Blood Angels vs Daemons of Slaanesh 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Highlight Report

Chef and Bone have a melee showdown in this all new Highlight format!
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The Army Lists are:
Slaanesh Daemons
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Chaos Allegiance: Slaanesh
+ HQ +
Exalted Keeper of Secrets: Warlord- Bewitching Aura, Relic- Jewel of Excess, Shining Aegis, Powers- Cacophonic Choir, Hysterical Frenzy, Exalted Abilities- Random
Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance: Powers- Delightful Agonies, Symphony of Pain
The Masque of Slaanesh
+ Troops +
30x Daemonettes: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
30x Daemonettes: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
30x Daemonettes: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
+ Elites +
8x Fiends: Blissbringer
+ Fast Attack +
8x Seekers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
+ Heavy Support +
Exalted Seeker Chariot
Exalted Seeker Chariot
Exalted Seeker Chariot
++ Total: 1,994pts ++
Blood Angels
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
The Sanguinor: Warlord- Heroic Bearing
Chief Librarian Mephiston: Powers- Unleash Rage, Wings of Sanguinus
Lemartes: Litanies- Canticle of Hate, Invocation of Destruction
+ Troops +
5x Tactical Squad
Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
3x Space Marine: Boltgun
Space Marine: Heavy Flamer
5x Tactical Squad
Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
3x Space Marine: Boltgun
Space Marine: Heavy Flamer
5x Tactical Squad
Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
3x Space Marine: Boltgun
Space Marine: Heavy Flamer
+ Dedicated Transport +
Razorback: Twin Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter
Razorback: Twin Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter
Razorback: Twin Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter
++ Vanguard Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Captain: Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Jump Pack
+ Elites +
14x Death Company: Jump Pack
9x Death Company Marine: Chainsword, Boltgun
5x Death Company Marine: Thunder Hammer
Sanguinary Ancient: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
10x Sanguinary Guard
4x Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
6x Sanguinary Guard: Power Fist, Angelus Boltgun
++ Total: 1,993pts ++
“Five more minutes” and “DAMMIT!” are my all-time favourite Bone quotes… Botes?
I don’t mind this faster format (especially in a battle where so much is focused around a particular phase) but I did find the jumps sometimes a bit confusing from number of shots fired to number of wounds being rolled for. Probably just my old brain not keeping up though.
Camera work is great, the mix of static and shoulder-mounted/rig footage makes the changes in scope natural and cinematic in the classic wide, mid, close style.
Keep cranking them out in all formats boys. The Emperor protects
Man that was awesome, really liked the new format. For me who is really time starved these days, I just don’t have 2+ hours in the day to watch most of the reports anymore, usually save those hours for tacticas and voxes when I can. And as a long time member it does makes me sad. So this is really cool that you guys are adding these in. The editing was really good and the camera work was very refreshing. The way you managed to keep in the banter on top as well is amazing. But I can see its… Read more »
Nice ? This felt more TV show, especially with cameraman shoes in shot on occasions. Very early cable-TV-esque ? I’m sure these are more demanding in terms of man hours to prepare, execute and finish, but definitely an avenue worth exploring more. I’d like to see longer reports in this format ?
Love the new style. Much better than wavey camera movements while playing.
Sharp clean and looks very professional. Well done guys!
As Horus would say:
“Very Impressive”
Beautiful slaanesh army! Nice to see them on the channel. The “highlight” format for me misses some of the aspects that actually make your content so much fun to watch. Reasonable to put a report in <60min but the static camera and fast cuts (while still smooth) in the dice rolling do not go with the vibe the normal bat reps have. Anyway nice to see you guys are changing the game and another reason to stay on demand 🙂
Great looking board with a wonderful terrain setup. Also, the Slaaneshi Daemon army looks fantastic!
really liked this highlight report format! The new camera angles worked really well, and it felt like it allowed both players to be more dynamic and fun. It felt more like we were watching a cast of an actual event, with all the banter and “live” rolling and moving.
Great game and a great format, loved seeing some demons on the channel. Obviously it’s not a tactica but the one major change I’d make is reducing the number of characters on the blood angel side, 1/3 of the army as characters just makes it a bit too fragile and weak on the board control side.
The snapping sound Chef’s measuring tape makes is extremely relaxing to me for some reason x’D
That was great! Loved the format and I loved seeing some Slaanesh on the channel! Woohoo!
love these highlight batreps, great game guys!!
Amazing job with all the new camera angles and editing of this video. I didn’t think the production could be any better but this video leveled up! Too bad bone got crushed though haha
Love the new format. I wonder if it would be possible to cut it in more of the number of shots and hits ahead of the wounds? Still great though
Fantastic batrep. Never commented before bit really enjoyed the interplay between Bone and Chef within the more limited 60 minutes. Fantastic.
I like really the format, however after wounds are decided maybe an intermediate (overhead or closeup) shot of the models killed would have been good. This would help visually process the information I’ve just heard.
I really like this format. It’s like watching a casual game at the next table at the flgs. Even the mistakes didn’t seem as important because the atmosphere was more laid back. Very enjoyable watch!
Really loved this format and the editing on the batrep. My feedback would be that the 2 static “b roll” cameras that are focused on the players should be higher and angled down so that we 1. Are not looking at the bottom of Chef and Bone’s glorious chins. And 2: gives a better angle of the battlefield.
Also, more of this please:
Wow, I cannot emphasize enough how much life the batrep is given by including the movement phase like this – feels much more immersive this way! I wonder if there’s room for a bit of that in normal batreps as well? Thanks again for the fantastic content guys, been waiting for these daemons to come out and play for a while, cheers!
Scream your heart out Bone, never change
I like this format (and also yay Blood Angels), but I’m not quite sure why the audio was mostly on the left for Chef and the right for Bone in the commentary between turns, especially as only one person was on screen. I admit I’m a bit sensitive to this, can’t watch MWG for example, but generally you are very good with audio balancing.
Just want to say – love this format, love how short it is, its something you can watch in a lunch break which I assume its what you are going for.
Poor Bone and his combat army vs Slaanesh Daemons, haha. Nice report, I really liked the updated style of the Highlight report. Knowing the rules of both armies of course helps, but I could easily follow what happened. The camera shots were nice and it was for me a very smooth video. Regarding dense cover, I asked this in another report as well, but as far as I can tell the rules require you to be able to draw a line to every part of the base without going through dense cover and not just a single line. I’m pretty… Read more »
Really happy to see Daemons of Slaanesh on the channel. I was intrigued by this faction, and thought the models were cool, but realistically it wouldn’t have been reasonable for such an awful player as myself to try building such an army. Their speed seems especially good in 9th edition, with primary objectives so vital, and they certainly showed here that they had somme teeth (and spikes, and whips). Thank you very much for this battle report.
Bit of feedback. Not sure about that intro voice over…
Um, actually Chef – it’s pronounced “Syll-Esk” as the final e is silent – just like in Slaneesh and cake.
This is the perfect format for me! great work guys!
Would also be an awesome format for AOS games 😉
I definitely think this is a solid add to the catalogue. As a guy who no longer plays 40K, I do still enjoy watching TT doing their thing. Like a lot of other people, I enjoy occasionally sinking my teeth into a full, lengthy report…but for the majority of armies, I don’t care. There are probably 70% of the armies in 40K that barely interest me. I’d say I’m far more likely to watch a video report like this when the game features armies from that list. I would never…ever watch a 2:40 video between say Necrons and Orks etc.… Read more »
I dig the format and the demons!
Nice game, and superb editing even though I prefer the normal format.
The Slaneesh army look awesome, I can’t wait to see them in a longer batrep to really get a feeling for their rules… one of the downsides of this format is that when you don’t know one of the factions played you can’t quite understand some of the things that happens.
@Chef: hope you bought a couple of pints for poor ole Bone, you rolled like a Spider!
Fyi some audio issues. End of Slaneesh turn 3 is one in particular. Otherwise I like having some different styles of games… wonderful as always.
Wow what a great introduction to the slaanesh daemons. It was nice watching you guys just play the game instead of having to hold a camera and play the game. The best moment in the entire video was when Chef informed Bone of the 8D3 attacks. Had to watch Bone’s reaction a couple more times.
Not really a fan of this format. It seems to be a mix of shots of Bone screaming and random dice rolled.
Also, could we have less of the screams in general? It’s not really a pleasant part of an otherwise great BR production. I really like your way of playing and it has made my own gaming experience better, both as a player and in the social contract that a casual game is. The shouting, though…
Bone. Buddy. I really think, nay, I really feel(!), that you should go find ONE dice set that you feel you resonate with. Then, ONLY USE THOSE DICE. I truly think it will help. Then your crazy energy will infuse them. You may still have some highs and lows, but overall I think it will be better. 😀
Loved, loved, loved the new format! Best one yet!
Quick fire – no mucking around with camera work – perfect to watch. Looking forward to more Highlight Reports!
Personaly really didint like this. Felt way too rushy and was hard to keep up with who was making rolls and what was going on. Felt really jarring. Just my 2 cents. I like the cuts when lots of dice are involved but too many cuts all of the time just dont work imo. Cool to see a new army though!
I prefer the longer batreps but want to say that I think this was a fantastic editing job. bravo
I’d like see the Slaanesh demons given a run out in a full length report. Beautiful army to look at.
Epic battle guys, loved every minute. Makes a nice change from the usual reports and it’s nice to keep things fresh.
Those Slaanesh daemons look amazing! Can’t wait to see Chef using them in a full length report. 3 Keepers of Secrets is saucy I believe 🙂
Please continue this format! Best yet!
Love the new army gents, great stuff. Very well played Chef, superb positioning and movement ??
PSA: watching from here seems to give no ads. Watching direct from YouTube gives an ad every 3 minutes.
That was brilliant, thank you! Made me chuckle, also a good game. I like the static camera and the look into the movement phase with the chat between players, made it really fun to watch. I actually liked the speed, it felt like it caught the key moments and was easy to follow the flow of the battle with the combination of the static cameras,movement phase, and overhead cameras. Really enjoyed this, and Bone is such a fun guy, win or lose. Hope to see this type of report again! Thank you.
tthis was fun! big ouch, is there a combat army out there with a strong answer for these deamons?
Awesome report! Really love the camerawork(!!!!!!), everytime straight in the fast paced action. I like it a lot!! Great to see slaanesh daemons (they look like mine 😉 ) and that they work so well against the Angels. Bone, what would have happened if you were playing them.. ? 😉 Hope to see more of this report style, just love it!
I still am less into the quick highlight report, it always feels like it ends so fast. However still enjoyable
Love the shorter army list chat, love the new camera angles and how it feels more real as a gaming experience, weirdly loved seeing how you moved units. Missed seeing the dice rolls, and it felt a little rushed at times – the transitions made it seem like a tournament game on the clock where you roll to wound and your opponent rolls to save within 2 seconds so you can get turn 5 in ?.
It’s good, but it’s not as good as the full fat batrep.
That was fantastic. Love the new camera positioning and editing. The game was a blistering pace but not so fast you couldn’t appreciate what was going on. Good job lads, more like this. Great for weekdays while chilling for lunch. It may not be a paint too match which I like on weekends, where I can glance up from my brush and listen to the craic between the lads. Kudos.
Hi guys, great content as always, love the experimentation but I didn’t feel this one – sorry. It felt a little bit too trailer like for me, as if it was full of B-roll.
Always like the third person doing stuff, but prefer it first person style. Anyway, it’s a battle report, I like battle reports, so keep up the quality and innovating.
I dont like this format =(. I like the old way more =)
I find it weird and messy. Very difficult to follow and understand.
It is nice to see a little bit of the movment phase, but the way you showed half of the dice rolling, was akward (in my opinion).
Althoug the use of multiple camera and the editing work is brilliant.
That is a gorgeous Slaanesh daemons army. Kudos to the painter.