Death Guard – The Good, Bad & Ugly | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar Spider August 20, 202015  39 15 Likes

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Bone and Chef discuss how the Death Guard have transitioned into 9th Edition!

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Philip Eksveen
Philip Eksveen
4 years ago

It’s a shame about Mortarion, as I think he’s one of the best-looking models in the entire game.
Which is why I’ll be bringing him regardless. I may lose, but I’ll lose in style. . . . Also, I usually lose anyway, so hey!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Hey Bone, currently running Deathguard and World Eaters, mainly because of Tabletop Tactics! This is my list, have not had many games due to C19, but it has been amazing, so many threats to deal with, so resilient, but only starting the game with 4cp! so i don’t get to show off anything fancy, mainly VOLTW. Praise Papa! ++ Battalion ++ Plague Company: The Poxmongers Chaos Lord: Warlord – Arch-Contaminator, Relic – Ironclot Furnace, Power fist, Combi-Bolter Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Wings, Malefic Talons, Plaguechosen – Revoltingly Resilient, Relic – The Suppurating Plate Sorcerer: Force sword, Plasma pistol x8 Plague… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Bloodgrave
Lachlan James
Lachlan James
4 years ago

Compared to the Ugly for other armies, I dont think the Ugly for Death Guard are really that ugly at all. Most of the reasoning is just that ‘Something else is more points efficient’ but that doesnt make the unit bad. If you already the preferred unit in your army, then adding the Blight Haulers or that 3rd Daemon Prince is still going to do really well, just only mathematically less reliable than their preffered choice. They’re still insanely hard to get rid of, the 5+++ is bloody tedious and they have rerolls bloody everywhere. Definitely one of the best… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Good breakdown. I’ve been running poxmongers with a defiler and as many other deathguard demon engines I can. Swamp the middle of the board, T7/T8 vehicles are tough to get rid of, add in some poxwalkers and a small plague marine unit to screen or secure objectives. Also added a Nurgle demon patrol for the nurglings. These have been the MVP of all my games, they just hold objectives and collect points if ignored. Very pleased where DG is in the meta right now. And looks to be getting even better with the wound changes to marines etc. love the… Read more »

Chris Gale
Chris Gale
4 years ago

Loved it guys!, i am currently switching from Craftworlds to Death Guard at the moment so i have been waiting for this oh so not so patiently haha!

James Dowson
James Dowson
4 years ago

The blighthaulers can be used to good effect in melee with the mortarions anvil tollkeeper tallyman relic, full re rolls with exploding 6’s, put some infantry with them and hog the midboard with secondaries to suit

Philip Leo
Lodge Member
Philip Leo
4 years ago

Okay I love ya but you can’t just drop this vid without any acknowledgement of the recent announcements regarding marine wounds and weapon profiles. Even if It happened after filming you gotta edit something in or just say SOMETHING about it. This whole video is kinda null immediately 🙁

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ok, question comparing DG to general CSM…..
In several battle reports you have been very warm to Helbrutes in 9th for Black Legion, but say not worth it here compared to the Defiler?
I know you don’t have any Defilers for either, but my view tends to be that a Defi is better than a fully tooled out Helbrute, but a basic Helbrute has a place as a hasrasement unit…..

4 years ago

Great breakdown, but I am on the (admittedly smaller) side of Entropy Cannons being awesome, and the War of the Spider strat makes them an auto-include IMO. I have heard in a couple videos where Bone stated the strat made them flat 3 damage. It makes their MINIMUM damage 3, which is a HUGE difference. I run PBCs along with my Arch Contaminator as a backline castle so getting the rerolls on wounding with minimum 3 damage goes a long way since DG is lacking in solid anti-armor. It also bears mentioning that you can now give your rhinos disgustingly… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

i have to wonder with all of the marine codexes moving to supplements of the core space marine codexes will something similar happen with the death guard and thousand sons. If so and options like lord discordants, dark apostles and the like coming in to the mix for death guard could really shake them up. That collection of disgusting resilient defilers wandering around with a lord discordant all with a 4+ invulnerable (without having to rely on a master of possession casting) is going to be able to dish it out massively. My worry about all marines moving to 2… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I’ve been using a Pox Mongers walking Daemon Prince with the furnace. Advance to the middle turn 1 with 2 plague crawlers and a defiler and score psychic ritual while buffing my daemon engines. The rest of my list is plague Marines and poxwalkers with the standard buffing characters. Blightspawn hangs in the middle, the 5++ relic for the blightbringer, tallyman. 2 blighthaulers to get buffed and help my troops. I’ve found poxwalkers in strategic reserve have been great for scoring any action based secondaries later game, as a couple squads of 10 coming off an edge turn 3, can… Read more »

Hawk of Friendship
Hawk of Friendship
4 years ago

Fun video, some points: Blightlord ranged weapons aren’t plague weapons and the range can’t be extended. Unless you combo them with the wormspitter relic. The bolter –> plague weapon strat (viruent rounds)is for Marines only. If you start them on the board, take a mark of nurgle CSM sorcerer, 4″ is ridiculously slow. 40 Bolter shots is not worth 444 points otherwise. Plasma is a very solid choice for them as well, if you have a CSM Sorcerer with prescience or the ferrymen. Nurglings are a very good and undercosted troops choice and provide so much mobility to DG that… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Love the video but as a long time DG player you guys are sadly completely mistake about Blight Haulers. Those Nurgle pups are even more amazing in 9th with cheap points, the chance to be 4++ with the relic and the change to multi melta weapons. They still provide light cover and have mobility to go after objectives. You don’t have to chain them to slow moving infantry. They should absolutely be in the “good” portion. What really hurts me about DG right now is the sorry state of Mortarion. he should have went DOWN at least 100 points instead… Read more »

felix xerxes Crabtree
felix xerxes Crabtree
4 years ago

id love a multipart kit for the myphitics that gave them weapon options. the buff to multi meltas might help them a little but id love a plague spewer option

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Always love your input on things like this, thanks gents! Any idea when we could expect a Nids Good/Bad/Ugly? I’m VERYYY interested to hear your thoughts ?

John Barber
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Did you make this recording before or after the reveal of +1 Wound to Plague Marines? I’m assuming this will be applied to both Deathshroud and Blightlord Terminators (in line with the Terminator change). I think 3W Deathshroud kinda makes Mortarion a temptation, but yes of course it’s still a massive expense on-top of an expense, but on the flipside if you were considering including Mortarion in the first place; you would probably be considering delivery/survivability options anyway. To look at it another way; since it’s the centerpiece of your army; your army would be built around it; and it… Read more »

4 years ago

Mortarion is getting a maximum number of wounds inflicted per phase like gaz…. please, cry, sniff…. sob PLEEEEAAASSSEEEE !!!

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Problem with Nurglings and the few other deamon additions (Plagebearers, Beast of Nurgle, Plague Drones) is that they don’t have the Death Guard keyword so you can’t take them in a Plague Company detachment (from war of the spider) as they break the condition for them, so you need another detachment for them, costing some cp then. So I definitely see them in the Ugly part now.

Shaun Garrett
Shaun Garrett
4 years ago

Well thought out. I do agree with pretty much everything you’ve said. The foetid, I feel they should be a bit closer to 100pts for what they are. Agree about Morty, he was a big drain but the WL requirement has kind of killed off the unit. I can appreciate the meta v fluff shift, in that units like Primarchs probably do belong in much bigger games than 2k (and always should have), where the points sink won’t hurt as much. From a selling point, it’s more likely to sell more kits for GW too as you’ll need to replace… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Shaun Garrett
Gustav Landen
Lifetime Member
Gustav Landen
4 years ago

Another thing I also want to try but have not had time to paint yet is running a unit of 5 chaos spawns. For 23 points per model I think they can be quite good if you put contaminated monstrosity as well as keep the blightbringer with the 5++ relic nearby.
T5, 4 wounds each with 5++/5+++ sounds pretty good for 23p points and they can do some damage in combat as well. Maybe not as good as the terminators but at least really cool 😀

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I was looking forward to this, since DG are my second army and I always loved to play them! I think you pretty much nailed it for most of the unit, I’m mostly dubious about your take on the Plague Marines: it seems to me that you are too tied to the idea of the “big pustulent blob”, and in that case Blightlord are absolutely better. For my part I’d rather use four units of 7 with a flail and 2 blight launchers, a couple of them inside buffed up rhinos to get them towards far objectives: it seems to… Read more »

Gustav Landen
Lifetime Member
Gustav Landen
4 years ago

For the big plague marine blob, I would rather split it into 2 units of 10 and stick them in rinhos. Both because it’s nice to be able to spread out a bit on objectives and also you can no longer stack veterans of the long + blades of putrification but if you got 2×10 you can put one on each unit 🙂 Regarding the blight haulers I always felt running them in unit’s of 1 for defensive purposes always been kind of a trap, for the points I rather just have more of the thing they’re protecting, also they… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Gustav Landen
4 years ago

Bones next DnD character : Bugbear.

4 years ago

Posted this on Youtube as well, but…
I think you are undervaluing the grenade strat, I think it is beyond meme material now. With the strat for extra range on plague weapons, you can pop out from reserves, or a siege drill and kill anything you want. It’s CP heavy, but grenades + veterans + extra range is really strong.