*NEW CODEX* Iron Hands & Raven Guard | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Faction Focus

Games Workshop send us review copies of the all new Codex Iron Hands and Raven Guard supplements!
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New Space Marines Codexes … pff, who needs playtesting anyways
Hey guys, great video. Here’s my question: with the new codex supplements coming with the new Primaris Characters, will you be painting those characters in the studio colors for the Obsidian Dragons? Or in the original chapter colors? Or does running named characters with the OD ruin the fluff for them? I would like to see some of these new characters/rules in action (and can’t afford picking up a whole new army at the moment) so I hope you guys have a plan for them.
Thanks again for the great content that you’ve been putting out
As a prolonged grey knights player, it makes me sad when all the new cool strats for other marines only cost 1 cp , sometimes 2 cp. really do hope they throw out an updated grey knights codex ???
Ayyyy those Soul Reaver references, also Raziel could use his soul like a blade because he was some weird evolved vampire that drank souls instead of blood if I remember correctly
Hey Chef,
Unless I missed something (such as not being allowed), I think infiltrating a max squad of assault centurions would be very very evil (I mean… tasty) with the Raven Guard redeploy option. Imagine that with say an Invictor or two to support? (not that I think assault centurions would necessarily need it)
Oh dip! Stacking the ravengaurd start for opponent paying extra cp with the calidus assassin paying extra!?! That is dirty.
One thing I find interesting about Surgical Strikes is that it also works in assault, and assault is actually a place where I find targeting characters can be a bit easier. (sometimes)
Iron hands are insane. The Death Guard player in me is looking at this and seeing a far superior version of DG in the Iron Hands. The Space Wolves player in me is looking at this and wondering how absurdly pathetic they are in comparisons to the vanilla codex chapters. I fully agree with the TT crew that this seems to be 8.5 edition with the significant power creep. I just want the other factions to get their fair due. Space Wolves have been terrible for all of 8th edition.
I am really looking forward to the raven guard book a lot more than the iron hands after this, it sounds really cool having any army of sneaky guys backed up by snipers taking out characters before a charge.
Hey I just wanted to say these reviews were so much better than the white scar and Ultramarine reviews.
I think because they were released separately to the marine codex. It gave you guys some more time to deep dive into the supplements.
Well done.
I have a feeling that as a Crimson Fists player my update was in the White Dwarf and the Imperial Fists supplement will focus more on BT and the Imperial Fists rather than my chapter but here is hoping ? Glad Iron Hands are very strong, nice to see a marine chapter that feels like it might win a tournament or scare other top tier armies
Old man rant. Technomancy causing mortals on a roll of 1 was something I came up with when I wrote a codex for demiurg about 10 years ago. I gave the power the sexy name of “machine schism” and it caused any weapon to have the then overheat rule.
Demiurg psykers *were* called technomancers. It’s nice to see the idea out in the wild though, just a pity marines get to be distinctive and we don’t get more variety outside the Imperium.
Yes!! Legacy of Kain reference for the win!! New found respect gor the spider. Great preview. Also congrats to the newly weds!! 🙂 The new marine stuff and IH book specificaly is so obnoxiously power creepy. Ohh well… going to have to put up with 8+ months of this ninsense until it all gets hit with a nerf hammer. Powers and strats working on vehicles(where they obviously shouldint…), Iron father… 110 points. You avin a giraffe!? Thats half, HALF(!) the price of an avatar of khaine…with more attacks and better buffs. Not normaly a hater but this is so silly…sorry… Read more »
I’m glad space marines finally get some needed attention, however, Iron hands do frustrate me a bit. Not necessarily because of the good rules, but being WAY more resilient than Death guard. This just feels weird and wrong to me. How are gw gonna compensate this? Are they even?
Iron hands sound rediculous. You need to get Joe back in with his Sons of Medusa list. His stormtalons flying around, igniting move penalty and re rolling around 1s. The same with his razorbacks, suddenly no need to castle and becomes a much more mobile force
Thank you guys for the awesome review! I really like the format you chose compared to the Ultras/Scars video.
The new format made me realize that a great counter to Iron Hands “shenaningans” actually is Raven Guard…
Oh! Also : Congrats Lawrence!
Loved the discussion, really interensting and enjoyable (and the Soul Reaver reference made my day). I would like to be good enough to play Raven Guard as they deserve, but I think I’ll take the easy way and go Ultramarines/Iron Hand. Like Bone I have high expectations on Salamanders, too.
Thank you as always, and nice to see Lawrence again!
Always love these group discussions, good stuff guys! Irons are pretty insane looking but I’m relieved Ravens seem like they have plenty of good stuff as well. As you said sounds like they really nailed the fluff = to gameplay for them. Also a longtime Salamanders player, I’m right with you eagerly waiting for ours! Vulkan lives boys 🙂
I don’t suppose y’all would want to have Siege paint you up the new Iron Father, Shrike, and any other new Primaris leaders that you don’t have armies for in your Obsidian Dragon color schemes, and just run them as the chapters they belong to so you can start using said characters?
The previous Raven Guard Chapter Master did indeed die in the (second) Damocles crusade (when GW released the Mont’ka/Kauyon campaign books in 7th). He was outfoxed by Shadowsun. Shadowsun had switched places with another suit so when her suit turned up in an engagement, the Chapter Master swooped in to ‘kill her.’ She then point blank vaporized him with a plasma gun or melta fire iirc because she was keeping tabs on it and ambushed the ambushing ‘master.’
Great vox cast. Much better production then the old one. Now let’s all pray for the ultimate stoic chapter, with Mr. Bad man himself Lysander coming to us soon this fall with full primaris terminator support.
The Flesh is WEAK!
“If they came to see me beg, they will be disappointed.”
“Are you sure?”
*Iron Hands book released*
Good analysis. I think Raven Guard will be good against character heavy armies. Thousand sons, GSC, even Imperial Guard. Also all lord of war units that are characters are not going to survive long like Knights, Mortarion, Magnus. Chaos also highly affected. Lord Discordants are characters and chaos demons list will have issue with Raven Guard. Even Ynnari. However everyone will have issues with Iron Hands :). And they are plug and play. I am a Salamanders players myself and I hope we get something equal good as Iron Hands. In general as a Space Marines fan all of the… Read more »
Great vox cast again. I liked the Kain references as well although he was the protagonist along with Raziel, It was Moebius and the Elder god who were the antangonists. Raziel willing becomes the Soul Reaver in the last game to try to remove Kains corruption and give him a chance to undo his mistakes. You can probably tell I was gutted when they stopped making the games.
Kayvaan Shrike model without his helmet is awesome! Raven Guard do not care about their looks. Victorus aut Mortis!
“We are here to talk briefly about them….”….. With Chef there?? not gonna be brief 😛 AND WE LOVE IT!!!!!
I have a question about the interpretation of the assault doctrine. When chef mentions this it seems your interpretation is that when active all melee attacks gets an extra -1 AP. The way I read it though, is that it improves the AP of pistol and melee weapons by 1, i.e. you have to attack with a weapon that has a melee profile in order to get that extra -1 (that would mean for instance that regular primaries marines would not get this bonus) I don’t know which one is correct but it I think it would make sense if… Read more »
Victorus aut Mortis!
Congratulations Lawrence!!
(on the new ring)
Iron hands are grade A broken. possibly better and top tier. Im building a list now with two Leviathan dreadnoughts… think about that for a moment….
ah man i can hardly watch this, i think “incredible good” is the new “way to strong” ;D seems like GW is going to make every new codex a little bit better as the older ones, thats why the power spirale goes up and up and games are more dependend on the first hard punch into the enemies heart and on “strong units spam” I can’t believe the Iron Hand character is only 110 points, in comparison to other Marines like Gabriel Angelos, who is 185 this doesnt even feel like fair play.. I don’t know how to feel about… Read more »
Thank you for the review guys! It’s not only informative but also very entertaining when you gather and just talk about stuff.
No love for making a Storm cannon equipped Iron Hands Leviathan (or Redemptor…) a character using the stratagem and giving it the merciless logic warlord trait? 😉
Great video, thanks chaps.
Do you think there will be codex supplements for the Imperial Fists? Or more for the Astra Militarum later on?