The World of Valtor

Valtor is the Campaign Setting for Cast of Players Seasons 1 and 2, created and run by Mike Hebditch, aka The Chef. This page contains some of the information surrounding the world, as well as the inhabitants that dwell within it.

Be sure to check back from time to time for updates on the setting, episodes and the Players themselves!


Fundamentals and History Back to Contents

Valtor is a world of a few large continents and islands of varying size strewn amongst the seas, from the mountainous ranges of the western continent Kreas, divided between the Human nations, to the storm-wracked forest isles of Heret in the east. Races that inhabit Valtor are varied; Humans, Eestari, Nilan, Shara and Herians live in a constant state of flux and tenuous peace. In recent years, things have changed in the world – Magic has remained longer than it ever has before, bringing an extended age of industry and progress. 

However, unease spreads across the world.

It has been 4 years since the declaration of the so called War of Sorrows, named for the poison used in the assassination attempt on Alessa Evertun, Princess of the Kingdom of Nemoss. Whilst the Talar Empire refuses to acknowledge the attempt and indeed the War itself, Nemoss has martialed under the banner of King Demitan, with their borders heavily manned and navy in full effect, blockading parts of the Empire that lies to the South. 

Peace talks were attempted in the early months of the conflict, but broke down despite the attempt of the Scholar’s to mediate. Border skirmishes have occurred, and some Talar land has been occupied, but for the most part the Empire are on the defensive and yielding little ground, a worrisome fact given their aggressive and expansionist history, as well as the true scale of their military might which has not yet been brought to bear. 

The war is, for all intents and purposes, at a cold stalemate.

In the Western Reaches, the Baneri Union has called for the Convention of Assembly, the great gathering of all the Representatives of its varied city-states, to discuss the looming war on their border as well as internal political strife- with increasing numbers of monsters in their lands, their tenuous relationship with the Scholars, and the usual conflicts that occur between such a varied people, the Union finds itself beset both within and without.

The Eestari Enclaves to the north-west, the land gifted to the Elves by the Nemossians, have become increasingly insular, beginning to close and patrol their borders more stringently as well as restricting trade, though they still offer forces to the Kingdom of Nemoss in honour of their alliance. 

Across the sea in the eastern continent of Feloh, tensions between the Nilan Republic and Sharan Theocracy continue to flare as they have done for the past century. The Republic’s member races of Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings cast a wary eye to the western lands, ever cautious of what might happen should full blown war occur between the human nations, yet also not wanting to relinquish their watchful eye on the scaled folk of the Sharans. Likewise The Path of Flame within the Theocracy remains as closed off and secretive as ever, though those few non-traditionalists that are spread throughout the world offer the idea that the Church intends to observe the ongoings of the older races, and act accordingly – most likely as they have done in the past, with fire and steel. 

Meanwhile the Herian people continue to arrive in greater numbers to the shores of the Mainlands, venturing from their Isles to explore the new found world, some adjusting to a new life of arcana and technology, with others forming tight knit communities in an effort to bring the Old Ways from their homelands, all the while unwittingly fostering resent and suspicion amongst their newfound neighbours. 

The Fissure, the great vortex of constant magical energy that dominates the sky of the Shattered Realm, is growing ever more turbulent, and that the magic of the Tide that seeps into the very fabric of the world becomes more and more unstable. 

Despite the warnings from some of our order that the world is undergoing a great change, the leaders refuse to listen, and I fear Valtor itself hangs on a precipice, although whether that is for good or ill I cannot say- only that what will ultimately come to pass will change the very nature of our world.

Xanas Sherah, High Scholar of the Atheneaum, in a rare address made on the 20th Eriloth of the year 812 AS, the 62nd anniversary of the beginning of the Deluge.

Magic is intrinsic to Valtor, having been present since the dawn of the world. It is often compared to the ocean – Beautiful and life giving, often serene, but at the same time wild, dangerous and never to really be trusted or understood. The analogy goes deeper however, as it is not always present in the world, in fact coming into and out of the material world, somewhat akin to the tides on the shore; flowing in before receding away. Such as it is the Scholars, and by extent much of the general populace, refers to the flow of magic as The Tide. Magic is generally in a state of weak flux in the world, with surges occurring from time to time that enable true wonders to occur.

During the times when magic is present in the world, nations burst into life, using it to power advanced machinery and the rare comforts of life, which improves slowly and surely with every new generation, being used from the mundane such as street lighting, to the rumours of mighty, complex war machines being built in secret by various militaries. Everyone, from the man of the street to the High King of Nemoss, is empowered with some form of magic. It can take a myriad of forms, from heightened reflexes and strength, to others being able to manipulate the very fabric of reality itself. Few achieve such power however, at least not on a grand scale, for it involves training, constant use, and the will to control the magic that flows within. Some are not interested nor have the ability to hone their power, often there are those that fear what they might wield, whilst others still use their gifts to terrorise and destroy. 

Conversely, when magic is at its ebb, progress stutters and grinds to a halt, as without its power much infrastructure becomes useless. Cities power down with little to no lighting, transportation becomes relegated to slow walking or horse-drawn carriages and farming becomes reliant on manual labour. Border skirmishes and even full-blown war amongst the nations becomes more frequent, as given the lack of magic powered technology and the raw energies wielded by mages, mutually assured destruction becomes less likely, and battles are fought with  mundane steel and wood, no daring feats present amongst the fighting, only grim soldiers and the reek of gruelling melee combat. Furthermore, it is often a time of civil strife, the lesser amenities and comforts causing discontent amongst the rich and poor alike, and is not unheard of for towns or even some of the major cities to  devolve into riots and civil war, especially in instances of those leaders who utilise their magic to rule. Without its power, and usually without the love of the people, these rulers often find their reign cut short.

However, regardless of these advancements and the benefits that occur, magic also brings danger. When the Tide returns, so too do monsters and horrific beasts. Ranging from the cruel kobolds, the violent orcs up to the terrifying kraken, monsters re-enter the world, some bestial that roam and ravage the lands, others possessed of self-awareness and mental faculty, with arguments abound that perhaps they could be reached out to and perhaps even allied with, were it not for the fact that these intelligent beasts are often the most dangerous of them all. Slaying these creatures leaves behind a corpse, albeit not for long, eventually the magic from which they are formed fading and finally dissipating, leaving behind no trace of the dead beast.

Currently magic has been present in full force in Valtor for just over 66 years, the longest time it has been present in written history, and this has been taken to being referred to as the Deluge. This was however preceded by the largest known absence of magic, the Grand Drought, which began some 817 years ago with the fall of the Cahadril, in an event referred to as the Schism.

The Cahadril were once present throughout the Eastern continent, their vast nation covering all of the land of Feloh. They also held a presence in the Human lands of Kreas, both directly via communication and trade, and indirectly through their founding of the Scholars. Even amongst the long lived races of the Eestari and Nilan, none who are alive now lived through at the apex of the Protectorate. The few surviving texts indicate they had an insatiable curiosity and great intelligence, an empathic and amiable approach to any they encountered, but also prone to stubbornness and melancholy. Their true nature is a mystery, as was how their realm truly operated, though it was considered the greatest Valtor has seen, with many wondrous technologies that are studied and emulated to this day, but not replicated or recreated. 

Tall and well built, the Cahadril were similar in size and shape to the Humans of Kreas, but had a number of differences, their most immediately prominent features were the horns that curved from their head, and the tails that extended behind them. They also had more bold skin tones than the other races, one could be a deep purple and other a crimson red. They were also immensely long lived, it being said that a single Cahadril could be acquainted with generations of the same family from one of the shorter lived races, until only they could recall their family name after it had long been lost to time. 

The Cahadril had a grand, some say utopian, nation in the Eastern continent of Feloh. They had control of most of the land, but it was not ruled through fear or military might, rather through progress, and a sense of unity. Their use of magic was deemed to be masterful, able to manipulate it as effortlessly as others could breathe. Many believe this was the source of their domain, allowing them to manipulate the land and create vast cities, crops to grow where they shouldn’t, tame mighty beasts to patrol their lands, and use incredible machines that none have been able to replicate to this day. It is widely believed that the Cahadril had discovered a way to retain magic into the world, or at least in their realm, and this was part of how they had learned such a degree of control over the Tide.

However, one day a white flash scoured the horizon, visible from the very edge of the Western Reach of Kreas, and a great explosion rang around the world. Thousands of miles away, debris and stone fell from the air, decimating villages and farms, these ruins still dotting the land to this day, rumours of dark magics saturating the places. The sky was as bright as a summer’s day for weeks, some being driven mad from the inability to sleep in the false sunlight. Magic surged across the world, and those attuned to it felt their power increase tenfold with impossible feats enacted with its power, and once docile beasts became enraged and feral. Some even whisper that the dead rose to stalk the land and shadows stole babes from their beds, never to be seen again. When the light subsided, half of Feloh had been destroyed, broken into what is now known as the Shattered Realm. In a single day the greatest nation the world had ever seen, had ended.

Whilst exactly what happened is unknown, what has been deduced is that when the Schism occurred, it happened in the heart of the Cahadril homeland, at the capital of Zao. And yet even those at the outer reaches of their lands seemed to be wiped out instantly, such was the reach of devastation caused. Of those few that survived their whereabouts and goals became a mystery, as they appeared to vanish as quickly as the rest of their peoples, with stories and theories being concocted even now amongst academics and general populace alike. Rumours abound that some helped the Nilan establish their own nation of Kabere, away from the worst ravages of the Shattered Realm, though the Deep Assembly remains quiet on the topic. Others suggest that some ventured into the unbroken areas of the north-east, to what eventually became the lands of Ashara Nath. Others are said to have attempted to return to the site of Zao, although for what purpose none could say. 

Regardless of what may or may not have happened to the survivors, over the next hundred or so years the final traces of the Cahadril faded from Valtor. This only added to the mystery and rumours about the survivors, for were they truly dead? Was their purported longevity tied to technology and magics now destroyed? Or was their something else afoot? No information on their technologies or abilities exists with the Scholars, or indeed anywhere else in Valtor. Some have assumed that the majority of their knowledge was kept at Zao, destroyed alongside the city during the Schism. The Scholars have come to the (rare) consensus that this was to protect the secrets they had from falling into less benevolent hands, and whilst the loss of knowledge is tragic, if it caused the Schism in the hands of one of the most adept races in the world, to be used in less able hands would be infinitely worse, and so was likely kept there for its own, and for everyone elses’ protection. 

Whatever truly happened to them, what they were or could have been, the Cahadril have not been seen for over 600 years, and by now are considered a dead race, much to the loss of the world.

A collection of hundreds of twisted and broken islets, crumbling ruins filled with lost technology, and seas wracked by raging storms, the very air of the Shattered Realm lies thick with the deaths of an entire civilisation. The other nations are intrigued by the Shattered Realm, be it out of the need to establish more land, discover lost artefacts, or just stop others from taking something that may provide them an advantage. Some of the islands and ruins are large enough to facilitate holdings or ports, and indeed outposts from each of the nations are dotted throughout the islands. 

But the Shattered Realm is a harsh and unforgiving place. Plants barely grow, livestock refuses to graze on the rare vegetation that does sprout, the weather is harsh and biting, but worst are the creatures that roam the land sea and sky. Tales abound of guardsmen being plucked from their posts by impossibly sized birds, or fishermen dragged into the deeps by unseen aquatic horrors. Unlike the “normal” monsters that are brought about by magic, these creatures have been present since the Schism, and widely believed to be animals tainted by the raw magic that emanates from the swirling energy that lies in the centre of the broken land – The Fissure.

Where once there was the Cahadril’s grand capital, now only exists The Fissure – a byproduct of whatever calamity befell the Cahadril during the Schism, it is a great rift of pure energy that extends from the very bottom of the ocean, breaking through into the constantly black clouds that gather above. The very air hums with power, and some of the Scholars have postulated that The Fissure is the reason for The Great Droiught- The Fissure absorbing any magic that may seep into the Material World, with only the most recent surge having enough power to overcome its pull and exist elsewhere throughout the world properly. Expeditions have attempted to explore The Fissure previously, with no success beyond observations from afar, but with the increased presence the nations are building in the Shattered Realm, it stands to reason that more will be discovered about The Fissure in the coming years.

To the extreme poles of the world are the wilderness of the Unknown North and the Bleak South. What little is known of the lands is that they are harsh and untamed places – the lands heave with earthquakes and rumble with volcanic activity, tremendous winds and storms wrack the land and cut to the bone like swords, and temperatures fluctuate between scorching and freezing against all known weather patterns.

Although only Nemoss and Kabere are connected to the Unknown North, the lands are talked of with almost as much intrigue as the Shattered Realm – a place of mystery and danger. It is unknown exactly how much the land extends. The Bleak South, connected partly to Heret and close to Xantha, is much the same although the Herians speak of it less with awe and more with dread – those that have explored past the warning markers on their World-walk do not return. The Talar have no such qualms, and have set up a foothold on the edge of the South, with expeditions likely to begin, if they haven’t already.

Coming Soon!

Nations and Peoples Back to Contents

Humans are as varied as they are widespread with skin tones ranging from pale as snow to dark as night, hair can go from deep browns to fair blondes, eyes of sea green to sky blue, short or tall, thin or fat. The versatility of humans has enabled them to thrive in the world of Valtor for many years, and they are the most ubiquitous race in the world of Valtor, controlling the entirety of the Western continent of Kreas, as well as having some presence in Feloh in the east. 

This diversity has bred its share of disadvantages however – differences of opinions and virtues, beliefs and cultures. There is some overlap, but by and large they are far from a united people, divided into three main nations – The Kingdom of Nemoss is based in the northern land of Ulos as well as the Black Peninsula in Feloh; The Baneri Union in the Western Reach; and the Talar Empire in Xantha.

The Kingdom of Nemoss is the largest of all the nations, spanning the northern part of Kreas, as well as a portion of Feloh, adjacent to the Nilan lands of Kabere, and the Shara of Ashara Nath. On the mainland of Kreas they are adjoined to the other Human nations of Baneri in the Western Reach and the Talar to the south, as well as the Eestari Enclaves. The result of this is a people that are widespread, culturally different across their land, and varied in appearance and style, if not stretched thin by both external and internal troubles. 

The Kingdom has been led by the Evertun Royal Family for a number of generations, from their seat at the capital of Greyhold. Currently this is Demitan the 4th, who has ruled with a fair and just hand for over 30 years, his only child Alessa the next in line for the throne. The Evertun family are generally well regarded throughout the kingdom, long having taken a direct interest in affairs of state, progress and warfare

The King however cannot take direct control of the entire nation by himself, and there are various noble houses that control the day to day running of constituencies across the land. Each village and town will also have elected officials who will report to the nobility of the region, who in turn will then answer to the King. Oftentimes these nobles are not as highly praised or regarded as the King, and whilst he does his best to ensure their commitment to the Kingdom, corruption and self-interest do filter through. Some nobles have existed for many decades, others for only a few, newly elevated to replace those before that did not care for the people. As a result of this and the far ranging regions, there is both regional military, acting more as a police and guard force for the towns of a region, and the state military which is more concerned with general warfare, and should there be requirement, quashing any upstart nobles. The regional forces are smaller than a single battalion of the state army, ensuring that any rumblings of unrest or rebellion can be dealt with relatively simply. 

Nemoss has a temperate climate, with many sweeping hills, fertile soil and lush forests, though this tends to drop off the further towards the Unknown North one travels. An abundance of crops grows across the land, with both internal and external trade a strong source of income for villages and the nation as a whole. Given the size of the continent, there is still much of the land that is considered untamed, the wild woods and mountainous regions broken up by roads and towns. Kreas as a whole took a large brunt of debris following the Schism, and much of the countryside is dotted with ancient stonework from the former Protectorate. With the increasing monster sightings and attacks, this resulted in a Royal Decree, the first of King Demitan’s reign, that all regions will commit men and women to the College of Explorators, a recently formed organisation with the aim to investigate ruins, rebuild infrastructure of roads and halfway villages and to act as a rudimentary form of police and guardian against the beasts of the wilds.

The Empire of Talar is situated in the lands of Xantha, bordering the Baneri Union through the Black Canyons, and part of Ulos and the Kingdom of Nemoss to the north. Their inhabitants are generally stockier and paler than those of Nemoss or Baneri, a result of the colder climes that blow through much of Xantha. A militaristic people, conscription is mandatory from the age of 14. Many stay on in military careers, and their ruthless efficiency and prowess in battle is renowned. Since the Deluge, those that show overt magic control are brought to the Sanctum, the military stronghold of the capital Faras, as soon as their powers show. However, the harsh training regime combined with the difficulty of controlling their powers in a society that values not holding back, means many do not live to see their adult years. Those that do survive are highly regarded as some of the strongest magic users in the world, and often lead long and successful careers, ranking highly, their power and tenacity a testament to the might of the Empire.

Emperor Tellichus, 39th of the Name, the Glorious, is the complete and total leader of the Empire. The Imperial Family have always named the first born son after Tellichus, 1st of the Name, the Uniter, who first brought the warring tribes of Xantha together some 700 years ago, against the beasts that spawned from the Schism, their own tribal wars, and any others that would oppose them. Tellichus is immortal by virtue of his legacy and name, revered as a living god to this day, and the people shall always remain under the rule of he who forged their great nation. 

Life is varied in the Empire, ranging from industrious cities to small farms and hamlets. The land is hardy and flat, the weather being generally cold, although it begins to warm the further north one travels. Bordering the Baneri Union to the west, they have some modicum of civility and trade with them, although consistently press their borders with scouts and ranging parties. Their relationship with the Kingdom of Nemoss is far more volatile, the two nations embroiled in war over the Black Peninsula in Feloh during the Grand Drought, with both nations wanting a foothold in the Eastern continent. In hindsight, the coming of the Shara has caused Nemoss loss of both land and men in the East and so losing the peninsula has indirectly benefited the Empire, something which they are keen to attribute to foresight and patience, regardless of the truth associated with those statements. 

Unique among the Talar is access to a material known as Flarestone, which emanates faint magical energy. This power is still present even when magic has left the rest of the world, and this affords the Empire a slight edge over the other nations during the times without magic. Whilst not enough to forge magical ore, nor does it afford the powers of a full infusion of magic, it does provide some slight power to the infrastructure of the Empire, allowing travel, lighting, light healing and even extremely basic machinery to function. The nature of the substance is a closely guarded secret by the Engineer’s Guild, the knowledge only known to the highest members, and the Imperial Family. Regardless, Flarestone is a potent resource for the Empire that they utilise to great effect whilst the remainder of the world fumbles blind in a world of no magic. 

Nestled at the west of Kreas, the Baneri Union is essentially a loose coalition of smaller Human nations and regions, united under a common banner for a combination of safety, trade and convenience. The Union began hundreds of years ago as a reaction to the expansions of the Nemossans and the Talar. Angry and frightened of the growing regions that were rapidly absorbing the smaller nations, it seemed there was but a single choice  – join one of the nations, by choice or force it mattered not to them. 

Eventually, rulers from the four largest city states and regions held talks to decide what would befall their people. Setting aside previous differences, they agreed to unite for the common goal of no singular ruler, and to not lose their cultures and traditions. Envoys were sent to the smaller tribes and independents, and word that there was another choice soon travelled fast. Soon, the vast majority of the Reach was united against the invaders to their lands. The encroaching nations found themselves at an impasse – faced now with both a united people and the natural obstacles of the land, with dark swamps and thick forests in the north wearing down the Nemossans, and deep canyons and sheer cliffs slowing the Empire war machine, the advancing armies ground to a halt. Forays and skirmishes occurred, but the united people of the Reach had the advantage. 

There was no desire for an ongoing and constant war however, and they were the first to send emissaries to the commanders of the other nations. After some time concordance was reached, and both Nemoss and Talar agreed to cease their expansions, they too not wishing to be bogged down by a protracted campaign. Despite their individualist natures, the nations saw the benefits of their union, and cautious of the peace failing should they divide themselves, they committed themselves to maintaining the union. The term Baneri stems from a common insult that was shared amongst many of the independent nations, the irony amusing those that had now united against common enemies. Thus the third human nation was founded on the notion that the enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

Even among human standards, the Baneri have immense variety, a result of maintaining their own individual customs, traditions, religions and practices. Whilst this does cause tension from time to time, being bordered by others who had tried to conquer them tends to sweep these differences aside. Technically they are still independent city states and regions, and so to be an inhabitant of the Union is to know much of your neighbours, as a transgression may be met with imprisonment in one area, or death in another. This has fostered great communication and trade however, and as such the Baneri are seen as an open and mercantile people. This is not to say that conflict between them does not occur, and some do not always adhere to the rules of the Assembly, although they are reluctant to bring military sanctions down, concerned they would be seen or even become the same as those that had tried to take their lands.

The Four that had originally started the talks in the creation of the Union are still the largest states to this day, and hold the primary seats in the Assembly, the governing body of the loose nation, and is based in one of the core Four cities on a rotational basis every five years, currently the city of Woldan. Other regions and city-states have their own representatives, and all are considered to have a voice in the Assembly, as per the original desire to by be ruled by no one individual, and in practice most conventions do not have a wide impact on the governing of the individual regions, only coming into effect if it would be something that would affect all. Their most recent ruling that affected the Union as a whole was the Accords of Trade with the Shara, the first Union Law made for over 120 years. 

The Eestari, or Elves in the Common, are lithe, elegant humanoids, similar looking to Humans but differentiated from them by way of a few key things. Almost immediately identified by their faces, the Eestari have sharp and more pronounced features, most prominently in their ears and eyes. Their ears are pointed at both the bottom lobule and top of the ear, and are elongated by a number of inches at the upper helix. Their eyes are a range of different colours similar to humans, however rather than the usual solid lines of colour, an Eestari’s iris is instead speckled and dotted, as if someone had flicked paint on a wall. 

The differences don’t end there, with the vast majority of Eestari having dark hair, usually brown or black, with lighter colours being rarer, although not unheard of. Additionally, Eestari are far longer lived than humans, with some of the oldest alive at the present being born just before or during the Schism, over 800 years ago. They are curiously capable of interbreeding with humans, the only two races that are able to do so, and these mixed children, known as half-born, inherit part of this longevity as well as some of their physical attributes. For the Eestari this is vital to the continuation of their race, as without it they would die out, for they are afflicted by a strange form of sterility, rendering few pure blooded Eestari children viable, many dying before coming to term, or shortly after birth.

This was not always the case, and not something that occurred over time, but rather abruptly since the Schism. As such it is theorised it has something to do with the Fissure, and perhaps that there is a magical essence that is part of the Eestari that was affected by the Grand Drought. However during times of magic being absent they did not encounter this problem, and since the return of magic with the Deluge, their virility has not returned. Currently it remains a mystery, with many Eestari attempting to unlock the secrets of their affliction, and the rare pure-blooded children that are born breathing are considered precious beyond compare. 

Further to this mysterious Affliction is the nature of the Eestari and their history. Amongst all the races, they have no history of their original gods or lands. A disparate people, there are some scant references to them amongst Cahadril and Human literature, but again none could say where they came from nor where they originated from. Some have theorised they are refugees from the Unknown North, for none truly know what lies in those desolate lands, others they are human offshoot changed many years ago by the Tide. Whatever the case, this lack of understanding of their past drives much of the Eestari mindset, in either trying to rediscover what has been lost, or to forge a new future that won’t be forgotten again. 

Though they hold a token Enclave gifted by the Nemoss, the Eestari are mainly spread throughout the human nations of Kreas, given their need to intermingle with humans to continue their species. The Eestari are tolerated in some areas, and accepted fully in others, depending on what they can offer to the area. They are far more common amongst the Baneri, who see them as independent and disparate like themselves, but still found in numbers amongst the Nemoss and Talar. Rarely are they found among the Nilan in Feloh, as the two races are incapable of procreating, although given their long lives it is not uncommon for Eestari to wander Valtor before deciding to settle in the human lands of Kreas to help further their race.  

On rare occasions, the Eestari are looked upon with scorn by the other races, with some seeing them as nothing more than parasites that wouldn’t even exist without the other races. It is a rare region that declines the Eestari completely however, as they have a natural affinity and control of magic, and their long lives enable them to serve regional leaders for generations. The Chancellor of Nemoss is one such example, having served the Evertun Royal family for 172 years, being at the side of five kings and four queens since he took the role, and is largely considered responsible for the Enclave being given to his people, acting as their de facto leader. Most Eestari intermingle with humans and live as they would, although some of the larger cities do have specific districts for Eestari to have their own community. From time to time, Eestari will journey to the Enclave for a short time in the summer months, before returning back to their previous adopted home. This return is common knowledge, but the reason for it is not.

The Nilan are not a single species, but rather made up of the three client races of the Cahadril Protectorate. Indeed, the term Nilan stems from a Cahadril term for “Inducted”, representative of their inclusion to the Protectorate. The Cahadril spread throughout Feloh with great speed, and the other races they encountered indigenous to the continent were extended hands of friendship and knowledge. The most prominent of these, or at least the ones that still inhabit the world to this day, are the Dasam, the Hasar and the Gena, who make up the remaining Nilan today, based in the lands of Kabere. 

The Nilan have some similarities amongst themselves. All of them are generally shorter than the other races, averaging only around 3ft tall or so, although the Dasam are taller than the Hasar or Gena, but even then a Dasam approaching 5ft is considered freakishly tall. They have a predisposition towards living partially under and overground, with many of their city-forts being built upon the sides and within the great mountains of Kabere. Even their smaller villages and farming towns have much of their infrastructure built underground, from taverns and forges, to houses and libraries. Part of this stems from the fallout of the Schism saturating the continent in raw magic, making the lands a dangerous place for the exposed, and so protection was sought out in the deeps. 

The Dasam, or Dwarves in Common, are a stout and dour people, strong in both arm and body. Straightforward with their thinking and stubborn in their conviction, they make up the bulk of the Nilan military, though that is not to say that a Dasam couldn’t be a farmer, teacher or anything else within the Republic, and they apply themselves to anything with gruff determination. 

The jovial and friendly Hasar, often referred to as Halflings, are often found travelling around the lands of Kabere and to the human nations as well. Quick witted and with a mischievous sense of humour the Hasar have a knack of making light of even dangerous situations, though whether it is to their detriment they often don’t consider until after the fact.

Of the three the Gena, commonly called Gnomes, are the most studious, and are usually responsible for the fantastical devices that the Nilan use. Constantly tinkering and modifying their technology, the Gena have an insatiable curiosity of both the world around them and of Magic. As such it is unsurprising they are the most numerous of the Nilan that join the ranks of the Scholars. 

As with all the people’s of Valtor, their control of Magic can be varied, however their manipulation of it for the use in technology is second to none, and the Nilan are probably the most technically minded and proficient of the peoples of Valtor, even discounting the advantage Flarestone has afforded the Talari Empire. The Deluge has enabled them to make huge strides in their existing technology, from the imposing and deadly war machines that they use in their armies, to the marvel that is the Under Train, a great and expansive subterranean travel network that enables travel from one end of Kabere to the other in a day, a journey that would normally take weeks on foot.  

The Nilan were the first to encounter the savagery of the Shara, and lost much of their land in the initial years of the war. Despite the peace treaty that currently stands, they are still uneasy and wary of the Shara, and the Deep Council have begun an unprecedented level of experimentation and militarisation, much to the chagrin of the Scholars. They have tenuous relationships with the other races as well, though not to the extent of the Shara, and Nilan technology is greatly sought after amongst the humans. Their closest allies are by far the Humans of Nemoss, due to their assistance in the First War with the Shara. The Eestari tend not to settle within Nilan lands, and the Herians are eyed with the same suspicions as the Shara, seen as yet another bestial race that enters their lands without permission, though given their more solitary nature they are generally tolerated.

The Shara are essentially what would happen if a lizard walked on two legs, grew to the size of the other races, and had an utterly devout belief system. Shades and tones of their scales are incredibly varied, running the gamut of drab greys to swirls of lime greens and bright purples. There appears to be three distinct subraces amongst the Sharan, referred to as the Draketouched, the Serpentblood and the Scalebound, and this also seems to have created some semblance of a caste system, though some of the Sharans that have engaged in open discussion have noted that any Sharan can do anything within the Theocracy, merely that others are more adept at certain tasks than others. 

The Draketouched are tall and muscular, larger and broader than humans, with many having crests or webbing that emulates the hair of the other races, and some bearing long horns that sprout from their skulls. The Draketouched make up the bulk of their military and combat forces. 

The Serpentblood are closer to humans in size and shape, though their serpentine features cause the similarities to end. Often politicians, academics and members of the clergy, the Serpentblood unequivocally make up the majority of the species that runs the Theocracy. Finally there are the Scalebound, who whilst slightly shorter and compactor than the others are still comparable to humans in size, and seem to constitute the majority of the manual labour and other infrastructural workers involved in the day to day running of the nation. 

Although only recently encountered in the last fifty-nine years, their expansion has been swift and bloody, emerging from the mountain ranges of the very eastern edges of Feloh near the end of the Grand Drought. The Shara were zealous and indomitable, battling Nilan and Nemossan alike. Venturing forth in a combination for need of resources and land, compounded by deep religious fervour, the Shara spilled into the lands of Kabere and Nemoss, fighting on both fronts with ferocity and conviction. In the space of only eleven years, the Shara had expanded greatly into Feloh, taking much of Kabere and the uninhabited south and parts of the Shattered Realm, the Nilan losing control of nearly a full third of Feloh. Peace talks were hastily arranged by the Scholars, poorly at first given the Shara’s unwillingness to talk to the ‘Defilers’, as they called those that they claimed had killed their goddess, Ashara the Great Drake.

However, the return of magic began to turn the tide against the Shara, being far more prevalent in the Nilan and Humans and infusing their technology, albeit not enough to push them back entirely, and so a stalemate was reached. Once again, peace accords were attempted, this time with more success. The Shara would not be returning any land, but agreed to not expand any further for the time being. The Nilan and Nemoss were of course displeased with the terms, but knew even with the advantage of magic, it would not last, and they would only be pushed back once again, and they found it difficult to justify further decades of warfare. Over the years, some Shara journeyed into the other nations, and whilst initially treated with suspicion and fear, if not outright violence, this has waned somewhat. Infrequent trade has occurred between the Shara and Nemoss, the minerals found in Ashara Nath able to make incredibly strong ores and material, and the fertile lands of Nemoss providing an abundance of crops to the more barren lands of the Shara. 

Despite their stance on magic, with the Deluge it still infuses the Shara as with all races, although not prominently as the older races. They view it as more “divine will”, rather than manipulation of the tides of magic, and most view it as their Goddess regaining some of her strength through their faith. Others within the Path of Flame, the holy religion of the Shara, are quick to point the hypocrisy of these unknown forces, and vehemently refuse to even dabble with the notion of magic, whilst others embrace it as just another facet of Ashara’s will, to be used to enact her teachings and spread her glorious word.

Currently, there is an ideological fracture that has widened in the past few years amongst the Shara. There are those that wish to spread the Path to all those who are willing to learn, putting forward the idea that Ashara would forgive those whose ancestors wronged her, if they are of course willing to prove themselves. The traditionalists argue that the ‘Defilers’ can never understand the true word of Ashara and are unworthy of her teachings, and that soon they will all have to answer for the sins of their people in the cleansing fire brought forth by the Shara. Others still who have tasted the realms of Valtor beyond the confines of the Theocracy have even begun to neglect or disregard the teachings of the Path, though the murmurs of an underground movement that seeks to topple the Theocracy and the Priests are said to be nothing more than propaganda by the older races to sow dissent amongst the Children of the Great Drake

Heret, or the Shrouded Isles as it had been known previously, had long been covered in impenetrable fog and great storms raged in the seas around the island, making travel to and from all but impossible. Whether it was the result of the Schism, it is unknown. Thirty-three years ago the seas began to calm, the storms abating slowly, and just before Magic returned in the Deluge, Heret could be seen clearly. As Heret became known to the world, so too did its people, the Herians. An imposing looking race, akin to walking hounds, they are covered in short coarse fur, their snouted faces end in mouths filled with sharp teeth, with keen eyes and noses constantly surveying their surroundings. They are taller and stronger than humans, capable of great feats of strength. 

When the exploration fleet from Talar arrived on Heret at the cusp of the Deluge, intent on taking the lands for themselves, the Herians initially sent scouts to observe these new people. The Herians are fast learners, and over a few weeks of observation, had picked up the basics of the human language. When they attempted  to send envoys to these visitors, they were met with hostility and violence. Fortunately the explorers were not equipped for sustained battle, especially in an unknown land against a ferocious looking opponent, and so after some skirmishes they were captured by some of the tribes. The chieftains spoke with them in broken Common, requesting that their lands be left alone, and they would go free. The Talar were escorted back to their ships, and sent on their way. Refusing to be defeated by mere “dogs”, the Talar began amassing a great fleet to invade the Isles, catching the attention of the Scholars. 

The ensuing talks spearheaded by the neutral group were more fruitful, and sanctions were placed on the Talar and anyone else that might consider an invasion of Heret. Grateful for the more amiable introduction to the rest of Valtor, the Herians joined the global stage.

Nomadic by nature, the Herians are dotted across the length and breadth of the lush jungles of Heret, each led by a chieftain that leads their people spiritually and physically. The tribes clash from time to time, but very rarely is there outright war between the nomads. Instead most disputes between the tribes are settled yearly at Vishal Dathe, the “Shadow Plateau” in the Herian tongue. A great mesa of black rock that juts above the treelines, Vishal Dathe is visible all across Heret. Every year, the tribes return here for spiritual commune, feasts, competitions, chieftain rites, and the settling of rivalries in ritual combat to first blood. Very rarely are there battles to the death, only in the instances of the gravest injustices amongst the law of the Herians, such as an assassination of a chieftain, or attacking those on their World-walk 

All Herians follow the rite of passage known as the World-walk; a solitary journey made to explore the world, but also to discover themselves, commune with the spirits of the land, and prove themselves worthy to their tribe by returning as an adult. However, knowing now that there is more beyond the sea from what they had originally known, many Herians have decided to revisit their World-Walk, their thoughts being that if the purpose of the walk was to discover and commune with the world as a whole, then they could not have truly done that solely on their isle.

The presence of the Herians has been met with some resistance, what with much of the world still wary of the Shara, however those that leave Heret to explore the rest of Valtor are often solitary and alone, and so considered to not pose much of a threat. This has led some Herians to fall foul of the more unscrupulous elements of the world, although they are fast learners, and regardless of their nature, they can all be ferocious fighters when pressed. Most live off the land itself, although some, enraptured by the marvels of the other races, have taken to living within the cities themselves. Some find work as labourers, others as mercenaries, the mere presence of one of these Herians is often enough to protect holdings, or in more criminal elements, coerce payment. Whilst most return to their walk after some time, viewing this as just another element of the world to explore, others find themselves enjoying their new found role, reasoning that perhaps this is perhaps the purpose of the walk, to find a calling.  Herians can be found in most of the human nations, as well as in Kabere and even parts of Asahara Nath. They are seldom found in Talar, given their history although some have begun to tentatively explore the borders of the Empire.

The Scholars are the major independent faction of Valtor – primarily a mixture of Humans, Eestari and Nilan, the Scholars are dedicated to recording history, the study of Magic, and the lessons that can be learned from them. They were formed during the height of the Cahadril Protectorate hundreds of years ago, independent and holding no sovereignty to anything or anyone but knowledge itself. As a gesture, the Human nations, as well as the Nilan of Kabere, offer a token area in their lands to act as a Conclave for their studies, and also so that they themselves can have access to their wisdom, the pacts of which still stand today. 

They have one area that is solely theirs with no other nations input, known as The Athenaeum, located off the coast of the eastern edge of Kreas. Less an island and more of a floating library, The Athenaeum is the greatest collection of scripture, artefacts and knowledge in the entirety of Valtor. Innumerable books line the hallways of its marble halls, grand spires house intricate arcane devices and priceless artefacts are protected by enchanted seals and runes. The smaller Conclaves on the mainland continents are afforded some autonomy from their host nation to govern themselves within their city-state, as well as being provided crops and workers where required. In return, the Conclaves provided a source of advice and insight to the city leaders, and the High Emissary of each Conclave often acts as a personal advisor to the ruler of the nation they reside in. Whilst they are duty bound to not take sides, it has been said that a fool’s war has been ended before it even began, with but a single sermon from a Scholar. 

The Scholars are open to any and all who wish to join, with no restrictions on race, creed, age or gender, all they ask is an aptitude for learning and a willingness to contribute to the world’s knowledge. The Shara and Herians are somewhat rarer amongst the Scholars compared to the other races; some of the less fanatical Shara are inclined to join, but the Scholars close association and study with magic still fills them with unease, and Herians are often too focused on their World-walk to take the time to study and share wisdom as they the other races do. Although it is not for lack of trying, the Scholars have no Conclaves in Ashara Nath or Heret, the agreements that formed them during the days of the Cahadril not applying to these races, the Shara not existing at that time, and the Herians impossible to reach. Furthermore, a Conclave in the Sharan lands could lead to potential bloodshed over the magic usage, and the Herians that are members have objected on the grounds that the more tribal nature of their people may not help facilitate the Scholar’s goals. 

Faith and Religion Back to Contents

“What defines the power of a God is irrelevant. The Gods are silent, yet mortals who serve them are vocal to the last.”

– Rian Arphas, former Scholar of Religion, dismissed from his post in 807 AS

Given the nature of Magic in the world, religion and gods are a hotly debated subject. Indeed some of Scholars have theorised that there have never been any Gods per se, merely extraordinarily powerful users of Magic. Others argue that Magic is a gift of the divine, although from which deities is a matter of contention, and of course the consensus amongst those that have faith is that their own deities empower individuals chosen in their God’s eyes. Wars have been waged over these differing beliefs, and none can truly know how many Gods and Goddesses have faded into obscurity over the millennia, those who espouse their teachings long having been destroyed.

“Keeper grant me health, Archivist lend your wisdom,
Steward protect my hearth, Exemplar shield my heart.
Bronze Warlord grant me protection, Storm Caller lend your passage,
Young Deceiver protect my mind, Grey Lady shield my soul.”
 – Common prayer to the Curators

The Nemossians have long believed in the Curators, a group of eight gods and goddesses that watch over the world. They are seen less as deities to worship, and more powerful beings to pray to dependant on the need, such as food in time of famine, protection in time of war, or peace in times of death. The Curators are split into the four of the Upper Circle and the four of the Lower Circle, which despite the implication of their names does not necessarily mean that they are good or evil respectively, rather that what they stand for is considered either positive or negative in the eyes of mortals, although this does not stop some from attributing morality of good or evil to them. 

The Upper Circle is led by The Exemplar, depicted as a noble looking man in sculpted silver armour, a nimbus of bright light around him, his symbol being the mirrored shield he wields.

The Archivist represents the collective wisdom of the world, an elderly woman in grandiose white robes, constantly writing in scrolls and books, her symbol the quill pen she uses to add to the world’s knowledge.

The Steward is an imposing beast of a man, wild hair flowing down his bare back and a woodsman axe in each hand, he is the protector of the wilds itself, a great oaken tree his symbol.

Finally there is The Keeper, seen as an elegant young woman in the finest of golden plate armour who brings life and prosperity to the world, the intricate triskele on her staff as her symbol.


The Lower Circle is headed by The Grey Lady, a beautiful woman in shimmering dark robes, always depicted with her left hand extended to lead those who have passed into the Beyond, this open hand being her symbol.

The Young Deceiver is patron of trickery and lies, depicted as a mischievous teenage girl, her symbol a face mask split down the middle with one side white and the other black.

The Bronze Warlord is the master of war, a behemoth in baroque armour, wielding a greatsword the length of a mortal man, that same sword his symbol.

Last there is The Storm Caller, a man as chaotic and untameable as the skies he embodies, his symbol a pair of great feathered wings like those that sprout from his back. 

“I do not believe Tellichus is a God. He’s far greater than that. He is real.”

– Erelas Rekan, Master of the Sanctum 

Within the Empire, Tellichus is the one who brought their people together, and as such most Talari see him as the ideal to aspire to, and thus most prescribe to the notion of the Empire itself, with Tellichus as essentially a god made flesh. Tellichus, and his past selves, are seen as representing the best and worst of virtues, for whilst he is great and supreme, he is but a mortal, and so not perfect as gods are supposed to be. Whilst it is not exactly encouraged by the state, neither is this faith dissuaded.

Among the more faithful there has emerged the prevailing opinion that, whilst Tellichus is currently mortal, the aspects of his past selves are present within the living Emperor, advising and warning on their own mistakes and of mistakes to come.

The culmination of this, so the adherents say, is that one day there will be an incarnation of Tellichus that is infallible, drawing upon the knowledge of all his previous selves, and so will attain literal godhood, to lead the Empire to glory until the end of days.

“Whatever God you might want to pray to, you can probably find it in the Union.”

– Turol Vladic, Assembly Representative for the city-state of Sarik

As the Baneri are such a varied and independent people, the amount of differing religions and divine beings are vast, the most recent collections of texts and scriptures by the Scholars pointing to around 180 different gods and goddesses, across nearly 70 different religions. Suffice it to say that all aspects of belief are covered in some ways, from the singular worship the city-state of Woldam practice to their benevolent Miros, to the pantheonic belief of the Kamde people.

The Assembly do monitor the various religions, only intervening in religious disputes if it would affect the Union as a whole, or in the most dire circumstances, such as the death cult formed by the Rusar, who captured and sacrificed many of their neighbours in the name of their dark god Lazitar, which was mostly crushed some 3 years ago, although the hunt for practitioners is still ongoing.

“ Losing one’s parents is tragic. A sibling, heartbreaking. A child, devastating. Losing one’s maker? You cannot begin to fathom our pain.”

– Nilex Horomir, Head of the Unbound Path

The gods of the Eestari are lost to them, their names and depictions long forgotten, and so those that feel inclined to follow or pray to gods do so to those that are most suitable to them, depending on their location.

Many half-born children follow the beliefs of their human parents in an effort to establish a deeper kinship with that side of their bloodline, but similar to their Eestari side they are often fluid in their beliefs. A half-born of Nemoss parentage that is raised in the Talar Empire may instead adhere to the belief of Tellichus Reborn, or those that for one reason or another settle in Kabere might follow the self-focused beliefs of the Nilan. Some Eestari go further beyond, flitting between different practices, in essence forming an amalgamation of differing gods and beliefs, often taking on the most positive teachings.

There are some which seek out remnants of their old gods, whatever that information may be, and whilst a small subset of their kind, more and more are flocking to their banner…

“I couldn’t care less about what skygod you might follow, so long as they don’t tell you to be an ass.”

– Boros Ilheim, Member of the Gearsmiths

As a majority rule, the Nilan do not believe that they are beholden to some higher power or group of deities, but rather in the self realisation of the individual and the impact this will have on those around them. Given the makeup of the Nilan, the tenants of what is adhered to is often very different for each individual, and also varied even more amongst the three races.

A Dasam is more likely to embody aspects that revolve around the tenants of War, whereas a Gena will be more attuned to an aspect of Knowledge and furthermore two different Hasar may envision two different methods and views on the aspect of Life.

The different philosophies can lead to many heated debates, however so long as viewpoints are not detrimental to the Nilan as a whole, they often agree to disagree. Indeed, some Nilan who have travelled the other nations may find interest in some more esoteric beliefs, although more listening to the tenants and teachings themselves, rather than what a higher being may expect of them.  

“Asharas’ flame was extinguished by those that feared her. We would do well to remember that we are the Children of the Great Drake, that her fire lives on through us, and that we are feared as well…”

– Serith Zartus, High Priestess of the Path of Flame

Ashara the Great Drake is spoken of in reverent tones, for according to the Path of Flame, it was she who gave life to them. Their ancestors wandered the wastes of a broken land, before some stumbled upon the bones of a great dragon. Drawn by some unfathomable presence, they camped within the skeleton of the drake. Soon, there were those that were struck by visions, the deep roar of an ancient being echoing amongst their minds. It spoke of its downfall, hunted by mortals that feared it, but in its dying breath, it infused the lands around it with its primordial power. Ashara, as the priests came to know the ancient one, must have given life to them they reasoned, and now had given them wisdom and purpose. Calling themselves Shara in her honour, they considered the idea that those that had brought down their mother, would surely want to destroy them as well. Soon, the word of Ashara had spread, and where there was once infighting and tribal squabbles, was only unity. 

There are many aspects of the Mother, for as she has done much for them, so too must she represent these characteristics. Her breath gave them life, her voice giving them knowledge, the land and nature itself were formed by her will, in times of war her wrath flows through her children, the Sun’s light was ignited by her, her rage remains in the world in the form of storms and winds, she can confuse and beguile as her mind is far beyond mortals, and to those who die in her name she will await and embrace them in the next world.

“The Spirits are in all things, whether you can hear them or not, does not mean they do not speak.”

– Waita Harun, Windspeaker of Vishal Dath

The Herians do not believe in Gods per se, but rather base spirits of the world. These four primordial spirits don’t form a pantheon as the Nemossan gods do, but rather are independent of each other, and according to the Herians are in a constant state of flux and conflict, just like the forces they represent. Herians do not form perceptions or depictions of the spirits, for they can appear in innumerable forms, and giving them form would do disservice to their unknowable nature.

The spirits themselves are considered neither good or evil, for they are simply a force of the world, and they are communed with rather than worshipped. As a result, and due to their fluctuating and dual natures, their different facets are open to interpretation amongst the nomadic tribes and shamans.

Astar the Unyielding, Master of Earth, is as stubborn and stoic as his realm yet also a gallant and selfless figure that holds his ground and endures for the sake of others.

llitan the Fury, Lady of Fire, is not only ferocious and untameable like the fire she represents but also headstrong and strong, for fire burns away the darkness and is the province of the brave.

Pira the Seeker, Mistress of Air, acts as playful and mischievous as the winds themselves, but carries words of grace and wisdom as she soars.

Finally Jul the Echoed, Lord of Water, can be as harsh and unforgiving as the oceans, whilst also emulating a serene kindness that only the calmest of waters can bring.

Organisation and Infrastructure Back to Contents

“Weird isn’t it? All it really is is some metal that some hornhead a thousand years ago said ‘This is now worth 11 cows and a loaf of bread’. If someone said that now they’d be called mad! Doesn’t stop people wanting them mind.”

– Jakub Reigsonn, ‘Businessman’

Despite vanishing hundreds of years ago, the Cahadril still have a presence in the world with the most commonly used form of money – coins made of the metal Sartium, a common material that is dull, soft and structurally useless for construction. The Cahadril however, developed a way to infuse Sartium with a tiny portion of Magic, strengthening it a hundred fold, imbuing it with a lustrous shimmer and reducing its weight immeasurably. Initially this enhanced Sartium was used in construction and technology, and was traded and bartered to other peoples. This eventually evolved into the notion of trading the valuable and attractive material for other goods, and soon Sartium coins were produced by the Cahadril to facilitate this further, the wafer thin discs of metal being as light as a feather. 

Of course with the coming of the Schism and the passing of Magic, the process became impossible, and new minting could not be performed. The coins in circulation remained the only ones, and so bartering and trade became the norm again, with Sartium remaining the purview of the rich and the nobility. The Scholars however, as is their mandate to preserve knowledge, retained the skill of infusing Sartium, and since Magic has returned, have begun producing the currency again. The long association of the material with the upper class has caused it to see a resurgence of use in the world, and the Scholars have carefully regulated the release of coins in order to not devalue those already in existence.

The Sharan and Herians, despite emerging to the world long after the Cahadril had disappeared, have only recently seen the usage of Sartium as they both trade with other nations and travel to different lands. Primarily however, the Herians are used to a system of direct trade of goods and assistance, due to their nomadic nature. The Sharans however, as a result of their theocratic rule, are new to the concept of currency, long holding the belief that belongings will in some way or another belong to the Path, and so often items and belongings are giving freely for the greater glory of Ashara, though they have reluctantly begun deals with the other nations that they do tentatively trade with.

“From the lowest farmhand to the King of Nemoss, everyone needs what the Guilds can offer. Just depends how deep their coffers go.”

– Alain Syrus Goldermire,  Fellow of the Woldan Artificer’s Guild

Whilst the Scholars are the largest of the independent groups, there are a number of coalitions or groups dotted throughout the lands, such as the Artificers Guild of Baneri, the College of Explorators of Nemoss, the Wayfinders of Talar, the Whisperers of the Eestari, the Gearsmiths of Nilan, the list goes on. Some are public and open to most, if not all who wish to join, and are spread throughout Valtor. Others are more exclusive, be it due to race or by virtue of the needs and aims of the organisation in question, and some operate only within the confines of a nation. Furthermore, there are those organisations that are but rumours, operating in secret and shadow for whatever goal they may have in mind.

In general, being a member of one of these organisations is sought after, as they provide a network of like-minded people, resources and support, and often act as base or home-away-from-home, especially for those that are prone to travelling the lands, be it independently or for their guild. Additionally, these establishments often have a need for people to enact certain tasks for them, and sometimes this need not be one of their own members, depending on what is required. Of course it’s not generally pro bono, and rewards given by those that do outsource are usually substantial.

“Each of the seasons has their own little charms and niceties, depending on where you are. Little tip though, avoid Tribec near the end of Maras. Bunch of misery guts.”

– Lorisa Deni, Adventurer and Philanthropist 

A year in Valtor is 420 days, the length of time for the world to complete one full circle of the sun Oros. This is measured from Isla Oros, a small islet off the coast of the Athenaeum. The Engrave upon the island, set by the Cahadril at the formation of the Scholars, essentially acts like a giant sundial with the shadow formed by the rising sun in the West moving slightly around each dawn. 

The Schism is a marker for certain eras, with the current year being 816 AS, (After the Schism). Years prior to that are now referred to as BS, or Before the Schism. When something of note happens during a particular epoch, the Scholars will often give it a name for easy reference, hence terms such as the Great Drought for the large period of time without magic, or the current era of the Deluge. 

The year is broken up into 14 months, which are divided further into the Three Seasons, technically known as Araphan, Deriloth and Maras, some of the few Cahadril words retained from the Schism, though none recall their true meaning. Instead they are commonly referred to as Birth, Life and Death – simple terms, but indicative of the seasons. 

Araphan is the Season of Birth, and the shortest season of only two months, Baraphan and Conaphan. Many religious holidays are observed during this time, so the rest of the year may prove fruitful. Generally a time of blooming flowers and fresh rains, it is not unheard of for the months to be as unpredictable as the newborn its common name implies, with harsh storms and raging winds coming and going only for calmness to take its place shortly after.

The Season of Life, Deriloth, is marked by increasingly better weather, boundless days of clear skies and sun, and evenings of warmth and merriment. The longest season, made up of the eight months of Eriloth, Feloth, Graloth, Hitoloth, Isaloth, Jariloth, Kelsaloth and Lutaloth. Each one is filled with a myriad of summer festivals and holidays, as well as it being the most productive time of year for many. 

Finally Maras, the Season of Death, heralds darker days and chill nights as the year draws to a close. Despite its morbid common name it only refers to the end of the year rather than anything else, and many nations celebrate the beauty of its four months, Nirimas, Ostilas, Partisas and Qestas, for without death the beauty of birth and life cannot be appreciated. 

Each month is made up of 30 days, divided into 5 weeks of 6 days each. The days of the week are, in order, Rilos, Sulos, Telos, Urlos, Valos and Welos. Dates are notated Day Month and Year, for example 17G,811 would be the 17th Day of Graloth in the year 811

The Shara and Herians do not have their own structured calendar, though they understand the concept of the seasons and their simplicity. Compared to Sartium, the Calendar has been generally accepted across most of the peoples of the young races, at least those that openly deal or trade with the rest of Valtor, though it has not been formally adopted in their laws as yet.

Months of the Year:

  1. Baraphan
  2. Conaphan. 
  3. Eriloth
  4. Feloth
  5. Graloth
  6. Hitoloth
  7. Isaloth
  8. Jariloth
  9. Kelsaloth
  10. Lutaloth
  11. Nirimas
  12. Ostilas
  13. Partisas
  14. Qestas

Story Arcs Back to Contents

Set out with the original adventuring party as they begrudgingly work together to save the very nation itself!

Part 1 – Unlikely Saviours

Chapter 1 to 7

Awakening chained in the bowels of an ancient temple, our unwilling heroes must work together to save themselves, and the unfortunate villages of the Baywood. But forces move in the shadows far beyond their understanding, all of which will set them on a path they had not considered walking…

Start at Chapter 1 here!

Part 2 – Riddles and Secrets

Chapter 8 to 12

With danger still looming, the party must delve into more ancient ruins to uncover their hidden treasures and save those enslaved to dark powers. But with tensions running high and secrets being kept, their greatest adversaries could be themselves…

Start at Chapter 8 here!

Part 3 – Revelations

Chapter 13 to 15

With well hidden secrets revealed, our group race to the capital of Greyhound to save an ally who holds far more importance than they first appeared…

Start at Chapter 13 here!

Part 4 – Madness and Sorrow

Chapter 16 to 20

With their task at hand to obtain the ingredients needed to cure a foul poison coursing through their friend, the group head south to the forlorn and forgotten woods of the land…

Start at Chapter 16 here!

Part 5 – Saving a Kingdom

Chapter 21 to 22

With the last ingredients in their grasp, our heroes near completion of their goal, but a shadow from the past threatens to ruin all they’ve worked for, and cause devastation to the Kingdom of Nemoss…

Start at Chapter 21 here!

Join a new group of intrepid heroes as they seek to make glory and riches for themselves, in the twilight hours of mercenary work in the Kingdom of Nemoss.

Prologue – A New Adventure

Chapter 1 to 7

On a rainy summer’s eve, chance brings our heroes together as they sign up to an expedition into the mountain ranges of Nemoss, to assist a noble scion in dealing with bandit attacks in the region, as well as to investigate rumours of potential artefacts uncovered…

Start at Chapter 1 here!

Part 1 – Missing Children of Traistan

Chapter 8 to 11

Arriving in the town of Traistan, our group obtains their first proper mercenary job, to find some missing children in the town. But their disappearance is only the surface of something more sinister…

Start at Chapter 8 here!

Part 2 – Secrets in the Woods

Chapter 12 to 15

Whilst rumours of Dragons are nothing new, one so close to civilisation is cause for concern – or at least it should be. Alas, the ravings of an untrustworthy old man is no reason to send in the military. That’s what mercenaries are for…

Start at Chapter 12 here!

Part 3 – Mysteries of Arcport

Chapter 16 to 23

Having attracted the attention of the so called Friend of Traistan (for good and ill), our party finds themselves tasked with investigating strange goings on in the seaside town of Arcport, home to a mystical spring and eccentric inhabitants…

Start at Chapter 16 here!

Part 4 – Friends and Enemies

Chapter 24 to 26

Back in Traistan, our heroes find themselves torn between working for the Friend of Traistan and their network of mercenaries, or hewing closer to the side of the law and the Mayor of the town. But lucrative propositions offered by both may yet sway them to their side…

Start at Chapter 24 here!

Part 5 – Heists and Histories

Chapter 27 to 30

Across the sea in the Eastern Continent stands the metropolis Exemplar’s Landing, home to many mercantile delights, fortunates to be made, and opportunities for revenge…

Start at Chapter 27 here!

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