Chaos Daemons: The Good, Bad & Ugly | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Faction Focus

Avatar Spider October 1, 20209  34 9 Likes

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Bone and Chef talk the denizens of the Warp in this later Faction Focus!

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4 years ago

Mono armies are quite weak. Especially Tzeentch and Khorne.
Mixed armies are punished for being…mixed.
This is the issue.

Benjamin Chia
4 years ago

hi guys, great work on the faction focuses! Will wqe be able to see the reviews of the new codexes soon?

Chris Rayner
Chris Rayner
4 years ago

Great Review, Really loving my Daemon army atm there are so many ways to play it. you can brute force it with slaaneesh and khorne, sit on points with nurgle, lock your opponent in combat with slaanesh. Even summoning has now become a great tool because who wants to run towards a couple of keeper of secrets? Tzeentch are a wierd one but I like the chariots, LOC and pink horrors are nice if you save some points for splitting. GW will at some point limit exhaulted strat to once per game per god I would imagine. But even then… Read more »

Michael DeMoss
Michael DeMoss
4 years ago

Im really enjoying these good/bad/ugly videos, but daemons in particular has been one I’ve been looking forward to.

Miles Hewitt
Lodge Member
Miles Hewitt
4 years ago

Enjoyed this one a lot. I think secondaries that where army specific would fix a lot of those issues. could be in the new codex for each faction as they get released. As they seem to be a regular theme of good or bad! Be cool to add some flavour to them.

John Barber
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Here’s my hot take. The Good: • Troops like Plaguebearers remain good (given certain synergies). I would place Daemonettes as leaning towards good at the moment, but their lack of baseline strength is imo a massive problem, especially going forward. Nurglings for the same reasons you’ve given. • Exalted Greater Daemons, strongly disagree with Chef’s comments about keepers probably being a little too cheap for what they do (I’ll get to this in a bit). • The elite section of the codex is pretty strong actually, between Flamers, Beasts and Fiends making strong showings. • Fast attack is somewhat decent… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by John Barber
Jón Gerðalíð
Jón Gerðalíð
4 years ago

Is there some way that i can chrome cast this to my tv from my phone?:)

4 years ago

So Happy Marines aren’t the worst thing anymore.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Demons are really the new kid on the block and that’s cool! Not a close combat edition eh ?! Exalted greater demons are what they should be. You guys really need a lord of change, the buffs are really sick.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I’ve been loving the increased Daemon presence on the channel and it is great to see them in a good spot, however I would personally always firmly route them in the ugly category and the main reason for this is that I feel Chaos Daemons have always been an army made primarily with fantasy/age of sigmar in mind that has then been shoe-horned into 40k and I feel this has always been represented in the general jankiness and extreme nature of their rules and units. I feel a brief attempt was made in the past to separate this with things… Read more »

4 years ago

I wish we could see the models you are talking about! Some nice b role would make these videos a lot more engaging.

4 years ago

I generally agree with your assessment but I do not agree that the Greater Daemons are undercosted. The value comes from the CP and makes them start the game with less options for the army. The survivablity can be The real problem. I want the GD to be the centerpiece of my army but now they are more like tanks where I need more then one to reach the enemy. Building the army is hard and ugly. With that being said – the new models for slaanesh are fantastic! And I like the new options! The book feels like it… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

If you’d told me a year ago that my Slaanesh demons would turn out to be one of the better armies in 40k I’d probably have laughed at you O.o

Tropic Thunder
Lifetime Member
Tropic Thunder
4 years ago

Good talk on Daemons. I picked up Slaanesh in 6e and was quite jealous of all the buffs every other Daemon God’s brood received over the years. So nice to see Slaanesh getting the love now! I didn’t mention this during the CSM faction focus but will do so now as it’s more germane to Daemons. A big Ugly for me is Daemonic Ritual. The potential is there to be really entertaining and flexible, but some of the rules behind it don’t make sense. In particular is the rule that summoned units are not part of any detachment. That, I… Read more »

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
4 years ago

Great video. I really enjoy learning about armies I don’t play and don’t regularly face. The bad” was particularly interesting. For Chef: given your comments about auras and army wide rules, I’m really hoping you do some in-depth commentary on Necrons when the codex releases. From what we have seen so far, the number of hoops to jump through to get protocols (single dynasty, noble, within 6” of a character, in the right turn etc.) is a really high bar for what seems like fairly lacklustre benefits (certain directives excepting). Do you see parallels with the Demon army wide rules,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben H
Sgt. Ophaniel Drexus, 1st Legio Astartes

I am sorry guys, I am not a fan of these vids. 🙁

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I think the biggest problem with daemon forces is that they are written as though they are four completely separate forces. Outside of a few strats your auras, psychic powers, relics and strategems have zero crossover. I gain far more bringing along my Emperor’s Children with my Slaaneshi daemons than I would from bring Tzeentchian daemons for shooting, as they can actually make use of the powers and auras (assuming they have the daemon keyword). Slaanesh daemon engines LOVE having a herald about for the strength boost and advance and charge. As they are considered four separate forces this means… Read more »

Duncan Christie
Lifetime Member
Duncan Christie
4 years ago

Hey guys, interesting thoughts there. Gotta say I generally play pure Tzeentch lists and I’ve boxed them away until codex comes out. The ever expanding horror blob is now too points heavy to be viable and while flamers are ok at the minute as soon as everyone else gets 12″ flame range they kinda become a little obsolete. Only unit that could still be counted as good is the screamers ( which kind of lens a little goodness to burning chariots making them average bettering rams). Do also think that named greater daemons (apart from shallaxi) should have been given… Read more »

Gerald Cloud
4 years ago

Tag team champions of the warp.🤣 I will paint my slaanesh army as wrestlers now. Just really, kinky…. wrestleres.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Great video as always. The only thing I feel I’m entitled to add to the discussion is that, above all else, the new Slaanesh models are incredibly cool. I’m seriously thinking of creating a Slaanesh list as my 5th army, even thought I promised my wallet that I was done when I built the last one.
Thank you for the voxcast!

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

I have the very beginnings of my pure Slannesh army (army number 5). Started them before we got the 9th ed rules and points and yeah they have come out so far ahead of where they were, and thats even with the three KoS lists that were popping up after Engine War. They really came out ahead with the new missions and the points. Daemons from a design perspective still have the ugly issue of so few units if you are going mono-allegiance which then plays into as you talked about the very specific play and counter-play you see each… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Very interesting video guys, thank you. I’ve been a Daemons player since 5th Ed and the warp table was so much fun!! Anywho, I’m a mono god player (Khorne) and have had a major resurgence in “competitive” games since Engine War dropped. 5 Bloodthirsters, all exalted, all rolling pre game. So much fun and surprisingly hard to shift for some opponents. Even my local regular players have begun to fear the daemonic legions!! “knowing what they’re going to do and being able to stop it” is my favourite description of my army by an opponent!

Mathew Tweedel
Mathew Tweedel
4 years ago

I won a local tournament this past weekend with a monster mash. Wasn’t even close. Every game was the same. So you’re right they play one way but they’re extremely good at that boxing opponents in approach.

4 years ago

Great video, I found this really interesting as a new daemons collector/player. I can’t wait to see the new codex as clearly plaguebearers are incorrectly pointed right now given that their price was based upon the modifier stacking which is no longer a thing. I would love to see the cavalry options made more appealing whether that be with some AP or something else and I would really like to see some new benefits for running mono-faction as well as chaos undivided. It would also be cool if we could see a summoning re-work in general as it should be… Read more »

4 years ago

Think demons are starting to get into a very good place. Think they do suffer for some gods having little decent hq options. Slaanesh has a good amount now, but others have quite mediocre hqs that arnt greater demons. Also demon prince’s and bel alkor are in a weird place overall.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

love the video and i agree with a lot of your comments, i would say the biggest ugly for me these are supposed to be the manifestations of the infinite variety of chaos yet they have substantially less options than pretty much every other army both in terms of gear options and datasheets especially if you want to play as mono god i would love to see god specific supplements to the main chaos daemons codex bringing in cool mechanics like we can see in Age of Sigmar and some more depth added, with the amazing models GW are currently… Read more »

4 years ago

Great video as always guys, but no mention of Be’lakor? 😮 The guy is terrible in any Daemon army – he breaks any army buff he goes into as he has no shared keywords, can’t take any Daemon psychic powers (and only the 3 base ones from the old Chaos Space Marine Index, for some reason?), and the only Warlord trait he can take is the default one in the Core Rulebook (which went from 3 options to 1 in 9th). He should be the de facto guy to lead a mixed Daemon list, but I don’t think anyone wants… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Dunamis55