Competitive armies clash in GT missions as the team go head to head to claim the top spot in our ongoing league!
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
The Warhipster returns with the Sons of Baal heralded by the Sanguinor, but can their noble bloodline overcome the furious […]
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
The Crusher Stampede steamrolls onto the battlefield to face Captain Artemis and his Ultramarine force!! Will Courage and Honour be […]
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