Index Emperor’s Children: The Rules You Actually Wanted!

Avatar Spider July 13, 202434  16 34 Likes

Hi folks,

Lawrence here with a cacophonous concoction for you! As a long time Emperor’s Children fan and player, I was pretty disappointed with Games Workshop’s Index Emperor’s Children recently. Copy and pasting units without any specific legion rules or stratagems, was a pretty glib approach to the fans in my opinion! With that in mind, I spent half a day putting together detachment rules that would be fitting for the third legion, giving you something to play that will not only be fun, but hopefully competitive amongst their brother legions.

There are plenty of nods to older edition rules and the updating of some of them for 10th Edition in here, whilst also keeping the distinct flavour of what an Emperor’s Children army should be compared to the existing Death Guard, Thousand Sons and World Eaters.

These rules are intended to be a supplement to the existing Index Emperor’s Children that you can download from Games Workshop here.

The rules are entirely fan made and in no way official or endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Permission is granted to download the PDF rules below for personal use.

See you on the battlefield!


Index Emperor’s Children – Fan Rules by Lawrence Baker

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3 months ago

Lawrence you are a complete boss for doing this!!

Christopher Brown
Christopher Brown
3 months ago

It looks like you put a lot of thought into these rules. I like them.

Sebastian Binder
Sebastian Binder
3 months ago

Having done zero testing (obviously) the only thing that stands out is that a full turn of army wide BS +1 might be too much, espescially if you can stage on T1 and unleash on T2, with Helbrute support and Encore for Ignore Cover. Suggestion would be either changing it to Reroll 1’s to hit (slight nerf if I remember my math correctly) or Str +1 for Ranged Weapons (Probably a bigger nerf, but match up dependent.) Other than that, huge fan of seeing you guys post and think about homebrew rules, feels like in casual circles there’s way too… Read more »

Paul Evans
3 months ago

The army rule is fantastic! But what I like most is how Dorien’s whip has lept from DnD to 40K 😀

Mike H.
Lodge Member
3 months ago

These are awesome! While the EC index was really disappointing, I believe it was GW’s stop gap at future-proofing themselves for when they release EC in full later in the edition. By creating this Index now they can release the CSM book, and still allow EC players to be able to use their army in the interim. This also means that once they do release the EC codex they dont have to errata or delete anything in the CSM book that is no longer CSM

Jordan Pettit
Jordan Pettit
3 months ago

This is awesome. I was so bummed nothing for EC came out when the chaos marines codex dropped. I’m sure you were able to make this “somewhat”quickly in terms of rules but I think this would be a cool small community event. We all can play test it and submit what little things that might need changes. That may be the excitement to actually play something that feels like Emperors Children! Appreciate it!

Evan Berry
Evan Berry
3 months ago

A good combination of tricks and abilities. Especially the changes to hellbrutes. I want templars to drown out the racket these guys make with litanies.

James Hammerton
James Hammerton
3 months ago

I don’t play EC, but thank you for these – I always enjoy new rules for any army and they look really fun and fluffy, so more of this please. It’s great to see new rules from TT and there are so many opportunities for innovation on top of what GW provide from experts at the game. Plus it would bring even more variation to your bat reps. Boarding Action rules would be top of my list 😁

Aria Nash
Aria Nash
3 months ago

These seem fun and flavourful, nice one!

Lodge Member
3 months ago

This seems pretty sweet and reasonably balanced. I think you’ve managed to navigate the line of giving it teeth without making your beloved emperors children too OP. I think one thing worth doing would be with the ENCORE stratagem. Most stratagems like that are limited to the phase once activated. So adding the caveat “at the beginning of any phase you may select ………… This will remain active until the end of the phase” Curre tly at 1cp and being active for the whole turn I can see it being an auto pick to buff up your alpha unit. If… Read more »

3 months ago

Nice work Lawrence, overall it feels thematic as well as a bit tasty. My one bit of criticism is on the detachment rule.
If, for example, I’m playing Skitarii Hunter cohort your detachment rule just completely negates mine – that could be a bit feels bad.

Paul Flory
Paul Flory
3 months ago

Nice really like these rules good job Lawrence!

Justin Hoyer
3 months ago

I still think of the moment in the lore when the loyalists saw the emperor’s children for the first time after their fall.

Sound weapons…jeez.