Psychic Awakening – Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar Spider February 10, 20204  39 4 Likes

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With thunderous guns and flashing las, Spider and Bone discuss updates for the Imperial Guard!

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Lodge Member
4 years ago


Lodge Member
4 years ago

i like the -1 ap with Scions, as that affects all models (including taurox with the autcannons and the missiles), and melee attacks to give them a bit more oomph if they find themselves in combat

4 years ago

also, with hammer blow, you can combine it with the drop force strat to overwatch with the vulture on 4+ for the unit nearby. his means that for 3 cp, you can stop a charge on overwatch comfortably

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
4 years ago

This makes me really want to start tank guard and scions, these new rules are definitely no joke. Can’t wait to see the battle reps using these!

4 years ago

Hey I have a RAW, RAI question, I’m copy pasting it from reddit but it claims that the RAW would give all Scion detachments “Stormtroopers” on top of the new regiments “While it probably wasnt intended to, right now, RAW, the new doctrine doesn’t replace Stormtroopers. Check out the AM codex page on Stormtroopers. If you are a detachment completely made up of MILITARUM TEMPESTUS units, you get the Stormtroopers doctrine. Then take a look at the Greater Good page addressing Militarum Tempestus units. If you have a mono-MT detachment, you gain on your data sheet. You gain it, but… Read more »

4 years ago

Got to say, for everything in this new book, Scions mini supplement is my favorite. Looking forward to the Endonian Genome experimenting with new tactics 😀

Lodge Member
4 years ago

@Bone, also agree the new stratagem Hail of Fire is pretty great. Again i would make use of a specialist detachment, this time going for the Emperors First Tank Company, purely to give a Tank Commander the relic, Hand of Sunderance, just because the flat 3 damage is too good if your about to pump out 12 battle-cannon shots.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great coverage guys and really interesting to see where you can head with this. Me personally im thinking of an Emperors Wrath Artillery Company, Master of Ordinance as the Warlord (Lord of Ordinance) making a Wyvern a Tank Ace with Full Payload and using the Pounding Barrage Stratagem. Thats x48 str4, -1ap, dam1, ignoring LoS, re-rolling wounds shots right?

Ben Bangley
Ben Bangley
4 years ago

Does the reduce damage by 1 tank ace trait not say to a minimum of 1?

Ezra Bristow-Smith
Ezra Bristow-Smith
4 years ago

I started out collecting Scions before I touched Guard and I think this really helps give them both the fluff and crunch of a hard-hitting first strike army and ameliorates their durability issues.

Is there anything preventing you from running a Dual Baddalion (or even a triple) and taking a separate doctrine for each one? My current list has a Vigilus Drop Force Baddalion supported by another mounted in Tauroxes so grab best of both worlds?

Jesper Thomas Hansen
Jesper Thomas Hansen
4 years ago

How do they get it to 8 shot a model? First rank fire second rank fire make it 2 shot pr model, then if with in 18 thats dobbelt sooo 4 shots a model? Am I missing something or did Bone do a silly?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I think volleyguns have been a sleeper weapon for a while with the scions but now have a scary amount of utility with some of the stratagems, warlord traits, and doctrines. Also just 10 man squads of hotshot las back a huge punch. You could get 4 shot, S4, -3 hotshot lasguns now pretty easily.

Sure hope you’ve got some volleyguns or new “scions” to possibly mix in with the Reapers and run multiple doctrines on the way. Maybe some sort of “Spectres”.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Am I right in thinking Leman Russ, Hellhounds, and Basilisks can all get to re-roll one of the 2 D6 they roll for no. of hits?
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Oddly disagree on the generic tempestus doctrine (though of course it depends how you run them) – I’m still intending to use it for synergy. Running the vigilus detachment with the warlord trait of course gives you +1 to hit in a 6″ after Valkyrie disembarkation, couple that with Aradia Madellan gives you an additional +1 for a unit – so my 4 man command squad is pumping out 8 shots exploding on 4’s, and all the nearby units are exploding on 5’s. Admittedly you have to roll for the additional, but it’s on 2’s (you can of course order… Read more »

Martin K
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Really hope we will see Tempestus battle rep soon – fingers crossed for the morale one, sounds awesome 😀 And, if they are all airborne, bonus points 🙂