Chapter 7: The Blood Temple | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

The party continue to ascend the Blood Temple stairs, but when the smell of fresh cooking meat begins to waft down towards them, Hakotay goes ahead to investigate. But will he find more on the menu than he bargained for?
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Hang on – they are only level 2? It seems like a lot to ask of what are basically beginner adventurers…
I’m absolutely not going to be binge watching these 👀
Hey guys at Table top tactics is there any way to download the YouTube videos you have released via this app as it seems I can only download the ones which are on-demand?
Love it. Completely absorbed with this and can’t wait to see how it turns out. Such great characters and story telling. I really like the descriptions before the guy roll as it’s a characters intent to do these. May be bland the other way as some have suggested but I will keep an open mind. Keep up the great work
That bag-pipy thing while the page burns in the intro gets me pumped everytime!
THIS IS SOOOO GOOD!! Can’t wait for the next one!
Are the stairs and tower based at all on The Ways as described in the Wheel of Time series? They totally have that vibe (which is awesome) and I thought the ape-men (little monkey-men?) might be Trollocs at first!
Awesome session, as usual! Really enjoying B-Bone as GM. I hope to see more intrigue build around the thick and fast combat. One thing I really don’t understand is why you don’t roll first, THEN give your descriptions, because it feels really jarring to me, breaking the flow of the events quite badly. Coming from other D&D content like CritRole (doesn’t get much bigger than that), that’s the one thing that feels off, I’d much prefer “I attack” -> “rolls a 17” -> “hit! What happens?” format. Keep up the good work though!
Amazing work gents. Cheers all around. Pollux is something else. Monkey ape man and I’m dying laughing. Well done lads very well done.
I’m loving this series, Wednesday is quickly becoming the best day of the week! You guys are all so committed to your characters I feel so invested in them, and special shout out to Bone, you’re absolutely killing it, can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up for our protagonists next time!
Love the underappreciated Simpsons reference after Spider’s deathblow Bone!! Keep up the terrific DMing!
Well it could have been worse, when the meat wind started blowing my first though was Machin Shin is coming ? good luck brave adventurers!
I f**king love Robs description’s
Finally. I took till around 42 mins of episode 7 for this to look like one of my dnd games. You said it was a monkey ????
Unlike a lot of folks in these comments, I am unable to do anything else when I am watching this as for me the facial expressions make so much of this series. The look on Lawrence’s face when Rob was like, “and I took Necromancy” was fantastic. As well as the argument over if its a man, an ape, or a monkey and why his dice rolled low based upon Bone’s description.
Damn Pollux, your demon is cray cray
Jericho: This gives me the nopety nopes
Literally just as i finished episode 6, yesssssssss
What a fun and awesome way to start a WEDNESDAY! Truly enjoyable show. Loving the role playing that our players are undertaking! Sanga…I mean Pollux, you frighten me! Cannot wait for more!
That’s my evenings painting accompaniment sorted… 🙂
I feel spoiled by last week, refreshed so many times this morning waiting for this. Always worth the wait though
Right on time 🙂 was literally just saying to the missus that itll likely be uploaded any moment now.. i had foreseen it 😉