completed and sent. Big one for me is I am really looking forward to more Cast of Players. The previous campaigns were thoroughly entertaining.
Also, more Boarding Actions please. Wish Kill Team was an option but recall you guys saying it was the same amount of work for smaller content videos. Shame but understandable that it’s not a time-efficient option.

Last edited 11 months ago by BigGrim
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Also need more terrain on the 40k tables with more LoS blockers. Far too light on terrain for 10th edition.

Lodge Member
11 months ago

Not a fan of the Boarding action or Narrative stuff

Nils Martin
Nils Martin
11 months ago

Would love to see DnD return. Beard’s/Bard’s quirky characters will sure be a pleasure to watch.

Luke whitehurst
Luke whitehurst
11 months ago

Love it guys! I selected no on the rpg stuff, but that’s just because I’m not interested. It wouldn’t bother me if you made it for those that do want it. Plenty of value in the sub for a 40k fan!

It wasn’t on the survey, but man I’d love to see you guys do some adeptus titanicus or legionnes imperialis.

Pierre Martinent
Pierre Martinent
11 months ago

A lil thing I’d want to add : it’s not because I’ve said I’m not interested in some shows/game systems that I feel I’m “robbed” of my subscription money whenever you put out a show I don’t watch. You do you, and I get plenty of value from the shows I enjoy <3

sean dollard
Lifetime Member
sean dollard
11 months ago

Keep up the great work guys! I fly a lot for my job and your reports always help to make the flights feel shorter!

Peter Collins
Peter Collins
11 months ago

I love the content that you guys generally produce, the league games of the last season were an especial highlight. I have no interest in you guys playing D&D, while I love D&D and play it myself on occasion it is best left. Being a warhammer channel stick to what works I’d suggest.
Personally not interested in Heresy, I watch the occasional AOS Bat rep but I think 40k is the main jam.
I’d quite like to see more of the 40k vids, deployment would be good and what the peeps are thinking as they put units down etc.

Brian Sterling
11 months ago

Filled out the survey, but to add a few points. I am only interested in 40k content, watched a few of the others, not my jam, stopped watching them. Not interested in warhammer fantasy, sigmar, or heresy. I know you guys do a lot off camera to “save the viewers time” but honestly, I don’t want you to “save me time” I want to see you play the games, I find that entertaining, might be an unpopular opinion, but I’d love to see you guys doing deployments, moving your units, doing everything live more often. Longer video just means more… Read more »