Chaos Knights: The Good, Bad & Ugly | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Bone and Chef talk about the spiky versions of the Knights!
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Got excited by hearing you guys discussing 30k rules! I know it’s just hopes and dreams, but it would be really cool to see a 30k battle report, each member of the team with their own legion (and primarch, of course)..and the Kharne phase is also viable in 30k,so cool, it’s too much!
P.S. I too feel bad for Mechanicum in 40k not having access to 30k stuff like cool robots from Legio Cybernetica or siege engines from Ordo Reductor, it would be amazing to have them on the battlefield! Fingers crossed for some future update
“Pie Iesu domine, dona eis requiem.”
@chef @bone what do you guys think about playing and filming a test game with the knights using the AoS giants version of the objective secured? GW now more than ever is listening to its player bases feedback and I think seeing this possible rules suggestion in action would do better to demonstrate if it would make knights balanced with the rest of the armies.
I love my knights. I wish there was a better balance for them. The other downside to putting 2 of the same weapon type(ie gatlings, thermal lance) on the same knight is you have to declare your antitank shots all at once, or antiinfantry, and I find you get better results firing one anti tank gun at unit x and antihorde at unit y. Then on the following knight if you got lucky and blew up unit x you can shoot at a new tank, or know you have to put those shots in etc etc. Currently running Iconoclast- Abom… Read more »
Yay ! More knights ! (Even though they are heretics) one thing , the armiger (wardog) auto cannons are not blast. A poor chaplin discovered that out my last game after he tagged one in cc. I think the issue with giving knights obsec is that it will turn them back into a camp objectives army again. Why go take opponents objectives if they can camp their own? I think interesting secondary objectives is what they need. I think them being completely different from every other army in 9th , as in no obsec and more reactionary is more interesting.… Read more »
Lawrence! Use the money from my subscription to get B-Bone those Moiraxes! I love mine and he should too! (It’s not just because I want to see him fail with them too and become a plant yet again…)
Another great video lads! Love watching these and hearing all of your opinions.
Have you thought about maybe having some bullet points at the end that just touch base and reminds of us the good points, bad points, and ugly points? On some of these longer videos it would be great! Much love as always!
Chaos Knights can summon gribblies to help hold objectives and keep board control.
hey general question for they team at table top tactics. with your freeview videos is it better for you as a company for us to watch it on your website or on youtube?
Hear me out *hits blunt* Knights and psychic secondaries. Tzeentchian pyrothrone, makes the knight a psycher, and they are a character because of traitorous Lance or tyrannical court. I started knights when they came out and have 3 despoilers, a Desacrator, and 6 war dogs. I got them to splash with my tsons back in 8th and I always took the throne just for fluff, but I think it has a place now for scoring. I would be getting a tyrant to put it on, but I think it could be real interesting. Sure it will die and be focused… Read more »
Spot on about Knights not really fitting in at 2k.
The mission structure is super difficult, and rather samey. I do miss the specific missions and the randomness of 8th. 9th is basically a pitched battle where you beat the snot out of each other whilst holding ground. There is little variation and im worried the codexes are basically going to be built to do this over and over.
Hiya guys, just throwing it out there and I suspect I’m not alone, but how about an on demand game where you just house rule the obsec? I’m sure you don’t want to be doing a whole bunch of house rule games, but as a one off it would really great fun to see!
Chaos knights are gorgeous! The good, bad or ugly, doesnt matter! I might be biased ;D
Speaking of poor Admech, are we ever going to see them return to the channel?
Would love to see some of the new Units
would you guys be open to doing a narrative (playtest) report where some knights titanics have obsec?
I’m repeating myself a bit from the Knight review. But House Lucaris fixes ALOT of problems. That versatility that they need, they will get from stomping on 2’s. If you’re spending that many points on a big Knight. You need them to be hitting stuff in both shooting and fight phase. And there just isn’t any other house that buffs either of those as good as Lucaris does. Their fight phase is also ALOT more reliable. So you can charge what you didn’t finish off. Edit: I don’t want to say that they’re great. I guess it’s even an ugly… Read more »