*NEW CODEX* Chaos Knights | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Faction Focus

Spider and Bone review the all new Codex Chaos Knights sent to us by the mega bosses at Games Workshop! Pre-order yours now!!
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It seems the Knight Preceptor also allows Armiger to re-roll 1s to hit
I think the majority of my lists i create for tournaments are going to be geared at taking down Knights effectively and having an effective melee deterrent. There are going to be SO many Knights running around, both Chaos and Imperium that they need to be dealt with in a brutal fashion.
Ryza Plasma Destroyers and Stygies Dragoons have never looked so tasty!
My greatest enemy is finally going to be defeated.
Last video shot in the old place kinda got me in the feels there gents. Can’t wait for the new studio.
Can’t wait for these
Maybe the Knights of Endonia carry the burden of a great shame. Ages past one of their number fell to Chaos. This Knight fled the wrath of his former brothers, seeking to gain favour with the Gods that whispered to him from his corrupted throne mechanicus. He has since gathered other traitors from various houses to his banner, and now with his phalanx of renegade titans, he has emerged from The Great Rift seeking to undo everything the Knights of Endonia have done to secure their sector.
Cant wait for a Chaos knights Battrep
Is there a way to give your Knights the Daemon keyword and/or a mark? That way nurgle stuff could heal them for example.
Can Warpsmith’s heal them?
A bittersweet video gents, onwards and upwards and I’m looking forward to seeing your dream of what TTT could be become reality.
P.S. I recieved my Warrior level shirt today and look forward to wearing it to my first convention at the LVO, hope to meet you if you are attending next year. 🙂
Im super excited to start my chaos knights army! Sworn in service to the iron warriors!
Definitely exciting for me since I’m planning on starting up a World Eaters army at the end of the year, with the occasional Chaos Knight supplement. I already got an old Renegade Knight with dual battle cannons of a guy who assembled and painted it off ebay, and with the new kits, I can work out a few different types of knights to bring along for whatever I feel like with my Angry Boys.
Something that has confused me about aux detachments. If you take a single knight in an auxilury superheavy detachment what do you still get/not get? strategems, relics, whatever chaos calls households now?
Already pre ordered this! 3 duel avenger gatling cannon knights here we come!
With CP for the knight lances would Chaos knights just automatically just get the +3CP from the super heavy detachment? If I’m not mistaken the word choice in the imperial knight book is that if you don’t take any big knights the CP benefit is automatically changed to 0. From the way you described it, it sounds like the Chaos knights don’t have that wording.
I am so pumped for this book!
This Leadership debuff aura will make my Night Lords even more terrifying ??
Lawrence there is indeed a new kit on the way, which allows you to build a Knight Desecrator or a Knight Rampager! The other models in the codex are conversions/kitbashes of the Imperial kit. I don’t know if there will be an upgrade kit.
Good luck with the move to the new studio, really delighted to see the growth of your channel and excited to see what you bosses do in the future!
So no dual wielding volcano cannons. It’s like they dont want people to complain about things being OP ?♂️
we just need some chaos assassins now