*NEW CODEX* Space Marines vs Necrons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

The day has arrived for the first 9th Edition Codexes to throw down, as these revamped books arrive hot in the Studio!
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The Army Lists are:
Space Marines
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Chapter Tactics: Iron Hands
+ HQ +
Primaris Chapter Master: Warlord- Adept of the Omnissiah, Relic- The Vox Espiritum, Master-crafted Power Sword, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Relic Shield
Iron Father Feirros
Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted Power Sword, Neo-volkite Pistol, Storm Shield
+ Troops +
6x Assault Intercessor Squad
Assault Intercessor Sergeant: Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
5x Assault Intercessor: Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
8x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
7x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
8x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
7x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
8x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
7x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
+ Elites +
3x Bladeguard Veteran Squad
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
+ Heavy Support +
3x Eradicator Squad
Eradicator Sergeant: Melta Rifle
2x Eradicator: Melta Rifle
+ Dedicated Transport +
Impulsor: Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters
Impulsor: Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters
++ Total: 1,993pts ++
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Dynastic Code: Nihilakh
+ HQ +
Catacomb Command Barge: Warlord- Enduring Will, Relic- The Orb of Eternity, Hand of the Phaeron, Warscythe, Tesla Cannon
Technomancer: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light
Royal Warden: Rareified Nobility- Thrall of the Silent King, Dynastic Heirloom- The Veil of Darkness
+ Troops +
10x Immortals: Tesla Carbine
10x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
15x Necron Warrior: Gauss Reaper
+ Elites +
10x Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword, Dispersion Shield
+ Fast Attack +
5x Canoptek Wraiths: Vicious Claws
+ Heavy Support +
5x Destroyers
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
++ Total: 2,000pts++
I loved the batrep and love the new books. I love the interaction and I am with Chef on this one, cant say that silly “B” word….. LOL I still think SM are in a good spot, to a degree but also agree with some comments here, they got nerfed and some units got beat down completely. Seems like the normal GW reaction to whatever was good in previous editions without taking into consideration how the new system and rules already change how they work. Also, seems on par for GW is that all the cool new stuff is really… Read more »
Just out of interest, does duty eternal make Redemptors a competitive option now?
Good game gents. I have a question Mr. B-Bone. You had a lot of bodies on the table in the later turns but could you have pushed Chef harder by getting more units into the mid table area sooner in the game and contested the objectives?
There’s not a single video you guys did, I don’t like.
But I have to state: this one is exceptionally great!
Had a blast watching you roll the six-sided-pleasure bringers and really enjoyed how close the result was at last… thank you all for your great work!
Good day to you, sirs, ah yes!
Outstanding batrep!
Thank you for the battle report and codex preview!
P.S. 10:50 Hierarchy is the word you were serching for Chef.
Chef’s dry heave’s saying “Baddalion” was sooo classic! Love you guys!
Great game, really enjoyed that one.
Always nice when the game is fairly close.
Please stop yelling, Bone!
This was a great battle. Often times I find I may skim an episode and not pay close attention… i found i had to come back to this one couple times. Wow close march and Bone was killing those rolls! Much needed balance with the SM. Glad this are great times for the game in my opinion. Great match. Well played by both!
This battle report confuse me … i see Lawrence rolling but hear the voice of Bone and since when Lawrence got a moustache (imagine that! lol xD )? Honestly… nice to see Bone having luck with his dice rolls!
Oh and i guess the few deeper looks in each new codex was great. And you are 100% right… people dont like to hear it can skip. For me it was really interesting. Thx so much!
Incredible game. Best of 9th in my opinion by a large margin in terms of how close it was and how well you were both playing. And it wasn’t even a Tactical. Necrons seem really interesting now, definitely able to keep pace with Marines. If all the new codexes can be on the same level as the Necron one I have high hopes for the edition and your future content!
Don’t immortals have 2 attacks now? Fairly certain they do. If so, chef you weren’t rolling enough dice
Great battle and very close at the end.
Chef wins as he says Badallion. There was an oopsie i think in turn 1 when Bone rolled 12 dice, dropped 2 and called for 11 saves on the wraiths. Could have butterflied into saving the unit? Or maybe not 🙂
When discussing the new codex for Space Marines please just refer to it as a nerf. Several units in the SM codex are practically worthless at this point. Who would ever take a Repulsor or a Repulsor Executioner at those points? I agree that SM needed a nerf but my worry is they nerfed them so much that we’re back to the days of SM armies being low to at best middle tier while Eldar and Tau laugh all the way to broken OP lists. Which, I have to add, has been the history of 40k tabletop. I hope that… Read more »
Great game guys!
What a game and what a final turn. The new res protocols are definitely a thing.
Way to get those points Chef! Question – Whats the wackiest build you’re considering with the Newcrons and can we see it in your next rematch with bone? That would be gold!
Really awesome game, that was tight all game(love 9 ed for that), cant wait to see more new necron model and your sm army is gorgeous 🙂
Great work Chef, winning that even with your terrible luck that game was really impressive, a good example of how a positive attitude and willingness to play on makes all the difference. As a marine player, I’m very happy with the rebalancing; it seems like they massively toned down obnoxious layers of stacking buffs from characters while making certain units a little stronger individually. Really encourages you to move away from the usual character-castle play style and maybe send out units on their own, start spreading out and dominating the board. I like how the new points force you to… Read more »
Good shit, gents. Got the Indomitus box to start a Necron army and just traded another Necron half of Indomitus and Necrons from Forgebane.
Video and the new codex has made me wanna get them built and painted quick as so I can start playing them!
Seeing this battle report and one other last night with both new codices I have a lot more hope. Both games super tight and coming down to a few points here or there. It seems like the new Necron codex at least makes for significantly more varied lists, with a lot of units becoming viable. The most important thing is that (for me at least) the new Codex makes it exciting to play a Necron army again. Really looking forward to trying things like the Nightbringer (who looks mad strong), Doomstalker, Praetorians, the crazy melee Catacomb Command Barge etc. The… Read more »
I, for one, really like the banter and it doesn’t seem like a proper TTT video without it. This has been great with the current events it was like sitting around listening to my mates at the pub. Keep up the great work! Chef said Badallion!!! This day shall be remembered!!!
Beard, have you gotten your iron warriors forge world dice? 🙂
I have!
Mr Chef, Mr Bones – what a game! Bones rolling like Spider, Chef rolling like Bones… wonderful!
Chef – I hope your luck will turn and the dice will allow you to use your tactics better 😀
Oh wow. Even as a 70% firstborn player I am really excited!
Bone had a bit of an Albert Einstein look going on, which only adds to his harlarious quirkiness.
Sensational content as always TTT crew. I know you’re all mates so it comes easy but I still love the sportsmanship you all display while playing it’s a fantastic example and your ability to remember the rules across a multitude of factions is legitimately impressive. I’m a little surprised by the negative comments surrounding the new codexes. Especially given this BR wasn’t an in depth analysis video. The unique secondaries, game balance and seeming increase in viable variety for both factions is exciting. The SM nerfs on face value make me excited to put my marines on the tabletop once… Read more »
Brilliant game as usual gents! Such a joy to see a tightly contested result in a marine matchup, I hope the Astartes fans out there can see how the light tap of the nerf bat actually made their lives better in the end.
Nice Boys! The fresh Codexes are here, they are fancy, they even sound balanced *cough* *cough* and Bone rolls like Spider, is it an omen for the years coming ? Haha
Great to see a Necron army using the Deceiver, aka Chef, to maximum effect, well played!
A very close and entertaining game, I think this showcases a lot of things and for me at least shows that Marines will be in a better place going forward.
What a game! I love the quote from Bone “Tactically not the best decision made, Epically the best decision I’ve made”. I hope a remembrancer was there to jot that one down.
Random question; are Librarian Dreadnoughts in the base space marine kit now?
I am really trying to not be pessimistic, but it is very difficult between games I’ve seen on here, other channels, tournament results (70% win rate for Salamanders at Iron Halo GT), and my own battles playing as Marines and against. It is disheartening to see just how overtuned Marines are.
This codex was the last hope for most other armies to balance Marines. This is the first indication, of most likely many, that this codex did nothing to address the multitude of issues with Space Marines.
Really interesting, nice to see the Necrons truly viable after what they were like in 8th. Regarding the Marines my impression is that they went too far with the nerf. Many of the changes I can get behind, some are evidently driven by game balance needs and I can understand them, but there are so many things that feels like an overreaction to the bad condition of late 8th: units or rules that rightfully should have received a tweak were instead squashed. Also I find annoying this back an forth between “the future are the Primaris, they will supplant the… Read more »
Necron codex seems really interesting. I hope the same sort of layered approach is taken when the others are re done – especially for the ‘trixier’ factions.
Needing to roll 5+ for *each* wound a model has in order to not die makes RP utterly pointless for multi-wound models. Is this really the mechanic they went for?
So I am 25 minutes in and have heard the following words so allow me to define them for everyone balance = nerf bat good = sucks not worth the points fun = get ready to be smacked down tone down = don’t bother with this unit options = only a few key units so the breakdown for this new codex is SM received a nerf bat. The core unit issue means that if you field tanks or anything without the core key word means you are doing something wrong don’t bother with them. This book from what I can… Read more »
Ah yes! A good baddalion to you, Chef!
Very excited for this codex, can’t wait to play my astartes without feeling cheesey.
Nice game! Well done chef for holding strong against these crazy dice rolls! Great to see what was done to the necrons, though there is a couple of things that strike me as weird, for example the fact that almost every buff of sort they have is Core locked, and there’s literally only 4 core units in the whole book, compared to marines core amount this sounds a bit harsh, excluding destroyers it’s especially brutal. New reanimation protocols are interesting, but with so few ways to grant a +1 they are a non factor on 3+W models, good split fire… Read more »
Fantastic game guys good to see that the dice gods are smiling on bone again 👍👍
NOOOO CHEF! Don’t give in, stand strong!
I do find It odd that Dreadnoughts can be core and destroyers not, probably my biggest gripe as of now.
Great game guys! I am still dubious of the necrons efficacy in this edition but I look forward to hearing what Chef has to say about them in the review!
Great game. That last turn was incredible. The new Necron Codex seems nice and fun, with protocols and stuff. I’m a bit concerned with the new reanimation protocols for my beloved destroyers, and with the weird specialization of crypteks as well – I guess I shouldn’t until I can read the book, though. But that extra attack for Lychguards makes me very happy.
Quite to the contrary to all the aforementioned comments I actually think this game proved the neurons viable again! Despite bones heinous rolling and chefs whiffing, chef still managed to kill half of bones army and win a game! With that rolling, he would’ve been tabled by turn two just yesterday! Great game guys!
SPOILER ALERT: So by turn 4 the Space Marines lost what? one dreadnought, one unit of bladeguard veterans and assault intercessors, while necrons were almost tabled, with one remaining ark in combat. And those are necrons with a strong defensive buff from the dynasty, toughness 5 everywhere, reanimation protocols, living metal, quantum shields… If they did not have the incredibly powerful “everyone is opsec” rule, the game wouldn’t even be close. I mean yeah, the game is about those points, but I am not sure if winning a game, where I lost all of my army while the opponent barely… Read more »
very good game, glad to see these changes looking forward to seeing the others in future games. Necrons have got some teeth and man can they shrug off a beating and keep on trucking.
It’s controversial but: Basic YouTube viewers that complain about pre-game awesomeness, and then are too lazy to skip ahead w/ time stamps are NOT Bosses.
Chef, I could feel that absolute frustration with RP and getting diced to hell.
Definitely going to scrap my list building mentality and work from the ground up with these changes.
Every Saturday morning is like Christmas morning now!
Chefs joy and excitement for Necrons is the best thing I’ve seen all week 😁
Awesome rolling BBone, the force is strong in this one!