Death Guard vs Adepta Sororitas 1500pts | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Battle Report

Avatar Spider June 27, 202020  64 20 Likes

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Insanity returns to the studio as Beard and Bone play their first social distanced game, between the Death Guard and the Adepta Sororitas!

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The Army Lists are: 

Death Guard

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Warlord- Arch-Contaminator, 2x Malefic Talons, Wings

Malignant Plaguecaster: Corrupted Staff, Bolt Pistol, Powers- Miasma of Pestilence, Blades of Putrefaction

+ Troops +

15x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
10x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
2x Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption
2x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Blight Launcher

18x Poxwalker

18x Poxwalker

+ Elites +

Foul Blightspawn: Plague Sprayer

Noxious Blightbringer: Cursed Plague Bell, Plasma Pistol

Tallyman: Plasma Pistol

++ Spearhead Detachment ++

+ HQ +


+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler: Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

Plagueburst Crawler: Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

Plagueburst Crawler: Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

++ Total: 1,497pts ++

Adepta Sororitas

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Order Conviction: Valorous Heart

+ No Force Org Slot +

Repentia Superior

+ HQ +

Canoness: Relic: Iron Surplice of St Istaela, Warlord- Indomitable Belief, Blessed Blade, Bolt Pistol

Canoness: Open the Reliquaries: Book of St. Lucius, Chainsword, Condemnor Boltgun

+ Troops +

10x Battle Sister Squad: Incensor Cherub
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun
Battle Sister:Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Heavy bolter
7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

10x Battle Sister Squad: Incensor Cherub
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun
Battle Sister:Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Heavy bolter
7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

10x Battle Sister Squad: Incensor Cherub
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun
Battle Sister:Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Heavy bolter
7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

+ Elites +


6x Sisters Repentia

6x Sisters Repentia

+ Dedicated Transport +

Immolator: Twin Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter

Immolator: Twin Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter

++ Spearhead Detachment ++

Order Conviction: Valorous Heart

+ HQ +

Canoness: Chainsword, Condemnor Boltgun

+ Heavy Support +

Exorcist: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter

Exorcist: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter

5x Retributor Squad: Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun
Retributor: Heavy Bolter
3x Retributor: Multi-melta

5x Retributor Squad: Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun
Retributor: Heavy Bolter
3x Retributor: Multi-melta

++ Total: 1,498pts ++

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4 years ago

Okay so Chef and Beard look like they’re going to climb a mountain or maybe cook meth with those gloves.
Bbone with gloves and that moustache looks like he’s about to strangle a 17th century prostitute 😀
Please don’t ban me, I’m just taking the mick 😀 Love you guys and love the stache, still!

4 years ago

Bone. I said badallion with you. My children think I’m crazy, but I got you.

Philip tolfree
Philip tolfree
4 years ago

Welcome back Beard!! Great first game back!

Matthew M
Lodge Member
Matthew M
4 years ago

The paint job on the sisters army is absolutely amazing.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

On the subject of War of the Spider, I’m super excited for the Wretched plague company. Actual good daemon summoning is something I’ve wanted for a long time, and I’m now in the process of collecting all manner of Nurgle Daemons to plop onto the table with their stratagem.
Planning on running something like 1500pts of DG with 500 reinforcement points in a 2k game.
Competitive? No, but it will be very fun from both a hobbying and gameplay standpoint.
Anyway, off to actually watch the battle report now!

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
4 years ago

Sisters look amazing, any chance of seeing some Penitent Engines?

4 years ago

Awesome work guys under very difficult and challenging circumstances. Thank you for all the entertainment at this time. One for Bone here, but there is a plant called Ficus Benjamina – known as the weeping fig, its an improvement on a cherub in my opinion ?

daniel schmitt
daniel schmitt
4 years ago

Great batrep. thanks guys!

Last edited 4 years ago by daniel schmitt
4 years ago

Those Sisters are gorgeous. Well done.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Glad to see Beard back! Again I am thankful that you bosses can give us lot some games to watch in pandemic times. I understand you have to comply to safety rules with how games are filmed. If I can offer one thought…please have a recap at the end. It brings a nice conclusion to the game.

4 years ago

No, I’m certainly not a fan of the new format – not seen half of the dice rolls make me feel very uneasy))) It’s hard to hear what the other player is saying from the other half of the table. Cameraman concentrating on showing his rolls in the dice tray gives us less time to look at the beautiful models and terrain that you guys have. It all feels a bit…artificial, lifeless. It’s not your fault of course – its the guidelines that you’ve implemented. I’m really waiting for everything to get back to its normal state. I was watching… Read more »

Marc Griggs
Marc Griggs
4 years ago

It’s great to see the team back in action again! Good efforts on the new provisions guys, given the unprecedented times you’re all doing a great job of adapting to bring us this content and dice rolls and so forth are very far from what should be a concern given all the hoops needed to jump through just to keep bringing us videos.
A good day to you Sirs!

Jared Kerel
4 years ago

Could you perhaps mount a camera over the dice trays, then when rolling just do a picture in picture showing the dice in the tray? just while distancing anyways, cause I like seeing the rolls too 😀 just a suggestion

4 years ago

When I see Bone wearing black gloves, I just see a man in a trench coat melting innocent shoes 😀

4 years ago

Great to have Beard back! I applaud you for trying to work around and provide us with continued content even in these strange times! Thank you!

BTW: COVID-19 is Corona virus infectious disease 2019. The virus itself is called SARS-CoV-2 or simply (novel) Corona virus. I think you should fix the text in the intro accordingly… These strange times need us all to be extra precise and careful with the vocabulary


4 years ago

Ace seeing Bone and Beard playing! Reading other comments just wanted to say….COVID-19 is a thing and work set up changes happen. They have to everywhere including at TT. Thems the breaks when you’ve got a pandemic going on so the dice stuff etc really doesn’t bother me.

I’m just happy everyone is playing again! 🙂

Dylan Keller
Lodge Member
4 years ago

You guys should implement a channel rule where when showcasing a new army either new units or a new book. No player is allowed to use the reroll stratagem.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

New Sororitas army is looking great, well done Sanger for paint job. Looking forward to you adding more units over the next few phases for the army.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Wow that was epic – both in terms of content… and in length 🙂

Nathan Rolfe
Nathan Rolfe
4 years ago

I doff my cap at you sir

4 years ago

Welcome back Beard! Great to see the Sisters – and they’re painted in the same scheme as mine! Except Sanga is a much, much better painter than me ??

Andreas Benson
Andreas Benson
4 years ago

If this is the new format we need go pro cams on the players so we se what they are doing 😛 would love to see a splitscreen beard/bone looking at each other in confusion

Lodge Member
4 years ago

War of the Spider is exciting for DG! Can’t wait to see some more Deathguard. Sisters are looking really good, props to Sanga!

4 years ago

And good day to you sir!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Once again, welcome back Beard!
Also, Sanga has done a magnificent job with the Sisters. Well done, Sanga!

Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Awesome to see the new Sisters of Battle debut on TT. They indeed have a lot of rules and luckily you remembered most of them (at most of the times ;)! Beard, some tips and tricks: always roll for morale, even if you can’t fail. Rolling a 1 for morale will grant you another miracle dice. Second, I’ve found that it’s ofter worth it to roll for the 2 sacred rites randomly and if needed change one with the stratagem. The 5+ is nice, but not really that impactful. All but the morale one might have been better and rolling… Read more »

4 years ago

Good stuff, good to see the guys back. Just one thing, felt like you need a better mic for the one who’s not on camera duty. Also, can’t tell if it’s because he went through the grinder with Lawrence during this lockdown, or if the new camera perspective is just making it more apparent, but Bone seems to handle all the rules and gameplay in a very calm and collected manner, checking out the rulebook on the stand, looking all professional.

Louis Gramática
4 years ago

Oh and hoss-pit-a-lar

Tyler Utt
Tyler Utt
4 years ago

Did Beard finally watch some old movies during his lockdown?

Louis Gramática
4 years ago

One request. On screen scores during the game…?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

gonna be honest: i hate not being able to see all the rolls, and I also hate dicebox cams

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Welcome back CSI Beard. Great game, really close. Beard as a reminder always make your morale rolls even if its not possible to fail as on a 1 you get that morale phase miracle die which if you happen to get a high number really helps that d6 damage on the Exorcist.
Also Typhus is always mucking about, he brings it with him everywhere he goes.

4 years ago

Great game, very close.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

flails get extra D3 hit on 6 …false emperor hit just like mortarian on his weapon, not just one attack more. bone forgot that again. but good battle report and cant wait for more death guard battle reports whit the new rules

Michael Thorley
4 years ago

Nice one bone! Thought beard had you there but you held on, very good game both of you! Also welcome back beard and chief and after this video I’m now under the impression that bone is a grass type Pokemon that evolves in to a plant lmao

daniel schmitt
daniel schmitt
4 years ago

Welcome back Beard!

Kevin Wilson
Kevin Wilson
4 years ago

Top of the battalion to you sir!

4 years ago

Bone you seemed so happy to be playing a normal game where your not faced but the luck vortex that is Lawrence. Loved the game. Great lists. Nicely balanced. Well played to you both.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ah, the language of the B&B……

Seth Pruter
Seth Pruter
4 years ago

Bone: “Can you ignore wounds?”
Beard who specifically picks Valorous heart to ignore wounds: “no”
All teasing aside I’m glad to see beard back, and those sisters looks absolutely beautiful.

Last edited 4 years ago by Seth Pruter
Andy Morton
Andy Morton
4 years ago

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy lovely to see beard again 🙂 been so excited to see the new death guard rules in action, I felt the new strats were great but cost so much as you’ll want to be stacking them to get full effect out of them. Hopefully they’ll be worth their cost!

Last edited 4 years ago by Andy Morton
David Holderness
David Holderness
4 years ago

Bone the black gloves are baller you should keep them going

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

baddalion to you two fine gentleman 🙂

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I said it with you Joe dude! I got you! ^_^
How are you attaching those dice bags to you? If they’re special attachy dice bags I want one!

4 years ago

i’m with you on running the plague marines with bolters (plus the flails and blight launchers) as the extra strength/ap is a little less important with the new strats + blade of putrefaction and all the bonuses to shooting with plague marines. combined with arch contaminator, thatsa lot of dakka rerolling hits + wounds. Don’t forget that you can also give typhus the reroll 1s strat.
I suspect that the best company will be the Poxmongers, using PBC and MBH with their relic to give them all a 4++.

4 years ago

What better accompaniment for my painting of the Triumph of St Katherine than a Beard Sisters batrep! Great to see Beard (and Chef yesterday!) back on the channel again

Dave B
Dave B
4 years ago

Bone, for Spearhead, you could do “Shperehead” with a bad Sean Connery impression.

4 years ago

2:45 hr! many fresh cups of tea will be required this morning. Good to see the team back, looking forward to this one. You have been resilient and the impact of COVID has been grossly exaggerated. Come on Grotty!

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Glad to see Beard and Chef back ! And this new Sister army looks A-MA-ZING. I’m not halfway through the batrep but I was thinking about something. If you guys decide to keep the dice trays – I personaly think it is great, but let’s hold on to our hopes that GW kills the whole “bucket of dice” that the game had been lately, as it may be a bit convoluted to roll so much dice in that box – maybe you can add an overlay of the dice trays with a green screen in the bottom directly into the… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Mathieu
kris carey
Lodge Member
kris carey
4 years ago

The long hair suits you beard, what product you using it looks slick as hell. Keep up the good work lads.