Psychic Awakening – Genestealer Cults | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar Spider February 10, 20205  16 5 Likes

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Rodrigo Palma
Rodrigo Palma
4 years ago

underwhelming stuff from GW…

honest and good content as always guys.

Marcello Genovese
Marcello Genovese
4 years ago

Thanks for the review mates! I really appreciate the levity and humor, you have to have both if your a GSC player at the moment lol. I have 400 infantry including three of each characters and a massive pool of vehicles including 9 Goliaths and I have tried almost every combo under the sun and the army just isn’t fun to play if I am honest. You either surprise folks that don’t understand all the book keeping or you get tabled by anyone with experience against the army. It’s really sad, I’ll admit in 7th the army was way too… Read more »

4 years ago

Definitely a huge missed opportunity. GSC are in such dire need of a buff. Marines can literally have +1 advance / +1 charge as one half of their custom tactic for the entire game (on top of shock assault, etc.), but the GSC one is first turn only? Why? And stuff like re-rolling 1s for psychic tests is pretty laughable too, when Magus and Patriarchs are limited to 1-per-detachment (they did change that up for Tau Commanders, but not GSC?), and the Patriarch wouldn’t even benefit from the creed? That’s a max of 3 models in an entire army that… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

The psychic powers are overall interesting…Having Rusted Claw use the Drive-By Demolitions stratagem against an enemy vehicle at 4- AP due to their psychic power is pretty nice..

Overcharged weaponry will work on the vehicles due to them having the cult creed keyword (even though they don’t get any buffs from the creed), but to maximize it’s utility, it’d need to be played on a full squad of ridge runners..

It’s sad though that they didn’t revise any of the core rules of the army…the vehicles should get the cult creed just like space marines got it for their vehicles…

Marc Griggs
Marc Griggs
4 years ago

Overcharged weaponry – vehicles like ridgerunners don’t get the cult creed, but DO have the keyword on their data slates, so it should apply to them. The miners uprising is good to go!

4 years ago

Thanks for the review. I play cult quite a bit at my local friendly. I’m pretty underwhelmed by this book. Why can’t my vehicles (or Genestealers!?) have a cult creed? My Patriarch, from whom the entire cult is descended, doesn’t get one. Why oh why!?